Guide to calorie deficits



  • BUMP!
  • I understand the negative calorie aspect, etc etc, what I dont understand is, how everyone I know that are my friends etc that use MFP all have the same calorie guide of 1200 a day. How is it possible for everyone to be at 1200?

    My calorie needs (1200) never move, I messed around with settings, such as sedentary, light activity, heavy activity -- how much I want to lose a week, and each time its 1200.

    I have the same needs, 1200 as my friend who is 50lb's heavier than I am. I have the same calorie needs as someone 30lb's less than I am.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I understand the negative calorie aspect, etc etc, what I dont understand is, how everyone I know that are my friends etc that use MFP all have the same calorie guide of 1200 a day. How is it possible for everyone to be at 1200?

    My calorie needs (1200) never move, I messed around with settings, such as sedentary, light activity, heavy activity -- how much I want to lose a week, and each time its 1200.

    I have the same needs, 1200 as my friend who is 50lb's heavier than I am. I have the same calorie needs as someone 30lb's less than I am.

    It's because MFP puts a floor on your calories of 1200, the guided goals tool won't let you go below 1200 no matter what you choose as your goal.

    For example, if your maintenance calories are 1600 and you choose a 2 lb per week goal, your goal will be at 1200(1600 - 1000 = 600, less than 1200 so 1200 is your goal). If you choose a 1 lb per week goal, your daily calories will still be at 1200 (1600 - 500 = 1100, less than 1200 so 1200 is your goal).

    Likewise if you're sedentary, maybe your maintenance calories are 1500, and lightly active maybe makes them 1700, but if you have a 2 lb per week goal, both of those settings will still result in a 1200 calorie a week goal.

    1200 cals a week isn't necessarily right for everyone though. If you're a small person, or older, or a host of other different variables, it's possible that it could be safe to go below that, but you'd have to know a thing or two about your own metabolism to even attempt to make that kind of decision on your own, Personally, if that's the case, I'd go see a Registered Dietitian and have a long chat with them about you specifically. They are the MOST qualified (more qualified than most doctors in this particular arena) person to advise you on this.
  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    Argh! I'm firmly in the 'fuzzy' category, with a BMI of 23.6. I'd like to lose 5-10 pounds for my wedding, and I'm stuck. I understand what you're saying about focusing on toning, etc....but I do want to ultimately make a difference overall, and look better in that dress, if you know what I mean.

    I did have my BMR tested, and it came out to 1510 calories a day, so at least I have a baseline, and I'm working on accurate calorie tracking, but if you have an ideas for those of us who are working with numbers like this, I'd be really grateful.

    Thanks for lending your expertise here. =)
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    Thank you so much for this post. I have not been afraid to eat my exercise calories but I am going to now.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Argh! I'm firmly in the 'fuzzy' category, with a BMI of 23.6. I'd like to lose 5-10 pounds for my wedding, and I'm stuck. I understand what you're saying about focusing on toning, etc....but I do want to ultimately make a difference overall, and look better in that dress, if you know what I mean.

    I did have my BMR tested, and it came out to 1510 calories a day, so at least I have a baseline, and I'm working on accurate calorie tracking, but if you have an ideas for those of us who are working with numbers like this, I'd be really grateful.

    Thanks for lending your expertise here. =)

    considering BMR can be anything from 60 to 75% of your maintenance calories, I'd say keep your deficit somewhere in the neighborhood of 1700 to 1900 NET. You're not going to be able to pull off large losses with a BMI of 23.6 (even though I hate BMI as a number, it's still pretty obvious you don't have far to go).

    Just remember that I'm basically guessing here, working off limited information and making some pretty bold assumptions about you in the process. So take this with a bit of a grain of salt, make tweaks when necessary, and always err on the side of caution when it comes to your health. If all else fails, go see an RD for help (Registered Dietitian)
  • bump :)
  • I understand the negative calorie aspect, etc etc, what I dont understand is, how everyone I know that are my friends etc that use MFP all have the same calorie guide of 1200 a day. How is it possible for everyone to be at 1200?

    My calorie needs (1200) never move, I messed around with settings, such as sedentary, light activity, heavy activity -- how much I want to lose a week, and each time its 1200.

    I have the same needs, 1200 as my friend who is 50lb's heavier than I am. I have the same calorie needs as someone 30lb's less than I am.

    It's because MFP puts a floor on your calories of 1200, the guided goals tool won't let you go below 1200 no matter what you choose as your goal.

    For example, if your maintenance calories are 1600 and you choose a 2 lb per week goal, your goal will be at 1200(1600 - 1000 = 600, less than 1200 so 1200 is your goal). If you choose a 1 lb per week goal, your daily calories will still be at 1200 (1600 - 500 = 1100, less than 1200 so 1200 is your goal).

    Likewise if you're sedentary, maybe your maintenance calories are 1500, and lightly active maybe makes them 1700, but if you have a 2 lb per week goal, both of those settings will still result in a 1200 calorie a week goal.

    1200 cals a week isn't necessarily right for everyone though. If you're a small person, or older, or a host of other different variables, it's possible that it could be safe to go below that, but you'd have to know a thing or two about your own metabolism to even attempt to make that kind of decision on your own, Personally, if that's the case, I'd go see a Registered Dietitian and have a long chat with them about you specifically. They are the MOST qualified (more qualified than most doctors in this particular arena) person to advise you on this.

    When i started this journey March last yr I was nearly 200lb's. I got down to 147, and then went back up to 158 when I worked a seasonal job 7 days a week, 14hrs a day (yeah stressful) -- Im having such a hard time getting the weight loss going this time, it just doesnt want to move.

    This weight loss thing is much harder than people realise. Its not just a case of eating less and working out.

    I truly appreciate you taking the time to reply to me : )

  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
  • sonya2333
    sonya2333 Posts: 4 Member
    So how many calories should I be eating if I have a bmi of 24? I have about 10 pounds to lose. Help me please. I'm only lightly active. I am sure I need to be more active but I also wanna know my calories I should be eating so that I don't gain weight.
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409

    I'm obese and trying to get to 4000 exercise calories a week with heavy cardio & moderate strength training.

    Seeing the deficit #'s laid out and explained is a huge help since sometimes I get comments about not eating enough..
    Even though common sense tells me - I'm huge, I can afford to hang on to some of those exercise calories - I've struggled with figuring out what my no no zone is.

    This post gives me some much needed insight! Thanks.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    When i started this journey March last yr I was nearly 200lb's. I got down to 147, and then went back up to 158 when I worked a seasonal job 7 days a week, 14hrs a day (yeah stressful) -- Im having such a hard time getting the weight loss going this time, it just doesnt want to move.

    This weight loss thing is much harder than people realise. Its not just a case of eating less and working out.

    I truly appreciate you taking the time to reply to me : )

    So you're at 158 now? Going to 135? First, what made you choose 135? I'm not saying that weight is right or wrong, but I like to know how someone chose a goal, it helps. Sometimes people choose unreasonable goals for the wrong reasons.

    Please note, even at 158, that goal isn't that far off (especially in relation to your starting weight). So having a weekly goal of anything more than 1/2 lb is probably going to cause issues for you. Maybe 2/3's would work, but that's something you're going to have to play with a little and see if your body can handle it. I'd also think seriously about using non-weight based goals, you're at the point now where weight is beginning to be an arbitrary number, you should really start thinking about things like body fat %, exercise related goals, health related goals, maybe measurements (other than weight)...etc.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    So how many calories should I be eating if I have a bmi of 24? I have about 10 pounds to lose. Help me please. I'm only lightly active. I am sure I need to be more active but I also wanna know my calories I should be eating so that I don't gain weight.

    I have no idea, to know that (even to guess) I'd need all your stats, not just BMI. Ideally I'd want your height, weight, activity level, age, body fat %, maintenance calories, BMR or RMR, weekly exercise routine, daily calorie deficit.

    But I'll take as many of those numbers as you can give, even then, it'll be an educated guess. With 10 lbs to go, I'd forget weight, see the reply I just gave, weight is arbitrary, focus on non-weight goals instead.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    I'm obese and trying to get to 4000 exercise calories a week with heavy cardio & moderate strength training.

    Seeing the deficit #'s laid out and explained is a huge help since sometimes I get comments about not eating enough..
    Even though common sense tells me - I'm huge, I can afford to hang on to some of those exercise calories - I've struggled with figuring out what my no no zone is.

    This post gives me some much needed insight! Thanks.

    Glad I could help. Half this fight is confidence and the will power to do what has to be done, despite irrational feelings, those feelings can be quite powerful, and ignoring them instead of giving in to them can be difficult at times.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
  • Bump
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    This is such great info! I have only been eating about half my exercise calories despite being normal weight and only trying to lose about five more pounds. I will start adding an extra healthy snack in on the days I work out.

    Thank you!
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
  • Thanks for the post. I needed the info.
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
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