Snowflakes to Sunshine Week#5 Discussion (CLOSED GROUP)



  • klwa
    klwa Posts: 61

    My favorite saying right now. A pound a week is 52 pounds in a year.

    Just saw this . . . That's a good one!!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm up 2.5 lbs today. I'm exactly back to where I started... :cry: But I made a breakthrough today (I think: see blog in signature if you wanna read about). I had an AWESOME workout that made up for not going to the gym yesterday, and I'm hoping it's more water retention/TOM related than anything else... I can't believe we're already on week 5!!! I really need to make up for a lot of sitting around! I actually deactivated my Facebook account today, so I won't spend as much time on there as I have been (you don't want to know the hour count for 2 days...)

    My goal for next week is to get in the gym at least 3 times!!

    forgiven4life... 1.8 is awesome! Those add up!

    leandread... Sorry you're down because of your results, but Zumba will make you feel much better! :bigsmile: Even though I know I don't do everything right, I pride myself in knowing that I'm the healthiest person in my family. They were all sick before I ever caught it. If it weren't for them, I would probably never be sick! So just remember that getting healthy is what really counts. Overweight people can be healthy too!!

    Great attitude Guatamellon!!
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    I was up 0.5lbs this week.... but I am ok with that bcause I had a really crazy last 10 days and the fact it is ONLY 0.5lbs shows how hard I worked the rest of the time....
    Now it is time to focus on me again and it will be a kick *kitten* week!!!! I can feel it!!!!
    xoxo - S

  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Down 2.7 lbs this week...

    I'm surprised since I did not do great with my exercises this week and also consume way too much sodium...:huh: Will do better next week!!!

  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    how do we view the google doc spreadsheet?
  • forgiven4life
    how do we view the google doc spreadsheet?

    There is the link, but I don't think it will be updated with today's results until later.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    how do we view the google doc spreadsheet?

    There is the link, but I don't think it will be updated with today's results until later.


    Do you know what the different colours mean?

    Anyway, I had a good week (except last night where I had a drunk binge on over 2000 cals). I lost 4.5 pounds.

    I bought a new scale and came to the realization that I weigh 12 pounds more than I thought. That sucked. I'm glad I didn't let it affect my weight loss. So instead of being 165 when I started this I was 177. Blah. Now I'm at 172.5 today
  • ucms
    ucms Posts: 28 Member
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello All Snowflakes :flowerforyou:

    I Lost 1.4 pounds this week. I should be thrilled, But Im not to excited. I guess I was on such a Great Roll and now it looks like I'm slowing down :frown:

    Shame on me, I really should be Happy, I'm finally in a size 14 pants from a tight 18 and I'm now 178.2 pounds from 206.4 POUNDS.

    I hope every one has a GREAT weight Loss this week, Good luck everyone!!!!!!!
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Hi Snowflakes! :smile: My goals last week were to stay off the scale until Friday and to drink more water. Well, I stayed off the scale and actually felt like a much saner person for it. I can't believe I did it, but I'm glad I did. I used to think that I HAD to weigh myself everyday otherwise I might mess up. However, I was becoming to anxious about the fluctuations. I feel happier this week and less stressed for not stepping on the scale.

    As for water... still working on that. I did better at the end of the week. I had a 1.7 pound loss this week which I'm really excited about. From Week 2 and Week 3 I was one of the people who gained (1.5). I lose that 1.5 last week and now another 1.7. I'm sure that the gain was water retention. I'm expecting something similar to happen again. I may gain next week or stay the same. I think anytime I change my workout or increase the intensity I need to be prepared for that.

    I've done 8 days of Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred and plan on 2 more days at Level 2 then it's on to Level 3. I'm also going to continue with the Zumba and Just Dance for Wii and try to make it to the gym for elliptical and the treadmill a few days a week.

    Congrats to everyone, whether you saw a loss or not. We're all working hard; we're committed to this and trying out best and that's amazing! We can't let any minor setbacks throw us off track. We may not lose 40 pounds by June 1, but we'll be stronger, healthier people who can be proud of what we've accomplished.

    Have a great week!!! :heart:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Have been running around all day! So I have finally had some time to relax! So to wrap up how I feel about the week...I mean the last thing I expected to see was a 5lb loss this week! I will say this week I concentrated on doing more intense workouts in the beginning of the "week" Friday to Tuesday and then lighter stuff Wednesday and very light on Thursday..and preferably in the morning only. I have been on the water chug, of course and have been very conscious of sodium. Another thing that I have been doing is trying to make sure each one of my meals contains protein and complex carbs...this is something that Tosca Reno talks about in the "Eating Clean" book that I have been reading. I feel a lot more full throughout the day.

    Another big thing for me is listening to my body when it is sore and not over working myself. I am feeling better throughout the day.

    I will say that I need to work on getting a full 8 hours of sleep. My body naturally wakes up at I need to be in the bed by10pm.

    It felt so wonderful to go into a store finally and get the smaller size. I mean seriously! It just shows that you don't have to drop 50lbs to wear smaller clothes than you were just a few weeks ago. So keep going! No matter what everyone...we can so do this! Just believe in yourself and know that you are strong!
  • CassieH818
    CassieH818 Posts: 221 Member
    I have to start eating more. I have been too busy to even think about eating all of my workout cals & it caught up with me this week. I was only down 1 lb but I dont get discouraged because 1 lb is 1 lb. I will take it :)

    I hope to be out of the 190's by next weigh in..To do that I will have to lose more than 2 lbs. Im going to review my food & exercise routine from the week i lost 3.5 and see what I can do to figure it all out from this week on.

    I think that were all doing a great job :smile:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Awesome freakin job guys!!! I am so proud of everyone...Don't worry if you had a gain, just stick with it and figure out ways to tweak your routine! I am living proof that if you keep will happen! Everyone let's just keep pushing along with this thing! Soon we will be able to laugh at the clothes we use to wear and know that we are NEVER going back there! Great job again everyone. We are living healthier, smarter lives that are going to help us live longer...and that is what is better than any number on a scale or size pants!
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Since I am just getting home I wasnt able to weigh in today, but will weigh in the morning and then post it. I am not expecting anything amazing and to tell you all the truth, Im ok with that. The truth is I have lived more like what my real life is like this week. What I mean is since joining mfp I really havent eaten out, and when I did I knew what to order before I got there. That is not how my normal routine is, I am usual very spontaneous and my job takes me all over so I may be home for diner and then I may not. This week has been more of that and I have truely tried to make right decisions and get my exercise in. Only tomorrow will tell wheither or not my decisions were correct. Either way, I feel better, my clothes are fitting better and people are starting to say, are you losing weight? I love it!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Discuss how we are feeling after this week's weigh--in. Did you do anything different this week that you feel helped or didn't help. What are your goals going into this next week.

    My biggest problem was snacking late at night. And going out to eat too many times this week. My cardio is still through the roof. I have upped my intensity, so that helped. next week, I will be more successful because I am not going to let myself start slacking. Last week I saw a big number and instead of pushing harder, I started to relax. This weight isn't going to come off magically. I have to work hard for it!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I made my FEB 1st goal of being under 200lbs.
    This was a good week for me. Last week I just reposted the weight from the week before because I had a stomach bug, ICK. So my 2 week weight loss was 4.3 lbs. I am now in ONEdeland:flowerforyou:
    I watched my sodium this week and it seemed to really help.
    I am adding another Zumba class to my week. This is the first time with this instructor so I don't know how it will go, hopping she kicks my butt. :wink:
  • Shylin
    Shylin Posts: 109 Member
    I only lost a pound this week but I was happy with that. I've been eating healthy and trying to watch my sodium intake. I try to go to the gym 5 or 6 times a week to do 30 minutes to 60 minutes of cardio and weights 3 times a week.
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    I made my FEB 1st goal of being under 200lbs.
    This was a good week for me. Last week I just reposted the weight from the week before because I had a stomach bug, ICK. So my 2 week weight loss was 4.3 lbs. I am now in ONEdeland:flowerforyou:
    I watched my sodium this week and it seemed to really help.
    I am adding another Zumba class to my week. This is the first time with this instructor so I don't know how it will go, hopping she kicks my butt. :wink:

    Congratulations for ONEderland!
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Weighed this morning and I am down to 165.1 (Could someone please put it on the spreadsheet, it wouldnt let me). I am very excited to see 10 lbs gone. I am really enjoying staying committed to eating right and the feeling of a good exercise!! Today is going to be another great day!! Congrats to everyone who is stickin with it!! Thats what matters in the end, that you stay the course and fight the good fight!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Happy Saturday Snowflakes!! Since i actually saw a loss last week i suppose i will continue to do what I did last week, minus the "binge days"---so.....

    Goals for the week:

    1) 1200-1280 net calories everyday
    2) Atleast 12 cups of water everyday
    3) Keep my Calories burned at 300-500 Friday-Wednesday--(If i burn anymore I don't have enough net cals)
    3) Biggest Loser DVD Saturday-Wednesday
    4) Zumba Friday-Wednesday
    5) Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones DVD [Chest & Abs or Core(each a 6 minute circuit)]-Saturday-Wednesday
    5) Just Dance-Thursday