Senior Golden Sneakers - February 2011


:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: HAPPY FEBRUARY :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Happy February everyone!!

    I have been MIA since Thursday. Toe is much better now. Just caught up on everyone's posts.

    Barbie---That is quite a life-changing decision you have made. I am glad you were able to find a solution that was agreeable to both of you.

    You mentioned moving to a 55+ mfg home development. I HOPE you are buying into a set up where you own the land and the home. The places where you don't get ownership of the land when you buy in can potentially be sold out from under you, and the rental for space goes up every year. The landowner knows people can't easily move their homes, so they have no choice but to pay the increase.

    BTW, Lynn, I saw the R. Ray show today, but I couldn't figure out which of the women was the person you were referring to. Was she wearing the purple tunic with the belt, or did she have on the belted black dress? The transformation of everyone featured was amazing!!

    Well, it is late, so I will see you all in the new month.

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello Tuesday!!

    Sandy thanks for getting us started on February, so far very little snow but is coming tonight, I need to change some appoitments:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: this morning I have an appoitment with the nurse at my Dr's office for blood test, just regular or annual blood test, then to work. Hope everyone has a good morning I will check in tonight.
    Sandy I have Skype now, maybe if you give me you address we can talk during this bad weather. Looking forward to hear from you.

    Have a great day everyone:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Marking my spot. Be safe. So much bad weather.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    New month, new day....wait, I just looked outside and I think it's the same day as it's been since November! Lot of winter gray depression going around. I take extra Vitamin D just to make it thru. The solution, I think, is to paint something in the house a really bright color and then hang out there until June. I would say May but I don't know....this crap could last until May. Ice and sleet coming tomorrow......nothing else to say about that....:grumble:

    Some little devil inside my head is trying to tell me to give up and go veg out (yeah, like my little devil says "veg") I know what he, cheer up, eat, cheer up.....I say SHUT UP!! I will not eat my way thru this gray, ugly, cold, wet, dark, everlasting winter!!! (Sorry, I guess I did have more to say about that :ohwell: )

    Hey, my little grandson is coming over for awhile. He will be 1 year old tomorrow! Now, he's a ray of sunshine, unless he isn't :laugh:

    Have a good day or do the best you can!!! Later........:glasses:
  • californiagramma
    Hi Guys
    New month hope to do better today, I have only got less than two weeks until our Jamaica trip. Don't know why but I just can't get motivated, maybe because I don't have that much to lose why is it so hard to lose those last 5 pounds.All of you guys seem to be doing so well, what is your secret?Guess you Eastern people are getting hit with another storm, my daughter in Boston say's the kids will be in school until August.I am off to do a walk, my girk=lfriend had foot surgery so we are going at a slower pace, but I think as long as you cover the distance it doen't make a lot of difference.Have a good month.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello Everyone,
    Marking my spot..for February:heart::heart: :heart:

    Thanks, Sandy!

    Check in with you later.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    February the month of love.We are at the end of the tunnel. Spring is just around the corner. [ I Hope] Can't tell by looking outside tho, Treachious. No cars going by at all on our side roads. And talk about cold. Sammy pee froze before it hit the ground.

    Jerry is talking this morning.He took sammy out but they didn't stay long. Alice my daughter work closed for the day So I am glad she did not have to drive in this She work for the electric co. so they do not want it to be known on TV for so many people are without power this morning. But she does not have anything to do with that .. My grandaughter, Kelly had a police escort to the Cowboy Statium for some events todayl She will be taking pictures for her work. And will be posting them on FB. It sounds like Dallas has shut down. We are not used to this.Last week we were in the mid 70's
  • viliberty1957
    So, here we are in February! Have a wonderful month! :bigsmile:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi everybody - it is SO cold here - lots of the schools and even some businesses are closed. Our high today is supposed to be between -4 and 0. That's before the wind chill! Tonight it's supposed to go down to -30 with the wc. brrrrrrrrrrrrr:tongue:

    Marie - i remember when i drove truck being in an ice storm in Dallas - you're not kidding Texans don't know how to drive in the ice:wink: ! Glad Alice didn't have to go out in it. I hope you don't lose your power. So Jerry's talking? Is he feeling ok?

    Barbiecat - i so agree with what you and Jake are doing - i think once the whole find a place and move is over you will feel so much less stress and be able to enjoy your lives and keep on doing the things you love to do that are keeping you young! Oh - the forgiveness thing - SO freeing. I don't necessarily want some people back in my life, but i definitely forgive them and continue to pray for their well being.

    Barb - glad your toe is better!

    Sandy - thank you for the lovely "happy tuesday" to get February started off!

    hi Maddie - i sure hope your little grandson is in a sunny mood and can keep that dang devil away from you:devil: I have personal experience with that particular devil - SO hard! Especially in this weather that we all seem to be experiencing! Be Tough! As my Soldier/Son says to his 6 month old daughter "buck up little Soldier":laugh:

    I know i forgot some 1 or 2 or 3 - my apologies! my memory just isn't what it used to be. Happy February all - let's achieve some goals!

    :heart: elli
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! We are at the calm before the storm.:laugh: :laugh: I want everyone home safe and warm then I say bring it on!!! I would like to break our record of 23 inches from 1967. :laugh:

    :love: Elli, that is just too cold, keep those critters inside please. I try to keep that little "devil" out of my life also, but sometimes it is hard. :angry: I have been doing so good on calories and exercise but the scale doesn't move, in fact it seems like it is going up instead of down. :explode: I will continue as planned and maybe one day I will wake up and the pounds will be gone. :laugh: :laugh:

    :love: Irene, you also have a wonderful month, wonderful year, wonderful centuries!!! :heart:

    :love: Marie is Jerry still talking with a whisper and is his throat sore? Funny story about Sammy, I can just see his frozen pee in midair. :laugh: Daisy loves the cold weather and would stay outside all day if we let her. She will love the snow that is coming our way. :wink: Is the weather supposed to get any better for the Big Game??

    :love: Lynn your spot is marked, we had Sammy do it!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    :love: June, I have been trying to take the last 5 pounds off for over a year. :mad: I think you are right when you say we get lazy when we get so close to our goal. I blamed the Holidays but since January I have really been trying but I do cheat now and then and that is the difference from when I first started. :noway: I also believe the older we get the harder it is to lose but it has been proven through Barbie, Barb, Jake and Jeffrey it is possible. I am going to keep trying until I get it right. :heart:

    :love: Barb, glad you toe is better better stay away from that whipped cream, it is dangerous stuff. :laugh:

    :love: Gigi, you can find me on Skype at I am not always on, but if you send a quick email I can connect and we can chat. I am not a morning person and usually don't get done with my exercise until after lunch. :ohwell: I don't appear on camera unless I look some what decent, so if I don't respond immediately don't get offended. :laugh: Once I get your request I will add you to my Skype friends as I have done with Connie. Speaking of Connie, where is she???

    :love: Phoebe stay warm, it is miserable here. My son finally might get a run and guess where? Chicago during a blizzard!!:noway: Hopefully, the roads will be clear before he leaves Arizona. :bigsmile:

    And last I have to share this. My husband asked me to call Target for a refill on one of his meds. Target told me that his supplement insurance won't pay for the refill until February 16. She said he had a 30 day supply with pills being taken 2 times a day. I told her that would be impossible since I put all our pills in dispensers. She said they gave him 60 pills and the pills come in bottles of 30 so they just put two bottles in another for his prescription and the only way to get enough for the next two weeks is to pay cash which would be $150. I told her we had no choice since it for his anxiety. But then I called back and said does it make sense to you that he is 30 pills short and that it might be possible that they only gave him 30 pills instead of 60? After being put on hold for a while she came back and said that was a possibility so they would not charge him for the additional pills. :bigsmile: Lesson learned: count your pills!!!

    Have a great day!! Don't eat the yellow snow!!

    P.S. I changed my ticker and I am not happy about that!!!!!!!!!!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    ::laugh: Sandy our humor is on the same page today...when I posted aobut marking a spot, I almost added the dogs could do it?!:laugh:

    A lot of you all are having so much snow and ice. I am on the's 56 degrees with thunderstorms coming in this evening and temps dropping to the mid-20's...snow is forcast from midnight on...but I don't know if it's ice or what and to tell you the truth, I don't think our weather people know either. a

    Usually thought if Texas gets it we do too...:tongue:

    Phoebe be careful out on the road!

    Jeannie Cannon sent me some mail this am and said that she wasn't allowed to say MFP or Curves on the tv program (Rachael Ray) but she told anyone who would listen , backstage, about her support family on this site and Curves. She said to thank everyone for the support.

    Now I have to get off her again. Barbie says after 30 mins...move...
    So..I'm moving.:wink:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy , they say it is going to be nice again by Saturday. Should be in the 6o's at game time or close to it.

    My gradndaughter is leaving Saturday to go back to St. Louis And I hear they got hit pretty bad. We are still having snow flurries this aternoon and get down to 10 tonight . Way too cold for me.Jerry is in no pain. But I am still having problems undertanding him.Sammy likes playing outside the cold. But wont go out by hiself got to have company.

    We are having chili dogs tonight. When it gets cold Jerry got to have his chili dogs.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    So many of you are in the path of what they're calling a "monster storm". Please, everyone stay home if you can and be very, very careful if you can't. I think that we're getting ice and wind, not a good combo. I swear, if this winter isn't soon over, I'll........:explode:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy - that can be SO frustrating. I know sometimes it helps to change things up a little bit - i know you have with new exercise. Maybe ADD a few calories for 2 or 3 days? I don't about your clothes? Are they fitting any looser? I always thing that's a good gauge. I always feel that way about the snow too - as long as everyone is safe, indoors bring it on! The cold and wind - that i can do without. I love it when we're all humbled by the snow though and everthing comes to a stop! Back in the 70s when i lived in the mountains there were always a few days in the winter when there was just NO WAY i was getting out of my driveway!:noway:

    Maddie - congrats on tying your shoes AND breathing!!!!!! That is HUGE! For sure it's those little things that keep us going!

    Everyone please stay safe and warm!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I just notice we had the biggest Posting in January we have ever had. 424 posts great Month Seniors. And such a lovely bunch you are. I love getting to know you all.God bless you all:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :yawn: Never a dull moment here.:yawn: happyface.jpg


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :heart: :heart: hello friends. we have chilly and sunny weather favorite.....the packing and the income tax chores continue....we have an appointment to look at a place today which seems premature to me since our house isn't close to being ready to show to a potential buyer, but I'm not always in charge of family decisions :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, I had a feeling that your friend wasn't allowed to mention MFP or Curves which is really a shame because that left so much out of her story.....but we all know who to credit for her success :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I didn't actually change my goals for February yet, i just changed January to February so it looked better.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all on this first day of February!! Checking in on the weather updates it sounds terrible for so many of you. While we get very cold we don't get the massive amount of snow at one time that so many of you are looking 'forward' do. We woke up to -45 with the wind chill this morning but with our glorious sunshine it is warming up slowly. It is supposed to be near melting by the end of the week. Even with these bitter temperatures, for the most part, life just goes on. I wondered if Neil would stay home today but off he went to work! I am the only one that hibernates it seems. I was supposed to go to a dinner with friends last night but it was cancelled. Good thing because I had already decided not to go. I did not want to be on the highway with a dead car and I guess other folks felt the same way.

    I hope people didn't think I was complaining about not doing the trip due to Neil's surgery. I am disappointed for Dave as it really is time for him to get away. I have been fortunate over the years to attend many conferences in many Canadian provinces and many US states. He always had the privilege of staying home with the boys. So, you see, it really is his turn. I am just lucky enough that he wants me to go with him!! All that said, we are so glad that Neil gets to have his toe fixed!

    I, too, have been enjoying the quilt pictures. It really has taken me back to my youth. My Grandma lived with us for long periods at a time and she seemed to always have a quilt on the go. We all did our share (not really our share!) of stitching. She did some wonderful quilts and I, too, like the crazy quilts best! I am so lucky to have several of her quilts in our home.

    Marie -- Jerry must be so frustrated with his voice. I understand from listening to Neil trying to make himself heard that it is sometimes beyond frustration. I hope that his voice will come back and that the biopsy results are good.

    Barbie -- Good luck with the packing and ugh to the income tax!! When you make a decision you act on it. I tend to dither for a long while.

    Elli -- Buck up is one of my favorite expressions. It is so cute with the little soldier behind it. How did the weekend go with your first time visitor? Sorry if I missed this. If you miss a day here there are a lot of posts!

    Maddie - Sure hope you are feeling better today.

    Sandy -- Thanks for getting our new month started. Don't fret about your weight. You know how to do it and it will come off. By the way, Day 5 and the WW still going great here!! I am looking forward to the weigh in on Thursday and hoping to be down a couple of pounds.

    Buzz -- Thank you for taking the time to post even when it is so difficult. I enjoy hearing from you.

    Gigi -- How much longer do you expect to work? Hopefully you get to stay home in the ugly weather!

    Thinking of you all. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla:heart:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone!!!
    I just got back from work and it took me 45 minutes to get from work to home, normal time is about 8 minutes, very hard to drive and see. :angry: :angry: :angry: we already have 8 inches and blowing makes driving very difficult:grumble: :grumble: so I will be home for the rest of the storm.

    Sandy - thanks for the information, hope we can connect. Keep warm, maybe will be the biggest storm of the Century. Just want to share this, talking about yellow snow, the other morning when I awakeup and came downstairs for my coffee,. just looked outside the front door and on the driveway 4 of the most beautiful deers, what a picture, they were looking for food and our bushes and grass was just perfect for breakfast:sad: :sad: :sad: well they left a few spots of yellow snow, so when I told the story to Mike, he believe it because of the evidence.

    Next friday we're leaving for Cancun to celebrate our retirement, this time is with friends, we're staying at the Golden Parnaus, the resort is for adult only, we were there about a year ago and loved it, everyone is fantastic and friendly:drinker: :drinker::
    we leave on friday 4th and come back on the 19th, my friend and her husband that are going with us (is also my partner of 23 years) So this is a vacation to celebrate all those years of hard work. Must of the time we spend it reading and walking the beach. I'll keep in touch until I leave on friday. Hope we can fly out:noway: :noway: :noway:

    Keep warm and save, don't go out stay home:yawn:

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello again,

    Gayla I'll be working after I get back maybe thru the end of February:grumble: :grumble: hope that is all.

    Marie - One of my daughter leaves in St Peters MO, is also next to St Louis and they're having snow storm and Ice Storm, maybe they are going to loose the electricty, this is very hard on that area because snow or ice doesn't happen too often, when in normal time snow removal is not very well equipted or ever ready.:cry::cry: :cry: Let hope everyone stay's home.

    Sandy - don't worried about the lbs if your the cloths are fitting ok, you're on track and don't let the number get you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Jerry doing ok today. Hope is taking care of himself:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Take everyone:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope you're staying warm. So far we've had some freezing rain and it has just started to snow but very little and very lightly. Looking at the storm system on the weather maps it looks like we may have dodge a bullet today. All schools and many businesses are closed and home is a good place to be. The roads in our county are 90% gravel, many of them only one car wide so it is impossible for school buses to safely transport our kids and other than those whose parents drive them to school, they are all bused in.

    I posted this on another thread and thought I'd repeat it here for all of you to benefit from:

    The National Institute on Aging has a free DVD called Go4Life: Everyday Exercises from the National Institute on Aging that can be ordered from their web site or by calling 1-800-222-2225.

    "Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance with the Go4Life Everyday Exercises from the National Institute on Aging video. Designed for older adults, this DVD features strength, balance, and flexibility exercises that can be done at home, at work, at the gym—almost anywhere.

    Personal trainer Sandy Magrath and friends demonstrate the exercises and provide tips and success stories to motivate viewers to be more physically active. For those who are just starting out, getting back into exercise after a break, or stepping up their current activity level, this multi-part video and other Go4Life materials can help you create your own exercise program.

    The video is a companion to NIA’s popular exercise book, Exercise & Physical Activity: Your Everyday Guide from the National Institute on Aging, available in English and Spanish." (Also free and available at the same site or by calling the number above.)

    I've ordered a copy of both the DVD and the booklet for myself. I've got to do something different to shake things up. Despite working really hard (Sandy, I feel your pain) and keeping to my calorie goal, I'm still leveled out. My ticker is a lie - I'm two pounds heavier than it indicates - put I'm keeping it there to remind me of what is possible.:blushing:

    My volunteer project is finished. There were almost 400 volunteers transcribing 50,000 death certificates and we finished in just over three days. Our next project will be transcribing National Guard Service records and then we're going to go back to the 1920 death certificates and get them transcribed.

    My Afghans are on the couch (doesn't everyone have an afghan on their couch?) as they don't like the snow and ice on their paws. They go out, do what they need to and are right back in.

    Gonna watch Biggest Looser tonight. I've got a turkey breast in the oven with some nice little red potatoes. Hopefully I can feed us both and have enough left to slice for sandwiches.