24 Hour Challenge FEBRUARY



  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    2-01* 16min-streigth training
    2-02* 20min wii Fit
    2-03* 50min treadmill

  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    2/1- 30 Minutes Treadmill
    2/2- 90 Minutes (60 jazzercise, 30 Food prep)
    2/3- 35 Minutes treadmill

    Total so far: 2 Hours 35 minutes
  • I'm up to 138 minutes now—all from walking. But I really need to step it to meet the 24 hour goal.

    I'm excited with my progress regardless. I work in an office (sitting in front of a computer alllllll day). Therefore, 2+ hours of exercise in 3 days is fabulous progress for me.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Feb 1 - 30 min wave runner class
    Feb 2 - 44 min soccer game
    Feb 3 - 30 min interval training class, 15 min treadmill

    Total: 1 hr 59 mins 119/1440
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    i'm in!!!!!! 2 hrs and 27 min's so far
  • I'm in! I started a two days late but I can catch up! :tongue:
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    Whew!!! 30 Minutes on the treadmill & 60 Minutes of Zumba class :)
    UP TO 3 HOURS :)
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Added 17 minutes for a grand total of:

    Total: 1:49 / Remaining: 22:11
  • Missed gym today :(
    Tomorrow, whether rain sleet or snow.
    Which looks like what will happen :)
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 674 Member
    Feb 1- 60 min (25 strength, 35 cardio, walking on treadmil)
    Feb 2- off- lazy day
    Feb 3- 60 min slow walking

    months total: 120
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    I'm in!!!
  • Pumpkinpie10
    Pumpkinpie10 Posts: 29 Member
    60 minutes - body sculpting class with weights and bands. I'm really sore now!
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    2/1--day off
    2/2--30 minutes weight training and 1 hour pilates
    2/3--1 hour step aerobics plus abs
    Total--2.5 hours
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    2/1: 70 min. walk
    2/2: 70 min. walk
    2/3: 65 min. Wii Zumba + Just Dance 2

    Total so far: 3.4 hrs.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Weights: 1.5 hours
    Cardio 1: 0.5 hours
    Cardio 2: 0.5 hours

    Weights: 1.5 hours
    Cardio 1: 0.5 hours
    Cardio 2: 0.5 hours

    Weights: 1.5 hours
    Cardio 1: 0.5 hours
    Cardio 2: 0.5 hours

    7.5 hours
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    2/1-1 hr 15 mins Tredmill & Bike
    2/2- 1 hour Tredmill
    2/4- 1hr 15mins-Tredmill & Bike
    3 hrs 30mins total

    20:30 to go!!!
  • Oh I am so behind login in my workouts:'
    Tues 40 Min snow shoveling
    Wend one hour -snow shoveling
    Thur 30 min snow shoveling ( we i come home from work I could not get into my drive may thanks to the ploying crew..grrrrr)
    I hope this will be it for snow!!!!OMG!
    this monrning Thur 40 min eliptical
  • richardsangel
    richardsangel Posts: 8 Member
    I am definitely in. This would be great. I am so needing motivation to be able to get my exercising back into my routine. This bad winter weather doesn't help. I would love nothing more than to go walking outside, but right now that is not an option. Hopefully this helps.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    My week so far:
    2/2 Strength Training: .75 hours
    Zumba: 1.0 hours

    2/3 Zumba Toning: 1.0 hours

    Total: 2.75 hours
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    1st - 2hrs 20 mins (2 hours gentle walking with my mum and gran & 20 mins 30 Day Shred Level 1 Day 2)
    2nd - 1 hr 20 mins (30 mins C25K W1D2 on the Cross Trainer because of a niggly ankle & 20 mins 30 Day Shred L1 D3)
    3rd - 1 hr 20 mins (1 hour Body Attack & 20 mins 30 day shred L1 D4)
    4th - 1 hr 5 mins (20 mins 30 day Shred L1 D5 & 45 mins Body Conditioning)

    6 hrs 5 minutes down. Woo hoo!!!

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