Your single most important tip for someone's first 5k?



  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    1) No running night before...walk..but don't run.
    2) Get a good night's sleep. :yawn:
    3) Wear something "old" for the race..that will avoid the possibility of itchiness/irritation distracting you from the run itself.
    4) Have fun and keep your race's a reminder of your NEW life as a runner :happy: :happy:
    5) LIGHT breakfast with "quick energy" carbs...a banana is good..or perhaps a bagel as long as there's enough time before the run for it to be mostly digested.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    3. Make sure you're starting in the right place. Don't be up near the front where the fast runners have to run you over, don't be in the back where you have to maneuver around walkers and stroller pushers
    This one's a good tip, too.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    1) Set a goal... whether that be to finish or to run/jog the entire time or to not trip at the finish line...
    Also a worthy tip in my opinion. I set a goal of a time I aspired to...and got within 2 minutes of it! :smokin:
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I'm feeling generous so I'll give three

    1. Don't die
    2. Remember it's all for fun
    3. Make sure you're starting in the right place. Don't be up near the front where the fast runners have to run you over, don't be in the back where you have to maneuver around walkers and stroller pushers

    This can't be stressed enough. Especially the starting in front if you know you're slower. The individuals at the front 9.9 times out of 10 are running for a time in the teens and are off at a virtual dead sprint.
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    to add to all: Don't eat something unknown the night before or day of the race. You don't want to be the person known for crapping his/her pants!!
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 741 Member
    Don't try wearing anything new. The last thing you want is a new piece of gear to give you fits, and make the experience negative.
  • edixon908
    edixon908 Posts: 68 Member
    BREATH and wear good shoes.
  • goanothermile
    goanothermile Posts: 98 Member
    You have gotten some good advice already.

    I think the two most common mistakes are wearing something new and starting the race too fast.

    The one race day tip that I haven't seen mentioned - plan your arrival to the race carefully. Make sure you know where you are going on race day and arrive in plenty of time. Get there a little early. Depending on the size of the race and the location, parking can be a problem. Sometimes directions to the start area aren't exactly clear. Know what you plan to do with your car keys.

    The last thing you want is to be frantically searching for a parking spot and then rushing to the start area.

    You want to be there early enough that you can be relaxed. Leave enough time to find and go to a bathroom if needed pre-race.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    Nothing new on race day. I think that is always the most important, to me. Race day is NOT the day to try out a new breakfast recipe, new shoes, new running gear, new underwear, new anything... just don't do it.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member

    The one race day tip that I haven't seen mentioned - plan your arrival to the race carefully. Make sure you know where you are going on race day and arrive in plenty of time. Get there a little early. Depending on the size of the race and the location, parking can be a problem. Sometimes directions to the start area aren't exactly clear. Know what you plan to do with your car keys.

    I wasn't going to post until I saw this one! I had a 10k two weeks ago. I was up at 4:45 and out the door an hour later. I could not find the road to turn off to the venue!! The really sad part was that I did this race last year so I know I had been there! I drove around for over an hour and wound up just going to the park where I do my normal Saturday morning runs and there I did my 10k all by myself. Good news...I came in first! Bad news...I came in last! LOL!

    But really have fun! That's what it's about and since it is your first, your time will be a PR.

    And also...nothing new clothes, shoes or food that morning.
  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    This may be over share, but I take 1 Immodium tablet about 1.5-2 hours before a race day run. If you don't know what it is, it is an over the counter tablet in the UK that helps people stop diarrhoea. On race day it stops the need to "number 2" but cause im only taking a half dose I'm back to normal the very next day.
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Lots of great advice here, so I won't repeat.

    For me, I take an anti-diarrheal before the race (I, unfortunately suffer, shall we say lower intestinal runner's "issues"...). Make SURE you honor that REST - spelled r-e-s-t! - day the day before. It's important. Use that nervous energy to prepare for the next morning (get your clothes ready, race bag packed if you have 1, plan the drive to the location etc.)

    Afterwards, soak up the atmosphere! Be proud of this thing you just accomplished....and then get to the nearest computer & start planning your next race! (they are addicting!) I usually stay for the awards. Even though I don't ever place in the 5K's (too slow! lol) it's still great camaraderie.

    Oh. and I know a lot or runners will race in the race shirts they get in the race packs. While I think it's great to advertise the race, I look to it as "don't race in anything new", and I haven't earned that shirt yet. Wait until you get home, take a shower, then wear that shirt with pride!
  • tucky3203
    tucky3203 Posts: 57 Member
    Wear what you normally run in! I cannot stress this enough. No extra tutus or crazy costume; unless you do this on a daily basis. Also the race tshirt worn the day of the race will show your rookie self; so don't do it. Wear your shirt when you are clean and ready to celebrate after the race is done.

    Have fun! This is the most important thing. You are accomplishing a great thing!
  • happyjack1976
    happyjack1976 Posts: 74 Member
    Pee right before you leave the house. The line for the porta-john is wicked long.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Practice eating and running at the same time as you will be in the race. If it's a morning race, decide if you will want breakfast then eat that same breakfast before a morning training run to see how you feel. Ditto for an evening race. I find porridge is good for mornings, about two hours before race time. Evenings are harder- a large lunch then a powerade drink in the hour before the run works for me but have fun experimenting. Good luck in your 5k- let us know how it went.
  • italysharon
    italysharon Posts: 195 Member
    I didn't read the rest but…

    Put your name on your shirt with "This is my first 5K!" You will get a ton of encouragement!

    Smile and enjoy. You will feel so proud.
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    4 single most important tips from me - sorry ;)

    1. smile and have fun
    2. don't start too fast - run it steady even if children are whizzing past you (they are fast!)
    3. good socks and shoes - don't be my friend that I agreed to do a race with who wore shoes with round laces that came undone SIX times.
    4. Wear a shirt you've run in before - first time I ever ran a race I wrecked the inside of my arms because they were rubbing on the seam of the company shirt I was wearing for the first time.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Get up a few extra hours early so you can have coffee and take care of "intestinal issues" before you leave the house. Then make sure you pee before the race. Get to the race early (I had to run the the start line once because my gps took me to all the roads that were CLOSED for the race and then I couldn't find parking). Bring your own toilet paper and hand sanitizer for the porta johns. They will run out of paper and soap and water if it is even provided.

    Some races are well provisioned, some are not--bring a bottle of frozen water and a banana to leave in your car in case the race is not well provisioned. The water will hopefully be melted when you are done (it is in Florida!).

    Have fun!
  • nielsonfam
    nielsonfam Posts: 138 Member
    This is timely as I am running my first 5K on Saturday. The problem I am concerned about is that I have really only run when the weather was in the 70's - 80's. The forecasted temps for Saturday morning race time is 45-50 degrees. Any tips for that? I vaguely recall the one time I tried to run in the cold that the breathing in the cold air was really difficult.
  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    Wear what you normally run in! I cannot stress this enough. No extra tutus or crazy costume; unless you do this on a daily basis. Also the race tshirt worn the day of the race will show your rookie self; so don't do it. Wear your shirt when you are clean and ready to celebrate after the race is done.

    Have fun! This is the most important thing. You are accomplishing a great thing!

    I had to laugh about this one. Had my first 5k last month. I picked up my packet the evening before and spent 10 minutes that night trying to figure out if I'd run in the t-shirt or what I normally wore. I opted to wear a running shirt I had that was the same color (blue).

    When I pulled into the parking lot, I freaked out because 80% of the people had on the t-shirt. It was a school fundrasier, so I think it was more out of school spirit than anything else. I thought I was committing some sort of running faux pas. But then I saw some others wearing their regular running gear.