SAHM 1/31 to 2/6

Welcome! We are a fabulous group of Sahm's that support each other through our weightloss and the most important job....being a mom! We welcome all newcomers! :flowerforyou:


  • mcurtis01
    mcurtis01 Posts: 22 Member
    So I gained this week...disappointed but hoping it is muscle gain as I have been working hard with jillian all week....but hears to hoping....think I will buy a tape measure and start taking my measurements also!
  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    I am a SAHM mom to 5 kids ages 3 up to 15:)
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    I am STILL stuck on my plateau. I think it is getting ready to move downward. I have lost a little in inches and my runs are getting better and better. I know my fitness is improving...but it is STILL frustrating to stay the same for a whole month.

    What I have done: I have upped my calories, I have had a HUGE cheat day, I have changed up my exercise. I have tried to get my net calories as close to 1200 a day. (last week I was 69 under- which was the closest- usually it is 250-400 under for the week)

    What I haven't done- dropped my calories (because I truly feel I stalled because I want eating enough), I haven't tried a cleanse.

    Hope ya'll are having a great day!
  • nikapp13
    hi im a SAHM to twins of 4yrs and two teenagers.. i weigh tomorrow hope ive lose even just a little :)
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    How do you join the SAHM group? I'm SAHM, 10 boy, 3 girl, 6 mo baby boy. And all of the extra pounds to prove it lol /sigh.
    Just started counting calories..
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Welcome to the new girls! Just join in, we just post when we can and support each other in our journey!

    Barb ~ Glad your mom is getting out of ICU soon! I hope her recovery continues to go well

    Had a bad weekend, but it's that TOM so I don't care! LOL I didn't go crazy, I just was lazy about it, ya know?

    I was supposed to demonstrate and share my talent of balloon animal making with Alex's school today, but he ended up throwing up before we left (of course AFTER I blew up 50 balloons..grr) Hopefully he feels better by Wednesday and they are still usable!

    I was able to get a HIIT workout in this morning, and I hope to bring the kettlebell in and do Jillian's kettlebell workout on ExerciseTV on demand this afternoon. It's so hard to motivate myself to workout at home! I'd much rather go to the gym, seeing everyone work so hard to reach their goals always motivates me to push harder. Plus, I'm missing my favorite Turbokick class...BOO!

    Hope everyone fairs well with the incoming storms across the nation. Sounds like we will just get some freezing rain tonight that will melt once it starts to warm up...not too worried! I heard that IL could get 20"?? WOW!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Morning All
    Welcome to all the new ladies! :flowerforyou:

    Barb~so glad to hear that your mom is doing well!

    Katie~I don't know about you but I think that is enough with the sick kids. This junk flying around can just leave us all alone now please! Hope your son is feeling better quick.

    Hubby made it home yesterday afternoon, unfortunately he is right back to work today but he is going to take off Thurs & Fri to get a bunch of stuff done. Then on Saturday we are having my oldest birthday party since daddy is home now & also that night my in-laws arrive for a visit for the week. I have grocery shopping to do tonight but will be so much easier since hubby is home then tomorrow is my baby's 4 month checkup, so sad he is that old already plus two scout things going on this week. It's going to be another busy week then next week will be crazy with the in-laws here but I vow I will get my exercise in one way or another. Even if it's a late evening trip to the gym after the kiddos are in bed & hubby is visiting with them! On a up note the baby has been sleeping atleast 9 hour & has done 11 hours the last two nights, yippie!! And I am down another almost 2lbs, so that is a little over 13lbs in 7 weeks, yeah me!!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Welcome new people! To join the group, just start posting in the thread. :) Easy peasy.

    Barb, glad your mom is doing well! That's awesome news.

    Katie, bummer about the sickies! Hope he feels better soon. Too many germs these days.

    Christi, still busy as ever, I see! YAY for the baby sleeping better! And yay for those 2 lbs! Awesome stuff.

    Just got back from the doctor for Z's ears. He confirmed my suspicions, that the issue is just that fluid, so he gave him a strong antihistamine to dry him up. He gets it twice a day until the runny nose clears, and then once a day until spring, and then we'll re-evaluate. I hope this works! So far, nothing has, but we haven't had any meds this strong yet either.

    I also went grocery shopping, because we were almost out of food and we're getting that storm. Yucko! C said this morning,
    "Aww, the snow is all melting and I won't be able to play in it!" Heh. Just wait a few hours, kid.

    EA Sports Active 2 is AWESOME and I can't wait to do my workout today! Which sounds weird coming from me. I might have said before that I'm lazy, and it's really true. :laugh: But seriously, doing even that short workout last night gave me hope that I can get my body in the shape I've always wanted to have it. That makes me happy to think about.

    Have a great day everyone! Be careful if you're in the path of the storms. It's already getting slick in these parts, and it's not even really doing that much yet.
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Good morning ladies! Is it just me, or does getting up 4 or 5 times during the night to comfort and put back to bed various children make you feel very hungry the next day??? I tell ya, both Lukas and Andreya were up in the night last night and I am starving today........better get in a good workout because I feel the need to eat lots of filling carbs today!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Good morning ladies! Is it just me, or does getting up 4 or 5 times during the night to comfort and put back to bed various children make you feel very hungry the next day??? I tell ya, both Lukas and Andreya were up in the night last night and I am starving today........better get in a good workout because I feel the need to eat lots of filling carbs today!

    Yes! I know the feeling. Try to eat more protein -- it'll give you better energy and help keep the hunger away. Carbs give you a quick energy boost at first but they wear off too quickly, IMO. Take care of yourself today!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Welcome all newcomers! Pop in when you can and comment on what ever you wish to!

    Barb- I am so glad that you got to talk to your mom!

    KatieM- I hope all of the sickness gets out of your house soon!

    Stacey- How is your week looking?

    Katie- Bummer on Alex getting sick!:ohwell:

    Christi! WOW! Great job on the loss! :drinker:

    aj- I hope Zs ears get cleared up with the antihistamines.

    Skinnydreams- I know when i get broken sleep I have alot more cravings...UGH!

    I ate wwwaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too much this weekend. I feel like a bloated toad!:laugh: Back in charge today!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Good morning ladies! Is it just me, or does getting up 4 or 5 times during the night to comfort and put back to bed various children make you feel very hungry the next day??? I tell ya, both Lukas and Andreya were up in the night last night and I am starving today........better get in a good workout because I feel the need to eat lots of filling carbs today!
    I find it makes me very tired! lol. Last night she was up 9-12 for no apparent reason, then as I was getting ready for bed she woke again, so I was up until almost 1:30 in the morning!! I definitely got hungry around 11 and had a bowl of Cheerios. Now today she got up earlier than normal and is not napping at ALL so I have yet to workout (and am so unmotivated to do so). ::bad mom confession:: Normally she sleeps with her amber necklace on and my husband forgot to put it on after her bath last night - I so blame the crappy sleep on that.
  • mommyof5kids
    Hi to everyone......

    I am new to MFP. I started 15 days ago. I am a SAHM to 5 kids. They range in age from almost 10, 8, 6, 3, and19 months. They do keep me busy! I decided that this year I was going to take some time out and take care of myself. I want to lost around 30 pounds (this is my first goal---may want to lose a little extra though). I love this site---it is so easy to use and I am finding all of the support and motivation is wonderful. It really does help to know that there are other women out there with the same struggles/goals as me.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Someone needs to have a good day so we can all cheer for you!

    Sounds like a whole lot of sick is going around. We haven't had it at all this winter so I'm just waiting for it.......It seems like everyday I kiss a head walking by waiting for there to be a fever!? Hope all your kids get better:flowerforyou:

    I'm going to try something new this week and see what my body likes it. I've been at just shy of 1400 calories with 5 workouts a week. Now (due to needing to get stuff done) going down to 4 workouts a week. 3 really good burn days and 1 nap time workout day. I also think I'm going to take calories down to 1200, at least on the off workout days. Will probably kick cals up to on my workout days. All I know is vacation is April, and I would LOVE :smooched: to be at my first goal weight ( 9lbs away) or at least close to. I spent all month working back the last 2 lbs lost so time to get it together!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~my little guy is back at feeling as "fit as a fiddle". :laugh: He is back to driving me completely insane! My new trial is playing the part of a "single mother" of 7 for the next 4 days. :sad: The hubby is on his way to Chicago for some training. I know it is a good opportunity for him but I am not used to being away from him for that long. I know I shouldn't complain because there are those military families that do it all the time and for longer periods of time. I just know I wasn't built for that.

    Katie~Sorry to hear about your little one. Hope that he gets feeling better soon.

    Welcome to all newcomers!

    Stacey~Don't let yourself get down. Pick yourself up dust yourself off and go at it again right?! :flowerforyou: We all have our weakness that is for sure. Though I burned a TON of calories last week, the weekend I binged I am sure that it has something to do with TOM. :tongue: It is still discouraging when you know that is the reason that you weigh so much. I got in my exercise I had to force myself to do it this morning I didn't want to do anything but knew that it would make me feel better.

    skinnydreams & wildcat~it must have been something in the air last night.:laugh: My kids were up a lot too. Made it hard for the hubby and I to get to sleep so we could wake up early to get him to the airport. Didn't get to sleep until after midnight with all the kids waking up and such and had to wake up at 6am. :tongue: I am hoping that the kids will be exhausted tonight and go to bed early.

    The kids can feel my stress right now because they are so very grumpy today. I am sure that has something to do with waking up early too. The baby has been very grumpy and wanting me to hold him a lot this morning. My 3 yr old took and nap and he is still so sleepy that he is laying on the floor behind me. My 4 & 5 yo are going CRAZY! So I guess it is time to attend to them. Hope someone has a good day like DJJW says so that we can all cheer for you!:flowerforyou:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    DJ, good luck with your new routine! Sounds good to me.

    KatieM7, glad your little dude is back to his crazy self. :laugh: I know what you mean about having the hubby away. It is hard, especially when you're not used to it. I hope the week passes quickly for you.

    My husband got a call from work last night and was up on the phone for an hour, which meant that I was up for an hour, and then I couldn't get back to sleep. Then the kids decided today was a 6 am kind of day. :grumble: But I surprisingly don't feel that awful. Wait until about 1:00, then ask me if I'm still feeling ok. :laugh: I tried something new for today. Last night I had a good idea for today's lunch, and I knew what I was making for dinner, so I went ahead and made out my whole meal plan for today. It looks good on paper -- lots of food, numbers are good, and I left some room for an extra small snack if need be. We'll see.

    Have a great day everyone! Be safe if you're in the storm.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Christi ~ Congrats on the weight loss! I miss breastfeeding, the weight just melted off me.

    AJ ~ Good job on meal planning your day! hope it goes well!

    Yay! No puking this morning! Boo, a layer of ice on the ground...another day stuck at home LOL Trying to decide what video to do today :) Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    oh yeah, I was down .5 this morning! So excited because I've been so all over the place the past 2 weeks, nice to see the scale move in the direction I want it :)
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Good Tuesday morning everyone. First off, any of you, esp those in the blizzard warning, please be safe today and the next few days, if you absolutely don't need to go anywhere, please stay home where its safe and warm.

    Next, thank you everyone for your support! I know I keep saying that, but its appreciated. I talked to my mom last night, and it sounds like thing are going well, and she should be coming home either Thursday or Friday this week.

    Third, not sure about my weight loss this week, as of right now looks like I'm a sitting duck....I can only do small household chores right now, until one my knee/lower leg feels better or I get it checked out and see what the dr says. I've been sitting with a heating pad and taking some painkillers and it seems to help. Slept with the heating pad on all night and this morning my leg was feeling pretty good.....small things for me this week, unless things turn around.

    Finally, Welcome all newcomers! :flowerforyou:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Morning ladies!

    KatieM- That's right! I remember that your hubby is away! how is that going? I hate it when my hubby is away. I couldn't be a military family either. I commend you ladies for being able to do it! My hubby and I had to be apart for 9 months while we were moving across the country and that REALLY stank.

    Katie-!!! BTW- I forgot to tell you...your blog was amazing and you have come so far! I am proud of you!

    AJ- let us know how the preplanning works out...I need to start doing that again.

    Barb- I am so glad that your mom is coming home this week!

    MY oldest is home today with a terrible head cold. I am keeping our fingers crossed that noone else gets it.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    tagging for later

    i'm up in #s but lower than i was most of the month.

    here's to a better february!