P90X PHASE 2!!!!!!!Lets get this Done



  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    I'm still going strong... I'm on Week 5 day 5 today!!! I'm definitely starting to notice a HUGE difference in my back, shoulders, and arms... Like ripped =D My midsection has also slimmed down!!! I'm not watching my weight because it began driving me nuts so I'm just going to let my beginning and ending pictures do the talking. Keep up the good work and although it might be hard some days... JUST HIT PLAY.
  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    Yoga X done. Such an amazing workout... I'm actually having trouble walking - my poor legs are so wobbly!

    I was making dinner last night after YogaX and shakey legs =D
  • Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X Completed!!!!!!

    I did really good today on the legs....been haveing trouble keeping my legs in place as long as he wants us too...that stuff is hard..did it today!! and on ab ripper x I did all 40 of the twist one at the end!!! Felt the burn of course!!!

    I finished those today as well, i really have trouble with those skaters in the legs and back workout. I'm always tumbling

    Me too!!! I also can feel the burn on those wall squats!!!
    Just finished that workout! My legs are soooooo dead!! Those toe roll iso lunges KILL ME.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Good Day Everyone,

    I hope all of you folks are doing well in this crazy weather. If you live in a warm state or country, i am officially jealous of you. I am so glad to hear that most of you are getting your workouts in. I have been doing well also. I am going to start checking on some of our fellow challengers in about a week or 2 to make sure they are still on this journey with us. If not i will update the list.

    Reminder - Tomarrow is the voluntary weigh- in. I will make a new board on sunday morning.

    I am currently very tired because i just got finished doing almost 50 mins on my elliptical. It was either that or x stretch and i really wanted to burn some calories today. I got to go hop in the shower now and go to work. wish me luck

  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    By the way i have a funny comment about the yoga dvd. Does it agarvate any of you that when you finally finish the yoga dvd that there is a loud as hell infomercial after it. There a lady and guy yelling "HEY YOU WANNA GET FIT, JOIN BEACHBODY.COM". There i am, calm as hell, doing my "oms" and almost ready to take a nap, then this damn commercial yells at me. Everytime this happens i get mad and complain to my boyfriend about it. He laughs.
  • pghatc41
    pghatc41 Posts: 18 Member
    I like the Yoga DVD, just have a hard time finding a quiet 1.5 hours to do it. I don't remember that infomercial, I will have to look for it when I do Yoga (hopefully) tomorrow. Heading to the elliptical and weights and looking forward to the weigh-in tomorrow morning
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    Good to see everyone still at it!!
    I haven't been as active on our thread, but I'm still hanging in there!

    I completed each day this week, including today (W5D5)......Legs & Back w/ARX....woooo mama!!

    It took EVERY BIT of will power in me to get this done today, ended up getting a late start, which always bums me out & messes up my morning. By the time I got started I was frustrated, tired, and could only think about all the schoolwork waiting for me when I was done. BUT......GOT IT DONE!! My legs are paying for it!

    I will say......after having done these workouts for awhile....I am truly SICK of seeing Dreya! I don't know why, but I find her SO annoying! :p

    Great work pals....lets keep it going!
  • I am going to weigh sunday morning instead of today because it is TOM and I know the scale will be completely different! I think by tomorrow I will be able to get a precise weigh in!
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member

    SW: 169.8
    Previous weigh-in: 168.4
    CW: 167.4

    Very pleased with this, but I find it hard to be excited or hope this is a break in my plateau. All I can do is keep moving forward & keep pushing play!
  • pghatc41
    pghatc41 Posts: 18 Member
    1/3: 191.2
    1/8: 192.8
    1/15: 190.6
    1/22: 189.2
    1/29: 189
    2/5: 188.6

    Still trending slowly down, expected to lose a little more than 1/2 pound as I went hard with the cardio this week but when I measured body fat with my little meter, I was down 1.5% in one week so very happy with that number. I plan to stop obsessing weekly over that number and re-measure in 3 weeks to see my progress. Hoping to do Yoga today some time, rest tomorrow while watching the Steelers in the Super Bowl and get back to it on Monday. Keep up the good work everybody!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I didn't loose even a fraction of a pound this week, what the heck?!! I get up BEFORE the crack of dawn, exercise for over an hour, log everything I eat and didn't loose ANY weight! This is getting really frustrating! Friends that started MFP after me and exercise less have lost more. Suck! What am I doing wrong?
    We have a pretty slim grocery budget so I do the best I can buying food/snacks. I've got my calories set at 1700 and I always eat my exercise calories. Since I'm on allergy pills and nose spray I'll even eat a few calories shy of what I burned. I exercise first thing in the morning and, with the exception of three days since I started, I eat a big breakfast. and a smaller dinner. I've averaged my per meal calories as follows:
    Breakfast: 30%
    Snack 1: 10%
    Lunch: 25%
    Snack 2: 10%
    Dinner: 20%
    Snack 3: 5%
    This is the first day I really had to make myself exercise. After today's weigh in I just wanted to go back to sleep. The first few reps were pitiful. Maybe I need to cut back on sodium? Is anyone else out there experiencing the same thing.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    SW: 172
    LW: 169.8
    CW: 167
    Lost 2.8 pounds

    thank goodness
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    SW: 172
    LW: 169.8
    CW: 167
    Lost 2.8 pounds
  • I didn't loose even a fraction of a pound this week, what the heck?!! I get up BEFORE the crack of dawn, exercise for over an hour, log everything I eat and didn't loose ANY weight! This is getting really frustrating! Friends that started MFP after me and exercise less have lost more. Suck! What am I doing wrong?
    We have a pretty slim grocery budget so I do the best I can buying food/snacks. I've got my calories set at 1700 and I always eat my exercise calories. Since I'm on allergy pills and nose spray I'll even eat a few calories shy of what I burned. I exercise first thing in the morning and, with the exception of three days since I started, I eat a big breakfast. and a smaller dinner. I've averaged my per meal calories as follows:
    Breakfast: 30%
    Snack 1: 10%
    Lunch: 25%
    Snack 2: 10%
    Dinner: 20%
    Snack 3: 5%
    This is the first day I really had to make myself exercise. After today's weigh in I just wanted to go back to sleep. The first few reps were pitiful. Maybe I need to cut back on sodium? Is anyone else out there experiencing the same thing.

    You have to remember you are gaining muscle!!! This is not about the weight of the scale but the inches! I know how you feel though for like 3 weeks I was either staying the same or gaining, but I didn't lose until this week...not weighing in because of TOM, but I did start losing before this time came! It will come off but like I said, it's the inches that matter!
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    W5D6 complete!!

    -Kenpo X-

    Contemplating using weighted gloves or wrist weights with this workout. Just not getting quite the workout for my arms I'd like, especially as slow as some of the moves are.
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    W5D6 complete!!

    -Kenpo X-

    Contemplating using weighted gloves or wrist weights with this workout. Just not getting quite the workout for my arms I'd like, especially as slow as some of the moves are.

    That's a good idea. Especially the elbow series there's now enough umph!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I may sound like a broken record but I've heard and researched a lot and keep getting conflicting information about what daily calories should be set at.

    I didn't loose anything this week. After the advice of some on the message boards, I upped my calories from 1300 to 1700.
    I know my HRM is high because of the medicine I take but I can't seem to find out ow to adjust calories burned.
    My brother-in-law and sister-in-law are occupational therapists. My BIL actually has his phd. He said 1700 sounded way too high for anyone interested in weight loss. On the message boards several said it should be at 1800.
    I am so frustrated and confused! I'm disciplined with my P90-X workouts and am doing well with the kinds of food I eat I think I just need to cut back on sodium, sugar, and figure what to set my base daily calories at. But I have no clue what to do. A little advice would be greatly appreciated.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    1700 calories seems like a good number to shoot for. Keep in mind that your lifting days are not going to give you a major calorie burn. Most of the lifting days gives me under 400 calories burned. I also add in extra cardio at lunch time on some days and do extra cardio on the weekends. I would recommend doing double workouts in phase two to really give your metabolism a boost.
  • I didn't loose even a fraction of a pound this week, what the heck?!! I get up BEFORE the crack of dawn, exercise for over an hour, log everything I eat and didn't loose ANY weight! This is getting really frustrating! Friends that started MFP after me and exercise less have lost more. Suck! What am I doing wrong?
    We have a pretty slim grocery budget so I do the best I can buying food/snacks. I've got my calories set at 1700 and I always eat my exercise calories. Since I'm on allergy pills and nose spray I'll even eat a few calories shy of what I burned. I exercise first thing in the morning and, with the exception of three days since I started, I eat a big breakfast. and a smaller dinner. I've averaged my per meal calories as follows:
    Breakfast: 30%
    Snack 1: 10%
    Lunch: 25%

    I am experiencing the same thing, i have actually gained 2lbs this week, I was really tired of this and wanted to give up!!! But I am feeling way better than i have left in monts, my pants are also fitting better. How are your clothes fitting?? Have you lost any inches?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    W5D6 complete!!

    -Kenpo X-

    Contemplating using weighted gloves or wrist weights with this workout. Just not getting quite the workout for my arms I'd like, especially as slow as some of the moves are.

    By phase two many people start to use the 2 pound weighted gloves. If you move onto a 2nd round of P90X you may find that Kenpo X isn't challenging enough anymore. But hold onto the weighted gloves. You may want to venture over to Turbo Fire and you can use them again with that DVD. I believe they sell the weighted gloves at Target or any sporting goods store.
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