Fresh Blue Berry Banana Muffins!! 69 calories a serving!



  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
  • eklugman
    eklugman Posts: 20 Member
    These sound great. Great thing to make when I have that baking urge.

    This is exactly what happened yesterday when I made these.. It's been snowing and I was bored at home and wanted to bake something
  • would these make a filling breakfast? im not a massive lover of breakfast and sometimes dont have much time if working so looking for easy & filling since i dont like oatmeal!
  • eklugman
    eklugman Posts: 20 Member
    would these make a filling breakfast? im not a massive lover of breakfast and sometimes dont have much time if working so looking for easy & filling since i dont like oatmeal!

    I had two this morning with a glass of milk. My husband had two and he made a protein shake and he was good.
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    Bump! Trying these over the weekend!
  • heboyette
    heboyette Posts: 12 Member
    Bump! Sounds great, thanks for sharing!
  • Bump! These sound great :)
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    mmm I need to get blueberries

  • Bump
  • Bump
  • kimmyh70
    kimmyh70 Posts: 46 Member
    bump...cant wait to make
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    mmmmmm.... sounds yummy!!
  • sassy_sandi
    sassy_sandi Posts: 21 Member
    mmmm, can't wait to go to the store and buy some ingrediants...THANKS For passing this on...sounds really really good!:smile:
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    so trying these!
  • For those of you making these, you might want to omit the salt. I thought when I was reading the ingredients that salt, baking soda, and 2 1/2 tsp of baking powder would make for an awfully salty batter and unfortunately, I was right.

    I was also not able to spread the batter to 24 muffin pans without filling them less than 2/3 full. I had to go to 1/2 full, and even that was a stretch.
  • Scidoc
    Scidoc Posts: 106 Member
    Sounds yummy! Is there a way we can increase the protein in this? Might be good to have for a post-workout breakfast :) Thanks for sharing!!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I made this last night and it is great! Only I made it as a loaf of bread instead of muffins. I threw the batter together in about 15 minutes, then poured it into a 9x2 loaf pan sprayed with olive oil, then baked at 400 for about 45 minutes. It's very moist, and sweet, but not too sweet. Would be great for breakfast or as a snack. As a loaf cut into 8 (thick) slices, it's about 210 cals per slice. I'll definitely be making this again.
  • Bump! Yummy
  • bubblie117
    bubblie117 Posts: 78 Member
    sounds great!
  • eklugman
    eklugman Posts: 20 Member
    For those of you making these, you might want to omit the salt. I thought when I was reading the ingredients that salt, baking soda, and 2 1/2 tsp of baking powder would make for an awfully salty batter and unfortunately, I was right.

    I was also not able to spread the batter to 24 muffin pans without filling them less than 2/3 full. I had to go to 1/2 full, and even that was a stretch.

    Very interesting I am always one to omit salt. I hate salt added to anything but I left it for my first try because they say it makes that savory taste when crossed with sweet and I didn't notice the extra salt flavor.
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