

  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Im in and just avoided a binge. I almost bought a bag of popped corn/corn ships/crackers something at the store. I always look for ones that have low cal because I know the entire bag is what I will eat in a day. I left work to buy bubbly water and at the Earth Fare started thinking about it....hmm began reading labels, thinking, looking at crackers, thinking....then I walked away.

    I bought water, a healthy fiber/protein bar and some grilled asparagus.

    It was an amazing feeling. My binge eating is really connect to stress or not speaking my mind or heart on what I need/want to speak on.....then I literally eat my words. I know the pattern and can feel it building some days. Today, I made some good choices. Next time, I plan to also take a minute to journal about it. I am hoping this will end any of it.

    this is a great challenge and will probably bring us as much insight as success. Proud to be a part of it!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I really love the idea of posting our mini-triumphs along the way, or stories of how we avoided a binge like mlillie -- and how great would it be if this thread got to be 5000 posts long because of it!

    I plan on posting when I'm tempted and also when I succeed.

    I'm also adding to my definition of binging and including "secret eating." If Im eating something or some amount of food that I would be ashamed to eat in front of other people, I'm going to count that as a binge.
  • fitladyfawkes
    fitladyfawkes Posts: 138 Member
    I am sooo in! Binging is a horrible problem that keeps haunting me at least once a week. I do it for when i am super happy and i do it when i am super sad. Kind of messed up huh? This is an AWESOME challenge!
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Yep- I second you on the secret eating. I would buy something in secret when I knew my roommate wasnt going to be home and then hide the wrapper in the big trash can or walk to another trash can to throw it away. This had nothing to do with my weight because that is when I was about 20 lbs lighter than I am now.

    Secret eating for me is in the same category as a binge. I always binge in secret as well. For me it is about the feeling not the food.

    I have to tell you avoiding it or facing it feels as strong to me as a hard day of weights!
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Oh and orangeoldies88- You have GREAT HAIR!!! I love it.

    (not anything to do with binging at all but I kept thinking it so I thought Id post it!)
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Okay...I'm full...but I still want to eat so I'm posting here instead.

    Had a healthy (early) dinner and then blueberries and mini marshmallows for dessert (strange, I know, but good).

    Why do I still want to eat...ugh. About to take my own advice and look for a distraction or maybe a short walk.
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Our dance team had a GREAT workout with our trainer today! I believe that makes it day 3 for me:smile: Wanderinglight...step away from the refrigerator and out the door for a little walk...you can do it!!!! Good idea to distract yourself:flowerforyou:
  • food_junkie
    I'm typing this to keep myself accountable.
    I totally had a binge tonight. What is wrong with me?
    Gah I guess tomorrow is day 1 again.
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    it's okay! I'm sure you won't be the only one starting over from time to time! Just be your # of days next time!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    What would you consider a binge?? Going over by how many calories?? Today I went over by 85 calories and that is because I ate lunch out with my husband. But I did not have a drink nor a "yummy" dessert at the restaurant...had water with my meal as usual. Ate a healthy dinner. So this is the end of day 2!!! Woohoo!!!!! Oh, and my husband was trying to sabotage it by saying "oh it is not Aug anymore, you can drink right?" (my challenge in Aug was to be alcohol free for the whole month). But I did not give in to the devil ehem my husband...:laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • greeneyes212
    today is my tenth day of not binging....and I am driving myself crazy ......I am so tired of the food that I am required to eat.....I am relieved to find this board here so that I can realize that I am not the only one working to be healthy!
  • walnut
    walnut Posts: 216 Member
    Yeah! Day two for me! And I just sat for 8 hours at a table with cake that looked like it had a million calories. Although I kind of wanted to eat some at first, knowing I'd have to start over with this thread and with my 10-14 days of clean eating was enough to make me not want any. Already I feel a little better in some ways, but I've had a headache today, probably from sugar withdrawal. It was easier today to stay away from the junk though.

    Dancer33, I hope to someday be able to conquor your new challenge idea. For me I have tried and failed at that too many times over the summer to trust myself with that without first clearing up my sugar, etc. addiction. Glad to hear it worked for you!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Day 4 for me -- I completed my entry for today and won't be near the kitchen for the rest of the night.

    I'm not thrilled with today -- I ate a big dinner even though I wasn't really hungry, and then ate more mini marshmallows (I need to throw that bag away), but I'm still under my calories and fat/ protein/ carbs.

    I feel too full to be comfortable, but still, this is a non-binge day for me so I guess that's good.
  • borjanap
    borjanap Posts: 232 Member
    day 1 for me... even thought I ate pretty late. I am at my cal intake for the day.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Thank goodness for this challenge!! This is the second day in a row I avoided temptation because I'm competitive and I DON'T want to see myself back at day 1!! I had part of one of my meals today and I TOTALLY wanted to go get more. I was walking back and forth in my kitchen talking out loud saying "don't do it.. don't do it..." then I noticed a little box of excel breath mints on top of my fridge, quickly popped on in my mouth, and that totally solved it for me. Most things taste so nasty with mint! And by the time the mint was done I was over my little fit, didn't have any want or need for more, and was darned pleased with myself for having succeeded.

    And tonight I had allowed myself a little soy dessert thing after supper but now I don't want it. I'm going to have a little air popped popcorn and watch a show with my husband before bed. Balance feels so good :bigsmile:
  • sarakenna1
    I'm jumping in on this...Today was day 1 for me. I'm not worried about mid-week so much as the weekends. My challenge will be overcoming weekend bindges! Hopefully this will keep me motivated come Saturday.
  • punka274
    Good Morning:drinker:

    Day 5 and still going.....

    Today is going to be a thirty minute powerwalk and some strength training! Not sure if im doing UB or LB? I can't wait to see what the scale says on saturday:happy:

    LOL,Theres reese cups in the house i haven't stuffed them all in my mouth:laugh: :bigsmile: im SO proud of myself!
  • mamakitty
    Day 3!

    Yesterday I was given my favorite chocolate and I didn't even eat it. I saved it for a chocolate emergency. I did not go over my cals yesterday!
    I have not seen weight loss in almost three weeks. I have had some bad days and a really bad weekend. But I am trying really hard. I just have to keep telling myself that this is a slow process and be patient.
    Well keep marching on!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Day 4 :happy: And whatever it is about this week, the lbs just keep peeling off! I have been very good and on point for the last week or two where for a few weeks before I had really been having trouble with night time snacking and wasn't getting the really rough work outs in that I love. I have to decide about what to do with my calories because my net is down to 1200 now and since I'm still breastfeeding I think I'm going to make sure I'm over by about 50 to 100 a day.

    So it looks like there are lots of us weighing in on Saturdays? That's so good because my other weigh in day is Tuesday. Nicely spaced to keep me motivated :wink:

    My best friend is arriving today and staying with me for a month so I don't know if I'll get to post too much... I'll try though! :drinker:
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    I just finished my dinner and got VERY close to going back in the kitchen and peeking my head into a few more cupboards.....but I came here instead:smile: