Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Soosun - Yes! I actually thought I was going into early labor. The pain I felt is exactly what I imagine labor to feel like where every step hurts so much you just want to curl up and die. It was a very scary experience for me.

    Kah - I was sad about Derek Jeter's retirement too. :cry: Which iPhone did you get? Love the quote.

    Toots - Welcome back. I hope it went smoothly and everyone is settling in nicely now!

    Naceto - Congrats on still working out with the trainer. You have done it once before and I have confidence that you can do it again. One thing I found helpful for me was not to limit myself on foods. If I was craving something salty or fatty I had it but ate it in moderation and made sure I made it work into my calorie allowance. For me cutting out foods would just make me crave them even more. Hang in there.

    Robin - Congrats on the good news from the doctor. So sorry to hear about your leg wound. That sounds very uncomfortable. I wish you speedy healing!

    Kathryn - Congrats on the loss so far. Fantastic job!

    Rosie - Welcome.

    Tanya - (((HUGS)))

    MrsMorgori - Welcome!

    ushkii - Keep poking in more frequently. We miss you!

    Laurie - Your description of T2T brought tears to my eyes. It sounds like an amazing experience. Glad you enjoyed the city. You got a lot accomplished in a short period of time. Was this your first trip to the Big Apple? I can't wait to see pictures!

    Kaye - great idea about the weighted gloves.

    Welcome newbies!
  • jelkins2000
    jelkins2000 Posts: 38 Member
  • Great thread to be part of.... Good health to everyone on their journey.
  • Good Morning,

    This weight loss thing is a pain in my rear end! Anyway, I am slowly climbing back on the wagon. I gained a LOT of weight after a series of accidents and everytime I think I am back on track I start having the back issues again and fall off. So here I am again, Trying to RESTART!
  • casidrachenberg
    casidrachenberg Posts: 2 Member
    I've been a member for a while now...lost 30 lbs. so far, then gained it commitment made to myself to stay focused and strong. Last ten days, I've posted every day and have lost 7 lbs. For the sake of my health, I MUST lose this weight. Any support and encouragement will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • casidrachenberg
    casidrachenberg Posts: 2 Member
    You and me, both! We can do this! Now to just convince our brain we can use something else besides food to find comfort!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy International Day for the Elderly
    When: Always on October 1st
    International Day for the Elderly is dedicated to honor, respect and care for the world's elderly. Remember, someday you hope to be included among this group!
    In 1990, the United Nations General Assembly designated October 1st as the International Day for the Elderly, also known as the "International Day for Older Persons". The holiday is the result of the UN World Assembly on Aging which was formed in 1982 to explore and tend to the needs of the elderly in the world.
    Did you Know? According to the United Nations, "one of every 10 persons is now 60 years or older. By the year 2050, one of five will be 60 years or older; by 2150, it will be one of three persons".
    Looking for a new tradition for this day? Anything you do to help, or support the elderly , is a great idea!

    “Don’t let what others think decide who you are.” ~Dennis Rodman

  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Morgori -- now, I definitely fancy Hot Mulled Cider. That does sound good. Though in Britain cider is alcoholic, you know. Even better!
    @Marsha -- I definitely find the MFP carb setting a bit high. I always end up adjusting it down.
    @Lori -- that is a fantastic result for September!
    @Laurie -- it sounds like T2T was the most wonderful event.
    @Kaye -- hope your weighted gloves do the business for you. And remember that staying the same is also an achievement. It's possible that you're just at the place your body needs to be right now. Look at how amazingly well you've done!
    @Jeanette -- the *good* news about labour is that it only hurts some of the time. So you have a contraction, and it hurts like mad, and then all the pain goes away for a few minutes.

    October 1/1 so far on logging and thread checking. Today we're having burgers for tea, with grilled portobello mushrooms and corn on the cob, and roasted red peppers and caramelised onions. And homemade burger buns and slices of cheese. But definitely not bacon though I do quite fancy it. I'm also eating green smoothies in October -- today's was spinach, cucumber, frozen mango, orange and ginger and OMG it was fantastic.

    Welcome newbies!

    I am really looking forward to October. It's going to be a great month for me and I hope for all of you too!

    -- Alison
  • ddas66
    ddas66 Posts: 13 Member
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good morning, Friends, I am wishing everyone a happy and successful day today. We are having beautiful crisp fall weather. Our morning walk was wonderful.
    Thanks to everyone for hanging in there and inspiring me to keep going. It does help to remind myself how far I have come. I wore sizes 24/26 pants, 2xl and 3xl shirts and very shapeless dresses, and a 44D bra. I now wear 12 and 14 pants and dresses with waist lines, large shirts, and a 36C bra. I sincerely hope that my body hasn't gotten too comfortable at this weight. I really want to lose about 20 more pounds. Whether I do or not I can thank you, my on-line friends, for helping me with the accountability that it takes to get weight off and keep it off.
    Laurie, thanks for the report. I'm looking forward to some more reports and pictures.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Hello, I thought I'd join into this thread. I call myself Niki on here ... it's actually part of my first and last name and I like it as a .... (memory lapse) LOL.

    Well, I am 69 years old and have been using MFP a couple of years. In August 2013 I started a personal journal on "My Blogs" that I keep private because I use it as a personal diary ... yes it's a bit scary to think that I'm pouring out my heart and soul onto an internet site ... but I was tired of keeping a paper journal notebook ... which I've always done. Sometimes those paper book journals can get me into a lot of difficulty when someone who isn't intended to ever see it finds and reads it cover to cover. So I though writing it online would temper me a bit into what I actually wrote.

    Recently I've been posting replies to some of the message board threads and when I found this one I decided to give it a try. .... I hope you'll like me on here, and that I keep up with it.

    I would think given that I log my food, keep a journal, and try to eat healthy that I;d have more success in the weight loss department than I have had ... but the sad truth is that I've hovered at an average weight of about where I am right now for the past 12 years ... going up to a high point in 2008 and coming close to my 2003 weight but not quite ever reaching it. I don't suppose I'll ever get down to what the charts say I should weight becasue I haven't been there since before 1985 ... but I am still trying to wipe the past 30 years of excess weight away. I'm on target to reach the 2003 weight sometime in October.

    So - today is Wednesday, and according to the introductory post by Robin, it is "wishes" day ...
    My wish for today is that I;d get my butt in gear and finsih cleaning up the house. It's garbage day on Thursday and I really want to have every bit of recycle item out the door.

    Sorry for the long story about me ... no ... I'm not ... I wanted you to get to know me a bit. Thanks.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    My wish for today, is to go smoothly, with this crazy tendinitis in my shoulder :grumble: It's had me up since 4am:cry: But it's an ALL GIRL day today! Gonna rest my arm/shoulder and play dolls all day:smile:
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    NK welcome to this post. I love this post because everyone encourages you to keep on trying and more importantly doing to get results and that seems to be what you are doing, you are doing things that work and you are losing weight. On one of the posts I read, I think it was Allison who said staying the same and not losing is so much better than gaining any day. How true she is on that statement.

    Wishes.......hmmmm.....I wish that I will make wishes that are achievable and not fantasies.

    I took my measurements today and weighed myself today. That is one of my goals for losing weight, to weigh in and measure once a week, so I do it Tuesday. Actually my daughter does the measuring, and I just stand there. So after my first week I have lost a total of one inch. A quarter inch off my bust, thigh, calf, and upper arm. I am elated to see results.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Love to see autumn and the first frost coming.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Naturally, I work in the professional buildings of the hospital where the first U.S. diagnosed Ebola patient is isolated—so this place is swarming with reporters today. We’re far away from the isolation unit, but still have had several patients cancel their tests today.

    @Nettie, Robin, Marsha~Yes, new profile pic. Thanks for the comments on my hair—these curls are often times hard to tame, but was having a good hair day. :wink:

    @Amy~Glad Tom showed you the ropes, again. Glad to see you posting! :happy:

    @Alison~Yep, Health Kit doesn’t seem to sync correctly so I haven’t been using it much. I hope they will fix the bugs (it often duplicates MFP entries) soon and will add Fitbit as an app soon.

    @Robin~Glad the cuts on your arms are healing well & that you’ll be out of those splints soon. Take it easy with that leg hope it heals quickly!

    @Tanya~I hope your emotions are more in check today—breaks ups are so hard, no matter your age. I’m sure you’ll go thru a plethora of emotions; hope you feel better about things soon.

    @Soosun~Autumn? FIrst Frost?! Its still in the 90s here! :laugh: It isn't even cooling off at night here yet, it was 75 driving to work this morning--so, so humid.

    AFM~Not much to report, not sure I’ll officially join any additional challenge this month as I’ll be on vacation for half of it. I’m just wishing for another 10# to come off before I set sail in two weeks. Session with trainer last night, tonight I hope to make it by the gym for some cardio.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    JNettie- Thanks. It is sooooo hard to stop with a small portion, for some reason! I wonder sometimes if I need a restart - just cutting out all goodies for a week... but then I think NO WAY. haha :laugh: But you are right... I have done this before. I know I have it in me.

    I love the October goals, Robsinsegg. I am in.

    Wednesday wish - Wishing for the cravings to go away. I need to fill my house with better options, but also my boyfriend has what he calls a "snack table". :noway: I held myself to only 3 mini Twix yesterday, but with so many sweets around, I am SO very tempted. I can't ask him to change his lifestyle for me (we are only 3 months in) - do I carry healthy food with me to snack on when I visit? It just feels like I would be implying something, if I were to do that.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Naturally, I work in the professional buildings of the hospital where the first U.S. diagnosed Ebola patient is isolated—so this place is swarming with reporters today. We’re far away from the isolation unit, but still have had several patients cancel their tests today.

    Eek! That would be a little close for comfort for me... even with the isolation. Is that paranoid of me?
  • pam1056
    pam1056 Posts: 13 Member
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Okay, bit of an update. We picked up both boys on the 15th, probably escaped China without getting a parasite, I think lol. They are both like giant babies, and we can't get anything done because they are busy trying to kill themselves at every moment lol. But they are good boys. Better than we expected. China was different than I expected. I think it was just because I was in Guangzhou, which is very cosmopolitan and could easily be Rome, Paris, or Manhattan. I did NOT enjoy the hole in the floor toilets though, haha.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Hey all!!

    I am back! :)

    All moved in and settled and getting back on plan.