Depressed boyfriend



  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    Great choice..I didn't read the original date! Lol! LIfe is too short and I hope he gets help!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm so happy to read your update OP!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I don't know about what the others are saying about running....I see their point but he doesn't sound dangerous for you....I mean, you sound like you are being supportive and that you love him. What would you abandoning him do to him? It would crush him. It sounds like you are all he has, and that you are in love but worried. I would NOT say to abandon this guy. He is in dire straits, and if you want to help him (which it sounds like you do), running would NOT be the thing I would say to do.

    So one thing I want to say is some anti-depressants make things worse for suicidal thoughts, so is this something new? Is he open to switching therapists if this one isn't working?

    When my boyfriend was recovering from knee surgery it got very hard for the both of us, for some reason it hit him hard and he would say things like what's the point of getting up if you're just going to go back to bed again. In addition my father got really low when he had a back injury. Not being mobile affects your mental state incredibly. Not that this is as bad as what your boyfriend is saying but you love him, and I mean, he's been through some tough stuff, people can stick these things out and hopefully he will come out the other side and you two will be stronger for it. I mean, you don't think he would REALLY kill a cop, do you? If you have those doubts that's one thing, but it sounds like he has anger and depression and is just throwing these words around to express that....I would just try to help him, maybe switch therapists, stick it out if you truly love him and he is not a danger to you...feel free to message me if you need some support through this

    EDIT: a little more about my father, he was so snippy and nasty and miserable during this time when he was on pain killers, etc. for the back pain. Now the back pain has not gotten better but he dropped the painkillers and his mood improved drastically. I mean, it was to the point that every word we said was a personal attack against him. He always had anger problems when I was growing up but the injury just sunk him low. Again, yes a lot of people recover fine but sometimes the lack of mobility and freedom that comes with a back injury REALLY hurts people mentally. I just hate to think of someone else abandoning this kid when it seems everyone else has...

    Bad advice. She's not responsible for his well being. And if he could be dangerous she needs to be away from him.
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    So happy to hear you made the choice that was best for you. Good for you for having the guts to do what it takes. Wishing you many happy and healthy days in the future with the perfect guy. :)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I don't know if anyone will see this update but I just wanted to let you all know that I have left Mike. I left him roughly a year ago actually and I'm just now beginning to date again. I learned a lot from being in a relationship like that and I know now what kind of warning signs to look for in a potential boyfriend/husband. He never did hit me but I realize now that it WAS an abusive relationship. It was an emotionally, mentally, psychologically abusive relationship. I felt like I couldn't leave him without being responsible for the death he threatened me with almost everyday. Well, a year after our break up and he's still alive, still in school. I look back at all your responses and it brings tears to my eyes, how much you all cared for me, a complete stranger. If I could've cared for my own mental health half as much as all you kind people did, I wouldn't have been with him as long as I was.

    I'm doing much better today. Happier, healthier, back to losing weight. I was so depressed and miserable with Mike that I ate and ate until I'd gone from 180 to 240. I'm now under 200 again. I have my first date tonight with a very nice man who has a cheerful, positive outlook on life. I'm very nervous, but also excited!

    Thank you again for all of your support and kind words. They still mean the world to me.

    awesome! congratulations.
  • sensitivefool
    sensitivefool Posts: 343 Member
    As someone with a similar background to your boyfriend, I say this;

    It is not your job to help him.
    He makes you uncomfortable.
    End it.

    Edit:: oh, good! You did. Smart cookie!
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Removed my initial advice (to leave him), I should have read the whole thread before posting!

    OP, glad to hear that you did leave and you're happier and healthier because of it. Good luck on your date!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    It's really okay to love someone with a mental health issue. Just realize what that means for you. Decide for yourself if both Mikes put together (happy and depressed) is someone you can spend your life with. Can you accept him for who he is? Can you support him when he needs you? If he is in treatment and on medication, he is doing everything that he can. Are you able to give him what he needs?

    Edit: So I just saw your update. I'm glad you were able to make a decision that was right for you. I'm going to leave my advice up though just in case someone else needs it.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    I don't know if anyone will see this update but I just wanted to let you all know that I have left Mike. I left him roughly a year ago actually and I'm just now beginning to date again. I learned a lot from being in a relationship like that and I know now what kind of warning signs to look for in a potential boyfriend/husband. He never did hit me but I realize now that it WAS an abusive relationship. It was an emotionally, mentally, psychologically abusive relationship. I felt like I couldn't leave him without being responsible for the death he threatened me with almost everyday. Well, a year after our break up and he's still alive, still in school. I look back at all your responses and it brings tears to my eyes, how much you all cared for me, a complete stranger. If I could've cared for my own mental health half as much as all you kind people did, I wouldn't have been with him as long as I was.

    I'm doing much better today. Happier, healthier, back to losing weight. I was so depressed and miserable with Mike that I ate and ate until I'd gone from 180 to 240. I'm now under 200 again. I have my first date tonight with a very nice man who has a cheerful, positive outlook on life. I'm very nervous, but also excited!

    Thank you again for all of your support and kind words. They still mean the world to me.

    awesome! congratulations.

    Oh, thank goodness! Congratulations on moving on with your life and taking care of yourself.
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    I'm sorry that you went through that but I'm glad the decisions you made have ultimately made you happier and stronger, after all, that's what life is all about :flowerforyou: