What do you do to make exercise fun?

I've pretty much given up on exercise at this point--I've learned I really, really don't like it. Like, all forms of exercise.

But I'm curious, what do y'all do to make exercise fun or interesting? Types of exercise, music, strategies, you name it.


  • Mhgretsch
    Mhgretsch Posts: 259 Member
    I'm not sure these things make it "fun", but they definitely make it more enjoyable...music, having time to myself, and the feeling I get afterward when look back over a month or so and see how I've improved...run faster, lift more, etc.
  • Play pretend. I walk and listen to music and depending on the type of music I'm either swaying my hips like a model or pretending to be a ninja. It looks crazy but I think people are used to it by now. :laugh:

    <--- Or I'm pretending to be the Dragon King's Knight. In short, roleplaying makes it fun for me.
  • I've sort of learned to love it, but when I first started, I used to absolutely hate cardio, so I would often just put on some music I like and dance. I still do that when I don't feel like doing anything else, and it's a great way to work up a sweat without really thinking about distance or how fast I'm going or any those factors.
  • Typical cliche Mom here, but I exercise with my kids.

    I run with my oldest (who's 10) on the weekends and I catch up on her life and her tween-age drama (heehee).

    I play sports with my son (who's 7). He's REALLY in Softball/Baseball right now.

    I play Just Dance with my littlest ones (who are 4 & 2) they're my funny dancing queens (er, princesses?)

    I go on power-walks/jogging with my hubby on most weekday morning after we drop the kids off at school.

    I strength train to the awesomest music ever!

    I do Zumba a few times a month with some good friends.

    I swim every once-in-while at my mom's house, and we play games like who can swim across the pool the fastest while holding a beer that cannot touch the water, lol!

    And, uh, nekked yoga with the hubs... :blushing:
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    Personally, I hated doing stuff until I bought the Zombies, Run! app for my phone. Now I get to listen to a story in between my music, and it makes me feel like I'm in a game or something. Really lets my imagination run wild! I also workout for "lazy credit" that I can use towards stuff like watching football games or something.
  • wissabear
    wissabear Posts: 62 Member
    I joined a running club! Everything is better with friends.
  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    I joined a running club! Everything is better with friends.

    I envy y'all that can do the social thing with exercise. Too much embarrassment over here, haha.
  • Personally, I hated doing stuff until I bought the Zombies, Run! app for my phone. Now I get to listen to a story in between my music, and it makes me feel like I'm in a game or something. Really lets my imagination run wild!

    This is what I do too, only I make up my own fantasy in my head ;) the type of music inspires the type of story oddly. Makes me feel like a character in my own world.
  • Rinny73
    Rinny73 Posts: 21
    Easy! I don't 'exercise,' I play. I dance around the house, hoola hoop, ride my bike, try to climb stuff, fall off stuff. I roller skate with my husband. Hang on to my husband's arm for dear life because I can't roller skate. There's a studio near my place that offers aerial silk classes. I'm thinking of signing up for that. I do yoga too, but I consider that more meditative than horsing around. I also consider regular exercise as playing too. I like lifting weights because I like the thought of myself overcoming limits and getting stronger.

    However, there are some forms of exercise I absolutely REFUSE to do. Running is an activity that makes zero sense to me. My husband loves to go out for a job now and then. I've joined him a couple of times and thought it the most pointless activity (no offense to anyone who loves jogging). I also refuse to get on cardio machines like steppers and elliptical trainers because I get bored really easily.
  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    Music jamming. Watch some sports on tv on the walls in front of me occasionally same time. Mostly let the music motivate me.
  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    Easy! I don't 'exercise,' I play. I dance around the house, hoola hoop, ride my bike, try to climb stuff, fall off stuff. I roller skate with my husband. Hang on to my husband's arm for dear life because I can't roller skate. There's a studio near my place that offers aerial silk classes. I'm thinking of signing up for that. I do yoga too, but I consider that more meditative than horsing around. I also consider regular exercise as playing too. I like lifting weights because I like the thought of myself overcoming limits and getting stronger.

    However, there are some forms of exercise I absolutely REFUSE to do. Running is an activity that makes zero sense to me. My husband loves to go out for a job now and then. I've joined him a couple of times and thought it the most pointless activity (no offense to anyone who loves jogging). I also refuse to get on cardio machines like steppers and elliptical trainers because I get bored really easily.

    Not a fan of playing, but that does sound fun. I'm glad you've made exercise work for you.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    It's an obligation to get some things I really do love. A price to be paid, a job to be done.

    Whether it's "fun" or not is pretty much irrelevant.
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    I listen to books on my Ipod which takes my mind off the workout. Exercise is just not fun for me - with the exception of walking early in the morning in the country! I could do that forever when the weather is nice.
  • I kept trying things until I found ones I hate less. I don't think I'm ever going to *enjoy* calisthenics or running, but I like them a hell of a lot better than Zumba or weight lifting or anything that requires going to a gym. I do enjoy seeing how I've gotten stronger or faster and I use that to force myself to get started even when I really don't want to.

    On days when I'm feeling particularly lazy I tell myself that I only need to do five minutes. One quick jog around the block or a set of pull ups and then I can quit. 90% of the time I end up deciding I'm already up so I may as well keep going. It's not really fun by my definition, but it gets me moving instead of sitting in bed with my laptop.
  • Rinny73
    Rinny73 Posts: 21
    It's an obligation to get some things I really do love. A price to be paid, a job to be done.

    Whether it's "fun" or not is pretty much irrelevant.

    This is exactly what my husband says. lol.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I just love what I do. I don't exercise that I don't like, but I love endurance running and I love to lift weights.

    No tips anyone could give me would make me enjoy trudging along on a treadmill, for example.

    You just have to try different things until you find something you like.
  • Runcakes
    Runcakes Posts: 92 Member
    I find exercise in itself fun, but music definitely makes it better! Also switching up my routines constantly (new running routes, different circuit exercises) helps to keep things interesting as well.
  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    Two things. I power walk in front of my pvr prerecord end tv. The other thing is actually like walking or hiking in mountains so I try to do that
    I hate gyms treadmills etc
    Love boxing but limited acess
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    I dance my butt off... Or up! Lol! With Hip Hop Abs and Brazil Butt Lift. I've been a dancer my whole life so dance work outs are where it's at for me. And I actually LIKE lifting weights, it makes me feel like a bada**. Like I'm just prepping for the day the government calls me in to be a super spy, or the zombie apocalypse happens or something, you know? Lol.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I've pretty much given up on exercise at this point--I've learned I really, really don't like it. Like, all forms of exercise.

    But I'm curious, what do y'all do to make exercise fun or interesting? Types of exercise, music, strategies, you name it.

    It's Jazzercise for me. I have been going for decades because it's FUN. All women, so you make local new friends, get to socialize, and work out together.

    Jazzercise is the only
    one hour total body workout around. 40 minutes dance aerobics, last 20 minutes, weights, bands, balls, and floor exercises to work all the problem areas.

    I stayed in great shape for all these years or since my 30's because of Jazzercise.