Monday weigh in group! Let's get one started!

RaeBella13 Posts: 153
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Hey everyone!

I've tried to start this group before but I've been very unsuccesful. I've been on MFP hiatus for close to 6 months and came back with strenght and motivation like crazy a few weeks ago. I am down 12 lbs in 3 weeks and I would really love to have a Monday morning weigh in group to help with the motivation, and hopefully I can help people out too!

Let me know if you're on board wih me! :bigsmile:



  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Hey...I weigh-in on Monday evening. So, if you aren't looking only for people weighing-in in the morning, I'm in :smile:
  • ljf06
    ljf06 Posts: 2
    I will join you... I totally need some motivation.. What if we made a daily challenge ???? What you think> I can help too
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    I am a Monday morning weigher.

    Its usually my heaviest day of the week so the perfect day to weigh in.
  • Ok then! Let's get started!!!! :bigsmile:

    Starting weight as of 1/1/11: 327
    1/17/11: 322.5
    1/24/11: 320
    1/31/11: 315

    My short term goal is to lose 57 lbs by June 1, that will make me 270, and at a weight I haven't seen in about 6 years! My second goal is to lose a total of 100 lbs by the time my future niece/nephew is born! As of right now, my sister's due date is Sept 21. My ultimate goal is to weigh 175lbs, which I would like to attain by St. Patick's Day od 2012.

    Next week, my goal is to lose 4 more lbs, and put me at 311.

    Let's hear everyone else's story/goals!!

  • I'd love to join in on this weigh in also!
    today I am goal for next monday is 230!
  • I would love to join, I just started and have a long way to go but I know I would probably do better knowing I have to weigh in with other people. I will try anything. I weigh 240 and want to loose 100 pounds by this time next year or close to it. Thanks
  • Oh, good I'm glad we have some takers!!!

    Let's make sure we keep eachother in check! :bigsmile:
  • seepage35
    seepage35 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in
  • hanameskovic
    hanameskovic Posts: 7 Member
    I would like to join this weigh in group!

    I am 5'7 and weigh 191.2 lbs.
    I would like to get down to 170 by the end of March.
    I would like to be at 150 by May!
  • Hey everyone!

    Today I weighed in at 311.5, a 3.5 loss. I was hoping for a 4 or 5, but I have to remember I'm building muscle too, I resistance train every other day. People are starting to tell me that I'm looking slimmer, so that's always a big motivator!

    SW: 327
    LW: 315
    CW: 311.5
    Next week's goal: 308
    GW: 175

    15.5 lost, 136.5 to go!

    How did everyone else do?!?!?!

  • Well I gained 2 lbs this week but i'm being accountable for them.
    This has irritated me to a point that it is doubtful I will gain again lol! I feel like today is the rebirth of my weightloss asperiations...prior to joining this site i had lost 30 and got stuck there...I was up or down 5lbs but couldnt' jsut keep losing so I kind of gave up...well I gave myself the present of a personal trainer and today was our first visit....motivation back!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I WILL LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • So excited I lost 4 pounds this week :happy: Hope I can keep it going! Good luck to everybody!
  • Hey everyone!
    Im 20 and a university student... Just 3 years ago i weighe 124-130. October i qas pushing 153:(. Now i weigh 140! This app on my phone is awesome. Next monday I better be 137!!!!!! I work out 3 times a week .. School is stressful but my 21st b day is march 6!!! I hope to look fabulous at 130:)
  • Guin and JT...what are your goals for next week? What did you guys do during the week that reflected on the scale this morning?

    Let's chat a bit more!
  • I'm having trouble shifting weight at the moment. Currently weighing in at 154lbs, which for my height and age is not acceptable.
    I'm very unfit and find it hard to motivate myself to exercise. I'll join this Monday weigh-in to see if it helps :)
    Not too worried about my diet, however I am a student and always quite short of cash - for this reason I find that some months all I can afford after paying rent is supernoodles and pasta! :P When I have money though I rather like eating more healthy meals. And I have almost completely cut out alcohol :)
  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    I would love to join this group :)
    I'm use to doing my weigh-in on Friday mornings tho.. because I work hard all week and give myself the weekend to eat a bit of real food.. my diet coach gives me 2 cheat meals on weekends.. so I don't like my weight on Mondays but will do it :)
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    I would love to join if it's not to late. I just joined the site last monday. so monday is my weight in day. Started at 205 1/31, weight in at 198 this morning. Goal is around 150, I'll figure it out when I get there. I just want a healthy weight I can maintain without yo-yoing up and down. Because everytime I go up it ususally takes me a long time to come down.
  • hanameskovic
    hanameskovic Posts: 7 Member
    In haven't gotten a chance to weigh in today, but I have started a Vegan week today and so far so good. For lunch I had multigrain rotini with marinara and spinach and chocolate soymilk! I will weigh in later today when i get to work!
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member

    I want to join!!!

    In the past 4 weeks I have lost 12 lbs! Mondays are totally my weigh in day!

    SW: 197.5 lbs
    CW: 183 lbs
    GW: 150 lbs

    See you guys in a week!!!!
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    I would love to join. I've had a bad couple of weeks, but i'm trying to get back on track. I will weigh-in tonight!!
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