Snowflakes to Sunshine Week#5 Discussion (CLOSED GROUP)



  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    I was so busy wallowing in my moment of self-pity yesterday morning that I didn't think of my mini-goals for this upcoming week.

    I will exercise 5 days this week, especially since I noticed how I am less hungry throughout the day when I exercise in the mornings.

    My plate will be 50% vegetable, 25% protein, 25% complex carbs for most of my meals.

    Small goals that will equal big strides in healthy living.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm so happy this morning. Yesterday I weighted in with you guys at 188.5, and today, for a different group, I'm 184.5! Why couldn't that have been my Friday weight?! This is why I like to weigh-in everyday...
    I bought a new scale and came to the realization that I weigh 12 pounds more than I thought. That sucked. I'm glad I didn't let it affect my weight loss. So instead of being 165 when I started this I was 177. Blah. Now I'm at 172.5 today
    healthy_is_best... It's weird that electric scales do that... It's the same for me when I go to the doctor, and they weight me there... Always much higher than my reading at home. Don't get discouraged! It's just a number. You're still doing great (4.5! Wow!)!

    TeresaSavage... Congrats on the pant size!!! That's wonderful!

    robynrae... CONGRATS on your huge accomplishment!
  • Stayed the exact same weight this week. At first I was really disappointed and part of me did the whole "why even try" attitude.. but then I remembered how good I'm feeling and how much better my clothes are fitting. I wore a pair of pants yesterday that used to be too tight.. one of those that were tight when you first put them on and then after you wore them for a few hours they stretched out enough to be comfortable lol.. well I put them on yesterday and I didn't have to suck in to fasten the button.. I didn't even realize it until I sat down and thought "hmmm nothing is digging in"

    Then the best news is I went to the doctor yesterday and my BP is doing so well that they took me off my medicine. YAY! I am getting healthier.. maybe not lighter this week but healthier.
  • Kaylasmom
    Kaylasmom Posts: 116 Member
    I am bummed that I went up a bit, rather than down. This week I plan to be very serious and drink water when I'm feeling hungry. Losing weight was so much easier when I was in my 20's and 30's than it is now when I am almost 46. Oh well, time to batton down the hatches and have a big loss for next week. Congratulations to everyone we can do this!!
  • klwa
    klwa Posts: 61
    Weighed this morning and I am down to 165.1 (Could someone please put it on the spreadsheet, it wouldnt let me). I am very excited to see 10 lbs gone. I am really enjoying staying committed to eating right and the feeling of a good exercise!! Today is going to be another great day!! Congrats to everyone who is stickin with it!! Thats what matters in the end, that you stay the course and fight the good fight!!

    It's done! I think it only updates about once/day, but it should be there by tomorrow. =)
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I am happy that I have lost couple of pounds. I have been under the calories most of the time except for last night where I ate chinese food. I missed couple of days worth of workouts but plan to compensate on the weekend.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I'm so happy this morning. Yesterday I weighted in with you guys at 188.5, and today, for a different group, I'm 184.5! Why couldn't that have been my Friday weight?! This is why I like to weigh-in everyday...
    I bought a new scale and came to the realization that I weigh 12 pounds more than I thought. That sucked. I'm glad I didn't let it affect my weight loss. So instead of being 165 when I started this I was 177. Blah. Now I'm at 172.5 today
    healthy_is_best... It's weird that electric scales do that... It's the same for me when I go to the doctor, and they weight me there... Always much higher than my reading at home. Don't get discouraged! It's just a number. You're still doing great (4.5! Wow!)!

    TeresaSavage... Congrats on the pant size!!! That's wonderful!

    robynrae... CONGRATS on your huge accomplishment!

    Look at it this will have a huge number to put up next week! Great job!
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Well-it was a bad week all around. I ended up giving up yesterday, to be honest. Ate tons of stuff I shouldn't have because all I can see is that I am trying, and giving up things I like-with little to no results. Back to counting today. My goal is to just stay focused and remember to take it one day at a time.
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    Well fellow snowflakes... I lost just over 1 pound this week. I am happy that I am losing, but for as hard as I am working it should be coming off a little quicker I would think. It has been suggested that I bump my calories up to 1500 a day, but that seems counter-productive to me. Any ideas ladies? I do fairly well on my sodium (unless I eat out) in which case I drink a lot more water. I am working out everyday. I sometimes go under 1200 calories a day because I forget to eat. I always drink at least 6 glasses of pure water each day and usually between 8 and 10.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Well fellow snowflakes... I lost just over 1 pound this week. I am happy that I am losing, but for as hard as I am working it should be coming off a little quicker I would think. It has been suggested that I bump my calories up to 1500 a day, but that seems counter-productive to me. Any ideas ladies? I do fairly well on my sodium (unless I eat out) in which case I drink a lot more water. I am working out everyday. I sometimes go under 1200 calories a day because I forget to eat. I always drink at least 6 glasses of pure water each day and usually between 8 and 10.

    BINGO! We have a absolutely CANNOT forget to eat. Your body needs to be nourished every 2 to 3 hours with protein and complex carbs. Keep things in your purse or work you car! Anywhere you can grab it fast without eating out. Missing meals completely screws up your metabolism. My guess is that if you do this you will see a difference in your weight, energy, etc.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I am bummed that I went up a bit, rather than down. This week I plan to be very serious and drink water when I'm feeling hungry. Losing weight was so much easier when I was in my 20's and 30's than it is now when I am almost 46. Oh well, time to batton down the hatches and have a big loss for next week. Congratulations to everyone we can do this!!

    Don't be bummed..just keep going and look for areas of improvement. Even if you just change one thing a week to improve, that is a good way to start...that way instead of the changes feeling drastic they will become a routine, thus leading it to become a normal way of life for you in the future. You are doing a great job...keep it up!
  • hlhouse
    hlhouse Posts: 17 Member
    I lost! I lost I lost I lost!!
    I'm down 1.5 lbs from last week and 4.5 lbs overall. Thank goodness cause I was starting to get a little disappointed. I kept a close eye on my calories this week (plus I went back to work after vacation so I can't think about eating as often) and I woke up every morning at 5am to exercise except Friday.

    So, minigoals this week:
    1) at LEAST 8 cups of water a day (I did slack on the water a bit, but I drink a lot of non-caffeinated tea and didn't add that into my water intake)
    2) 5am wake ups and 30 day shred level 2 every AM
    3) More fresh veggies! already bought a ton at the store yesterday
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Thank you!!:happy:
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    So, as i shared with you all in earlier texts, I am really motivated and committed to getting/staying fit this time. To keep myself motivated I am committing myself to participate in a public fitness event every other month. My first event is coming up in February. I am doing a 5k for Children with disabilites. I have been training for a few weeks and went on my first official practice 5k run today. I finished in 41.3 minutes. I must say, I did much better then I thought I would. I truly thought 55 minutes would be good. I have a couple more weeks before the run and I hope to be under 40 minutes by then!! Hope you all are enjoying the journey too!!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm so happy this morning. Yesterday I weighted in with you guys at 188.5, and today, for a different group, I'm 184.5! Why couldn't that have been my Friday weight?! This is why I like to weigh-in everyday...
    I bought a new scale and came to the realization that I weigh 12 pounds more than I thought. That sucked. I'm glad I didn't let it affect my weight loss. So instead of being 165 when I started this I was 177. Blah. Now I'm at 172.5 today
    healthy_is_best... It's weird that electric scales do that... It's the same for me when I go to the doctor, and they weight me there... Always much higher than my reading at home. Don't get discouraged! It's just a number. You're still doing great (4.5! Wow!)!

    TeresaSavage... Congrats on the pant size!!! That's wonderful!

    robynrae... CONGRATS on your huge accomplishment!

    thanks for your encouragement. :smile: i have to admit i am happy i didn't completely shut down and go into binge mode over being heavier than i thought. i had an inkling anyway that i wasn't in the 160s as i've been in that range before and my clothes still fit. so i am in the heaviest range ever, but i'm working on it. i hope when i see an ED specialist in June (yep an 8th month weight since i got referred), I can recovery to my best abilities from BED. I'm trying on my own and have had this since a a kid
  • I am down a pound. Not bad with all the crap going on in my body. I finally got a hold of my doctor, I am taking 2 birth control pills a day for the next week. I am almost done with that week, but man that has been messing me up. I have been sooooo hungry because of it. And moody. But whatever. I hope it goes away. If not I am going to have to go to the doctor. I don't want to have it.

    But yeah, I am happy about the one pound a week. I like what people have been saying, one pound a week is 52 pounds a year. Hell, even half a pound a week is still over 20 pounds a year. I mean something is better than nothing. We have to keep that in mind. We have to remember that any weight loss is still weight loss.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Happy Sunday Snowflakes! I am up early this morning...which seems to really be the same for every morning lately! LoL! Its time for us Snowflakes to come together and help one of our own! If you could friend dkbstill, if you are not friends with her already! She reached out to me a few days ago and is feeling stuck. She is having a hard time balancing work, family, and this weight loss journey...I know a lot of us have to do a daily balancing acts and what better advice she can get, than from us that are already doing it!

    Thank you everyone in advance!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I am down a pound. Not bad with all the crap going on in my body. I finally got a hold of my doctor, I am taking 2 birth control pills a day for the next week. I am almost done with that week, but man that has been messing me up. I have been sooooo hungry because of it. And moody. But whatever. I hope it goes away. If not I am going to have to go to the doctor. I don't want to have it.

    But yeah, I am happy about the one pound a week. I like what people have been saying, one pound a week is 52 pounds a year. Hell, even half a pound a week is still over 20 pounds a year. I mean something is better than nothing. We have to keep that in mind. We have to remember that any weight loss is still weight loss.

    Great way to look at it...and 52lbs sure is a great amount! Keep it up!
  • well, hmmmm...early in the month I lost 2 pounds, then 3, then maintained, then gained 2. Generally I am at or under my calorie goal and I usually eat my exercise calories. I have to think that it isn't just calories that I should look at...what kind of calories am I consuming? I did mention that next week mother nature visits me, but I am still bothered. I am not discouraged, just bothered and curious. So my plan for this week: get the water back in and choose better carbs. Good luck everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I am sitting here, wearing my work out clothes, getting ready to zumba and remembered I needed to to weigh-in for S2S challenge. I was feeling pretty confident--I stayed in my calories all days except one (missed by 100 calories), my sodium was in-check and I did cardio 5 days.

    Talk about a disappointment. I am up a pound. Five weeks into this challenge and I am just 3 pounds down from my start weight. I want to stay positive and not either victimize myself or be angry at myself, but I'm just not there. My head knows this takes time, water weight, fluctuations, all of that...But right now, I just want to crawl back into the bed and be sad/frustrated/negative.

    I know, I know snowflakes, debbie downer in the building. I am going to get up from here right now and work out anyway, but I could sure use some encouragement...

    Hang in there! Keep on Keeping on! You doing everything that you need to you just need to let your body catch up to itself! You got this girl!
This discussion has been closed.