Is weight lifting 4 weight loss becoming the new Myth?



  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Just weight lifting alone whilst still eating the same isn't going to get you anywhere...I don't think there's any information out there suggesting that.

    I believe pretty much everyone should know by now, as well as the "experts" that a calorie deficit is what's required to lose weight. Now without exercise, such as lifting, you will be losing muscle and fat. What alot of people are trying to say is that lifting whilst losing weight will preserve muscle as it's not that what you need to lose.

    Cardio will burn your muscles off along with the fat.

    I think you've confused yourself with everything you have read.

    Athletes train for 5 hours because that is their job/career....everyday people that have worked an 8-10 hr day on top of other general everyday chores/duties will find running for more than a couple of hours daily too much.The body can only take so much.

    Cardio is good for the heart, but cardio alone won't lose you any weight if your diet isn't in a deficit.

    Cardio will what? Burn your muscles off along with the fat??

    That's a new one...
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Far too much TL;DR going on here and I think that response is unnecessary, juvenile and rude. If you can't be bothered to read the entire post then your response is irrelevant, start your own thread instead.

    From Urban Dictionary: "too long; didn't read." really means: (meant tongue in cheek don't get your knickers in a twist reading this, but yea I still think it is rude and childish).

    1. The inability to accept, understand or pay attention to information when not separated by a header.
    2. The ability to arbitrarily read 400 small posts but not a long one.
    3. A sign of ADD or lack of reading capability.
    4. A very cheap response and an indication of lack of wit.
    5. 90% of the time: A lie.
    6. A desperate attempt at a comeback used by people who just can't think of one.
    7. Usually used by people who've been torn apart verbally but want one last attempt at looking witty.
    8. Total failure at #7.
    7. A sign that, not only is someone too lazy and stupid to read but, clearly, too lazy and stupid to even type out four words indicating such.
    9. Collect every "tl,dr" post online, and you'll have a good estimate of the number of lazy idiots on Earth, who currently have Internet access.
    10. Should really be:
    "Too Lazy, Don't Read."

    *looks into crystal ball and see's a mean people thread in this persons future*
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Dear OP-

    I usually don't post on these types of discussions, but I hear you. Weight lifting is something very new to my world, but I can tell you that even if your strength building exercise is push ups and other body weight exercises, it is beneficial to building strength and fitness.

    I don't have any block of time in my work days to devote an hour to exercising and then a shower - so I only do two thirty minute sessions a week with my PT, before work, shower at the gym (also located at my work) .. Even that small amount of time in a very short time makes a huge difference in strength.

    The rest of the week I make sure I get my steps in as much as possible, shoot for 10000 plus a day, and add in Barre3 on line workouts in 20-30 minute increments. The most cardio I get is a 5k walk/run a couple of times a week.

    And log everything I eat.

    I am not exactly going to be nominated for most fit 55 year old on the planet, but I feel great. and have kept the weight off I lost for over two years now.

    Keep calm and keep moving. Add strength training of any sort you can as you can make work in your schedule.
  • Laura732
    Laura732 Posts: 244 Member
    Let's break this down for you...

    A calorie deficit is for weight loss. That's it...end of discussion.

    Any exercise, cardio, weights, HIIT etc is for health and fitness.

    Any exercise can help make your current calorie intake lower but you can't out exercise a "bad diet"...meaning if you are eating too much and doing some exercise that doesn't mean you are gong to lose weight...

    For example..maitenance is are eating 3000 exercise and burn 300 are still in a will gain weight.


    Maitenance is 2500, eating 2800 burn 300 will maintain...that's it.


    The body adapts. Whatever you do for any length of time will need to be changed at some point. These are the 3 parameters you have to play with to manage your weight loss. Use them to suit your needs.

    I've lost 40 lbs and I've done both weight lifting and cardio both exclusively and combined. It all plays a role in losing weight.
  • kessler4130
    kessler4130 Posts: 150 Member
    I know plenty of people who do tons of cardio, they are skinny, look like they are malnourished, most complain of joint pain, and you flat out would not even associated them with health and fitness passing them on the street. If I wanted to look like I don't exercise or was health minded I would do tons of cardio, fact of the matter is I did minimal cardio dropping 115 pounds in a year, because I weight train. But do whatever you want to do, I choose to be the strongest version of myself, not the lightest weakest version of myself.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You have been a member a month and suddenly your the expert. My advice is to get ofvthe internet and hit the road doing your cardio. Leave others to their own methods.:flowerforyou:

    Um. Read his profile. He's lost more than 100lb. You... ?

    That doesn't mean he did it the best/most efficient way. It means he found something that he could stick to, which is great, but maybe he could have been a lower BF% at this weight had he lifted the whole time.
    I agree with the first post...he's been here a month...and posts this????

    I've lost does that qualify me to question what he is saying????

    Doesn't matter how much someone has lost, losing 100lbs and over doesn't qualify them as an expert on anything other than their own personal experience. It's the research that is put into their posts esp if it's about something like this...and this post alone let's us know he really didn't do a lot of checking on his ensure he is on the right track. Which he isn't btw.
  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
    Far too much TL;DR going on here and I think that response is unnecessary, juvenile and rude. If you can't be bothered to read the entire post then your response is irrelevant, start your own thread instead.

    From Urban Dictionary: "too long; didn't read." really means: (meant tongue in cheek don't get your knickers in a twist reading this, but yea I still think it is rude and childish).

    1. The inability to accept, understand or pay attention to information when not separated by a header.
    2. The ability to arbitrarily read 400 small posts but not a long one.
    3. A sign of ADD or lack of reading capability.
    4. A very cheap response and an indication of lack of wit.
    5. 90% of the time: A lie.
    6. A desperate attempt at a comeback used by people who just can't think of one.
    7. Usually used by people who've been torn apart verbally but want one last attempt at looking witty.
    8. Total failure at #7.
    7. A sign that, not only is someone too lazy and stupid to read but, clearly, too lazy and stupid to even type out four words indicating such.
    9. Collect every "tl,dr" post online, and you'll have a good estimate of the number of lazy idiots on Earth, who currently have Internet access.
    10. Should really be:
    "Too Lazy, Don't Read."

  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    What about the EPOC effect from lifting heavy weight? Supposedly that can last 24-48 hours after a heavy lifting session. BTW, I am female, have been lifting heavy for the past 2-3 weeks and my weight is increasing!!! WTF! Only by a few pounds, but I doubt being female I could have gained 2 lbs of muscle in 2 weeks. I am staying at my required calories, which aren't very much btw, 1200 according to mfp and I'm starving!! Where's the weight loss?? Anyone have any insight?? I would love to have some advice.
    additional water and glycogen weight used in the repair of your muscles, nothing more.
  • mamafazz
    mamafazz Posts: 92 Member
    How long until I start losing some fat, in your opinion?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    You have been a member a month and suddenly your the expert. My advice is to get ofvthe internet and hit the road doing your cardio. Leave others to their own methods.:flowerforyou:

    Um. Read his profile. He's lost more than 100lb. You... ?

    That doesn't mean he did it the best/most efficient way. It means he found something that he could stick to, which is great, but maybe he could have been a lower BF% at this weight had he lifted the whole time.
    I agree with the first post...he's been here a month...and posts this????

    I've lost does that qualify me to question what he is saying????

    Doesn't matter how much someone has lost, losing 100lbs and over doesn't qualify them as an expert on anything other than their own personal experience. It's the research that is put into their posts esp if it's about something like this...and this post alone let's us know he really didn't do a lot of checking on his ensure he is on the right track. Which he isn't btw.

    absolutely agreed.
    and just because OP feels strongly doesn't mean it's right.
    just because it's a wall of text doesn't mean it's right either.

    arguing with emotion, to the public, is like standing on a street corner with a sign and yelling about how rubber bands are taking over the world. doesn't mean that THEY don't believe it I guess.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    And this may shock you, but people who claim to do tons of cardio and not lose weight, might not actually be doing ENOUGH cardio. Yea, 60 minutes of easy walking on the treadmill is not going to do very much, unless you are just starting!! How are they doing too much cardio when you have athletes training 5 hours a day at a high intensity? It just doesn't make any sense! You're not going to die from high cortisol if you run to your mailbox or walk around your block either! You think walking along the beach is actually going to harm you and make you fatter? That's what trainers are trying to tell you and we have to be smarter than that. This bad information is coming from somewhere.

    Op are you saying cardio is good or bad? :huh: I am in pretty good shape, cardio is what I have always done. That could be basketball or putting the treadmill on the highest incline and jogging for thirty minutes. I am 43 and don't really have any health issues. When I am ready, I will incorporate lifting but for now I rely on cardio and am mindful of what I eat to maintain what I have.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    Just weight lifting alone whilst still eating the same isn't going to get you anywhere...I don't think there's any information out there suggesting that.

    I believe pretty much everyone should know by now, as well as the "experts" that a calorie deficit is what's required to lose weight. Now without exercise, such as lifting, you will be losing muscle and fat. What alot of people are trying to say is that lifting whilst losing weight will preserve muscle as it's not that what you need to lose.

    Cardio will burn your muscles off along with the fat.

    I think you've confused yourself with everything you have read.

    Athletes train for 5 hours because that is their job/career....everyday people that have worked an 8-10 hr day on top of other general everyday chores/duties will find running for more than a couple of hours daily too much.The body can only take so much.

    Cardio is good for the heart, but cardio alone won't lose you any weight if your diet isn't in a deficit.

    Cardio will what? Burn your muscles off along with the fat??

    That's a new one...
    when I a deficit you burn both muscle and fat. If you only do cardio that ratio is whatever it is. If you add strength training you are signaling to the body that the muscle is needed for more than just fuel. At this point the body changes what it burns to be more fat and less muscle.

    It's kinda if you don't use it you'll lose it.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Far too much TL;DR going on here and I think that response is unnecessary, juvenile and rude. If you can't be bothered to read the entire post then your response is irrelevant, start your own thread instead.

    From Urban Dictionary: "too long; didn't read." really means: (meant tongue in cheek don't get your knickers in a twist reading this, but yea I still think it is rude and childish).

    1. The inability to accept, understand or pay attention to information when not separated by a header.
    2. The ability to arbitrarily read 400 small posts but not a long one.
    3. A sign of ADD or lack of reading capability.
    4. A very cheap response and an indication of lack of wit.
    5. 90% of the time: A lie.
    6. A desperate attempt at a comeback used by people who just can't think of one.
    7. Usually used by people who've been torn apart verbally but want one last attempt at looking witty.
    8. Total failure at #7.
    7. A sign that, not only is someone too lazy and stupid to read but, clearly, too lazy and stupid to even type out four words indicating such.
    9. Collect every "tl,dr" post online, and you'll have a good estimate of the number of lazy idiots on Earth, who currently have Internet access.
    10. Should really be:
    "Too Lazy, Don't Read."

    Stop being so mean!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Far too much TL;DR going on here and I think that response is unnecessary, juvenile and rude. If you can't be bothered to read the entire post then your response is irrelevant, start your own thread instead.

    From Urban Dictionary: "too long; didn't read." really means: (meant tongue in cheek don't get your knickers in a twist reading this, but yea I still think it is rude and childish).

    1. The inability to accept, understand or pay attention to information when not separated by a header.
    2. The ability to arbitrarily read 400 small posts but not a long one.
    3. A sign of ADD or lack of reading capability.
    4. A very cheap response and an indication of lack of wit.
    5. 90% of the time: A lie.
    6. A desperate attempt at a comeback used by people who just can't think of one.
    7. Usually used by people who've been torn apart verbally but want one last attempt at looking witty.
    8. Total failure at #7.
    7. A sign that, not only is someone too lazy and stupid to read but, clearly, too lazy and stupid to even type out four words indicating such.
    9. Collect every "tl,dr" post online, and you'll have a good estimate of the number of lazy idiots on Earth, who currently have Internet access.
    10. Should really be:
    "Too Lazy, Don't Read."

    Why the butthurt?
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I don't know where to start. And I hope I don't get a ton of hate because these are just my thoughts and I feel so strongly about them because it comes just from common sense. But if you ever google weight training and fat loss or cardio and weight loss... You will see an over abundance of articles telling you that if you just lift weights & build muscle, you're going to magically watch fat fall off your body! Your metabolism will be so much better that you won't have to do anything else (except diet).

    I'm not a biochemist but let's start with some common sense here. I think that this is very bad information. Cardio used to be the choice of exercise, weight lifting used to be bashed into the ground. Athletes were advised not to become too ''muscle bound'' or it would slow them down. Women were told to stay away from weights as far as possible. Now it's the exact opposite. If you do any search on google regarding cardio, you're going to run into a bunch of crap articles that basically hold up a CARDIO DANGER sign on ever page. What is up with this? Realistically people, who is doing too much cardio? Who even has time to do TOO much cardio? In 2014 aren't we supposed to be a little bit smarter than this? Who is perpetuating all these myths?

    One thing you hear trainers say online is ''Cardio, Cardio, and more Cardio is not the answer to fat loss! It's a myth!'' Really? It's a myth? Since like 1980? I think it's more of the truth and that every single person on this planet is now getting brainwashed that they should do less cardio and move less in order to lose weight. It probably makes them feel better too, because they don't want to put in the time or they don't have the time.

    Then we have all these gurus talking about how if you lift weights, it's the holy grail of weight loss. Really? Every single person is saying that in this day and age, just the same way that people used to sell you eating lots of carbs and NOW they sell you on eating nothing but protein! Well the protein myth I'm afraid to say is the same thing as this new weight lifting craze.

    Let's talk about weight lifting. Many experts have established that a pound of muscle will not burn an extra 50 calories a day. It will burn 6 calories a day at rest! Even if it is burning more than 6 calories at rest, you have to realize that gaining any substantial muscle is not as easy as you think, no matter how hard you are lifting. And to make matters more interesting, it's even that much more difficult to build muscles while you're at a caloric deficit. And to make matters even MORE interesting, when you lose a lot of weight, your metabolism is going to slow considerably ANYWAYS regardless of how much weights you are lifting. So at best, you might be earning yourself a few extra calories a day from your hard earned muscle. This is why those few trainers will suggest to lose fat before building muscle. It's twice as hard to do two things at once.

    I mean realistically how much better do you think your metabolism is running with your weight lifting? Unless you're burning hundreds and hundreds of more calories, then the only way weight lifting is going to work for getting results is if it is accompanied with diet/ and or exercise. And trainers already know this. So what makes weight lifting special metabolically if you're going to have to diet anyways, especially if you aren't exercising? Not to mention it's gonna be quite harder to put on substantial muscle mass while you're dieting, plus women can't put on pounds and pounds of muscle, maybe a few pounds at best.

    Plus it's been established that weight lifting does not burns tons and tons of calories after you work out. Your body burns a certain amount of calories while it's repairing itself. There is nothing miraculous about the metabolic effects of weight lifting. I mean come on, let it go. For years weight lifting was thrown into the mud and now it's the holy grail of fat loss and cardio is thrown into the mud. Who is behind all of this?

    And this may shock you, but people who claim to do tons of cardio and not lose weight, might not actually be doing ENOUGH cardio. Yea, 60 minutes of easy walking on the treadmill is not going to do very much, unless you are just starting!! How are they doing too much cardio when you have athletes training 5 hours a day at a high intensity? It just doesn't make any sense! You're not going to die from high cortisol if you run to your mailbox or walk around your block either! You think walking along the beach is actually going to harm you and make you fatter? That's what trainers are trying to tell you and we have to be smarter than that. This bad information is coming from somewhere.

    All these myths that trainers are trying to expose (first of all are not hardly myths anymore since noone even believes them or follows) may actually be what you should be doing more of! The problem is people that need cardio will shy away because they think cardio is a myth and since it's not that realistic to put on a ton of muscle while n a caloric deficit, and even if you did, it's not going to burn many more calories, why are people falling for this? You think people with 30, 40, or even 100 pounds to lose need to put on tons of muscle mass in order for their metabolism to destroy the fat? Not going to happen. Someone who weighs 400 pounds already has a ton of muscle mass just from being alive and their metabolism is high just from being alive! Who made this up?

    Is weight lifting severely overrated? I think it gets WAAYYY more credit than it deserves. This was not meant to bash weight lifting. I think that weight lifting has certain benefits but it's more of an accessory and humans are not UNHEALTHY because they don't pump iron enough, think about that. It's the same thing as you NEED MORE protein! No, you don't. Not really.

    You kind of start of and explain it all in your second paragraph you are completely uniformed.

    Which trainers are you speaking with? I've seen 1-2 in going on 3 years that actually seem to know what they are doing. I do know allot of trainers who know how to get to snap city though.

    From my personal experience and using myself as the subject.

    I lost 100lbs in 8 months with out doing a lick of cardio and only lifting weights. I lost another 72lbs in 6 months when I incorporated cardio 3x per week. (I only started cardio because i was at the 99lb lost mark and wanted to see 100lbs lost)
    I've put on muscle while on calorie deficit
    I've have and wear a HRM while lifting weights on average calorie burn within that hour+ is 1300-1600 calories...(I've seen over 2k calories burned) I'd suggest you do try this but I don't think you'd put in any effort.

    Your body continues to burn calories after lifting in order to rebuild its self.... when doing cardio you only burn calories while doing cardio (unless doing HIIT which is recommended as it's similar to weight lifting)

    Anyways welcome to the internet there is allot of information here, it's not always true and asking the internet if the internet is true wont work for you either. You are an individual you aren't the same as me, so what works for me isn't going to necessarily work for you. find your own way but start taking those steps towards your goal.
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    Far too much TL;DR going on here and I think that response is unnecessary, juvenile and rude. If you can't be bothered to read the entire post then your response is irrelevant, start your own thread instead.

    From Urban Dictionary: "too long; didn't read." really means: (meant tongue in cheek don't get your knickers in a twist reading this, but yea I still think it is rude and childish).

    1. The inability to accept, understand or pay attention to information when not separated by a header.
    2. The ability to arbitrarily read 400 small posts but not a long one.
    3. A sign of ADD or lack of reading capability.
    4. A very cheap response and an indication of lack of wit.
    5. 90% of the time: A lie.
    6. A desperate attempt at a comeback used by people who just can't think of one.
    7. Usually used by people who've been torn apart verbally but want one last attempt at looking witty.
    8. Total failure at #7.
    7. A sign that, not only is someone too lazy and stupid to read but, clearly, too lazy and stupid to even type out four words indicating such.
    9. Collect every "tl,dr" post online, and you'll have a good estimate of the number of lazy idiots on Earth, who currently have Internet access.
    10. Should really be:
    "Too Lazy, Don't Read."

    Thread hijacking is against the TOS. If you want to lecture people maybe start your own thread.
    That,,,and it doesn't make sense. Noone came off as rude, and I wouldn't judge any of them because they didn't take the time to read the OP. I did take the time to read it, and it was a disorganized mess that I couldn't really follow, so I don't really have an opinion on. The several people who TL;DR the post also gave tips on improving the OP, and I wouldn't consider ANY of them lazy as they took the time to the topic, unlike you
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Far too much TL;DR going on here and I think that response is unnecessary, juvenile and rude. If you can't be bothered to read the entire post then your response is irrelevant, start your own thread instead.

    From Urban Dictionary: "too long; didn't read." really means: (meant tongue in cheek don't get your knickers in a twist reading this, but yea I still think it is rude and childish).

    1. The inability to accept, understand or pay attention to information when not separated by a header.
    2. The ability to arbitrarily read 400 small posts but not a long one.
    3. A sign of ADD or lack of reading capability.
    4. A very cheap response and an indication of lack of wit.
    5. 90% of the time: A lie.
    6. A desperate attempt at a comeback used by people who just can't think of one.
    7. Usually used by people who've been torn apart verbally but want one last attempt at looking witty.
    8. Total failure at #7.
    7. A sign that, not only is someone too lazy and stupid to read but, clearly, too lazy and stupid to even type out four words indicating such.
    9. Collect every "tl,dr" post online, and you'll have a good estimate of the number of lazy idiots on Earth, who currently have Internet access.
    10. Should really be:
    "Too Lazy, Don't Read."


    Best response to that ever.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I run becouse I enjoy it. I maintain a calorie deficit becouse I want to loose the fat on my upper chest (moobs), I have starting lifting becouse I want to at least maitain my muscle if not gain a bit. When I have lost the fat on my upper chest i may check into eating at a surplus to gain mass. Keep it simple
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    How long until I start losing some fat, in your opinion?
    Every day you are in a deficit you will lose fat. At what point it becomes measurable on a scale or tape measure depends on your deficit. I suggest monthly progress pics from starting now! Take them I the most undressed you are willing to, and the same cloths and position each time! At least a front and side.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Just weight lifting alone whilst still eating the same isn't going to get you anywhere...I don't think there's any information out there suggesting that.

    I believe pretty much everyone should know by now, as well as the "experts" that a calorie deficit is what's required to lose weight. Now without exercise, such as lifting, you will be losing muscle and fat. What alot of people are trying to say is that lifting whilst losing weight will preserve muscle as it's not that what you need to lose.

    Cardio will burn your muscles off along with the fat.

    I think you've confused yourself with everything you have read.

    Athletes train for 5 hours because that is their job/career....everyday people that have worked an 8-10 hr day on top of other general everyday chores/duties will find running for more than a couple of hours daily too much.The body can only take so much.

    Cardio is good for the heart, but cardio alone won't lose you any weight if your diet isn't in a deficit.

    Cardio will what? Burn your muscles off along with the fat??

    That's a new one...
    when I a deficit you burn both muscle and fat. If you only do cardio that ratio is whatever it is. If you add strength training you are signaling to the body that the muscle is needed for more than just fuel. At this point the body changes what it burns to be more fat and less muscle.

    It's kinda if you don't use it you'll lose it.

    Yeah, what I'm saying is, I don't think this is true. At least, not for moderate amounts of cardio. Marathoners, sure.
    And, you are using your muscles during cardio, are you not?