P90X PHASE 2!!!!!!!Lets get this Done



  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Measurements & weight beginning of Phase 1

    Starting Weight: 177
    waist: 36
    hips: 44
    chest: 32
    right arm: 12
    left arm: 12
    right thigh: 25
    left thigh: 25

    Measurements & weight beginning of Phase 2
    Weight: 173
    waist: 34
    hips: 43
    chest: 32
    right arm: 13
    left arm: 12.5
    right thigh: 24
    left thigh: 24

    A little improvement but I'm anticipating more this month. I had my calories set at 1200 and just now remembered it was recommended to have it set at 1800. Doh! I set it at 1700 and hopefully I'll see better results! :smile:
  • sixpackgoal
    Plyometrics this morning. I am starting to get through this workout a little better and no longer dread it. Yoga X is awesome just a wee bit long. Just gotta make the time into the schedule. Keep up the good work everyone.
  • epeebes
    epeebes Posts: 89 Member
    Phase 1

    SW: 204.5 lbs

    Waist: 34 1/2"
    Hips: 44 1/2"
    Chest: 36"
    Right arm: 14"
    Left Arm: 14"
    Right thigh: 28"
    Left thigh: 28"

    Additional Stats:

    Belly (across the belly button): 43 1/2"
    Bust: 43

    Phase 2:

    SW: 201.5 lbs

    Waist: 34"
    Hips: 43 1/2"
    Chest: 36"
    Right arm: 13"
    Left Arm: 13"
    Right thigh: 27"
    Left thigh: 27"

    Additional Stats:

    Belly (across the belly button): 43"
    Bust: 42"

    I lost a total of 3lbs and 6 inches! Woot!!!:bigsmile:
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    lost one pound during the first phase
    i'm on maint. so i don't expect ot loose to much weight
    jan 1

    neck 12.5
    waist 28.5
    hips 36.8
    left thigh 21
    right thigh 20.8
    right bicep 10
    left bicep 10.3
    chest 32.5

    jan 29

    Neck 12.75
    Waist 27.75
    Hips 35.75
    left thigh 20.5
    right thigh 20.5
    right bicep 10.75
    left bicep 11.0
    Chest 31.75
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Lean Program SD SW Jan 8 Jan 15 jan 22 CW

    sarina87 Jan 1 172/ 170.8/ 170.0/ 167.8/ 169.8
    chelsiburnett Jan 1 143.2 / 139.0/ 139.8/ 140.4/ 139.2
    bethvandenberg Jan 3 198.0/ 197.1/ 197.0/ 201/ 168.6
    epeebes Jan 2 204.5 / 203.5/ 202.5/ 201.5
    AidaR Jan 5 158/ 159/ 159
    melterp Jan 3 163
    Aintnet Jan 3 229.8
    Jsnbabb1 Jan 3 168
    cdngrl81 Jan 3 161
    CombatVet_Army Jan 3 169.8/ 168.4
    jUstd0iT31 JAN 3 150
    Mello_Jello Jan 2 123.4
    Melisha82 Dec 28
    mschelle Jan 1
    quentien3 jan 3
    quadrun250 jan 5
    amnski jan 1

    Classic Program SD SW Jan 8 Jan 15 Jan 22 CW

    maexxy Jan 1 178/ 176.6
    pghatc41 Jan 3 191.2/ 192.8/ 190.6
    PJudt Dec 27 205/ 205/ 193/ 189.2
    kc4173 135/ 128.6/ 127.4/ 125.4/124.8
    newman84 jan 1 125.4/ 124.8
    snowsflake jan 10 236/ 235.0/ 236
    kappy2hot jan 2 175
    healthy_is_best jan 1 165
    bohochick jan 1 166
    mschelle jan 1 168
    melzteach jan 1 177/ 173
    jordan1221 jan 3 190.8
    tuduis jan 3
    sixpackgoal JAN 1

    Doubles Program

    JWALL101 DEC 27 299/ 296.6 /296
    Rappla88 JAN 3 183.2/ 185.4/ 183.2/ 181.4/ 180.0

    Other Programs (Insanity and P90)

    happinessblossom jan 1 237.6 / 235.6
    heabear Dec 31 143 / 139
    shellync Dec 31 207

    Unknown Program

    andreab84 - jan 10
    aweigh2go - jan 4
    maru09 - jan 3

    Just so you guys know
    SD - Starting Date SW - Starting Weight CW - Current weight
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I've been struggling with this the past day or so. I figured I'd see what fellow P90X'ers had to say.
    - I've only lost 4 pounds so far, none at all this week.
    - I'm allergic to mountain cedar and take Nasonex, and Singular or Zyrtec from October through February/March.
    - I need to use my asthma inhaler during allergy season.
    - When I started my calories were set at 1500 and I've cut them back to 1200.
    - I got a HRM a couple of weeks ago and according to it I burn around 600-1000 calories a workout.
    I'm reading "Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads" and read the message board post "700 Calories a day and not loosing". I've got a good handle on all that stuff. What do all of you MFP P90Xer's think? Should I increase my base daily calories from 1200? What do you have your set at?

    The best advice i can give you is too not UNDEREAT!!! I did that for 1 week and didn't lose nothing. I was eating around 1500 calories a day and i also noticed that i was feeling like fainting alot and nausea. I then read Mello-jello's post and read the diet book again and i decide to try it for 2 weeks. That week when i ate exactly to the plan, i lost 2 pounds. I will admit that i don't understand the full science behind the diet but it works, you really need to trust it. Believe me, you are worth it
  • chelsiburnett
    I've been struggling with this the past day or so. I figured I'd see what fellow P90X'ers had to say.
    - I've only lost 4 pounds so far, none at all this week.
    - I'm allergic to mountain cedar and take Nasonex, and Singular or Zyrtec from October through February/March.
    - I need to use my asthma inhaler during allergy season.
    - When I started my calories were set at 1500 and I've cut them back to 1200.
    - I got a HRM a couple of weeks ago and according to it I burn around 600-1000 calories a workout.
    I'm reading "Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads" and read the message board post "700 Calories a day and not loosing". I've got a good handle on all that stuff. What do all of you MFP P90Xer's think? Should I increase my base daily calories from 1200? What do you have your set at?

    The best advice i can give you is too not UNDEREAT!!! I did that for 1 week and didn't lose nothing. I was eating around 1500 calories a day and i also noticed that i was feeling like fainting alot and nausea. I then read Mello-jello's post and read the diet book again and i decide to try it for 2 weeks. That week when i ate exactly to the plan, i lost 2 pounds. I will admit that i don't understand the full science behind the diet but it works, you really need to trust it. Believe me, you are worth it

    I am going to read the diet book again also!!! I think this will help me too!! Thank you both for the post!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Also everyone, if you looking for a really good protein bar. I would recommend the Think Thin bars. They have the same 20g of protein that Cliff body builder bars have and are also less in calories and sodium. Gluten free as well. They are pretty yummy i must say
  • chelsiburnett
    Also everyone, if you looking for a really good protein bar. I would recommend the Think Thin bars. They have the same 20g of protein that Cliff body builder bars have and are also less in calories and sodium. Gluten free as well. They are pretty yummy i must say

    Just went and bought a whole bunch of eggs, protein powder, plain lowfat yogurt, veggies, and fruits, + whole wheat bread!!! I am going to eat all these exercise calories back!! I read the whole nutrition book on p90x and I wish I would have been this strick with it at first!!! Oh well it's not to late to start!!! Thanks for everything!! This board really helps me!!
  • 321Detonate
    Sorry I'm late with the numbers, here they are.

    weight: 123
    waist: 26.25
    hips: 32.5
    chest: 33.75
    right arm: 10.5
    left arm: 10.5
    right thigh: 20.5
    left thigh: 20.25

    Lost 0.4 lb and 1/2 inch total since Day 1. Since I'm maintaining, I'm pretty happy!!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Hey everyone! So I haven't been feeling good at all this weekend... I didn't end up doing my last Yoga for the week... and I haven't started my 5th week yet.... i'm just not feeling well at all! i got on the elliptical instead of doing the Yoga on Saturday and i stuck it out... however my chest felt like it was on fire! I wasn't doing anything different from what I have been doing in the past or beyond my skill... but i just couldn't breath!! I stayed home from work today and i'm going to call the dr. I need to kick this so I can get back to my workouts.... sorry I haven't posted measurements yet.... i've got to bug my husband to do them for me tonight I promise I'll try to get them up! Hope everyone has a good start to their week!!
  • chelsiburnett
    Did Core Synergistics last night....I felt pretty good!!! I drank my first protein shake and loved it afterwards! Ready for some cardio today!!! Looks like I will be able to exercise quite a bit this week seeing as they are calling for up to 12 inches of snow not including all the ice we are supposed to get today!!! I will take advantage of it though!:wink:
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    Well....I planned on updating my measurements for the 1st time in over 2 months.......since the scale has refused to budge this whole time, I held on to hope that perhaps my measurements were at least changing..........................big fat NOPE!

    Everything was still the same!!
    I am at such a loss as to why NOTHING is changing for me! I switched up my workout (obviously)...I upped my calories (as EVERYONE on MFP suggest to anyone going through a plateau), I eat clean foods with more than enough water (typically 14/15 cups a day).................and still nothing to show for it!!!!

    Getting beyond rediculous & frustrating. If P90X can't do it for me, I don't know what will/can!! As much as I struggle, I will stay focused and continue pushing myself. It is just SO demoralizing, ya know?!? :(

    Edited to add: I have EVEN cut out coffee and my WINE!
  • kappy2hot
    I am just starting the recovery week this week. I have not lost any weight, i did gain 2 lbs and now just lost it. I have not done my measurements so I am hoping for some changes there. I am also purchasing a HRM just to be sure about how much i am burning during each workout. Don't know, a littel fustrated :(
  • pghatc41
    pghatc41 Posts: 18 Member
    A bit behind in posting my figures but here they are:

    SW: 1/3: 191.2
    1/8: 192.8
    1/15: 190.6
    1/22: 189

    The weight is trending in a good direction, have a hand held body fat meter and my body fat is only down 1%, which is disappointing to me. It was trending better until the recovery week when I had to take a couple of days off to take care of sick family members. Going to stress diet this week (as I sit here with my evil drink of choice, Mountain Dew).


    Waist: 1/3: 39.5 1/29: 38.75
    Hips 40.5 40.5
    Chest 41.75 41.25
    R thigh 20.75 20.5
    L thigh 20.5 19

    Obviously the waist decreasing is nice, I guess I shouldn't be surprised nothing else is really moving that much as it has only been a month. I feel differently, though, when I move around. I feel lighter, if you all can understand that. Ready for phase 2...
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I've been struggling with this the past day or so. I figured I'd see what fellow P90X'ers had to say.
    - I've only lost 4 pounds so far, none at all this week.
    - I'm allergic to mountain cedar and take Nasonex, and Singular or Zyrtec from October through February/March.
    - I need to use my asthma inhaler during allergy season.
    - When I started my calories were set at 1500 and I've cut them back to 1200.
    - I got a HRM a couple of weeks ago and according to it I burn around 600-1000 calories a workout.
    I'm reading "Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads" and read the message board post "700 Calories a day and not loosing". I've got a good handle on all that stuff. What do all of you MFP P90Xer's think? Should I increase my base daily calories from 1200? What do you have your set at?

    The best advice i can give you is too not UNDEREAT!!! I did that for 1 week and didn't lose nothing. I was eating around 1500 calories a day and i also noticed that i was feeling like fainting alot and nausea. I then read Mello-jello's post and read the diet book again and i decide to try it for 2 weeks. That week when i ate exactly to the plan, i lost 2 pounds. I will admit that i don't understand the full science behind the diet but it works, you really need to trust it. Believe me, you are worth it

    I can't find my diet book, dagnabbit!
  • chelsiburnett
    Ok, I got cardio X done tonight + an hour of shoveling snow and stacking wood!!! I don't know which one I sweat more doing!!!
  • kappy2hot
    I've been struggling with this the past day or so. I figured I'd see what fellow P90X'ers had to say.
    - I've only lost 4 pounds so far, none at all this week.
    - I'm allergic to mountain cedar and take Nasonex, and Singular or Zyrtec from October through February/March.
    - I need to use my asthma inhaler during allergy season.
    - When I started my calories were set at 1500 and I've cut them back to 1200.
    - I got a HRM a couple of weeks ago and according to it I burn around 600-1000 calories a workout.
    I'm reading "Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads" and read the message board post "700 Calories a day and not loosing". I've got a good handle on all that stuff. What do all of you MFP P90Xer's think? Should I increase my base daily calories from 1200? What do you have your set at?

    The best advice i can give you is too not UNDEREAT!!! I did that for 1 week and didn't lose nothing. I was eating around 1500 calories a day and i also noticed that i was feeling like fainting alot and nausea. I then read Mello-jello's post and read the diet book again and i decide to try it for 2 weeks. That week when i ate exactly to the plan, i lost 2 pounds. I will admit that i don't understand the full science behind the diet but it works, you really need to trust it. Believe me, you are worth it

    I can't find my diet book, dagnabbit!

    I know!!! Can't find mine either...
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    Week 4 Day 1 and 2 completed. Feeling good. I've transitioned from natural to performance supplementation can't wait for March (results)
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    I gained a pound...up to 237...AWESOME! Still losing inches though...I'll weigh-in again on Saturday...my birthday!!! WOO HOO!!!:tongue: