HELP!!!! someone brought donuts!!!



  • GataRubia
    GataRubia Posts: 5 Member
    so maybe don't comment, then! this forum IS for motivation and support - be kind :)

    Sorry, I meant this comment in reply to the person who said they can't help with self control!! Apparently you can't reply to comments...
  • popupvideo
    popupvideo Posts: 50 Member
    Pretend they're not there. Ignore the donuts. Don't do it!!! I find large amounts of sugar to be very triggering.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I wish someone brought donuts into my office... :grumble: I am jealous of everyone who is getting donuts in their office today.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    It sounds like she is purposely trying to sabotage your diet. I bet it isn't even her birthday.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    This depends a lot on where you are with your personal dietary rules. In the beginning, I would not let myself near something like a donut, so I would say to you in that case, don't do it, be strong and feel good with your decision later when you have your dinner, and ENJOY the hell out of that dinner, even if it is low-calorie. If the smell is strong, get a strong coffee and occupy yourself with that, or if your office rules permit, go and take a quick walk around the block, as brisk as you can make it to stimulate your circulation, release a few endorphins and bring yourself some feelings of power! Yes you can!! If you can't do that, go to the toilet, and do some power poses in front of the mirror to engender and reinforce your feelings of self-determination - YOU make your decisions, not your circumstances!!

    power poses which I mean are like standing in front of a mirror, feet hip width apart, chest puffed up and out, and arms alternately on your hips, and then in the air in what looks like a gesture of celebration or joy.

    If your personal rules are more flexible, then work it into your day, as others have said, and remember that tomorrow is a new day, with no calories in it yet ;)

    Either way, wish her a very happy birthday and smile :D

    Power poses? Sheesh. I'd powerfully eat one donut and make it work with my calorie count for the day.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    Split one with a coworker?
  • Illini_Jim
    Illini_Jim Posts: 419 Member
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I want a donut now :sad:
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP I looked at your diary because I thought maybe you are on a very restrictive calorie allotment - looks like you have a calorie goal of almost 1600. You should easily be able to work one or more donuts into that. You also mentioned that you and this co-worker have been walking at lunch. Why not wish her a happy birthday, eat a donut, and plan to do a couple extra laps at lunch to make up for the donut that you enjoyed while talking about what other fun plans she might have for her birthday...
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Its her birthday. Why on earth would she NOT bring donuts.
    Whether or not you stay within your calorie goals if you eat one or not is not her problem, that's yours. If you want one, fit it in your budget. If not, don't.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'm not going to lie. Sometimes a donut does not fit my macros. If it does and I really want a donut, then I will eat a donut.

    If you don't want to eat it, then don't. If you want it, then have it and try to make it work by eating really lean white fish or something.
  • GataRubia
    GataRubia Posts: 5 Member
    I am so sorry that so many people are commenting things like "be an adult" and that they don't understand why this is a moment of difficulty!

    I understand!!

    I also understand it is a bit funny, too, I mean all this debate over a donut, BUT it is the little habits and choices which are so difficult to make when we don't see clearly how they will fit into the bigger picture.

    I am really glad you posted this, because when you said "HELP!!! DONUTS!!!!" it made me laugh and think of all the times I have been through a similar situation, and felt unsure and also a bit melodramatic, and it made me feel not alone in these mini struggles. Also, btw I heard that people who see the complexities of smaller situations like this have a more pixalated view of the world, and deeper understanding of the world for it ;)

  • popupvideo
    popupvideo Posts: 50 Member
    Am I the only one who really doesn't want her to eat that donut. Office "snacks" are the worst. I use to work in an office with a big bowl of peanut m&m's at the front desk. So lame! Keep us updated...
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    so maybe don't comment, then! this forum IS for motivation and support - be kind :)

    Sorry, I meant this comment in reply to the person who said they can't help with self control!! Apparently you can't reply to comments...

    My comment was a nice comment to OP. Yes you can motivate people to get to where they need to go but ultimately it is up to the individual. Should I complain ever time there is alcohol in my house that can be shared?

    Another poster said will power is like a muscle you must exercise. The question is not eating one donuts the question is binge on the whole box. So no self control cannot be taught. Every individual figures it out of their own will.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Sacrifice yourself for the greater good... go eat all of the donuts so no one else is tempted!!!!

    Be the office hero!
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I am so sorry that so many people are commenting things like "be an adult" and that they don't understand why this is a moment of difficulty!

    I understand!!

    I also understand it is a bit funny, too, I mean all this debate over a donut, BUT it is the little habits and choices which are so difficult to make when we don't see clearly how they will fit into the bigger picture.

    I am really glad you posted this, because when you said "HELP!!! DONUTS!!!!" it made me laugh and think of all the times I have been through a similar situation, and felt unsure and also a bit melodramatic, and it made me feel not alone in these mini struggles. Also, btw I heard that people who see the complexities of smaller situations like this have a more pixalated view of the world, and deeper understanding of the world for it ;)


    Aww cute... a newbie.

    How's the internet treating you?
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Am I the only one who really doesn't want her to eat that donut. Office "snacks" are the worst. I use to work in an office with a big bowl of peanut m&m's at the front desk. So lame! Keep us updated...

    It's not wanting her to eat it or not, it's her choice to have one if she wants it, if she does log it and move on, if she doesn't don't eat it. But being upset that someone brought in donuts is ridiculous as we have a choice to eat it or not.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    Look up the calories and see if you can make it fit.
    Remember, cake donuts are way higher than the raised donuts.
    Have 1 or 1/2 of one but no more.

    If you can't stop at one avoid all together.

    Last week someone brought donuts and I had 2.
    Worked them right in to my day.

    Sure I had to go light for dinner...but I got to eat 2 donuts!
  • weight2go
    weight2go Posts: 92 Member
    Ask yourself how am I going to feel after I eat it. There's your answer. :wink: