Vent Page



  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    My vent

    Super hot pizza will burn your mouth EVERY TIME thus making the next few days time it will burn my mouth too and I know it and yet I also know I am so impatient I will take a bite "to check to see if it is cool enough for the kids" before it is indeed cool enough for huma consumption and thus I will again have a blistered mouth.....

    vent 2.....I work my tail off, hit calorie goals 90% of the time..and probably am at a more natural and healthy weight than 3 months ago but since my tiny jeans feel different (ie they fit now and before I had to wear a belt to keep them on) I am sorta freaking out that I am getting big...I hate that I play a stupid psychological game with sucks
  • AshleyyyB
    I've been kicking my butt at the gym like never before and I've been restricting my diet like crazy. I weighed in today and I haven't lost a single pound. I started crying when I looked at the scale. I'm so angry I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm killing myself and not getting any results and it it's really frustrating when I read everyone elses success stories and all I do is fail when I try sooooo hard :sad:
  • jfgstrack1
    My vent... I try and try and NOTHING! THEN,Yesterday I blew the whole day BECAUSE I went to a birthday party and ate and drank 1300 cal. in i sitting. I'm mad at me and discouraged at the same time. Who else out there blows it whenever an event comes up? I get so tired of having to be careful all the time. How long does it take to get the body back in restriction mode?Hopeful, today starts another good week!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I'm totally there with the last 2 posters. I've completed my 15 consecutive day of working out (all cardio and only about 30-45 minutes a pop), just completed my first week of burning 3500 calories in a week (joined a challenge), have had soda once in the past 2 weeks, had alcohol (uncontrolled) once in the past 2 weeks, heck. I've only had alcohol (even when my calories allow) 2 or 3 times in moderation. I've been watching my sodium and my sugar. I've been under my calories every day (except yesterday) in the past 2 weeks. What do I get? The first week I went down 5 pounds. This week, I've gained every pound back. I've not netted a single pound of loss. I measure on Mondays, so I'll check tomorrow, but as of last monday, I hadn't lost any inches. I'm stuffing my face to eat enough calories that I'm netting at least 1200 calories a day after exercising. I just don't freakin' get it. My goal for January was to lose 10 pounds. I'm (as of this morning) 9.6 pounds away from that goal. So if I'm to meet my February goal (10 more pounds), then I had to add January's to it for a total of 19.6 lbs. THAT'S not gonna happen. Ugh! I feel like I'm working my butt off for nothing.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    To the above four posters: DO NOT GIVE UP! Keep logging your food and exercising. It'll all be worth it when the scale or tape measure changes for the better.
  • imbwy420
    I have the same exact problem. I'm surrounded by friends that don't choose to eat healthy at all - bacon cheeseburgers, chocolate chip pancakes, fried chicken and all. This is on a daily basis, mind you. The difference is, I'm an Italian susceptible to gaining weight and they are naturally stick-skinny Norweigans or friends that don't care what they eat or how much they weigh. I'm a person who has been brought up on portion control and watching what I eat, and I've grown to love that about myself. However, my friends are constantly criticizing me for it! They say "lame" or expect that I won't want to eat at the same places as they do... it's really difficult being alone in your group of friends when it comes to dieting. I feel your pain.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I have the same exact problem. I'm surrounded by friends that don't choose to eat healthy at all - bacon cheeseburgers, chocolate chip pancakes, fried chicken and all. This is on a daily basis, mind you. The difference is, I'm an Italian susceptible to gaining weight and they are naturally stick-skinny Norweigans or friends that don't care what they eat or how much they weigh. I'm a person who has been brought up on portion control and watching what I eat, and I've grown to love that about myself. However, my friends are constantly criticizing me for it! They say "lame" or expect that I won't want to eat at the same places as they do... it's really difficult being alone in your group of friends when it comes to dieting. I feel your pain.

    Mine did that to me too. Whenever I got something healthy, they would sometimes critizie. It gets old.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    To the above four posters: DO NOT GIVE UP! Keep logging your food and exercising. It'll all be worth it when the scale or tape measure changes for the better.

    I know you're right. Unfortunately, that day isn't today. Week 2 of all this and my measurements are the same and my total weight loss has gone down to a measly 3 pounds (from Jan 1). Was at almost 8 lb lost. I'm so beyond upset, I had to cry about it in the shower so my husband wouldn't hear and want to talk about what's wrong. Oh, and First Mini Goal: FAILED. 9.2 lbs above it, in fact. I think I'm heavier now than when I created the mini goal.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    To the above four posters: DO NOT GIVE UP! Keep logging your food and exercising. It'll all be worth it when the scale or tape measure changes for the better.

    I know you're right. Unfortunately, that day isn't today. Week 2 of all this and my measurements are the same and my total weight loss has gone down to a measly 3 pounds (from Jan 1). Was at almost 8 lb lost. I'm so beyond upset, I had to cry about it in the shower so my husband wouldn't hear and want to talk about what's wrong. Oh, and First Mini Goal: FAILED. 9.2 lbs above it, in fact. I think I'm heavier now than when I created the mini goal.

    I know the feeling I've lost 9lbs (up and down) in the last year, 2lbs since Oct. I'm working my rearend off and have nothing to show for it. And all my thyroid tests keep coming back borderline (I'm .5 off of being "treatable")
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    I understand completely. You were out walking, not inside watching others move about - good for you!

    My vent today - having someone question a reply I put on a post in a very aggressive manner. I was asked "by what authority". My authority was extremely sound, informed, and educational. I later read her other post and she had so many contradictions.

    Examples - hates when people count calories they burn for more food, senseless, blah, blah, blah
    but...later says when she overeats one day she does extra training the next

    trains like a person on a mission, doesn't take breaks from it, obsessed with working out
    amusing...she says she works with addictions, well I think she has one

    recommends a person not buy a particular brand of shoe
    then states in another place that a person can't tell another what shoe to buy or not to buy, you have to see
    a professional

    It goes on, but this rant has gotten me over that hump.

    Thanks for letting me vent!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I understand completely. You were out walking, not inside watching others move about - good for you!

    My vent today - having someone question a reply I put on a post in a very aggressive manner. I was asked "by what authority". My authority was extremely sound, informed, and educational. I later read her other post and she had so many contradictions.

    Examples - hates when people count calories they burn for more food, senseless, blah, blah, blah
    but...later says when she overeats one day she does extra training the next

    trains like a person on a mission, doesn't take breaks from it, obsessed with working out
    amusing...she says she works with addictions, well I think she has one

    recommends a person not buy a particular brand of shoe
    then states in another place that a person can't tell another what shoe to buy or not to buy, you have to see
    a professional

    It goes on, but this rant has gotten me over that hump.

    Thanks for letting me vent!

    I see things like this too. I've had to completely avoid certain posts because otherwise I'd go off on someone. What is wrong with people?
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Civility goes a long way. Some people are not happy with themselves so they have to tear others down, thus the venting:wink:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    To the above four posters: DO NOT GIVE UP! Keep logging your food and exercising. It'll all be worth it when the scale or tape measure changes for the better.

    I know you're right. Unfortunately, that day isn't today. Week 2 of all this and my measurements are the same and my total weight loss has gone down to a measly 3 pounds (from Jan 1). Was at almost 8 lb lost. I'm so beyond upset, I had to cry about it in the shower so my husband wouldn't hear and want to talk about what's wrong. Oh, and First Mini Goal: FAILED. 9.2 lbs above it, in fact. I think I'm heavier now than when I created the mini goal.

    Oh man I'm so glad you guys posted this! My vent is with my scale...I know I occasionally over eat...but i don't gorge, and it's not every damn day. But I jumped on the scale this morning, and guess what, I've gained almost all the weight I've originally lost. I don't know why? I thought I was working my butt off, and staying in my calorie why is my body gaining? I'm so depressed right now. I'm not an emotional eater, I'm a bored eater...but I could eat an entire black forest cake right now. I'm at the point where I don't see why I'm doing this if nothing is happening. Or what I have to do in order to make things change...Seriously do I have to work out for 2 hours a day? And eat nothing but carrot sticks and apples? I'm going crazy, I thought I knew what I was doing, but apparently I don't. It's glaringly obvious that I need to change something, I just don't know what the hell to change?
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    When people eat foods you can't in front of you.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    No more vents in the last 24 hours? :noway:
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I'm sure I can come up with something...Let's see...

    I'm pretty irritated that we're not getting any of this winter wonderland most of the rest of the country is experiencing. I live near DC - I mean. C'mon! I'd like a day off from work please!

    To all those "fortunate" enough to be getting all the snow, be safe out there!
  • fitmom4ever
    Ok, so I found a book that I had been really wanting to read (Insomnia by Steven King), the hardback edition for only a dollar at the thrift store. I was sooo excited and have been reading it for the last couple days, really getting into it and nearly to page 300 when I flip the page and what do I find? SOMEONE CUT A HIDEY HOLE THROUGH THE NEXT 100 PAGES!!!!!! There is a square inch of page missing for at least 100 pages straight, making it rather difficult to finish reading the book. So now I am stuck hanging, wondering what happens the rest of the book. I'm actually considering finishing the book anyway, just guessing at the words that are missing. But it really makes me mad to think of someone destroying a good book.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Ok, so I found a book that I had been really wanting to read (Insomnia by Steven King), the hardback edition for only a dollar at the thrift store. I was sooo excited and have been reading it for the last couple days, really getting into it and nearly to page 300 when I flip the page and what do I find? SOMEONE CUT A HIDEY HOLE THROUGH THE NEXT 100 PAGES!!!!!! There is a square inch of page missing for at least 100 pages straight, making it rather difficult to finish reading the book. So now I am stuck hanging, wondering what happens the rest of the book. I'm actually considering finishing the book anyway, just guessing at the words that are missing. But it really makes me mad to think of someone destroying a good book.

    I realize this is frustrating and I hope you're not offended that I'm completely amused by the fact that someone actually cut a hole into the book. I guess they needed a place to hide their pot (or whatever it was).
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I'm sure I can come up with something...Let's see...

    I'm pretty irritated that we're not getting any of this winter wonderland most of the rest of the country is experiencing. I live near DC - I mean. C'mon! I'd like a day off from work please!

    To all those "fortunate" enough to be getting all the snow, be safe out there!

    Be glad you're at least warm LOL. I'm freezing. And I can't walk outside like I want to. :ohwell:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Ok, so I found a book that I had been really wanting to read (Insomnia by Steven King), the hardback edition for only a dollar at the thrift store. I was sooo excited and have been reading it for the last couple days, really getting into it and nearly to page 300 when I flip the page and what do I find? SOMEONE CUT A HIDEY HOLE THROUGH THE NEXT 100 PAGES!!!!!! There is a square inch of page missing for at least 100 pages straight, making it rather difficult to finish reading the book. So now I am stuck hanging, wondering what happens the rest of the book. I'm actually considering finishing the book anyway, just guessing at the words that are missing. But it really makes me mad to think of someone destroying a good book.
    That stinks! I'd be so annoyed.