I faced death this week



  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Very happy to see you on here! After I wiped the tears away and thought about what you said it makes me realize that i can win! I will not give up this time! Life is precious and we only get 1 shot at it! Thanks for sharing. I don't have children but my Husband is the love of my life and the fact that my choices in the past have brought me to where I am now is awful. To think that I could very well be in your shoes and have to say goodbye to him makes me sick to my stomach! Thank you and I hope you realize how encouraging these words are to all of us!
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Thanks for sharing your terrfying ordeal with us. Your words will surley be the lightbulb many out there need. I am sitting here typing, and the tears keep coming down, blurring the screen. You are amazing, and thank goodness you are still here for your babies!

    You have an amazing gift with words! I hope you can find a way to continue to motivate and inspire, while inspiring yourself as well!
  • portlandsundevil
    portlandsundevil Posts: 213 Member
    What an incredibly moving and inspirational post! Thank you for sharing. There are a lot of people here, including me, that are here to support you and keep you going. Glad you're here :)
  • portlandsundevil
    portlandsundevil Posts: 213 Member
    What an incredibly moving and inspirational post! Thank you for sharing. There are a lot of people here, including me, that are here to support you and keep you going. Glad you're here :)
  • portlandsundevil
    portlandsundevil Posts: 213 Member
    What an incredibly moving and inspirational post! Thank you for sharing. There are a lot of people here, including me, that are here to support you and keep you going. Glad you're here :)
  • Thanks for sharing this, I lost my mom & dad due to health problems, I refuse to have the same happen to my little one.
    Thanks for the kick in the pants I need to remember that.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    I am moved to tears and am speechless. God bless you and your family - you are a survivor and soon to be a warrior! :heart:
  • lots2live4
    lots2live4 Posts: 107 Member
    You brought tears to my eyes and passion to my heart. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and wisdom with us! I can't believe how lucky and fortunate we are to have so many wonderful people on MFP that are around to help motivates us when we start to fall.
  • bigfrank3384
    bigfrank3384 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow I dont know what to say. You have made what Im doing on this site and everyday worth the while!!! Your story has touched me and hit home like you wouldnt believe. I too have two small boys that need me and I have a history of diabetes and heart disease in my family. I cannot fail them. You took the words right out of my mouth. I wish you the best of luck and I will request you be my friend and if you need someone to talk to or anything at all I will be there. Thanks for giving me the chance to fight harder than I ever had!!!!
  • I am here for you. Your post has really given me a whole new outlook on things.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    glad you made it to post this thread. you will never know how many people you encohrage. keep pressinv throuvh you will find more than enough support here
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    Wow!! I am soooooooo glad you are doing well and were able to go home to your children and husband. Your story has given me new life to my weight lose journey and all the reason in the world to never give up!! Thank you so much for so eloquently sharing your story!!!!! It truly touched my heart!:heart: Our lives ARE precious!! I would be honored to positively support you in your weight loss journey to getting healthy!
    Take care and God Bless you and your family:flowerforyou:

  • That is an amazing story of strength and courage. Thank you for sharing, you are more of an inspiration than you know. My prayer for you is that God gives you the strength to continue and a complete healing from head to toe. God Bless!!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Your story has touched me to my very core. I lost my mom to heart attack and obesity in 2009. My only wish is that she could have had the same realization you had before it was too late. My realization came when she passed and I realized I was headed down the same path. I'm better now, I just wish I could have been there to help her. Thank you for your story.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I can't even begin to fathom what you went through; however, I was in your children's shoes with both of my parents. They're no longer with me and I still grieve for them. I'm so glad your children don't have to experience that now and hope it's a long while before they do.
    Thank you for writing your story, as it really hit close to home. You already proved you're a survivor. You keep fighting and keep your faith!!

    I'll help you through this in anyway that I can. Please feel free to add me, as I'd be honored.

    God Bless you and your family!
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    Thank you for sharing your story with us. You are such an amazing and strong person. God bless you!!
  • jdelana
    jdelana Posts: 22
    Wow, I am totally speechless!!! You are such a strong person and you have so much to look forward in life!!!
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    So glad u r doing better.. We r all here for u thru this journey of weight loss.. Good luck hunny :flowerforyou:
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Amazing words. Nothing like a true and heartfelt kick in the nuts like that to make you re-evaluate everything that is precious and important.

    As a nurse I have worked with so many different people. I have nursed people with no hope, no drive, no ambition to be well... and it broke my heart. I have nursed small children with no idea of their impending immortality... The innocence at just "living" written clear across their faces. I have nursed people with terminal illness driven to squeeze every last drop out of their lives, determined not to go out quietly but to leave this world kicking and screaming and fighting for every moment.

    It is perhaps the most amazing place to be every day because it leave ME with no excuse but to suck it up and be the best that I can be. I'm so thrilled that you have found cause to do this. It matters not if it took a life changing moment, you're here, you "showed up."

    Now rock this show, because the stage is all yours.

    Greatest luck.
  • valerian101
    valerian101 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for sharing. Wonderfully expressed! Here's to a future of health and fitness.:flowerforyou:
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