I faced death this week



  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    May God bless you and keep you. I will put you in my prayers and we can take the journey together on the getting healthy part.
  • Shak212
    Shak212 Posts: 22
    What a touching story. Thank you for being so brave and sharing it with us all. Keep strong on your journey. Good Luck!
  • Hello Linda, Wow i have chills, and speechless. I will be here to stand by you also. I am going to be 50 this year and cant believe it my self. But have 4 kids an 4 grandchildren that i need to be around for, I also have roughly 90 lbs to loose. We cvan do the journy together. God Bless and speedy recovery, forward to a better health for us all!!!!!:heart: Lori
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    Wow. You can do this and we are here to support you!
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    Wow... Praise the Lord you came through it and have learned a valuable yet very difficult lesson. This will have more of an impact on your children than you realize... teaching them not to make the same choices and providing new ones for them to model. What an incredible chance you've been given to regain your life and make the most of it! I said a prayer for you and continue to support you in your journey!! Amazing testimony, thank you for sharing!!

  • So glad that you made it through your surgery and that you are still here for the children you obviously love so much. You're on the path to good health...praying that you will continue on...not beating yourself up for what you can't change but seeing the potential in each day! Hugs to you!
  • klthomas59
    klthomas59 Posts: 100 Member
    wow glad everything went well and that now you are on your way to a healthier you and that you are here to teach your kids about how to be healthy too
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    instant tears.....
  • Cruzita
    Cruzita Posts: 12
    YOU STRONG BEAUTIFUL WOMAN!! You have already achieved so much just by sharing your very personal story with us here on MFP. Stay the way you are and you will achieve your goal. We will all support you here. :flowerforyou:
  • Wow you really know how to put your feelings onto paper or in this case online. You had me in tears. I have been through life threatening things too I am a cancer surviver in remission since the beginining of 2010. You can add me if you want I will definitely try and help you out with support and encouragement. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    For every pound we loose that is one less our children will have to in the future.
    Through our mistakes we will teach them.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    thank you for sharing this. wishing you and your family good health and every happiness.
  • Wow! I'm in tears now! Thank you for sharing your story. I'm so inspired by you. I will be glad to give you any support I can. You can add me as a friend if you would like!
  • wowwww thanks for sharing your one strong lady :]

  • ladykathalina
    ladykathalina Posts: 26 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wow - your words spoke to me so much...thankyou for putting yourself out there. Reading it brought tears to my eyes as I am 52 years old and I need to lose 50 lbs. I too am a wife, mother and grandmother of 4 little ones. Your storey has really touched me and I am wishing much success in your journey! I recently had an ex-sister-in-law age 49 in the same situation as you and that too has brought reality to my life! God Bless you and your family and if you want to, you can friend me as I am already inspired by your insight! :smile:
  • sairanasir
    sairanasir Posts: 54 Member

    I wish you all the best and i am sure you can lose those 100 pounds - just be strong and hang in there, i know it is really hard but just take each day as it comes. believe in yourself and you will surely make it to your goal:smile:
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    very touching story, thanks for sharing, we are here fighting our own fight. I want to get healthy so I do not have any serious health issues, my hubby has enough of them for both of us!!
  • Just awesome!
  • What an incredibly powerful post. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. It's a great reminder that we have to do our part to take care of ourselves.
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    You probably don't realize this, but you have given all of us on MFP a great gift today. Praying for a steady and strong recovery for you and I hope you will keep us all posted on how you are doing. I have to go check my mascara now...
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