Man Cave - Any Guys on MFP?



  • Oh THANK GOD, i mean i love ya ladies and all, but if i read or lay eyes on one more post about TOM, i will cave!

    I dont know why all these girls are talking about TOM. Isnt he that guy with all those friends on MySpace!

  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    @bikerbiz - Man, you and I both do strength training before Cardio. It makes a HUGE difference. The word is just getting out there now. But it makes you burn fat 100x more efficiently. How long do you row for, or suggest for a newbie?

    I started out with a training program set up on RowPro software. It was 15-20 minutes, 5 x week, mostly to train on proper form. After a couple weeks, there were some 30-45 minute sessions. Now, I row every day, at least a 10K, throwing in some sprints along the way for that burst strength. Every couple weeks, I add in a half-marathon (21k and some change). It really made my lower back sore when I started, but I got through it...especially after adding a hundred or so ab crunches to the routine while my feet are strapped in the machine.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Thanks for the guy thread!! I think we are definitely in the minority around here but it's nice to have some other guys to help keep us accountable as well. Plus, then my wife won't have to wonder why all my friends - with 1-2 exceptions - on here are female!!

    As for your questions:
    1. I actually am focusing on cardio right now since I'm training for a triathlon and need to improve my endurance. However, I do have a core routine I do 3X a week and do some resistance work with resistance bands to help with my swimming. I need to incorporate more weight training but right now, it's not my primary focus.

    2. My wife and I have a weekly "cheat meal" every Friday night. I weigh in every Friday morning so that I have all week to burn the cheat meal off. That meal can be anything - wings, pizza, burgers, Mexican, whatever. But once that meal is done, so is the cheating. Gives me something to look forward to but know that I need to eat healthy the rest of the week. That has actually helped me a lot because I don't feel deprived and I'm still consistently losing weight and inches.

    3. The sports I play - softball and golf mainly with the occasional pickup basketball game - aren't real intense. So, the tri training takes that place. I am in the gym 6X a week either running, spinning or swimming. Finally found a bike, so this weekend, I'm hitting the road on the bike for the first time which I am very excited about.

    4. Almonds, walnuts, pecans. I'm a big nut guy (yeah, yeah...I know what I'm setting myself up for in this thread with that comment) and always have some around. Lots of protein and help me stay full. I also am always drinking water, at least 8-10 glasses a day. Dinner, we cook with a lot of avocado which is high in calories but also has good fats and a lot of protein. Plus, it tastes good.

    As for the Warrior Dash, I looked it up last week and it sounds like a blast. The problem for me is the one here in North Texas is the weekend after my triathlon and I don't know if it would be smart to run two intense races in back to back weekends, especially since I'm so new to the endurance sports. Definitely going to do it in 2012 though!!
  • MrX8503
    MrX8503 Posts: 67
    @bikerbiz - Man, you and I both do strength training before Cardio. It makes a HUGE difference. The word is just getting out there now. But it makes you burn fat 100x more efficiently. How long do you row for, or suggest for a newbie?

    I don't think there is any real truth to that, or at least it hasn't been proven. I tend to do weights before cardio, but its only because that's what I prefer. I'm less prone to injury that way because I'd probably hurt myself if I'm lifting while out of breath from running earlier.

    I think the key is to always do something different. If you've been doing weights then cardio for a while, try doing cardio then weights.
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    Re: "The Warrior Dash"
    Man, that looks like fun!!! I gotta do that with my boys, one of these days. I have at least one who is trying to follow in my footsteps...he did pretty good with Insanity, and keeps asking me about other things.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Good thread. I was feeling quite outnumbered here!

    1. Nothing out of the ordinary...

    2. I used to drink anywhere from 1 to, um, 6 beers every night (no wonder i was a fat f&%k). I'm a lover of beer and brewer so this has been one of the hard things for me to keep under control. I still have a beer now and then, but since starting in MFP, I'm very mindful of staying within my calorie limits. In general though, one "free day" aka "cheat day" every week is considered by many to be a good thing. Go ahead and eat whatever on the free day. It boosts your metabolism and keeps your body from going into starvation mode. It's also good psychologically. I try not to overdo it on free days, but I do enjoy the occasional bacon cheeseburger or neapolitan pizza.

    3. Not really any sports, other than hiking on occasion, if that counts. I'm vaguely considering starting up some kind of martial arts though.

    4. 3 egg whites + 1 egg + 2 strips of turkey bacon and slice of whole wheat toast - that's what I eat ever y single day for breakfast and not sick of it yet! Oatmeal and cottage cheese is one of my standard snacks. Sounds weird, tastes good. For dinners I usually eat real basic - 1 serving of lean protein and 1 serving of carb. Where the protein is usually chicken breast, salmon, or pork, and the carb is a sweet potato of serving of brown rice. I actually enjoy eating simple like this for some reason, and it makes preparation pretty easy and routine.

    I sent you a friend request

    Anyone else on this thread... feel free to friend me too
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    Great Thread!!!

    1) I work out at home and have really been lax on my strength training lately. I was doing P90X, but I stopped as I am training for a half marathon and running four times a week.

    2) I try to keep the amount down and to compensate with lower calorie meals the rest of the day and a good amount of cardio the day before, the day of, or the day after. Beer also slows your metabolism so this causes your cheat calories to actually hurt you a bit more than they normally would.

    3. Not lately. I used to play hockey and it was a nice, but my 40-year-old knees finally gave out on me.

    4. On days when I work-out (Mon, Wed, Thur, Sat) I have two shakes. Muscle Milk Light. 25g protein and 195 calories. These shakes (mid-morning and mid-afternoon). These do great for me at keeping me full. I do like the MM light as it has much lower calories and less protein which is good for me. If I was doing a bunch of weight training, I might go for the regular to get more protein.

  • alejan1975
    alejan1975 Posts: 16 Member
    now we're talking - good thread.

    - i think my approach is a little different that MFP advocates, i'm trying to bring in some tips/tricks used by bodybuilders. The main difference is doubleing up the protein and trading carbs. Also, i lift weights 3-4 times a week and only do cardio 2 times. The reason for this is cutting weight by cutting calories can cause you to lose muscle you have (even if you weren't "muscular" you probably have more just from carrying around a heavier body) and by upping the protein and reducing carbs, your body will tend to preserve muscle and burn fat for energy rather than burning fat AND muscle. I've just started (jan 11) on MFP, but prior to joining lost about 10 lbs first, so i'm down about 14 total.

    My weightlifting consists of the basic compound movements all done with an inexpensive bench and dumbbell freeweights.

    Chest - 4 sets incline dumbbell, 3 sets pushups
    Back - 4 sets wide grip pullups (i am not light/strong enough yet to do these without assistance, so i use a stool and assist a little bit with my legs), 3 sets bent dumbbell rows
    Shoulders - 4 sets seated dumbbell press, 2 sets lateral raises, 3 sets shrugs
    Legs - 4 sets dumbell squats, 3 sets dumbbell deadlifts
    Arms - 3 sets dumbell curl, 3 sets reverse dips (using the side of the bench)

    Adding muscle and dropping the LBs at the same time is rewarding - i've already noticed a huge difference in my arms and shoulders, and the added lean muscle mass helps you burn more calories everyday!

    I've tried to really cut out the booze, they are a killer for mainting a caloric deficit. Anyone else trying to work in weights instead of cardio? results and other ideas?
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Nothing real special as for working out. I completed Power 90 last week, and have started P90X this week. I've gone through two workouts so far, and have burned around 850 calories each workout (and I'm going easy to learn the moves!!!) It'll definitely push you. If you're hesitant, try Power 90 first. I started it the same day I started tracking on MFP and it's done a great job in developing tone. At the end of February or so, I'll start C25K. I opened my big mouth and said I'd do a 5K this summer, and my friends (serious runners) are holding me to it. I hate running.

    I have really tried to lay off the alcohol, except for special occasions and holidays. Even then, it's usually only one beer or a glass or two of wine. As Carter mentioned, alcohol isn't helpful for weightloss, but it's doable if you can incorporate it into your diet.

    Since I've moved out here to the PNW, football doesn't really seem like that big of a deal. It was back in high school, and even in college we'd do some flag football on the quad, or pickup rugby, but that's about it. I'd really like to get back into it, and miss throwing a football around.

    I actually need to vary my calorie intake a bit. I've been pretty good about keeping it low, but I need to work more cheat days in there. I've actually had the greatest weight loss around holidays, when I am not so concerned with watching everything I am eating. After a workout, I enjoy a nice protein shake...not just for the protein, but also for the calories as well.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Great Thread! I was also feeling a little outnumbered!

    I volunteered at a warrior dash in Lancaster, PA this summer (didn't participate).
    It was the neatest thing I've ever been a part of.
    One thing to keep in mind though is it can be very dangerous.
    I was manning what they call the Warrior Walls (4 set of 4' high walls). It was extremely muddy.
    Within 5 minutes 2 guys got seriously hurt. One broke his collar bone (it was sticking through), and then another guy dislocated his knee cap. There were also a few other injuries.

    I started Power 90 24 days ago. The only other exercise I've ever really done in the last 25 years is a treadmill.
    At 51, I needed to make a change. So far, I'm liking what it's doing for me. I just had blood work done, and for the first time in 20+ years, my cholesterol numbers are all normal (and I stopped taking Lipitor 3 months ago against my doctor's advice).

    The only other health things are a treadmill, and we have a Far Infrared Sauna, which is great for sweating out those toxins, and really helps with the aches of working out.

    So far I haven't had many cravings for the cookies, candies, soda, etc. I lived on before.
    I've had a couple glasses of wine, but no beer since starting. I only have beer usually when I go out for dinner or at a party of some type. I haven't had to deal with that yet, but I know it will be hard when I'm in that situation. Me personally, it really tires me out the next day, so I'll probably skip it for now. But eventually I'll have one or two. Like you said, this is a lifestyle change, not a temporary diet.
  • @scubastevo - I hate the food diary too, I would rather have hemorrhoid surgery in a foreign country by a blind doctor. But it makes a huge difference. If I lay off it a few days I plateau or gain weight. Was P90x really effective for you? I have heard unless you are an absolute stickler about what they prescribe for food and exercise it is nowhere near effective. It’s a delicate balance - follow what they say and make a huge difference, cheat at all (like follow your own diet) and nowhere near as effective. Add me as a friend if you haven't already - I'll keep you honest on the food diary.

    @MrX8503 - You do eggs or egg whites? And I knew protien curbs hunger, but fiber does too? As for the Weights before Cardio - my trainer turned me on to that. Said the studies are just now coming out and you will just now start to se it in the Fitness magazines. He explained the science to me, but I was too busy cursing at him in my head for making me do more squats.

    @Celo24 - I would still do the warrior dash. I heard it is only as intense as you make it and many just walk or skip some of the obstacles. But if you train for the marathon, run the marathon and rest solid till the weekend. I bet you would be in good physical shape, rested, and able to take it on!

    @bikerbiz - How long did it take you to lose 63lbs! Damn!

    @alejan1975 - I am taking the same approach as you. Totally reversed my cardio and strength training. I got frustrated at first because my weight loss slowed down, but after a few weeks with the new muscle I started to shred weight. I do weights for 40min followed by 20-30min of Cardio 3x a week. If I can sneak in a cardio day, I do. My trainer warned me it would take weeks to see it fall fast (and it did, close to 3 months) but I went from burning .5-1lb a week to 3-4lbs and bumped up my calories to slow down the weight loss. I've been out of the gym for over a month recovering from surgery and I am losing weight because of muscle gained. I very much like this approach and am starting to dig the muscles popping out here and there. Now I want to lose weight more so the muscles show more.

    And thanks for all the Friend invites!

    Anyone else have burning questions out there instead of mine. I liked Alejan1975's question on his approach to weight loss.
  • MrX8503
    MrX8503 Posts: 67
    @MrX8503 - You do eggs or egg whites? And I knew protien curbs hunger, but fiber does too? As for the Weights before Cardio - my trainer turned me on to that. Said the studies are just now coming out and you will just now start to se it in the Fitness magazines. He explained the science to me, but I was too busy cursing at him in my head for making me do more squats.

    I eat whole eggs, there's a lot of nutrients in the yolk to pass up. What I do is only eat a limit of 2 eggs per day. If I were to eat more, the rest would be egg whites.

    Protein curbs hunger, but I think fiber is better at it. Try eating a lot of vegetables and beans, you'll get full and those foods are light. The weight/cardio thing is still not definitive, but it doesn't hurt to do it in that order.
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 280 Member
    Hmmm, let's see...

    1. When I get bored with the traditional presses, I usually throw in some BB or DB pull-overs and dips to work my chest. Of course, you can't go wrong with some good ol' fashion pushups. I love doing rows and deadlifts for my back, but my bread and butter are pull-ups, especially weighted, that's an @$$kicker!

    2. Sometimes I do have an occasional "cheatmeal" like an In 'n Out burger, but only soon after an intense workout. I gave up on the drinking a long time ago...

    3. No extracurricular sports for me :(

    4. A good casein shake with frozen berries always keeps me feeling full!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Umm I don't know if I will remember all the questions asked. I felt like I was taking a reading comprehension test again.

    Lifting...I would stick with the basics initially, especially if your time is limited at the gym. I also like fatiguing your pecs prior to moving to a conventional flat bench. Also remember you can add variety just by changing from a normal- to a wide- or close-grip.

    As for's protein right? I'd eat a plate of ribs like the ones that tipped over the Flinstone's car and not think twice.

    And this is kind of where I forget the rest of the questions.

    OH! I am a guy. :scratches myself: Yep, still a guy.
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I just saw this....thought I'd chime in.

    1. While Strength Training - Not really but I try to do them in a certain order. For instance, I'll do dumb bell flyes before I bench. I want to loosen up my muscles first.

    2. Beer, Brats, and Football - Not only do I love football, but I love almost any sport. Since I've been exercising regularly, I just limit my portions. I don't go all out like I used but I still get to eat my favorite sports foods.

    3. Do you incorporate sports into your regimen (Racquetball, Karate, etc) - I found out that I like running. Right now I'm just alternating between the treadmill and eliptical but I plan on incorporating some road running once I lose some weight. I'm not sure my knees could take it at my current weight. I'm also a huge MMA fan and I've been trying to find a respectable gym in my area to train in Brazilian Ju Jitsu.

    4. What is a staple in your new diet that works well and keeps you full-My staples are bananas and protein shakes. They're easy to pack and they fill me up.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Speaking of guy stuff - have you all heard of "The Warrior Dash" (

    Viking hats, Mud, and beer - you can't ask for much more. It looks like a ton of fun and motivation for me to get fit. Check it out and read the FAQ. Everyone I talk to who has done it said it was one of the best things they have done ever.

    Did the Warrior Dash last September in Oregon. Am now signed up for another here in Washington in July and another in September in Oregon again. Absolutely fantastic time. It is a party atmosphere and just the people watching can be a blast. It totally kicked my butt and hence one of my motivators to lose as much as possible before July.

    Incorporating sports. I play raquetball at least 4 times a week. At my age and weight I burn a minimum of 900 + in an hour and if I am really kicking it up in a game against others, it is 1300 + per hour. definately a learning curve to it though and you won't get that without someone a little more experienced on the court that can control the tempo and push you.

    Other than that, I am strickly a cardio guy so far. Raqueball, treadmill, elliptical and walking. I'll start tossing in some weight training at some point. Also am obsessed with keeping my caloric intake down. I may splurge on Superbowl Sunday since we've been invited to a Superbowl party. Go Packers!!!
  • Lazyboy09
    Lazyboy09 Posts: 190 Member
    Warrior Dash is good fun, go with friends and a designated driver!

    I ran my first one last October and will be hitting another one this spring and am trying to get fit for Tough Mudder this fall.
  • knighttrain74
    knighttrain74 Posts: 125 Member
    Thanks for this post! I was beginning to think there weren't any men on here! I knew there had to be more out there like me...

    1. I usually stick to the normal stuff... it gets the job done for me but I spilt the time between using a machine and dumbells at home.

    2. I was being good this year until the playoffs! now on my tracker the last 3 weekends I've gone over.. I try to stay away but it's hard, but I usually work out harder throughout the week knowing whats coming up on the weekend

    3. I love sports but I had should surgery this fall so I can't play again till May and I miss it so much... I play men's softball all summer and fall along with pick up basketball and flag football games.. I get a lot more out of those than running on a treadmill or elliptical because it's not as boring

    4. Heathly snacks.. Usually an apple around 10 and a handful of peanuts or so around 3 to get me till diner... I work out after diner around 7 till 8:30sih so around 9 I'll have a protein shake which holds me over so I don't snack all night
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    Bout time we got some testerone flowing through here..

    1. Strength Training - I'm in cut mode right now losing weight, but when I weight train consistantly, I swap up what muscles to work and try to do different things every time.. If I bench today, next time might me push ups til I drop. Get the idea

    2. Beer, Brats, and Football - I don't see the problem with sititng around watching football all day.. Usually during college football I do all my stuff before the games come on.. Or try to sneak in golf.

    3. Do you incorporate sports into your regimen (Racquetball, Karate, etc) - Not at the moment. I used to do basketball and enjoyed myself

    4. What is a staple in your new diet that works well and keeps you full. Almonds.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    1. I do normal full body workout. Nothing strange, other than a excercise ball to do squat like excercise. Try to keep my balance and go low as I can while pushing the ball against the wall with my back. I actually hate the gym in general. I dunno what it is, it just bores me. I prefer to walk/jog outside. Hills, flights of stairs, things like that is more fun for me. I'd say when it comes to excercise, I do cardio type 1-1½ hrs. 5x a week. Strength training 1-2x a week. for 1hr. I know I need to up my time in the gym.

    2. I do like football just not the handegg version. XD i,e. I prefer soccer. I don't pig out when I watch sports in general. I do about once a month go enjoy a couple of beers, burger, steak, something naughty. I keep it in moderation and make sure to kick my own *kitten* with cardio or the gym the day before and the day after of when I plan to treat myself.

    3. No sports. I suck. lol. I am finding jogging fun. I plan to complete a 5k before the year is up.

    4. Water. I have gotten used to it. I find drinking alot of it helps with the hunger.
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