

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    The babysitting went well..........a neighbor's GD, 8mo. Trying her best to pull up and cruise the room using the furniture; the floor full of toys and all she wanted to do was untie the leather laces of my Sperrys!!! She would laugh when I retied them and immediately go at them again; adorable. So, we had fun! The high school cross country meet was postponed.........unhappy students........... happy parents, teachers, and timing volunteers!!!

    I've known many wonderful and experienced horse people. As you all may have guessed, I like the horses I interact with contained in their stallls if I'm near........love talking to them and giving them apples, mints, carrots. I have volunteered and led horses around with disabled children, but they were very tame horses, who knew better than I did what they were doing. I'm just not a rider and not comfortable (read semi-terrified) with them free and up close. DDs new barn job is 3p to 6p five or six days a week at $8.00/hr.; it's a good half hour away, and in a kind of swampy area known for its snakes and having a rabies problem with the foxes and other small animals.........so, I'm not thrilled---but she is and I do realize I have no say here and my fear is not hers. She says she's going to continue lifeguarding some mornings (which also pays next to nothing). She's looking on this as a "gap" year and I encouraged her to do this to boost her spirits a bit back when she didn't make vet school. But, if she doesn't get in vet school this year, this may be her reality. I do think she'd be better off substitute teaching; she's even been told she could teach in the homebound program which would be one on one, but has no interest. She needs to save money and can't save it if she doesn't earn it. She has no clue how important simply earning enough money to keep a roof overhead and food on the table is........she's always worked (since she was about 12) but seems to have no idea what her degree should be worth in the workplace. She helped pay for part of her college but somehow there's a "disconnect" about just how many hours she had to work to earn her portion. I've not pushed her because she was so very low when she first came home after the barn manager job fell through in June. So, here we are. Just give it more time? I adore having her here, but also realize this isn't going to last; no matter what happens, no kid wants to live at home.

    Anyway, good to get that out.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    cityjaneLondon / Heather -- in NYC try:

    The Seafire Grill. (http://www.theseafiregrill.com) My boss often goes to NYC and it is one of his favorites - the food on their website looks luscious! I will go one day.....

    Also, La Masseria is another he raves about (http://www.lamasserianyc.com/new-york/about.php)

    Have a wonderful time! I want to go and see the 9/11 memorial, but have not gotten there yet.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening all! It's been a nice day for me. My cardiologist raved about my progress and took me off another pill (the nitrate for chest pain) and added an additional Lasix to deal with swelling feet. Then I went shopping to get the girls some socks. The oldest wanted knee high socks and I had to hit every store in the mall to find any cute ones. I did two full laps around the mall, just for fun, and that combined with my morning walk put me over my 10,000 steps.

    Tonight for dinner I made sautéed butternut squash with lots of seasonings from a recipe I found online.
    It was VERY yummy! But I needed to count all my fingers after I cut that darned squash. Boy, is it hard to cut! I cooked it in olive oil instead of butter, and added some ground turkey breast for protein. Hubby tasted it, grabbed his throat and pretended he was dying. Such a comedian. So I have enough left to take for lunch tomorrow. Honestly though, I think it would have been just as good with sweet potato, and a lot easier to peel and cut.

    Brenda, after an abdominal surgery I found that a good old fashioned panty girdle was my best friend. It cut down on that jiggle! I hope you get well soon.

    YannieJannie, did your daughter check out the vet school in Grenada? My friend's daughter is down there and she really loves it. She says it's an excellent school. It's so sad when a kid can't follow their dream.

    Well, I have to go get the dogs their dinner. Goodnight everyone!

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,881 Member
    Hello to all: Well I am in the middle of a flare of my sarcoidosis. Having difficulty breathing especially with any exertion. Called doc yesterday and am now on steroids, antibiotics and inhaler. The only good thing about it is I don't have much appetite when I can't breathe. Had to miss choir tonight. Still trying to make the 100 miles but only at 72.9 as of yesterday and not able to do much today. Hope meds kick in soon.

    Katla - Hope you fine a compatible trainer and a great lesson horse. Do you ride English or western? I can no longer ride English with my knee replacements but western dressage intrigues me.

    Carol - Good luck with the house. It looks nice.

    Heather - You sound really excited about your NYC trip. Hope it turns out to be everything you expect and more!

    Joyce - Enjoy your time at the beach!!

    Mimi - Hope your nephew continues to do well. Firefighters rock! My niece's SO is a fireman in California too.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to all with victories. Sue in SD
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    "The Great British Bake Off and then Our Zoo! " Two favourite programs on Foxtel. We visited Chester Zoo a few times when living in England, great zoo

    Well weight is bouncing around still.
    Cough bad at night, spots still there so cream no good.
    Seeing doctor this afternoon for result of chest X-ray. LOVE this doctor.
    Still printing my meals and exercise for dietitian to see next Wednesday. 1693 cals today.
    Doctor changed my asthma meds 2 months ago and maybe the steroids not like me, but Ventolin no longer works for me.

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Alison, I’m no help in figuring out how much food to buy for a party----I tend to be overprepared and I only buy food that Jake and I eat so if there are leftovers, we will eat them. When our son got married, we declared the event “alcohol-free” and the few friends who couldn’t last all afternoon without drinking, left early and everyone else had a great time.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I understand booking things ahead for Christmas…..we had to schedule the performances for our holiday program in December a few weeks ago so other things wouldn’t fill up the schedule at the assisted living places where we dance. We haven’t finished choosing the dances or started practicing but the scheduling is complete.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I never wear shorts, but Jake is mourning the wearing of shorts now that the weather has been consistently cooler.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, Jake and I frequently have days we call “find it and fix it” so we can each eat meals that we love and the other one doesn’t care for.

    :bigsmile: Sylvia, congrats on good news from the doctor and getting off one of your meds.

    :bigsmile: This has been another pleasant day like all my other days. I am so grateful to living peacefully and don’t take my blessings for granted

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 20,000 steps today ---- ---four minute fiftysecond plank---over an hour on the exercise bike (while watching TV)

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did 45 minutes of yoga (the instructor had to leave early -- just on the day when I got there on time, too!) and then an hour of deep water.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD that uses the band.

    After exercise I stopped at Bi-Lo to get items on sale, then stopped at a hair salon to see about their prices to get my hair colored. They ARE cheaper and sort-of on my way home from the deep water class.

    Just had lunch (lentil soup) and will probably go to Food Lion to see if they have boxed butternut squash soup so I can make that. Update: I called Food Lion and, natch, they don't have it. Why they don't expand the FL by me is beyond me. There's an empty store on both sides.

    Joyce - glad you got the mystery of the owner of the jewelry box cleared up

    Cynthia - your renos sound wonderful

    Alison - I think you need some sort of side -- maybe a tray of raw veggies? Or I make this orzo shrimp salad, if you need the recipe I'll send it to you. It's pretty easy to make. Let me know. Heather had a great suggestion -- chili

    There was this really depressing (to me, anyway) bit on the radio this morning. They said the 5 top months for gaining weight were August, September, October, November and December. Wonderful! Just what I wanted to hear.

    Katla - I enjoy experimenting and subbing ingredients in foods to make it more diet-friendly and tasty.

    Dianne - how did they diagnose hubby's hyperparathroidism? A blood test?

    Heather - have a great time at that restaurant. I'm sure you will. How nice of your friend! I'm sure you'll have a drink of water on her....lol

    DeeDee - glad you're feeling better. I know that Vince has a touch of asthma, and with the weather changing, my guess is that that's what brought this on. Now my throat is feeling a bit scratchy, but I'll have hot lemon water but he won't have anything hot. Yogurt usually also coats my throat, but he won't have that (unless it's the yoplait light thick and creamy key lime...talk about pickey...I tried giving him a greek yogurt key lime, but guess who wound up finishing it?). You've started shopping for Christmas? I don't even want to think about it!!! A friend of mine got a new refrigerator, it had bluetooth to her phone so we could listen to music. Vince wasn't impressed....he wants one that has the TV in it! And maybe a computer? Yup, he's got the sound system downstairs hooked up, I don't even know anything beyond turning it on and off (even then I'd probably do it wrong). I never knew that we were able to watch shows off a flashdrive in the living room until he told me!

    Just made some spiced apple and butternut squash soup. This was the first time I made it so I followed the directions, next time I'll probably add more of the cinnamon and nutmeg. Went to WalMart, and they did have -- but only one -- a box of the butternut squash soup. On the way there I stopped to talk to a neighbor of mine who asked if I'd like her can of butternut squash soup. So in all, I had the right amount of soup at the end of the day. I was going to make some black bean soup but I think I'll hold off on that for a bit. Need to finish up some more of the chicken barley chili and some more of this soup before my freezer gets totally jammed

    MA - when the kids were little, I was really into cake decorating and shaping cakes. Lately, I've just lost any desire to do that. For our last social, I made a pool cake and I really didn't care that it didn't come out that good. Lately I've been more focused on making good tasting, healthy main dishes. Love your sister's analogy of this being a "pub".

    Sylvia - it must have felt great hearing your cardiologist rave. Congrats

    barbie - I tend to overcook, too. But leftovers of things that we won't eat (in Vince's case that's almost everything) I just donate to the food kitchen

    Sue in SD - get better fast

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Another beautiful day!!!! Plus Survivor started and Amazing race starts Friday!!!!! I'm a happy woman. Plus since choir practice gets me home around 8:30 my evening isn't as long because I am watching Survivor.

    I have also gone through some of my jewelry and have added some more things to tear apart for my ornaments. i also took an interesting apilque from a dress I found that was my MIL's. It was a dress she had told me to keep at my house with instructions that she wanted to be buried in that dress. But through out the years she had another favorite one. I have no idea what to do with this aplique'. Neither one of my girls were that close to her that it would have any meaning on an ornament. The aplique' has leaves and I could cut each individual leaf off and glue them off but in its interity it is to big.

    I started to tackle the shelf in my bedroom closet today. my youngest grand daughter is the most thoughtful thing. She is almost 8 but when she was younger she loved to give me gifts. They were usually things that were important to her. So one time she took a very small gift bag, put a little plastic Disney themed ring, one of the princesses, in it and then took strips of tissue paper and made strips of those and stuffed it in the bag. One other time she took regular paper, like copy paper, tore it up, wadded these up and taped them, So there were numerous of wadded up and taped little things of paper in this box. She loves rocks so this was a box of rocks she wanted to make and give to me. They are both precious to me. To my husband they are trash but I will not throw them away. They will go in my cedar chest and she will find it some day or maybe I will go through the cedar chest and show them what I have kept because they were precious.

    I know I should have put this dress in a bag to protect it but I didn't. So the dress I wore for Michelle, my youngest, wedding was up on that closet. I am wondering if it is current enough to sell. It is perriwinkle blue, long, has a jacket and the prettiest thing I had ever worn. It is an 18 but I was a 20 at that time so that made it even more special to me. Christina, the practical daughter, wanted the Mothers to wear something they would be able to easily wear after the wedding. I wore that dress to church many times. I wish I had saved that dress. Who knows, it might be in my cedar chest. I haven't looked in it for quite a long time because there was always to much junk on top.

    Joyce, indiana
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Hi All - I am drowning at work this week! Today 10 hours (not kidding) on a conference call with no breaks - I put it on mute to go to the bathroom! As soon as I was off I went to the gym and took it out on the treadmill and bicycle! Tomorrow even more meetings but hopefully not so long... I am behind on what everyone is doing though and thought by now I would be able to track who and what was going on... I will get there! Reality is - I need to retire and wish I could tomorrow!

    Carol in NC - I love the house! We have a rental in Baltimore that is similar and I love it!

    Katla - I do love walking as well as running on the beach, The DH and I often walk while the puppy is running around like a crazy boy playing with all the other dogs. It is always nice there, always!

    Joyce - Do people still have cedar chests and give them to their daughters? I still have mine and remember getting it from my mom who got it from hers... I hope my daughter will love it and the treasures inside the way I do!

    Have a wonderful rest of the week everyone - I will check in when time permits.
    Shana in Anaheim, CA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Shana, my cedar chest was the cedar chest he made for his Mom when he was in high school.

    Heather, I still don't understand what kind of Christmas delivery you got. Is it a food delivery?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    Joyce - it's a two hour slot for a food delivery in a van from Waitrose, a supermarket. You order what you like on line and they drliver it. Of corse, near Christmas it is very popular! The timed dlots fill up quickly so I have booked one.:flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    morning ladies~
    this hasn't been the best week for me food wise.have been making bad decisions and have fallen off the wagon and I feel it..
    maybe it is because of a tad bit of stress over DB party. I shouldnt sweat it I know, just maybe subconciously im having a bit of anxiety.
    I had my cup of tea this morning, and am now having fage greek yogurt,with 1/2 sliced apple and apple pie spice on it.. and its great. creamy,and crunchy
    I am making macaroni salad ,I wont eat it ,but will make that, i am going to roast some green beans a caterer friend of mine told me to try that , so will do that, someone is bringing coleslaw, wont eat that either. I am not worried about me eating worried about everyone else:wink:
    It is supposed to rain today , so trying to get out and walk before we get soaked,, which is needed
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DeeDee: I’m happy to know you’re feeling better. Nobody likes to feel like a troll--with the possible exception of actual trolls. I agree with your advice to Alison about adding a veggie tray for the party.:flowerforyou:

    Anne: I can certainly understand liking weather under 100 degrees. I’d be inside in front of an air conditioner at that temperature. I have relatives who winter in AZ to avoid the much shorter and darker days here. I crave light but so far haven’t been tempted to become a snowbird.:flowerforyou:

    MA in UK: The analogy of this group as a virtual pub is an interesting one. I like it. We don’t actually have pubs in our area; we have taverns and bars. You drink, eat, watch sports on TV, and play pool, but socialize mainly with your own friends rather than with others. Some places also have dancing and some people go to taverns to “hook up.” I suppose those who are regulars begin to socialize with other regulars. Until recently I avoided taverns due to heavy levels of cigarette smoke. :smokin: :sick: Smoking has been banned in public eateries and taverns in our state, so I’m finally comfortable spending time there. :bigsmile: I used to come home, strip off all my clothes and dump them directly into the washing machine, and go take a shower and wash my hair.:tongue::flowerforyou:

    Brenda: I hope you feel good enough to walk for exercise soon and are able to sleep more comfortably.:flowerforyou:

    Patceoh: I hope you get your ipad sorted out quickly.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I certainly understand your worries for your daughter. I love horses, but am cautious around them because of their size, strength and unpredictability. It sounds like your daughter is making her choice based on her love of horses, and not her need for financial stability. I hope things work out for her.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Congratulations on your improving health. It is wonderful that your cardiologist raved about your progress and took you off of a medication. WTG! :drinker: I love to eat butternut squash, but I don’t love cutting it up or peeling it. That is one dense variety of squash. I wonder if there is a trick out there that other people know and we don’t know. Perhaps a band saw for cutting? Peeling might be accomplished after cooking if you bake it, but I like to cut it into chunks and sauté it in olive oil.:love:

    Sue in SD: I just had the English/Western conversation with a woman who has a stable. I feel more secure in a Western saddle because of my knee problems but have ridden both English and Western over the years. Posting is not in my best interests.:noway: I’ve been working at strengthening my weak knee for two years now, but it still feels “iffy.” Western dressage sounds like fun.:smile: I looked up sarcoidosis on line. I hope your breathing improves and you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Find it and fix it days sound like a great idea!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Alison: I gained a lot of pounds as a stress eater and didn’t find the gumption to do something about my weight until after I retired. I hope you are able to do better at managing your food than I did while I was juggling the demands of work, commuting, and family life. One thing is a big help for me now, and that is my recumbent bike. If I go over on my calorie limits, I can ride the bike until I burn off the extra calories. Barbie has her bike in front of the TV but mine is too big for the living room so I keep it in the garage, and read a book while I ride.:flowerforyou:

    This is my morning for yoga, but I’m not sure there will be class. The teacher was coming down with something on Tuesday and may have to cancel. I’ll be watching for an email from her. If necessary, I may do a yoga workout that I have on a phone app. It isn’t as good as a real class, but its is better than nothing.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • DMRinehardt
    Lestan: Congrats on finally getting that scale to move! That must have been a sweet moment for you!

    Mimi: If the meal doesn’t make sense, bring it up to the nurse. She can get the meal changed if the MD ok’s it. So many in our generation are used to just doing what we are told and don’t advocate for ourselves (or our family members). Dry cereal and pineapple doesn’t make sense to me either! :noway:

    Katla: It must have been hard for you to watch your grandmother. So sad. Alzheimer’s has a tendency to run in families, but I don’t believe that anyone has established a link between ADD and Alzheimer’s. I know that many ADD folks also have higher IQs. Sometimes I have to wonder if there really is a “normal”! LOL :tongue:

    Yanniejannie: Vet school is very tough to get into! Someone once pointed out that vet’s have to be smarter than MDs because MDs have only 1 type of body to learn! It’s a tough job market out there even when you are well qualified. I feel your pain regarding DD and employment choices. I think it has to do with that generation. My sons and their friends refused to do a job they don’t enjoy regardless of the pay. Personally, I find that ridiculous! My kids are all on their own now, but the boys have to resort to roommate situations so that they can afford to survive on their $9/hr, less than FT jobs that they have. They have to work 2 jobs to get 40 hrs….so no insurance. :flowerforyou:

    Exermom: DH had a history of kidney stones which is a major indicator of hyperparathyroidism. In fact, he was actually diagnosed with the condition in his early 20s when he had his first kidney stone. They diagnose it by checking PTH (parathyroid hormone) and calcium levels in the blood. DH appears to be record setting as the longest survivor of untreated hyperparathyroidism(28 years)! Up till his surgery, 20 yrs was the max they thought one could survive with the condition. The MDs were also shocked that he was conscious the day of surgery because of how high his PTH was. They removed 3 of the 4 glands. Due to the hyperparathyroidism, he had mild osteoporosis which caused 4 lumbar vertebra to break and destroyed the discs in between. All of this because he didn’t want his “throat cut open” when he was in his 20s! :noway:

    Grandmallie: I fell off the wagon this past weekend, so I can relate. All we can do is get back on and keep going! :bigsmile:

    Like most of you ladies, I am enjoying the drop in temps! Looking forward to getting out on the bike this weekend. It’s just too hot down here to do it during the summer. Although I love fall and spring, I am just not a fan of winter…which has a lot to do with my choice to live in Florida.

    Have a great Thursday, all!!
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Well this is getting old. I spent the last 9 months going from a couch potato to working out
    daily and sometimes twice a day. I was up to walking 60 + minutes, body pump, step etc. Now
    I'm back to being a couch potato. What took 9 months to become a good habit is quickly becoming
    Comfortable again in less than a week. But not too comfy, I'm getting antsy to start at least walking again.
    I go to the surgeon next Thursday for clearance to start working out. I'm sure lifting wghts won't be for another couple
    of weeks. All this down time isn't easy when my mind wants to wallow in negative things, everything that happened in the past few months has me on the edge. Walking daily was helping me to keep it in check. But I guess it's time to let my emotions go and
    deal with them instead of stuffing them. Being rainy and cold out is not helping. But I am doing better than I was a few weeks ago. At
    Least now I can actually process my thoughts and emotions easier than before. I know being able to share on this thread without being judged is a big help. So thank you Barbie for keeping us going and to everyone else on here.
    Brenda from Md
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies! It has been quite a while since I have posted, but I read posts every day for motivation and the latest news on how you are all doing. This last week was an exception as I just returned from an impromptu visit to see my youngest DD in ST. Louis, MO. M y sister took a job in Waco, TX and we decided I would ride with her halfway which just happened to be where my DD lives!! I spent 5 glorious days with DD and flew back yesterday.

    DD and I have promised each other we will log all food on here everyday and support each other. Now I can't "forget"!

    Will catch up with all I missed, but will be doing so in short spurts as I want to limit the time I am sitting.

    Hope all is well. Will be back later to chat.

    Deb A (A very happy mom) in CNY
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 488 Member
    Bumping, for now...
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Morning all. I woke up with a bad headache, so stayed in bed. Now I’m better and contemplating the grocery store. Diabetes clinic visit yesterday went well. The dietician said I could cut fat down to about 25% but no more. I’m at about 35% now, so I think going for 30% will be a good goal. I do need to up the produce. I buy tons of it and I guess it’s just laziness that keeps me from eating it! So tomorrow I have my dr appointment then it’s my Mexican food night! YAY! DD#2 and DH are at the doctor right now; DH had to go because his score on the fitness screening at work was too high. DD is going because she has what sounds like an ulcer. She’s been taking zantac for two weeks now without relief, so time for a check up.

    JoAnn: welcome

    DeeDee: have you kicked that sinus infection yet?

    Michele: I do love fall and winter but agree that when you have to change your clothes, it is a bit sad! Putting on the first sweater of the year always gets me

    Mimi: so glad your nephew is doing better but I don’t get that breakfast either. You’re right about 3rd world care; poor nutrition is inexcusable. I hope the endoscopy provides some answers. Can family bring him food he’ll eat?

    Cynthia: glad puppy is better!

    Katla: a long drive may be a great gift….quiet time, listen to an audio book, sleep (just kidding). Yes Ms Cranky Nurse was very pleased!

    Dianne: nice to see you!

    Yanniejannie: stay warm and dry!

    Vicki: we are having the same wonderful weather. No flu shots here at work yet but they are coming. Here if you have the dr note you can work but have to put on a mask when you enter the building and keep it on your entire shift.

    Heather; I’d spend the money too! Don’t be embarrassed, enjoy every second and every bite

    Anne: so glad the weather has cooled off for you although under 100 still sounds hot to me!

    Brenda; I hope the “jiggles” go away soon so you can be more comfortable. This thread is wonderful for sharing ideas and feelings and you are right; no one judges you

    Sylvia: wonderful news about the doctor visit!!!

    Sue; healing wishes to you too!

    Joyce: you sounds so creative

    Barbie: I tend to over prepare for parties too, and we only make what we will eat as well. However, since we eat anything, that’s not difficult!

    Shana: a 10 hour conference call??? OMG awful!

    DebA; so nice to see you again!

    Well time to get going to the grocery store. I have to put the cone back On Benny; his foot is split open again from licking ( what’s he licking??? Who knows) so we cone him up when we are gone but take it off when we are here to watch him because he gets ear infections from the heat and retained moisture from the cone. Ugh this dog! Of course we just adore him.
    Take care Meg from gorgeous Omaha
  • strassenkoenigin
    Just saw that in the news, scary, scary, scary. Who does not get a bigger waistline?

    Women who gain weight around the waist and whose skirt sizes therefore increase between their 20s and 60s may be at higher risk of breast cancer after menopause, a new study from the United Kingdom suggests.
    The study, which looked at more than 92,000 women postmenopausal women over age 50, found that going up a skirt size over a period of 10 years after age 25 was linked with a 33 percent increase in the risk of breast cancer after menopause. Going up two skirt sizes was linked with a 77 percent increase in risk.
    Overall, the risk that a postmenopausal woman will develop breast cancer over the next five years increases from 1 in 61 to 1 in 51 with one skirt-size increase over a 10-year period, the researchers said. (About 1 percent of women in the study developed breast cancer.)
    Previous studies have linked obesity after menopause, and weight gain in the decades before menopause, with an increased risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. But the new study is the first to examine breast cancer risk using skirt size as a proxy for changes in waist circumference, the researchers said. [6 Foods That May Affect Breast Cancer Risk]
    The new findings held even after the researchers took into account other factors that could affect breast cancer risk, including body mass index (BMI), a family history of breast cancer and use of hormone replacement therapy.
    In fact, increases in skirt size were a better predictor of breast cancer risk than BMI, or body mass index, which is a measure of height and weight that is often used as an indicator of body fatness. Doctors have criticized the use of BMI in predicting people's risk of health conditions; in previous studies, researchers have noted that a person's BMI doesn't take into account where fat is distributed over the individual's body.
    The new findings, along with other studies linking having more belly fat to an increased risk of cancer, suggest that fat around the waist may potentially be more harmful than fat elsewhere in the body.
    "Although the exact mechanism of these relationships needs to be better understood, there is a suggestion that body fat around the waist is more metabolically active than adipose tissue elsewhere," said the researchers, who are from the Institute for Women's Health at University College London. Extra fat is known to increase levels of estrogen, a hormone that can promote breast cancer tumor growth.
    Still, further studies are needed to confirm the new findings. The study found an association, but not a cause-and-effect link between increases in women's waist size and the risk of breast cancer. It's also possible that women in the study misremembered what their skirt sizes were when they were young, or underestimated their current skirt sizes, which could affect the results, the researchers said.
    The study is published online today (Sept. 24) in the journal BMJ Open.
    Copyright 2014

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    Good evening!

    I had put a lot of weight on around my waist pre menopause, but I had lost nearly all of it before I discovered my breast cancer. I was in the best shape I had been for years! I had been on HRT as I had had a total hysterectomy at 48. I am very inclined to put weight on round my middle (see one of my profile pics) and did so in a big way after my chemo. Lost it all now though still a bit "crepey" and dimply.:laugh:

    Looking forward to our trip to London tomorrow to babysit the DGC for the afternoon. DS has taken the day off work and they are doing something together in the pm. :love: He is supposed to be cooking for us in the evening so we are parking at the airport train station as there are later and more frequent trains. DH can't wait to see his playfellow! ! ! ! !:tongue: I am looking forward to hugs from DGD.:love::heart:

    The boiler man came today for a service, but the office hadn't ordered the part he had requested from last year so he went away again and will reschedule. Very nice man. Good memory! My cleaner helped me decide on an outfit for Le Bernadin. I think I feel less nervous having the dinner scheduled for 5.15 pm as none of the smart people will be eating at that hour!:laugh: Going to dress "smart casual". :bigsmile: We have to be out by 8pm so I'm not sure we have time for the 'tasting menu'.:tongue: It would be a case of "Next!" :laugh: Will ask their advice. Good thing is we can go on to a bar in Brooklyn afterwards. :happy: Mocktails anyone? :laugh:

    Have to set the alarm for tomorrow so we can get our exercising done. I count calories for 20 mins brisk walking from the train and back.

    I think my hair is thinning a bit. Any ideas anyone?

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK