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How many pounds did you gain in your pregnancy?



  • i gained 75
  • i gained 48!!! baby was totally healthy. but i had to have a c section. :( if anybody is trying to get baby weight off, you should add me as a friend, so we can do this together!
  • bonvechiomommy
    bonvechiomommy Posts: 14 Member
    I gained 50with both my pregnancies bth girls weighed in at 7lbs 12oz and 7lbs 10oz.
    I used my prenancy to eat what I wanted :-(

    good luck! I'm here to lose the ast 20lbs.. and Looking for weight loss buddies :-)
  • lisa4kids
    lisa4kids Posts: 54 Member
    I gained:
    62lbs with my first (had pre-eclampsia and the water weight just fell off afterwards) 8lbs 6oz
    60lbs with my second...this unfortunately, was mainly fat, but I had all of it off by the time she was 2.5 she was 8lbs 5oz
    40lbs with my third...made much better choices that time, took off 30lbs off by his 1st b-day he was 8lbs 4oz
    24lbs with my fourth....I had gained weight in the year prior, so my body didn't seem to need to gain as much. 7lbs 8oz (she was early) Never really lost the weight....teetered up and down and have stayed up for 2 years.
  • artgoddess
    artgoddess Posts: 25 Member
    With my son I gained 65 pounds. Yep that's right 65 pounds.

    I quit smoking when i found outt I was pregnant and my OB was very kind and suggested that really, 20 pounds was quitting smoking wieght not pregnacy weight. I was on the slim sie before I became pregnant, and I lost 55 pounds before my son was a year old, and was happy with my weight, even if I wasn't a size 6 anymore, size 8 looked good on my tall frame. But stress and age took it's toll and I gained 20 pounds back then got pregaant with my second

    I only gained 40 pounds with my second and I lost all of the weight before she was a year. But it was in different places now, I was more flab and less lean muscle. I felt sluggish and blah.

    Birthed both my babies vaginally, first with epidural, second completely natural.
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    # 1 8lbs and he was 9lbs 4oz
    #2 16 lbs she was 9lbs 9oz
    #3 8 lbs she was 9lbs 5oz
    #4 26lbs he was 8lbs 13 oz
    With the first 2 I lost 30lbs in the forst 6 weeks, with #3 I lost 50lbs in 6 weeks and with #4 I lost 40lbs in 6 weeks. Sadly I gained all of it back with the first 2, after the 3rd I got smart and started working my *kitten* off I was down 75lbs when I got pg with #4 and worked out the entire 9 months, when #3 turned 3 I was down 100lbs and i continue to work at it. Unfortunately I forgot how hard it is to lose the weight and I packed 30lbs on in the last 9 months so I am slowly taking that off now and then hope to continue on my journey!
  • nuttybuttersmommy
    nuttybuttersmommy Posts: 77 Member
    I gained 15... and then about 20 after words...
  • lisastrom
    lisastrom Posts: 108 Member
    I gained 50 lbs. exactly 4 times over (4 pregnancies in 5 yrs.) First child: 8 lbs. 13 oz., #2: 8 lbs. 5 oz., #3: 10 lbs. 9 oz.!, #4: 10 lbs. 1 oz.!! Still working on the weight loss 17 yrs. after last pregnancy!!:noway:

    Wish me luck! Now at 22 lbs. lost since Oct. 2010
  • 1ofthegang
    1ofthegang Posts: 76 Member
    I gained 65ish. 30 lbs in the first and second trimester, then 35 in my third. I lost 20 right away. 10 lbs on weight watchers. 10 lbs here but so much more to go...
  • malloritachella
    malloritachella Posts: 2 Member
    I stopped looking at the scale after 60 lbs ahhhh!
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    i was 117 before the pregnancy
    i was 199 when i went into the hospital
    i had major complications and my weight skyrocketed to 250 during my 12 day stay

    thats 82 pounds before labor!
    and 133 right afterwards because everything that possibly could go wrong DID

    i know you are...
  • Cdnsunshine
    Cdnsunshine Posts: 3 Member
    26 lbs! I led an overall healthy life (diet and exercise) pre-pregnancy and was committed to keeping fit and eating healthy throughout my pregnancy. I worked out and walked my dog until delivery. Within a week, I had lost ~15 lbs and I naively thought the remaining weight would fall off from breastfeeding and the frequent workouts I thought I would do. Enter 'real life.'

    A colicky baby (I hated to go anywhere or leave her alone) and the usual lack of sleep combined with eating convenience foods and having access to food 24 hrs a day (I was used to being on the go at work) packed on 15 lbs in addition to the weight I still needed to lose.

    I remember the day I looked at the number on the scale and realized I was the same weight as the day I delivered! Not a happy moment...

    My daughter is nearly 9 months old now and I am committed to losing the baby bulge! 25 lbs! I am still nursing and I want to live a healthy life (make good choices!) rather than "dieting", so my journey will be slow, but I can do it!! (How is that for positive affirmation?). Fitness wise, I have been attending 'stroller bootcamp' classes and mom and tot aquasize a few days a week (and walk the dog, of course). Food wise, I watch portion size and strive to eat more veggies than chocolate brownies.

    If anyone has any tips on how to lose the baby fat or how to make the time to exercise, I would love to hear your thoughts. :happy: