Vent Page



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I hate the exercise room in my apartment complex,its dirty and i mean like 2 inches of dirt on the bottom of the tredmills alot of the stuff is broken,or older than me.Then last time I was there this lady was there with her 5 kids not a one of them oer the age of 10,and they were just going wild.I had a 3 year old jump on my tredmill that was going pretty fast and launc himself into the wall.Not once did the mom say anything to her kids.Not only that but at night that becomes the hang out room for everyone without cable since theres a big screen tv with cable in there errrrrr im not going back ill work out at home:explode:
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I hate the exercise room in my apartment complex,its dirty and i mean like 2 inches of dirt on the bottom of the tredmills alot of the stuff is broken,or older than me.Then last time I was there this lady was there with her 5 kids not a one of them oer the age of 10,and they were just going wild.I had a 3 year old jump on my tredmill that was going pretty fast and launc himself into the wall.Not once did the mom say anything to her kids.Not only that but at night that becomes the hang out room for everyone without cable since theres a big screen tv with cable in there errrrrr im not going back ill work out at home:explode:

    Ew that's terrible!
  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    the problem: Slow metabolism

    the rant/vent:
    I have been strict (but not too strict) on my calories, on my exercise, and on my water. I have been good about fruits and vegetables and whole grains, and cutting down sugar, and cutting down sodium, ad nauseum. I trawl the forum here for advice, (like a fish trawler, not an internet troll), I change my diet to see different results.

    i do cardio, I do weight lifting, I'm on the C25K, I do war games on the weekends.

    and I have lost 15 pounds in 4 months.
    I am NOT a small person! I have a lot to lose and right now I'm stuck at the pace where I can't even lose 5 pounds a month no matter how hard I try!
    Slow and steady?! I feel like I'm going so slow I'm going BACKWARDS. I could scream and cry and curse the sky but where am I left? Alone, crying, miserable, and hoarse. and fat.
    I am 24 and I have the metabolism of a 50 year old! I drink tea, I eat cayenne in my oatmeal (quite good actually), fibre bars, I walk as much as I can at work, I can't remember the last time I really truly threw caution to the wind and pigged the heck out..

    And what's more? I've lost 25 pounds since I bought the jeans that I am wearing right this moment and they are STILL snug. SNUG LIKE THE DAY I BOUGHT THEM.

    I still huff and puff after going up 3 flights of stairs, every day.
    Every day I wake up, check the scale and say "I'm still doing this, I'm working hard, the weight will come off" but today feels like one of those days where I am lying to myself.

    I can't even entertain the idea of giving up now.

    But I can still be mad.

    Poor thing! Maybe stop weighing yourself every day! It's not going to help you lose any faster but there doesn't seem to be a point in torturing yourself daily! At least bring it down to weekly, maybe! Good luck though. Keep going and you'll get there! I'm on a 5 year plan myself! :laugh:
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    the problem: Slow metabolism

    the rant/vent:
    I have been strict (but not too strict) on my calories, on my exercise, and on my water. I have been good about fruits and vegetables and whole grains, and cutting down sugar, and cutting down sodium, ad nauseum. I trawl the forum here for advice, (like a fish trawler, not an internet troll), I change my diet to see different results.

    i do cardio, I do weight lifting, I'm on the C25K, I do war games on the weekends.

    and I have lost 15 pounds in 4 months.
    I am NOT a small person! I have a lot to lose and right now I'm stuck at the pace where I can't even lose 5 pounds a month no matter how hard I try!
    Slow and steady?! I feel like I'm going so slow I'm going BACKWARDS. I could scream and cry and curse the sky but where am I left? Alone, crying, miserable, and hoarse. and fat.
    I am 24 and I have the metabolism of a 50 year old! I drink tea, I eat cayenne in my oatmeal (quite good actually), fibre bars, I walk as much as I can at work, I can't remember the last time I really truly threw caution to the wind and pigged the heck out..

    And what's more? I've lost 25 pounds since I bought the jeans that I am wearing right this moment and they are STILL snug. SNUG LIKE THE DAY I BOUGHT THEM.

    I still huff and puff after going up 3 flights of stairs, every day.
    Every day I wake up, check the scale and say "I'm still doing this, I'm working hard, the weight will come off" but today feels like one of those days where I am lying to myself.

    I can't even entertain the idea of giving up now.

    But I can still be mad.

    Poor thing! Maybe stop weighing yourself every day! It's not going to help you lose any faster but there doesn't seem to be a point in torturing yourself daily! At least bring it down to weekly, maybe! Good luck though. Keep going and you'll get there! I'm on a 5 year plan myself! :laugh:

    I know it's counter-intuitive and maybe not good advice, but take a day and throw caution to the wind. You're used to eating healthy, so you probably won't let yourself go too far off track, but just take 1 day. Maybe your body is holding on to some fat because it's worried it isn't getting enough. I got frustrated for the first time in 2 weeks since actively participating on this site (plus it was a snow day) and ate and drank whatever I wanted. I woke up the next day and broke through my plateau. Can't explain it. And don't recommend going too far overboard or for longer than 1 day, but it might be good for the soul to let loose just once.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    I hate the exercise room in my apartment complex,its dirty and i mean like 2 inches of dirt on the bottom of the tredmills alot of the stuff is broken,or older than me.Then last time I was there this lady was there with her 5 kids not a one of them oer the age of 10,and they were just going wild.I had a 3 year old jump on my tredmill that was going pretty fast and launc himself into the wall.Not once did the mom say anything to her kids.Not only that but at night that becomes the hang out room for everyone without cable since theres a big screen tv with cable in there errrrrr im not going back ill work out at home:explode:

    I know how ya feel. The one at my apts has a (i think) Bowflex-- its missing so many parts its useless, a sationary bike that is in pieces, and 2 treadmills. Onde treadmill will start and about a min after you get going at a good pace just stops for no reason, the other won't even start. and the room is all windows. I wish I could request a discount on my rent since part of the cost is technically cause they have a so called "gym". Ugg. I'm just glad being military I have access to a couple of on base gyms with working equipment.

    "An open letter part 2" is another vent page for those interested in reading/adding to it.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I was fixing lunch and I made a whole bunch of mixed vegetables, chicken nuggets, and a baked potato. I get a comment of, after what are you eating, "Vegetables?" *scoffing tone there*; yep, vegetables. And then they say: "How are you cooking the chicken?" Me: "In the fryer, because the oven is very extremely slow, and they don't get cooked as much as I want them."

    Seriously, it's my food! Why does it matter?? And then, I ate all my vegetables raw (kidney beans, corn, green beans, peppers) and I ate them cold. "It'd be better if you heat them up" I get told. Well, guess what? Maybe I like cold vegetables!

    Grrrr! Well, there's my rant (so far) today...
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    "An open letter part 2" is another vent page for those interested in reading/adding to it.

    I'll have to go read this. Apparently, I find these interesting LOL.
  • Way to go...Iam just starting and it's great to see someone having made their first goal!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I want to start screaming (and slapping fools around) every time people who have not seen me in a while (we are talking YEARS here) come up to me and the first thing that comes out of their mouth is "Oh my, what happened to you? Last time I saw you you were so small and fit! You used to have a really nice body!" or "Wow, you gained weight!"... All I want to say is "Wow you got old!" or "Wow, you got uglier"... or "Wow, how rude are you??"
    Then they go on to tell me how everyone tells them THEY have not changed and I just have to bite my lip to stop from asking "Have you looked at tyour self in the mirror??"

    Wow. Who does that?? My daughter had a pool party for her birthday a couple of years ago. I had recently put on all my extra weight (quit smoking, etc). One of our friends there started teasing me about getting so chunky in front of my exhusband's new (super-young) girfirend and all our friends and family. He just thought it was HILARIOUS to keep pointing out how much I had gained. I'm still pissed at him and it kind of cnahged my opinion of him. Especially since he is short and fat. :grumble:
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    My vent's at me. I'm so sleepy and sluggish today because I went stupid crazy last night at a party (didn't even bother to log it -- it was too depressing and I'd have no idea how to even start!). I didn't need those 4 beer (or was it 5?) but they were free, along with the food. And because it was at a stadium, the food wasn't exactly healthy, but I knew that going in. So I started small and fine (roast beef sandwich, mini slider burger, etc) but after a few beer, we found the dessert table and their damn HUGE chocolate chip cookies (I would guess that they had to be 400+ calories EACH). I could have split with my husband, but not only did I grab one myself to eat (took like 5 minutes to eat it it was so big), but I grabbed ANOTHER one to eat while walking. It actually made me sick eating it (so sweet and too much food), and I ate pretty much the whole thing, even though I was sick of cookie right away.

    So I'm mad at myself and my beer goggles. I'm back on track today, but yesterday's gorge is still making me sick thinking about it!
  • sharmonesq
    sharmonesq Posts: 113 Member
    I just got my degree in criminal justice and am applying for police academies. This typically comes up in conversations, but most people don't seem to approve. They all think I should be going to law school because I'll make more money that way. If I wanted to be a lawyer, I would! I would make an AWFUL lawyer. They don't listen to me when I say that, however, because they spend the rest of the conversation trying to convince me to change my mind. I think I have a better idea of what I want for my life than a complete stranger!

    I loved this post. There is so much I could rant about today, but I just felt the need to comment. First of all, congrats on getting your degree and working toward your goals. I am a lawyer but want to be on the criminal justice side of the lawyering someday, but can't find a job doing that here (moving is not really an option right now). I, on the other hand, get annoyed when people assume I make good money becuase I am a lawyer. I am from a small town and right now I am a public defender. Especially when you consider my student loans, I could have made a lot more money having not went to law school and doing things I could do with my B.A. (My fault not looking into that stuff before going to law school.) But my family always makes wise cracks about how we should be able to afford stuff becuase I'm A LAWYER. Only certain types of lawyers make good money and in this economy those are few and few between unless you are in a big city. Sheesh. There are just too many lawyers. Anyway, then when we buy something new (like for example a couch that I had to FINANCE) then they say stuff like "wow, you guys much be rolling". Incidently, my hubby was a cop for almost 15 years. Now he's a probation officer. He actually started law school before he got his new job and people thought he was crazy for quitting but when you compare his job with mine factoring in the cost of student loans, he actually has the better job. Plus I'm sure he's happier than he would have been as a lawyer minus the whole not having a boss thing (he wanted his own practice). LOL
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I just got my degree in criminal justice and am applying for police academies. This typically comes up in conversations, but most people don't seem to approve. They all think I should be going to law school because I'll make more money that way. If I wanted to be a lawyer, I would! I would make an AWFUL lawyer. They don't listen to me when I say that, however, because they spend the rest of the conversation trying to convince me to change my mind. I think I have a better idea of what I want for my life than a complete stranger!

    I saw this the other day but didn't comment on it and I should have. I second the earler poster in saying CONGRATULATIONS!! That's a huge accomplishment. I got my BS in Criminal Justice and I went on to apply to local law enforcement. I had gotten pretty far in the application process (which had like 10 steps) only to not be hired due to budget cuts. I am now a legal secretary moreso because law was something I grasped easily and less because it has anything to do with my degree (which it really doesn't much). You do your thing, girl. You get one life. Screw the haters and stick to your guns. Best of luck to you in your application processes, and just think: that police academy is gonna get you straight as far as health is concerned - just a fringe benefit.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,571 Member
    Oh, where do I start?!?!? I'll do one today and save the others.

    I'm a stay at home mom but there's not much stay at home. I'm extremely organized, have lists and make plans on what needs to get done, who needs to be where and when everything is supposed to happen. This allows me peace of mind that the important stuff is being done and leaves me free to enjoy my workouts and the time I take to play golf (once a week right now). But, my husband is under the impression that I do nothing but wait for him to call. He wants to chat when I have things I need to be doing and he gets frustrated when he hears me in the background doing dishes, laundry or whatever. The worst is when he calls and says "I need you to ..." whatever it is and he expects me to drop everything and do it for him then! And when I try to say, "I'm sorry, I can't get to that today" I get the "you had time to go workout though didn't you (or play golf)" GRRRRRRR. Makes me INSANE!
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Oh, where do I start?!?!? I'll do one today and save the others.

    I'm a stay at home mom but there's not much stay at home. I'm extremely organized, have lists and make plans on what needs to get done, who needs to be where and when everything is supposed to happen. This allows me peace of mind that the important stuff is being done and leaves me free to enjoy my workouts and the time I take to play golf (once a week right now). But, my husband is under the impression that I do nothing but wait for him to call. He wants to chat when I have things I need to be doing and he gets frustrated when he hears me in the background doing dishes, laundry or whatever. The worst is when he calls and says "I need you to ..." whatever it is and he expects me to drop everything and do it for him then! And when I try to say, "I'm sorry, I can't get to that today" I get the "you had time to go workout though didn't you (or play golf)" GRRRRRRR. Makes me INSANE!

    I'm not a stay at home mom, or even a mom. But my husband does that too. He even tried once telling me he works more hours than I do (we are both active duty military) and I should take care of the home. You should have heard my hysterical laughter. I let him know then and there that we both work all day (most days I do 8 hour shifts m-f he does 12hr shifts 3-2-2-3 days a week) [3-2-2-3 is m-t work, w-tr off, f-s-s work, then m-t off, w-tr work, f-s-s off] He helps me (when I remind him) with the chores now. But he will still call me on my day off and want me to drop everything for whatever his whim is. He has even woken me up a 445 am (sat morning, after i went to bed at 330) before to ask me to drive to our base and bring him a hot pocket! My response was "are you fing kidding me? maybe, Maybe when I wake up at a decent hour.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,571 Member
    You know, I think we are all married to the same man cloned!
  • I've heard this one my whole life.. especially from filipino women:

    "Oh my gosh she's so pretty, but she's so fat!"

    and my reply..."thanks I'm sorry you're just fat and ugly...":laugh:
  • I watch that show to and like it. It must really be hard not having support from your family but maybe with time they will change when they see what your doing.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Ok. This is getting on my nerves.

    I have this coworker who's office is right next to mine. She obviously is in desperate need of attention because anytime anything slightly out of the ordinary happens, she has to come out and make sure everyone knows. Like 2 days ago when we got out early for snow. She came out of her interior (not window) office to make sure everyone knew it was snowing. I'm sorry, I can see the window. I knew when it started snowing. Then when the Fed Govt got let go, she went around to each person (until she could find someone willing to entertain her presence) advising that the government got to leave early. She just came out to my desk to ask me if the music she was playing in her office was too loud and went on a long monologue about how she needs to have music on but her usual music was "out" (whatever that means). Um, stop talking for just a second and see if you can even hear your office music from my desk. Why do you need to interrupt my day with your innane comments just so that you can make yourself known.

    This, by the way, is the same girl who arranged for us all to go out to lunch for her birthday (2 weeks early so it'd be during restaurant week) and then put up a "fight" when we tried to pay for her meal.

    Out of context, these things might not sound so terrible, trust me they are when you add up the past 3 years of my life!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Here’s an issue I deal with A Lot with my family; I’m a lacto-Ovo vegetarian (meaning I eat eggs and dairy) and have been for over 10 years. My family still refuses to accept that I don’t eat meat and are convinced that I don’t get enough protein even when I show them the stats of how much protein I consume daily and through what types of food and how it meets with all nutritional guidelines! Better yet when I get asked about what I’ll do when I start a family (DH and I are actively TTC for a while now) and respond by saying I’ll continue eating in the same manner they freak and say “you say that because your not a mom” implying that the way I’m eating would hurt a child and that no mother would ever put her kid through it.
    Oh, and when I go to eat at my parents house and they try to sneak meat into a dish while telling me there’s none in it only to tell me after I’ve eaten by saying “see it didn’t kill you!”. Then they wonder why I don’t go visit much anymore!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Here’s an issue I deal with A Lot with my family; I’m a lacto-Ovo vegetarian (meaning I eat eggs and dairy) and have been for over 10 years. My family still refuses to accept that I don’t eat meat and are convinced that I don’t get enough protein even when I show them the stats of how much protein I consume daily and through what types of food and how it meets with all nutritional guidelines! Better yet when I get asked about what I’ll do when I start a family (DH and I are actively TTC for a while now) and respond by saying I’ll continue eating in the same manner they freak and say “you say that because your not a mom” implying that the way I’m eating would hurt a child and that no mother would ever put her kid through it.
    Oh, and when I go to eat at my parents house and they try to sneak meat into a dish while telling me there’s none in it only to tell me after I’ve eaten by saying “see it didn’t kill you!”. Then they wonder why I don’t go visit much anymore!

    Oh my gosh this pisses me off and it's not even happening to me! Hang in there!
  • Drinking caffeinated pop is an addiction. I know because I've been addicted to it. The witdrawals are horrible headaches for a couple of days. I gave it up 4 days ago, but am missing it.
  • AidaR
    AidaR Posts: 28 Member
    It’s funny that this is the first post I saw when I came back from lunch b'cuz I was so irritated LOL... I went to bank during lunch and of course had to wait in line (what else is new). The lady that was in line behind has never heard of personal space or showers for that matter. She was standing so close to me I could touch her with my purse whenever I'd move slightly. I turned around and looked at her and try to move but she did not care at all. The most irritating 5 mins ever LOL
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Here’s an issue I deal with A Lot with my family; I’m a lacto-Ovo vegetarian (meaning I eat eggs and dairy) and have been for over 10 years. My family still refuses to accept that I don’t eat meat and are convinced that I don’t get enough protein even when I show them the stats of how much protein I consume daily and through what types of food and how it meets with all nutritional guidelines! Better yet when I get asked about what I’ll do when I start a family (DH and I are actively TTC for a while now) and respond by saying I’ll continue eating in the same manner they freak and say “you say that because your not a mom” implying that the way I’m eating would hurt a child and that no mother would ever put her kid through it.
    Oh, and when I go to eat at my parents house and they try to sneak meat into a dish while telling me there’s none in it only to tell me after I’ve eaten by saying “see it didn’t kill you!”. Then they wonder why I don’t go visit much anymore!

    Why is that carnvores are so offended by use herbivore (or semi omnivores in your and my case...I eat pretty much like you) I don't try to sneak a vegetarian meal in on them...I am thoughtful that others eat meat and always make sure some is available for everyone...why is this so darn tricky?????
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I was thinking back to the eating 1200 cals page and peoples' reponses to it as well. I might eat 2000 cals in a day with lots of foods and veggie but still be under 1200 if my workout was big enough/intense enough. 2000 calories of veggies etc is a lot of flipping food...but I do have to say I don't get "forgetting" to tummy reminds "hey dummy I am down here please or I will ruin you day ith a huge case of crankies!"

    My other vent..when I have a color coded calander on the fridge with all 4 kids, my schedule, family events, DH events etc and yet DH is always surprised when I "spring" things on him. We have had screaming matches (my hormones were pretty wacked for a while..excuse I can continue...LOL) because I was just letting him know (really the 4th time) that I was working the following day and he would be on kid duty...
  • Being the "dumping ground" in work. No matter what has to be done, I seem to be the one asked to do it. As if I don't have enough to do without being given extra work.:explode:

    I seriously think the place is going to disintegrate into complete chaos in February when I go off for two weeks holidays.:smile:

    Totally!! I agree! Mine is the same way and I sacrafice myself so I don't have to listen to everyone else complain. So now I am having to change EVERYTHING to find time to get in any kind of work out! :explode:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    It’s funny that this is the first post I saw when I came back from lunch b'cuz I was so irritated LOL... I went to bank during lunch and of course had to wait in line (what else is new). The lady that was in line behind has never heard of personal space or showers for that matter. She was standing so close to me I could touch her with my purse whenever I'd move slightly. I turned around and looked at her and try to move but she did not care at all. The most irritating 5 mins ever LOL

    This happened to me too. Ever heard of personal space, people? Apparently, this person didn't either.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    It’s funny that this is the first post I saw when I came back from lunch b'cuz I was so irritated LOL... I went to bank during lunch and of course had to wait in line (what else is new). The lady that was in line behind has never heard of personal space or showers for that matter. She was standing so close to me I could touch her with my purse whenever I'd move slightly. I turned around and looked at her and try to move but she did not care at all. The most irritating 5 mins ever LOL

    This happened to me too. Ever heard of personal space, people? Apparently, this person didn't either.

    Happened to me on the metro. It was really super crowded at first and as we went through stops and people got off, this one DUDE was so close to me I could feel his breath on my neck. It's one of those moments you think "I should just move to that empty space over there" but I was so flustered I couldn't deal. I looked at him and asked him to back up...yea. He took half a step back. Seriously? This was at like 8:45 am too. Needless to say, my husband drops me off and picks me up from work everyday.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I'm really ticked off right now, at myself I guess. I can't find half of a document I'm looking for. UGH! :explode:
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    My husband has been bothering me lately.

    I normally don't talk crap about him...and I know it's not *him* that is bugging me...

    He likes "big" girls...and I think he's a little miffed that I'm losing weight. Weird, no? LOL At my heaviest, he was all over me. All.the.time. Now, it's been a week or so and NOTHING.

    Oh well, he'll get over it. But-- it still bugs.
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