HELP!!!! someone brought donuts!!!



  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    A deficit helps you lose the weight, self control helps you keep it off. Practice makes perfect, OP.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    The OP has one post in almost three years on MFP ... starting this thread.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
  • tedsmama
    tedsmama Posts: 178 Member
    Great....all the ones with sprinkles are probably gone by now. :sad:
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    The OP has one post in almost three years on MFP ... starting this thread.

    And then never posted again. annoying!
  • Crisseyda
    Crisseyda Posts: 532 Member
    So this post is hella old... I still have to say, why did so many people shame this woman for asking us to share in a moment of her vulnerability? She did the right thing by reaching out for support.

    Most people just need us to be present with them in the moment and empathize, not tell them what to do!
  • we have donuts every Friday in the office - If I can't enjoy something without guilt, I skip it. There will be days when you can splurge, and actually enjoy it. It doesn't sound like this is the time.:smile:
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    So this post is hella old... I still have to say, why did so many people shame this woman for asking us to share in a moment of her vulnerability? She did the right thing by reaching out for support.

    Most people just need us to be present with them in the moment and empathize, not tell them what to do!

    orrrrrrrrrr we could help her realize that she doesnt need to eliminate donuts from her intake.

    seems to me that's more helpful than circling around the OP singing kumbaya while we all perpetuate her fear of foods she loves.

  • It's her birthday. She can have donuts if she wants donuts.

    Either work one into your day and thank her for bringing them, or exercise self-control and don't have one.

    I agree 100%
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    So this post is hella old... I still have to say, why did so many people shame this woman for asking us to share in a moment of her vulnerability? She did the right thing by reaching out for support.

    Most people just need us to be present with them in the moment and empathize, not tell them what to do!

    7 hours is "hella old"?
  • Adubmarie87
    Adubmarie87 Posts: 41 Member
    I know those feels! Eat one and work it off later, or don't. But the office watches everyone so crazy!
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    Flee the building! (And send me the address so I can "clean up the contamination".)
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I never thought I could eat just one but I wanted something more, To Get My Life Back, so I have been able to eat one if I want it. It has taken some time but I have developed some self control, if I can do it you can also. Realizing we cant have everything we want. Realizing I have to take care of myself.
  • Can you have a flavored coffee or regular coffee to keep your mind and your nose off the donut drama .... step away from the donuts : )
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    Somebody brought donuts to my office too. She had a bad drive in, so compensated with donuts.

    I had one. Krispy Kreme, with superfine sugar. 181 calories.

    I still have nearly 700 calories left for the day, and only a few more hours during which I need to think about what I might eat.

    I have a stash of 300 calorie dinners and a stash of 100 calorie dessert options.

    So, no drama.

    I have plenty of choices for tonight, up to and including a half pound elk burger at Fuddrucker's, *and* having fries *and* a dessert (graham cracker with cream cheese). I need to earn another <50 exercise calories, but that's no problem.

    I don't know what the OP decided, but donuts can be a very manageable problem.
  • Rinny73
    Rinny73 Posts: 21
    Take it easy on the OP. Self control early in the game takes practice. And plenty of us didn't get weight loss 'right' the first or second or third time around, erroneously believing self control means deprivation. It took me long *kitten* time to realize this. If you've struggle with weight much of your life than the answers may not be as obvious to you as it is to others.

    But everyone is still right. This is how you start a healthier relationship with food. Eat in moderation and the existence of donuts will never plague you again. Right now I'm in a coffee shop surrounded by all the baked goodies I used to binge on. Not even fazed by it because the foods are never off limits for me. I just eat them once in a while. Eventually the cravings will go away. ????
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    You know what..I can sympathize. I mean, the majority of foods out there that I love and adore, I can resist or eat in moderation no problem. But when it comes to boston creme donuts or apple pie, its ALL over, completely and totally, do not pass go, do not collect $100.

    I actually stopped eating donuts completely about a year ago, before I even started trying to take losing weight seriously again, because I was on a 2-3 a day habit, the ones from 7-11. I realized I had a serious problem, and just stopped....didnt even go to 7-11 for months to totally avoid even seeing them there. And now, I still have to avoid the donut case when I stop in for gas. Its a weakness to the nth degree for me.

    So yeah, I feel for you!! And anyone with a particular thing that is sooo hard to say no to and makes life difficult who can relate! Like I said, with everything and anything else..I can either eat in moderation or avoid it with not much hassle...Im an adult..I swear! But donuts and apple I could never be a spy, forget torture, just put them in front of me and offer it to me if I talk. Id last about 5 seconds..the time it would take for me to choose what to shove in my face first LoL
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    So this post is hella old... I still have to say, why did so many people shame this woman for asking us to share in a moment of her vulnerability? She did the right thing by reaching out for support.

    Most people just need us to be present with them in the moment and empathize, not tell them what to do!

    By "hella old" you mean, from this morning... right? :huh:
  • Chls122
    Chls122 Posts: 22 Member
    OMG i can smell the donuts from the breakroom right behind me. The lady that brought them,... its her b-day but she is also dieting... she also knows that most of the office is watching what we eat and walking at lunch- supporting each other. why on earth would she bring a fricken dozen donuts? My will power is failing. I want to eat the whole damn box. :/

    Some people are just mean like that. You can eat one if you only eat one.. make sure and put it in your food log!
  • I wouldn't personally have one as I am loving seeing weight come off but if you are due a treat day why not try and fit one in to your calorie count :) For me I am trying to have a low sugar diet so donuts don't fit :)