Man Cave - Any Guys on MFP?



  • scoleman81
    I'm new to the site and am loving the man cave idea.

    I just started Insanity and am on my third day. I also have Your Shape Fitness Evolved on Kinect.

    I love football and the Texans. I'm the commissioner of a fantasy football league and spend a lot of time at Buffalo Wild Wings during the season. I quit drinking beer, but will have the occasional vodka and water.

    I play Kinect Sports with my friends online. Its actually a good little workout.

    The staple of my diet is grilled chicken breast and I drink about two gallons of water a day.
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    No way! Banana cream pie from yogurt? That's wild. I'm gonna try it.
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    Hey, hey! Here we are!

    Yeah... 301 days and counting. Down 65 lbs. Just gotta keep it off!

    Good stuff, Man!
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    Love the Cave....

    I've also gotten in the habit of soaking everything in Frank's Hot Sauce: I put that *hit on everything. Really. Bottle says 0 calories...can't beat it.

    On the diet side, one of the gripes I've seen on the forums, usually written by women, are the un-supportive husbands. How many men have a supportive spouse? My wife was good when I first started, but in the last few weeks, as I've hit all-time lows in weight, it's as if she's trying to fatten me up again. The meals are less healthy, no healthy snacks unless I buy them, ect. I can deal with it, but it's frustrating!!

    Hot sauce, Frank's, Tabasco, Tapatio, some of the other Mexican brands...

    To borrow from Ben Franklin, all of these are proof that God really does love us and wants us to be happy!

    On support - I think its cyclical. It's a blessing, really because it teaches you to make smart choices even when the deck is not stacked in your favor!

    Love the Cave
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Since TOM and his absurdity is a topic here. Check this out:

    And, My wife is a member here and very supportive. In fact she pretty much got me back on the wagon.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Since TOM and his absurdity is a topic here. Check this out:

    And, My wife is a member here and very supportive. In fact she pretty much got me back on the wagon.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Sorry, but isn't this the reason the OP started this forum?:angry: So we wouldn't have to hear about TOM and want to go kick his *kitten*? :sad: :laugh:
  • Mobstang
    Mobstang Posts: 10 Member
    1. Strange/Unusual exercise - Renegade Rows - they are tricky to get started with but wow what an ab workout.

    2. I still drink a couple of beers a week and depending on the situation drink a mix of lights and the calorie dense craft beers. Chicken Wings are definitely a weakness but I think I am going to start grilling them more often and come up with my own sauce.

    3. Disc Golf is the only sport I still actively participate in on a regular basis. It definitely helps a tremendous amount but until the days get longer I'm not playing it enough to have a huge impact. Racquetball and Ultimate were passions in my life a few years ago but its hard to find folks motivated to play. Anyone in the South Alabama area?

    4. Fruit Parfait - 1 cup frozen fruit, 1 cup greek yogurt, 1/2 or 1 cup fiber one - It will keep you full for hours and tastes better than a cake. I eat it for lunch sometimes when I want to save some calories for dinner. Cut the size in half and it is nice right before bed.

    Also, canned chicken. It took me a while to get over the taste which is hardly appetizing compared to a nice grilled chicken breast but I find when I mix it with unflavored greek yogurt that it is very tolerable and kinda reminds me of a chicken salad. Convenience is the driving factor here though. I eat a sandwich with lettuce, a slice of cheese, this mixture, and whole wheat bread right after my workouts with a protein shake. Filling and tasty.
  • Mission4Life
    Who's TOM?:laugh:
  • tooltime185
    Hello everyone

    I am finding this site so far not to bad and easy to use. I was in the Marine Corps 8 years, got out married, had kids, desk job, you all know.

    So I want to run the toughmudder out in VT, plus I want to be here for my kids, gf and just to feel good.

    looks like alot of you guys are doing well with the weight loss. I have been doing great with the eating, but alot of food/Beer is tempting. I have 3 months to get to my goal and determined to complete it
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Thank you for your service, tooltime!!
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    Warrior Dash and some other fun mud races got publicity in the Baltimore paper, today. LOOKS LIKE FUN!! (good clean fun, huh?),0,7385787.story
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    I'm still considering the Warrior Dash, but an old injury has reared its head. I tore my outside meniscus years ago and had it fixed in 1997. It got re-torn several years ago, but only bothered me once a year. Looking at 4 weeks in a fixed brace, and another 4 with the hinge released but still in the brace (the recovery time it took last time) with the associated muscle atrophy I figured I could live with a little pain for a day or so once a year or less.

    However, the tear in my meniscus (if it is like last time it is like a little crescent) flipped up during a workout. It popped back right away, but about two weeks later did it again doing a totally different exercise. I am thinking if it keeps doing this once I get to my goal weight it will be time to see the orthopedic surgeon again and get it fixed. With all the weight off rehab should go faster and re-injury should be less likely.

    With that in mind, this years warrior dash might not happen for me as many of the actions that are part of it would be just the sort of thing to cause the meniscus tear to flip up and me to crash down as I can't bear weight on that leg when it does. I am trying various exercises to strengthen the muscles to stabilize the joint, but it may not be enough.

    There is always next year.
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    But on MFP - if I read one more post about what bra works best, how to lift my butt, recover from pregnancy, or how to stop weight gain while on your period - I may very well bang my head against the desk.
    Sorry to hear about your pain. Made me laugh. Im outta here!! lol
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Hello dudes. A little late to the party.
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    Not to worry and glad you're here.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Been quiet here. I guess that happens, we are guys after all.:smile:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Ok, I'll chat :)

    Nutrition wise I am upping cals at the moment to try and gain some muscle. 1.25g P/lb BW. Workout days carbs = P. Rest days, reduce carbs. Bit of carb cycling experiment.

    Also, check out this thread for some absolutely delicious choc protein brownies.
    I just had one then and I surprise myself with my cooking ability :P

    still got sprained fibia tendon in ankle but doing what I can (no mma training or squats resistance training)

    My regular workout has been
    Squat 3 x 10 100kg
    Bench press 3 x 8 75kg
    Bent row 3 x 8 65kg
    Standing overhead press 3 x 8 50.5kg
    Stiff leg deadlift 3 x 8 75kg (not maximum yet)
    Chinups 3 x 8 +11kg (not maximum yet)

    I have reached my maximums (above) that I set in Dec (weighing 79kg) so very happy to have same strength but less bodyweight.

    Now I am implementing some undulating progression.
    1: 4x4 (4x5 squat)
    2. as above
    3. 2x12 (2x15 squat)

    I figure going heavy some days and lighter others should help overall. (I hate the term muscle confusion :P) See how it goes over the next 8 weeks like this.

    Anyone else trying something different?
  • Craigus351
    Craigus351 Posts: 7 Member

    @MrX8503 - You do eggs or egg whites? And I knew protien curbs hunger, but fiber does too? As for the Weights before Cardio - my trainer turned me on to that. Said the studies are just now coming out and you will just now start to se it in the Fitness magazines. He explained the science to me, but I was too busy cursing at him in my head for making me do more squats.

    With weights before cardio, do you warm up first, or just get straight into it?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I do weights before cardio also.

    I do a few mobility drills like these.

    Then do some explosive activation stuff. Things like medium weight snatches, medicine ball slams, pylo pushups, vertical or horzontal jumps.

    Then get started. Still start with light weights and progress up.