P90X PHASE 2!!!!!!!Lets get this Done

We have made it to Phase 2. I'm very happy to see that all of you have done great this week on keeping up on your workouts. Unfortunately for me, that wasn't the case and i celebrated too much. But there is nothing i can do about that now and all i can do is move foward and forget the rest. I am so happy that recovery is over and that we are going to get down to business and get this done.

Now onto Business

i am going to post our Phase 2 week schedules in another post.

P.s. I will ask for your weight and current measurments after i finish post all the schedules


  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Phase 2 Schedule for Classic

    WEEK 5 – 7: If you rally want to add some size, now is the time to go for it. Use enough weight on each exercise se that you max out at 8 to 10 reps. If you just want to continue developing lean muscle, use enough weight so that you max out between 12 and 15 reps. Never do 11… (we kid you). Also keep in mind that your body only builds muscle while at rest. To try to get at least seven hours of sleep – which should be easy, because this schedule will wipe you out.

    Day 1: Chest, Shoulders & Triceps (55:44), Ab Ripper X (16:07)
    Day 2: Plyometrics (58:36)
    Day 3: Back & Biceps (51:36), Ab Ripper X (16:07)
    Day 4: Yoga X (92:24)
    Day 5: Legs & Back (58:56), Ab Ripper X (16:07)
    Day 6: Kenpo X (58:46)
    Day 7: Rest or X Stretch (57:32)

    *Classic Recovery Week Challengers*

  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Phase 2 Lean Schedule

    Phase 2
    Your body should have adapted quite well by this phase, and it will be time to focus on reps and failure. During these weeks you’ll want to attempt to increase the weight you use for each exercise. During this phase, try to finish between 12-20 reps and be at or near failure at the end of each set. Remember that your body only gets stong while at rest. So be sure to get enough sleep!

    Weeks 5 – 7
    Day 1: Core Synergistics (57:27)
    Day 2: Cardio X (43:18)
    Day 3: Chest, Shoulders & Triceps (55:44), Ab Ripper X (16:07)
    Day 4: Yoga X (92:24)
    Day 5: Legs & Back (58:56), Ab Ripper X (16:07)
    Day 6: Kenpo X (58:46)
    Day 7: Rest or X Stretch (57:32)

    *Lean Recovery Week Challengers*

  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Phase 2 Doubles schedule

    PHASE 2
    Here we go. Add Cardio X three times per week. It’s recommended to do this workout in the morning on an empty stomach. Then do your regular P90X workout later when you’ve got more blood glycogen for energy.
    Weeks 5 – 7

    Day 1: AM – Cardio X (43:18); PM – Chest, Shoulders & Triceps (55:44), Ab Ripper X (16:07)
    Day 2: Plyometrics (58:36)
    Day 3: AM – Cardio X (43:18); PM – Back & Biceps (51:36), Ab Ripper X (16:07)
    Day 4: Yoga X (92:24)
    Day 5: AM – Cardio X (43:18); PM - Legs & Back (58:56), Ab Ripper X (16:07)
    Day 6: Kenpo X (58:46)
    Day 7: Rest or X Stretch (57:32)

    *Doubles Challengers*


    *Other Programs (Insanity and P90)*


    *Unknown Program*
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    may not follow the doubles schedule exactly i'm looking for some other workouts than just cardio x all the time, i plan on doin the same days, but i want to find some other workouts to compliment it! i have a few things to try i'll let you know if i find something good.... I netflixed some stuff!!! Looking forward to weight and measurements tomorrow!!!
  • sixpackgoal
    Just checking in to say I am still hanging in there.
    Thanks for helping everyone stay accountable.
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    Phase 2 starts on Monday for me....SOOOO ready to pick it back up and BRING IT!! I was sick for most of the recovery week, so I missed out on Yoga & Stretch, but managed to get the rest in there! Nervous to check measurements, haven't done that in over 2 months!

    HOPING I'm feeling better by Monday......LET'S DO THIS!! :drinker:
  • chelsiburnett
    I am ready to start this!!! Can't wait!!! I now I didn't lose much weight but I am hoping I lost some inches!!! I would say yes by the way my pants fit!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I'm excited that we got to Phase 2! Y'all rock doing this with me. I'm pretty sure I would've quit if you weren't here with me. It's HARD work for sure.
  • kc4173
    kc4173 Posts: 22 Member
    Phase 2 - let's go!!!!
    Sw 135
    CW 124.8 !!!!!!!!!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    JAN 3 183.2
    JAN 9 185.4
    JAN 16 183.2
    Jan. 22: 181.4

    Today Jan. 29th 180 even!! I'm SOOOOO close to the 170s I can taste it!!!!!!

    I'll post measurements later I don't have time this morning... gotta run my saturday morning errands!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    weight 168.6, waist 34 (TOM), hips 44, legs 25, chest 39, arms 13. Finally the weight is going in the right direction.
  • chelsiburnett
    My Measurements and weight beginning of Phase 1

    Starting Weight:143.2
    right arm:11
    left arm:11
    right thigh:21.75
    left thigh:21.5

    My Measurements and weight beginning of Phase 2

    right arm:10.75
    left arm:10.75
    right thigh:21.5
    left thigh:21.5

    I am not going to post pics, but am going to take them!!!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    SW: 172
    LW: 167.8
    CW: 169.8
    gained 2 pounds

    I take full responsibility for my 2 pound gain. When i got out of the 170's last week i celebrated too much and didn't excercise at all last week. I also ate pizza and pasta. Right now i am at the point where i don't even feel bad about my gain because i know deep down that i deserved it for my behavior this week. I also feel like i will never eat pizza and pasta ever again. it sounds so gross right now. I am ready to move on and i got back on my p90x today.

    P.s. i also got a better job this week yay

    As for my measurments, i am a bit disapointed

    waste:37.5 / 37.0
    hips:42 / 42
    chest:39 / 38.8
    right arm:14 / 14
    left arm:13.5 / 13.8
    right thigh:23 / 24.8
    left thigh:25 / 25.3

    I got bigger in everything except my boobs. ah well. I am just really happy that i did core synergistics today. I feel like i have some stability in my life again. Last week i was all over the place and i felt like everything was out of control. That is another reason why i feel that i need p90x. I felt so much more in control when i was doing it. i am so excited about this week.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    JAN 3 183.2
    JAN 9 185.4
    JAN 16 183.2
    Jan. 22: 181.4

    Today Jan. 29th 180 even!! I'm SOOOOO close to the 170s I can taste it!!!!!!

    I'll post measurements later I don't have time this morning... gotta run my saturday morning errands!

    you will get into the 170's, just don't be erratic like i was and stop for a week. When you get out of the 180's you are gonna feel so accomplished.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    by the way everyone, i am going to be off work the next 2 days, i will definately have some time to do our weigh-in chart tomarrow morning-mid afternoon. I personally can't wait to see everyone's numbers. Well got to start getting ready for work. Peace out and bring it.
  • 321Detonate
    I'm still here, just haven't posted all week due to lack of internet. I'll post my stats later today.
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I've been struggling with this the past day or so. I figured I'd see what fellow P90X'ers had to say.
    - I've only lost 4 pounds so far, none at all this week.
    - I'm allergic to mountain cedar and take Nasonex, and Singular or Zyrtec from October through February/March.
    - I need to use my asthma inhaler during allergy season.
    - When I started my calories were set at 1500 and I've cut them back to 1200.
    - I got a HRM a couple of weeks ago and according to it I burn around 600-1000 calories a workout.
    I'm reading "Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads" and read the message board post "700 Calories a day and not loosing". I've got a good handle on all that stuff. What do all of you MFP P90Xer's think? Should I increase my base daily calories from 1200? What do you have your set at?
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
  • 321Detonate
    I've been struggling with this the past day or so. I figured I'd see what fellow P90X'ers had to say.
    - I've only lost 4 pounds so far, none at all this week.
    - I'm allergic to mountain cedar and take Nasonex, and Singular or Zyrtec from October through February/March.
    - I need to use my asthma inhaler during allergy season.
    - When I started my calories were set at 1500 and I've cut them back to 1200.
    - I got a HRM a couple of weeks ago and according to it I burn around 600-1000 calories a workout.
    I'm reading "Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads" and read the message board post "700 Calories a day and not loosing". I've got a good handle on all that stuff. What do all of you MFP P90Xer's think? Should I increase my base daily calories from 1200? What do you have your set at?
    No one in my family including me has allergies, so unfortunately I can't help you there.

    I posted in the Phase 1 thread about nutrition during P90X, but to sum it up: DO NOT UNDEREAT. If your base calories are set at 1200, eat ALL your exercise calories. Seriously and for real. This is a strenuous program and your body needs fuel.

    My calories are set at 1700 as a minimum, and I customized the carb/fat/protein percentages to fall in line with the P90X nutrition plan (they're not exact, but pretty close).
  • 321Detonate
    Oh, and I guess I lied about posting stats today. :embarassed: I'm off to bed now... I'll do it tomorrow, pinky swear!