

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Day 3!!!! Went over by 9 calories only but it is all good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • clairegl
    Yea! I feel so good today, today is day 4 and I am down a pound.
    SW 165
    CW 164
    GW 155 (mini goal for next month)
    I am still having tiny bits of the things I love, mostly chocolate, but abstaining from going overboard or over my calories. However, I've really been hitting the cardio at the gym so that helps.
    Dancer, you are a rock star because, as of now, I cannot have that stuff in my home because I do not trust myself yet. Maybe soon, but I still feel weak. I do LOVE my Weight Watchers giant fudge bars though. MMM. Tasty and low cal.
  • food_junkie
    Day 1 over and done! Yay..small success is sweet :smile:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    crap. Back to day 1 tomorrow. Although I must say I'm being very technical with myself. But I want to be hard on myself to really adjust my way of behaving!
  • vegasmellie
    vegasmellie Posts: 118 Member
    I think about food ALL day and I thought it was just me. I'm in!

    thanks for starting this thread.

    Day1 for me. :happy:
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm glad this challenge is really holding all of us accountable for what's being put in our mouths! If you have to start over, it's not the end of the world, just make sure to get a day 1 the very next day!! 1 day of binging is not going to set you back as far as we all think it will at the time. (But going a long time WITHOUT binging can do SO much good:wink: ) Today is day 4 for me!!! Who wants to set a mini-goal of 10 days with me!?!?
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Going out to eat with a friend tonight was really hard for me. I didnt drink which was good but I had some fried plantains and just felt kinda gross afterwards. I came home and almost starting eating a lot of pretzels but only had a few and then started pre-portioning my snacks (like nuts) that can get me into trouble. The snack size bags were a perfect size and I feel better having this stuff in the house if they are in small bags and not one large one.

    Still i feel I over indulged at dinner and am not totally happy about it but am gonna deal and be back on track at spin class in the morning.

    10 days is a great goal- I am in.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Today is Day 5 for me, and I'll join the 10-day mini challenge.

    I'm glad that we are all doing well!
  • sarakenna1
    Day 2, still going strong! I hurt my hand over the weekend and had to skip yoga today, which totally bummed me out and messed with my calorie intake. I'm 150 cals over today, but that isn't too bad. (My bindge definition is 2500+ cals in one day). Looking forward to keeping this "no binge" goal up. I like the idea of a 10 day goal... Doesn't look so daunting then!
  • vegasmellie
    vegasmellie Posts: 118 Member
    I get free food alot at work, dinners and such, so that's a hard time for me NOT to binge. Especially if it's buffet style! also, late at night when I'm bored. happy to say that this thread has already worked for me. I so wanted to munch on something and even had that something in mind, but didn't as I knew I'd have to write it down and go over my points.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm in for 10 day mini goal! I want to be merciless with myself in this but man that's hard... Ah well. On with a new day tomorrow.
  • sundaygirl85
    I'm goining to join this today (better late than never!). I'm just happy right now to discover that I'm not alone in having these self-sabotaging binges! This post is a great idea, and will hopefully help me keep my eyes on the prize! So I'm interested to know what triggers other people's binges? For me it's usually seeking comfort , but also occasionally just plain boredom! So anyway, after being 'off the wagon' for a week or so, I ate well yesterday so that will be my Day 1. I'm too scared to weigh just now, so Monday will be my weigh in day (from next week!)
    Keep up the good work everyone!:flowerforyou:

  • punka274
    This is day #6 for me!

    Wow,I think this challenge is really keeping me motivated and giving me strength! There are reese cups,powdered donuts, chocolate brownies in the house and i could care less:noway: ....the way I see it is, Ive worked TO HARD over the past five days to mess up now:wink:

    Today will be a run interval in the morning then a dog walk this after noon! Ugh,that means two showers today:grumble:

    Im in the mini challenge too....ten days? NO PROBLEM:wink::bigsmile:
  • food_junkie
    I'll partake in the 10 day challenge..that means I have to go until next friday..doesn't sound too bad right? Anyways heres to a second day without bingeing!

  • Jackiemal
    Jackiemal Posts: 63 Member
    Ok, I'm in. This is my day 1 as I had potato chips yesterday. :cry:

    My tip for a potato chip craving...eat a raw potato with some salt on it. I wish I had done that yesterday!


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    'How does one become a butterfly?, she asked. 'You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.
  • mamakitty
    Back to day 1. I went over my cals because I ate too much peanut butter (my favorite). I was tempted not to count this but I would just be cheating myself.

    I am really nervous about this weekend. I have a wedding. After the reception we usually go with the wedding party and other friends to the bar. That usually starts the slippery slope of drinking and eating too much. Then off to the dinner, usually not healthy choices, and more drinks. After the dinner more drinks and fun. But if I do this it will be like taking 2 steps back after my 1 step forward. My goal is to go home between the ceremony and dinner and freshen up and have a healthy snack. Also, I plan to drink 2 glasses of water between each drink. I would even like to leave a little early. I keep repeating my plan in my head and will until the wedding. I have to do this in order to achieve my goal.

    I love checking in to see how everyone is doing and to see that others struggle just like me.
    Good luck everyone and have a great Thursday.
  • abby1949
    Tough Times are Daily Occurences. Here is what you do: Throw out those leftovers - In the Garbage with Fat. You will be Glad you did! When you get Figity for Something, Play you favourite Songs - Daydream away other Thoughts! Try this it really works. Its called "YOU IN CONTRIL" - it feels good to there!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Day 1. Yay for new starts!
  • WannaBeAButterfly
    God I went out with a friend and went way over. I was totally ashamed:cry: Its back to day one for me.

    My problem is that i either eat too much or not enough. Today I had only had about 900 calories. I just dont have an appetite tomorrow I might feel like eating and pig out. I just dont eat at alot throughout the day because I am at school and stuff.
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Did well today- so I think it is technically day 2. I really think those little snack size baggies are gonna save me and the new measuring cups I bought. Really helpful not to have a bag or box of something in the house. Had a bit of a stressful work day and didnt feel like the gym so went for a long walk/run and wore my HRM- totally motivated me.

    Now off to hang with some girls. They are drinking- I am bringing flavored seltzer today. This is really helpful for me.

    Hang in there everyone and keep posting.