Ramen alternative ?



  • like everyone else has said, ditch the packet. The fat can still be high though. So... if you have a big asian market around, ask if they have any frozen saimin noodles. LOVE them. 0 fat, the ones I get (though it's been awhile) are frozen in single serve packets, just under 200 calories.

    If you want a 'no thought' sauce for a kid, at the same store I also get a 'squeeze' bottle of miso. Looks like a ketchup bottle. a little squeeze in some water usually is perfect, toss in some veggies, voila! no skill needed.

    The frozen saimin takes about 2 minutes to thaw / 'cook' in boiling water. I've never used the micro for them (I toss water and frozen veggies in a wok, boil, then toss the noodles in), but it should work fine in a big bowl in the micro.

    Otherwise, packaged 'fresh' noodles are usually in abundance at the same type of store. Udon, ramen, soba, etc. They basically just need to be reheated. Last 1 lb pack I bought, I just parsed it out to single serve in snack baggies, froze some, kept some in fridge. Very fast.

    Oh - something that's VERY tasty with them - some peanut flour mixed with a bit of soy sauce. Peanuty goodness. I usually use protein plus peanut flour. I've tried some darker roast ones and didn't like the flavor as well. This noodle / peanut / soy combo is good hot OR cold. I like to add hot sauce to it when it's cold so it's spicy.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    There's like 700 something milligrams of sodium in one package. I consider that unhealthy.

    Hint: don't use the seasoning packet, or use very little. THAT'S where all the sodium is.
    The noodles themselves are just fine, IMVHO.
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    Not only does Ramen pack a lot of sodium they are also deep fried before being dehydrated.. that's why they taste so good!

    I like using Udon noodles.

    Or low carb brands of "angel hair pasta"-Dreamfield's brand is good.

    I have tried "bean thread noodles" that you can get in the Asian grocery. They're pretty good.. they're the little vermicelli type noodles you see in spring rolls. They're bland on their own so you really have to sauce them up.

    I've been hearing good things about shiritaki noodles but I haven't tried those.

    It's pretty easy to make your own peanut sauce which can help flavor any of these.

    Good luck!
  • Stdavis53
    Stdavis53 Posts: 233 Member
    Shiritaki noodles cooked with reduced sodium chicken broth!
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    You could try rice noodles - vermicelli? Just buy the plain noodles and make your own seasoning. Maybe get your son involved in mixing flavours he likes. That way it's more fun and he can experiment.

    Yeah I think rice noodles will be the avenue I take.
  • Corjogo
    Corjogo Posts: 201 Member
    There is no alternative. Ramen is it's own classification of stuff and when you want ramen nothing else will suffice. It's like Taco Bell.

    No Alternative? Gosh, news to me. I use Ramon noodles in my home made chicken broth (no sodium). My family loves it that way.:noway:
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    There's like 700 something milligrams of sodium in one package.
    I consider that unhealthy.

    And those packets are usually pre-fried noodles. You have to be really careful when looking. I have seen steamed noodles in the refridgerator section, by the tofu. They look really similar to the ramen. You could try those out, and then just make your own sauce to toss in. Years ago I used to be able to find steamed, dried - but haven't found those in a while. Good luck!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    if you mean INSTANT ramen, there is something called "Greenoodle" which is more nutritious and less fat than regular (because instant ramen is fried, and this isn't).
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I'm a mom and we eat ramen all the time! We only use about a third of the packet per pack of noodles, and add eg g and veggies to it, sometimes chicken. Super yummy, and not that bad for you. We also drain the water and add the seasoning directly to the noodles, the flavor goes waaay farther that way.
  • Spinach skinny dip shiritaki noodles are amazing and zero calories and sodium
  • jfredrick18511
    jfredrick18511 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a little late on my reply, but it seems most of the posts put the blame on the seasoning. While hugely laden with salt and MSG, the DEEP FRIED noodles are terrible for you. I would take the flavor packets over the noodles and just drink a little (or a ton) more water and take some potassium. :smile: But, I still love those terrible little things - especially with hot sauce!
  • eylia
    eylia Posts: 200 Member
    Soba, udon and rice noodles all make reasonable subs. I don't really agree with people suggesting shiritaki; if he's a kid, he wants his growing calories, so giving him a 'zero' calorie meal is a bit off to me. Just experiment a bit and come up with a flavouring he enjoys, maybe even have a look at what they're using in his favourite flavour sachet of ramen and source the basics in there yourself. Many use powdered onion and spices, so a combination of those with some lower sodium stock, or stir fry sauce, or even just soy might catch his fancy.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I make my own noodles with my pasta machine - flour & egg whites and the noodles are delish
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    well, the noodles aren't bad, they're just like any other noodle, i would buy the asian kind, where you add the packet of soup and stuff separately (there are lots of kinds, just not the top ramen) and add less of it, 1/2 or even 1/4 is fine, it also has the oil and the veggies to add, so add less oil, and add your own veggies and spices and just a little bit of the soup mix.

    Also the same goes for the thai kitchen ones with rice noodles, they have the soup and oil in packets so you can add as much as you want.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    http://www.amazon.com/Dr-McDougalls-Right-Foods-2-1-Ounce/dp/B000FFLTCS I don't know the nutrition on these

    Or just use half the package? (Also add an egg and some peas and carrots to it)

    Actually this looks like it has hal the sodium - http://www.fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/dr-mcdougalls-right-foods/vegan-miso-ramen
  • nissar6
    nissar6 Posts: 6 Member
    Instant Ramen noodles are bad all the way around. The flavor packs or flavor is packed with chemicals and sodium. The noodles themselves are processed and packed with chemicals that can make us sick. Americans are in 6th place in the world when it comes to ramen consumption behind #5 China, #4 Indonesia, #3 Japan, #2 Vietnam, #1 Korea. Koreans suffer a lot from Metabolic Syndrome, heart atrack and stroke. Koreans that consume less ramen or only have it once a week don't show up as being afflicted with Metabolic Syndrome as much. And according to studies at Harvard and Baylor you will be less likely to get heart attack, stroke and diabetes just if you avoided instant ramen because of the fact that the ramen industry by and large packs the instant stuff with crazy chemical preservatives, palm oil, soy based ingredients.that would be bad especially for women too. All those preservatives and chemicals while flash frying it all up in order for it to be that convenient block-o-doodles we know so well.

    I think this.gentleman is in his right frame of mind in thinking about the health and well being of his son. As well as avoiding this processed food as we should be weary of all processed as well as GMO foods in order to prevent leukemia and lymphoma.

    On that note:
    If people really care about fighting cancer especially leukemia and lymphoma we must divest from all GMOs and their companies. Especially Monsanto and Dow Chemical the makers of asphertame, pesticides and seeds that rely on the chemical industry in order for farmers to stay in business with these companies and businesses. Making the entire world into children of the Dust Bowl over and over again. Think about it... what are you hungry for..Our bodies and planet, ultimately at the end of the day, are our temples and humble vibrant aboads. But only if we care for them... totally not being facetious.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Mr Skinny ..
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Instant Ramen noodles are bad all the way around. The flavor packs or flavor is packed with chemicals and sodium. The noodles themselves are processed and packed with chemicals that can make us sick. Americans are in 6th place in the world when it comes to ramen consumption behind #5 China, #4 Indonesia, #3 Japan, #2 Vietnam, #1 Korea. Koreans suffer a lot from Metabolic Syndrome, heart atrack and stroke. Koreans that consume less ramen or only have it once a week don't show up as being afflicted with Metabolic Syndrome as much. And according to studies at Harvard and Baylor you will be less likely to get heart attack, stroke and diabetes just because of the fact that the ramen industry by and large packs the instant stuff with crazy chemical preservatives, palm oil, soy based ingredients.that would be bad especially for women too. All those preservatives and chemicals while flash frying it all up in order for it to be that convenient block-o-doodles we know so well.

    I think this.gentleman is in his right frame of mind in thinking about the health and well being of his son. As well as avoiding this processed food as we should be weary of all processed as well as GMO foods in order to prevent leukemia and lymphoma.

    On that note:
    If people really care about fighting cancer especially leukemia and lymphoma we must divest from all GMOs and their companies. Especially Monsanto and Dow Chemical the makers of asphertame, pesticides and seeds that rely on the chemical industry in order for farmers to stay in business with these companies and businesses. Making the entire world into children of the Dust Bowl over and over again. Think about it... what are you hungry for because our bodies and planet ultimately at the end of the day are our temples and humble vibrant aboads if we care for them... totally not being facetious.

    Excellent job of thread necroing. I went to look for helpful information before I realized how old this damn thread is. Anyways, since I took the time to look up my favorite ramen recipe anyways.....


    Oh, and this:
  • Spiderwoman333
    Spiderwoman333 Posts: 4 Member
    http://www.lotusfoods.com/lotusFoodsC5/index.php/products/rice-ramen/ These are yummy! I think they are less unhealthy than a lot of ramen packages.
  • nissar6
    nissar6 Posts: 6 Member
    Very long time since I been on this ****in site. I.was looking for an.alternative to instant ramen and found this thread.

    I forgot about the cesspool of the comment section.
    I'm not a hippie. Furthest from one. Didn't know taking care of what you put into your body was something to make fun of