It's not fair



  • decblessings
    decblessings Posts: 113 Member

    My post was only half serious. It was more of a vent/rant than anything. Thanks to those of you who didn't beat me up.

    For those of you thinking I'm doing nothing but sitting on the kitchen floor crying and eating oreo's, that's not accurate. I am up at 3:45 everyday either running or lifting heavy 6 days a week. I have a personal trainer who sets out a meal plan for me (hence the seemingly inaccurate logging) and I'm on the last 10-20 lbs.

    My husband has NEVER worked out prior to this and NEVER paid attention to what he was eating. A few years go, before our wedding he switched from regular soda to diet and lost 10 lbs. That's the only change to his eating he's made in the 10 years I've known him. Now that he's doing P90X (which is hard and is a lot of work - I'm not saying it's not) he's lost about 20 lbs and since following the meal plan a week or so ago, dropped more weight. Since he wasn't working out, has a desk job and was eating more carbs in a day than I eat in a week, OF COURSE it was easier for him to see a change and to get results.

    FWIW he's 6'2"
    SW 210
    CW 179

    I'm 5'1"
    SW 145
    CW 137

    In an effort to take advice from all of you, I will use his success as inspiration/motivation and will keep trucking along. I'll try to stay better about logging my food here to keep myself accountable and will stop whining about it.

    I feel your pain! I have the same stats as you - 5'1", current weight is 137. SW is debatable because I've bounced around with pregnancies and such but I have it as 150 on here. I've been trying to get below 137 since my last child was born and she just turned 3. I DID see a doctor about it and my blood work was all good. She just said, "Sometimes the math just doesn't work out the way we think it should." I do weigh and measure pretty much everything. BUT... I have a history of an eating disorder, so I've probably messed up my metabolism. I upped my calories for a while in an attempt to get my metabolism back where it should be and I gained, obviously. I am slowly losing again but like someone else said, when you're in your last 10 pounds or so, it goes really slow and a little "screw up" can take away your deficit.

    My husband is also short but is a solid ball of muscle without really trying. He does have a manual labor job now, but for as long as I've known him he's been muscular, even when the occasional game of dodgeball with some buddies was his only form of "exercise." He eats and eats and its 90% garbage and doesn't gain an ounce. I do have him living healthier now than he ever has before but he still eats a lot of junk. It's hard weighing out my little servings and seeing him literally devour a large pizza and a half of another. Obviously he's burning that off somewhere along the way. He is a bundle of energy... but yeah... it still gives me a reason to roll my eyes sometimes.