Cleaning...Light or Heavy??



  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Hi...I log everything I do...not matter what. If it burns calories, I log it.

    Yea, but sitting on the couch doing nothing burns calories....

    I forgot to log breathing again

    Now you can have that devilish Oreo cookie you have been craving once you log your breathing time.

    Score! I bet I could have two just from excitement. Excitement elevates heart rate which should transfer to increase calorie burns, right?!??!?!
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    Can we stop saying cleaning doesn't matter? MFP a few months ago even posted a blog about how those little things continue to count up.

    What's light for you is something that doesn't make your HR go up - what's heavy is something that makes you sweaty and your HR go up. Pick what's best for you. Just be weary of the calories burned MFP gives you because they aren't EXACT to what your body did or did not burn.

    I know what worked for me is before I got a HRM I ate back half of what MFP gave me. I found that to be a really good rule of thumb and never gained but was still eating back some that was burned.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I give up. Everyone just use an HRM for cleaning. They are SUPER accurate for stuff they weren't intended to do.

  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    Can someone explain to me the difference between:- Light Cleaning and Heavy Cleaning please :)
    Thank you

    Clean the oven the same day that it has been used.

    Clean the oven after leaving it for a year.

    :) That's why I have a self-cleaning oven.
  • LifeOfBrian78
    LifeOfBrian78 Posts: 397 Member
    ....just guess. Make a number up. Do it as many times as you want. Or dont. It'll remain an infinite mystery as to the exact caloric burn for cleaning. Maybe the calorie burn fairy will come to you tonight and whisper you sweet nothing of that mysterious number.

    The answer to all life's questions in the mean time is: 42

    Siri told me it's 37.

    Siri's a dirty liar! I'mma tell it to her computer face. Clearly, she has no taste for good books!

    I just asked her the meaning of life and she said she can't answer that now, but give her some time to write a really long play in which nothing happens….

    Man, Siri is snarky and mean.

    As long as it's followed by the life of Brian... I'm still in, Siri.

    You rang?
  • Log it! I'm with you!

    I'm with both of you. I have my activity level as sedentary and if I move and it burns calories, I log it. I also don't eat those calories back.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Log it! I'm with you!

    I'm with both of you. I have my activity level as sedentary and if I move and it burns calories, I log it. I also don't eat those calories back.

    Do you log your typing? Just curious.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    What's light for you is something that doesn't make your HR go up - what's heavy is something that makes you sweaty and your HR go up.


    No. No. No. NO.

    That is COMPLETELY WRONG. Doing activity X at a certain weight burns the same amount of calories whether it makes you "sweaty" or not. How hard you "feel" you are working is COMPLETELY irrelevant to what your body actually burns.

    If you are doing something that is easy to do, and you're working up a sweat, your body isn't telling you that you're burning lots of calories, it's telling you that you're a lazy *kitten* and badly out of shape.

    Bloody ****ing hell....
  • astroophys
    astroophys Posts: 175 Member
    I don't understand why people log this. It's just a daily part of life. It's not exercise. <--Though, exercise, real exercise, should be a daily part of life.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Stick with the good people on this site! Go for it, log it, do whatever you want to!
    I cant believe how mean some people are to this girl who was just asking a question. What happened to the support?!
    Best of luck to you!

    No one was being mean. Please point to a specific example.

    Yes, please show us an example.
  • mbcieslak87
    mbcieslak87 Posts: 206 Member
    I think the main point is, if it is cleaning that is far out of your ordinary day (deep cleaning for the in-laws arrival for several hours) then go ahead and log it; if it's just tidying up, then think twice, and make sure you're really burning those calories you're tallying up. For instance, I never cut the lawn... but the one time I've ever done it, I logged it- it is an activity above and beyond my usual that took up a good amount of time and I worked up a sweat doing. I however do not log doing the dishes, or scrubbing a toilet here and there - because that takes less then 10 minutes and they don't take up enough time to really make a big difference in my caloric total output.
    I definitely agree with generally underestimating caloric burn and overestimating caloric intake, if I don't know the amounts exactly.

    Cheers and good luck on your journey!
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    Stick with the good people on this site! Go for it, log it, do whatever you want to!
    I cant believe how mean some people are to this girl who was just asking a question. What happened to the support?!
    Best of luck to you!

    The overwhelming majority of people here are supportive in that they want to see others succeed, and so will give advice which will help achieve that goal. The first step to success is to cut out the delusions, misconceptions, and bull****.
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    I give up. Everyone just use an HRM for cleaning. They are SUPER accurate for stuff they weren't intended to do.


    :laugh: oh gawd. just snorted everywhere.

    I never knew HRM were only meant for consistent cardio. Myabe it's common knowledge - just not for me. When I first got my HRM I would wear it to clean or mow the lawn just for poos and giggles. Was always a bit confounded by the number. You just explained it away. Thanks for posting that li'l gem.

    Edit b/c puncuation & spelling is hard. :angry:
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Log it! I'm with you!

    I'm with both of you. I have my activity level as sedentary and if I move and it burns calories, I log it. I also don't eat those calories back.

    Do you log your typing? Just curious.

    Wow...what an *kitten*. So glad I don't most of you people in real life...what horrible people you must be.

    So someone above messaged me a moment ago to tell me I am a bully because of this thread and considered a mean person.....hmmmm but it is okay to call people such names??? Not only once but more than twice.

    Oh the sensitivity here is unbelievable!!!
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 476 Member
    I would like to say in my own defence, personal I have taken offensive to some comments and the way things have been said/typed. just because you think you haven't said anything rude, nasty or offensive doesn't mean that it hasn't come across that way to me.

    I have stated why I wanted to know yet people still keep going.

    I have thanked the people that I appreciate the advice from.

    I didn't realise it was such a complicated question, my bad.

    But I have learnt that I won't be posting questions on here anymore...thanks guys :drinker:

    Probably best. You seem to have a difficult time sifting through the comments without getting defensive. That, to me, means you should just stick to asking your FL, which should be full of people who will just tell you EXACTLY what you want to hear!! :drinker:
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    Wow...what an *kitten*. So glad I don't most of you people in real life...what horrible people you must be.

    It was a serious question, but okay.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Log it! I'm with you!

    I'm with both of you. I have my activity level as sedentary and if I move and it burns calories, I log it. I also don't eat those calories back.

    Do you log your typing? Just curious.

    Wow...what an *kitten*. So glad I don't most of you people in real life...what horrible people you must be.

    Well, I can safely say that I've never called anyone names. Can you say the same?
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 476 Member
    Hi...I log everything I do...not matter what. If it burns calories, I log it.

    Says the woman who lost 2 lbs since May.
    ( made me laugh. I'm a bad person. :devil: )
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Great, now the thread will probably get locked because someone wasn't mature enough to keep the name calling out of it and broke the TOS.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    Log it! I'm with you!

    I'm with both of you. I have my activity level as sedentary and if I move and it burns calories, I log it. I also don't eat those calories back.

    Do you log your typing? Just curious.

    Wow...what an *kitten*. So glad I don't most of you people in real life...what horrible people you must be.

    Wow 11 posts and 2 are name calling. Me's thinks you's might be the horrible one.
This discussion has been closed.