Any flexitarians? How do you explain your diet to others?



  • TheBigFb
    TheBigFb Posts: 649 Member
    Im not super concerned about labels, what in the name of jaysus is Flexitarians? Couldnt be more labelally
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Wouldn't a Flexitarian just be a normal person? I mean for instance I don't eat a steak daily..meat isn't in my diet daily some days I do just have salads and beans for protein just depends on how I feel....could it be that you are confusing people by calling yourself a vegetarian and then eating meat when you feel like it? If that's the case I can see why people are using the word "Flexitarian" in regards to how you eat....People like to label themselves for the "cool" factor Im not sure if that's the case here but if your going around telling people your a vegetarian and then eating a steak when you feel like it lol Im sure your friends are getting a laugh when they say "flexitarian"
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I'm not really a flexitarian but I'm SUPER picky about meat - I basically only like chicken, and beef when it's in a burger or taco or something. And even then I'll only eat those things when I cooked them myself or it's from a place I trust. So I end up ordering vegetarian dishes a lot of the time, and I get asked the same, "Oh, are you a vegetarian?" I just say, "No, but I'm not a huge meat lover and I'm very picky about it. Vegetarian dishes usually suit me better." I find that people usually accept that without asking further questions or being rude.

    It's so silly that people feel the need to judge others' food choices in the first place :grumble:
  • da_bears1008
    Nope. No to this. You answer "No, I'm not a vegetarian" because you still eat meat. It doesn't matter how little meat you consume, you consume it. To call yourself a vegetarian would be an insult. You aren't a "flexitarian" either, you eat meat. You're a normal person that isn't that into meat. You don't call yourself anything.

    THANK YOU! I don't understand the need to label ourselves. If you eat meat, you are not a vegetarian. Simplez.

    But feel free to join my group! "I Eat What I Wantians" We have t-shirts. And donuts.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Wouldn't a Flexitarian just be a normal person? I mean for instance I don't eat a steak daily..meat isn't in my diet daily some days I do just have salads and beans for protein just depends on how I feel....could it be that you are confusing people by calling yourself a vegetarian and then eating meat when you feel like it? If that's the case I can see why people are using the word "Flexitarian" in regards to how you eat....People like to label themselves for the "cool" factor Im not sure if that's the case here but if your going around telling people your a vegetarian and then eating a steak when you feel like it lol Im sure your friends are getting a laugh when they say "flexitarian"

    I agree with you that some people like to label themselves for the cool factor but I don't think that's what OP is doing. And I don't think flexitarian could apply to everyone because from what I've heard, flexitarian is where you're basically vegetarian but not 100% committed, like you eat meat occasionally. Like a regular person probably eats meat close to once a day, where as a flexitarian would probably eat it around once a week or less. Idk I also think labels are silly, but it can be handy when you're following a diet that's different than what people consider "normal."
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    - troll thread - right?

    is it? a Troll thread?

    - it IS isn't it - yeah.

    ... troll thread.
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    I'm not vegetarians, I just enjoy my veggies and I eat plenty of them.
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    So you're on an omnivore. I'm not sure I understand your question. It's like a social smoker saying he only smokes on week-ends. So he's not really a smoker. But he is. Hmmm. So you're someone who eats veggies, grains, fruits, eggs, meat and nuts. Why would you need to 'label' your eating lifestyle?
  • EmpressZhark
    EmpressZhark Posts: 26 Member
    “I just don’t eat a lot of meat.”
    That sums it up for me.

    Are you a vegetarian?
    No, I just don’t eat a lot of meat.

    So you do eat meat?
    Yes, but not a lot.

    So why did you request a vegetarian meal?
    Because I don’t eat a lot of meat.

    But you’re not vegetarian?
    No. I just don’t eat a lot of meat.
  • niavalentino
    niavalentino Posts: 131 Member
    As many people have stated already, you're not a "flexitarian" you're just simply an omnivore. However I understand the problem you have especially since I moved to a different country and one that heavily consumes meat. I started eating vegan last year due to digestive problems, but I still ate meat once a week sometimes two. Ever since I moved to where I am now I've become the "COOL VEGAN FRIEND" and needless to say it is weird as heck. Most people back home get the cutting out some food bit, but here? I also get the "So...are you vegetarian? Why aren't you eating meat?" and then I go "I eat vegan - "and before I can finish my sentence of "...but sometimes I eat meat" they're all "VEGAN? VEGAN?! I've never met a vegan before!" or "VEGAN? How are you SURVIVING here?!"

    Long story short: we're omnivores. If people ask "Are you a vegetarian?" or "Are you vegan?" just say "No, I'm an omnivore" and let them sit confused for a moment and then have them bugger off.
  • KandGRanch
    KandGRanch Posts: 131 Member
    I was vegetarian for 11 years-never once did I explain my diet to anyone. If they asked, I said, "Yes, I am vegetarian." and went back to my meal. Flexetarian isn't a thing. You eat food. If you consume meat, you aren't vegetarian. There is no label for it. That's like saying im flexetarian because 80% of my food is plant based. that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
  • TheBigFb
    TheBigFb Posts: 649 Member
    I prefer to dine at the Y
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I am not sure my diet is of concern to others, so I don't explain it to them.

    Since you asked, I eat meat as often as I can. I love animals. They're delicious.
  • McGristy
    McGristy Posts: 61 Member
    OMG! I do this too!! My husband is strictly veggie, The kids and I eat meat on occasion though, so we just say that our household eat herbivorily (not a word at all) about 85% of the time. I actually prefer the Boca Chik'n pattys and Quinoa burgers to meat burgers, which is why I eat them without feeling like it's a chore. It helps that they have WAY less calories. We also eat Veggie Pot Pie, and Veggie Fajitas, and Veggie tacos regularly because we just don't even notice the missing meat. Better overall! I just didn't feel good as a strict vegetarian any more than I felt good having meat with every meal. This is the way we like it :)
  • MyRummyHens
    MyRummyHens Posts: 141 Member
    My husband could possibly be the most carnivorous human on the planet and even he occasionally orders the vegetarian options when we eat out, especially if there is a starter of cheese stuffed mushrooms! I don't think anyone has ever asked him if he's a vegetarian!

    People just love to give advice, tell you where you're going wrong, how to improve etc. Even if they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about either in credentials or experience. Not just in diets and food choices but all aspects of life. Everyone always has an opinion!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    How do you answer that question "are you a vegetarian?"

    Isn't no a good and truthful answer? Why is any further explanation needed?
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    So I usually go into detail about how I eat vegetarian most of the time, but eat meat sometimes, they usually have a lot of questions, and I end up getting annoyed, and then some people can get rude or are just dumbfounded. People seem to be comfortable with people fitting into the categories of vegetarians or meat-eaters, but have trouble with the ambiguity of someone who orders vegetarian meals but who is not technically a vegetarian. It's like they don't know what to do with me..

    I don't identify as a flexitarian, myself, but I have had to explain myself on a couple of occasions.

    It especially happened back in college, where I'd frequently grab a veggie-burger at the cafeteria despite regular burgers being available. For me, the solution was to say "I grabbed a vegetarian dish because it still tastes good". And that was the truth. Yes, as a replacement for a hamburger, it was a disappointment. It tasted nothing like a regular burger. But I liked it on its own merits. I never expected it to taste like a hamburger, but like a veggie burger, and I would use different toppings that went with its flavor profile..

    And I think that's part of the challenge. Especially if something is labeled specifically or is highlighted as vegetarian, people tend to view it as something that exists just to be an alternative to meat. They don't realize that it can be a tasty dish on its own without having to always be defined within the vegetarian / non-vegetarian dichotomy. If you ordered a salad, something that is frequently vegetarian in nature but not usually labeled or highlighted as such, they probably wouldn't notice.

    So perhaps you can try simply saying "No. I'm not vegetarian. I just try to keep the meat in my diet down and / or I like how this dish tastes."
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    My standard reply is typically something along the lines of, "I'm an opportunistic eater...I'll eat anything that doesn't eat me first!" I eat things that taste friends think it is hilarious that I order veggie burgers with bacon on them...I think some brands of veggie burgers are delicious and if I want one, then I will order one.

    A restaurant nearby makes the best pasta primavera...and I order it often because it's delicious. I don't care that it's a vegetarian meal...

    I think you should just tell people that whatever you've ordered is delicious and they should try it and not worry about labels or what category of foodie you are. "No, not a vegetarian, I just really like this dish...want a bite?"
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    Nope. No to this. You answer "No, I'm not a vegetarian" because you still eat meat. It doesn't matter how little meat you consume, you consume it. To call yourself a vegetarian would be an insult. You aren't a "flexitarian" either, you eat meat. You're a normal person that isn't that into meat. You don't call yourself anything.


    I don't even know why the term flexitarian exists to begin with. The term "pescetarian" I can understand slightly more since it does describe a person's dietary limitations. However, If you eat meat, whether it's seven days a week or only once in a while, you're not vegetarian. There isn't any dietary restriction. You're just a person who doesn't eat meat daily. If people ask if you're vegetarian, it's a simple no.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I would just say "That vegetarian meal looks like it fits into my calorie budget better" as someone else suggested. I don't bother with labels but by your description I'm a "flexitarian" too. I usually get the garden burger at work not because I have any moral objections to eating meat but because it saves me calories for late-night snacking if I want. I will eat vegetarian sometimes to keep the fat level down for the day. Sometimes it's just because I need to get more fiber in (hey, I'm older :tongue: )