*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Weigh-In #6 2/4/11



  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    i maintained my weight this week. i know why- i didn't make the best food choices. i'm ready for a great loss next week though!

    congrats to everyone who had great losses again this week! keep it up!

    CW: 224.4
  • 220!!! First mini-goal reached!
  • akaDuchess
    akaDuchess Posts: 45 Member
    I'm down 1lb this week, so I'm at 202!!! I'm getting closer to being in the 100's! I couldn't be more happier with my progress, just knowing that I'm headed in the right direction is a great feeling.

    SW: 207
    CW: 202

    Almost there!!!!! Those are such exciting pounds to lose!
  • akaDuchess
    akaDuchess Posts: 45 Member
    I love weigh-in day to see how everybody is doing. So many of you have had great weeks!

    I am at 199.4 which is .2 over last week. But considering I was hanging back out in the 200's most of this week, I'm glad to be back in the 190's. This was a great week for adding exercise for me...I've worked out at the gym 5 days this week and three of the days were for an hour and a half. That's a big lifestyle change for me!
  • I also lost 3.8 this week to !!!!!!!YAY!!!
  • Guatamellon
    Guatamellon Posts: 102 Member
    Last week I was at 193 and this morning I was at 190. OMG almost out of the 190's into the 180's. I dont know if I will cry or not but thinking about it makes me want to cry. I can honestly say I cant remember the last time I was in the 180's. People at work are starting to notice my weight loss and it feels so good that this hard work is starting to show.

    For those that have gained dont get discourage. Keep focus and positve the weight will start coming off. Good luck everyone. I cant wait for the half way mark to do pictures.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    I am now at 159.0, down from 159.6 last week. Well I am so happy that the scale is finally moving and in the right direction. I have lost 5 lbs total since I started MFP in December. Very proud of myself; this is the longest I have ever stayed with any type of weight loss program.
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member

    Down 2 pounds overnight, on my period... I posted this through the spreadsheet form this morning but am re-posting for reference here. Also, posting here from SEA airport, after a 10h flight, awaiting another 3.5h flight up to Alaska. Whew. (Frankly, weight fluctuations are not really very meaningful in this high-stress situation.)
  • ucms
    ucms Posts: 28 Member
    bump for tomorrow
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    down 2 lbs from last week..
    Looking back from to the start of Janruary on the beginning of this journey, I can not believe the changes in my body and how strong I have become.

    I give a great thanks to the creator of this GREAT challenge that keeps me motivated every day and another big thanks to everyone who is also on the journey to make a change in their life!

    Keep up the good work!
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    Hi...what's the snowflakes to Sunshine challenge?? Is it too late to jump in??
  • Hi all, beyond frustrated with my body. Iam up 1.5 lbs. This week- another gain!! :( I started exercising regularly 2 wks ago and i've seen a gain the past two weeks so there's got to be a connection. I'm just going to try and stay positive, and keep working out and counting cals and hopefully next week I will see a drop. Happy for everyone that lost though! It seems like it was a good week for many of u so congrats!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I managed to lose 1 pound. Down to 352! I will take it! Goal this week is to get to the 340's for sure. Going to get my eating back to healthy. Considering about 3 bad days I am glad to lose a pound. I think the exercising daily helped for sure. Going to gym for the 1st time since the Blizzard hit Chicago. Even though I feel like doing a DVD I need another gym workout. I already missed my goal of 3 times a week by 1 because of all of the snow, so I will take 2 gym workouts

    Congrats Snowflakes!!:flowerforyou: I see you all are rocking those pounds off!! Keep up the good work and the sunshine will be here before we know it!

    Have a good weekend!:flowerforyou:
  • Weigh in: 188

    Somehow managed to lose 1.4!

    Going to kick it up this week and see what happens! Congrats to all the great losses this week. The Snowflakes are melting!! Soon we will be SHINING!!
  • 355 this week.. down 1.2 lbs :)
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Gain this week 2.8! I think it is water weight.

    For those of you who lost awesome! For those or you how gained or stayed the same you can do it! Keep on Keeping on!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    161 this week. Thats a .5 loss from last week!! I knew I shouldnt have weighed in on Sunday and saw 160.5 :laugh: I am now determined to absolutely not look at the scale at all next week...except I am going to tomorrow because I am planning on doing a huge intense workout today so i want to see if working out the day before a weighin makes a difference!!

    Congrats to everyone who had a loss!!! I am so proud of all of you!!
    To those of you who maintained or gained, just try not to get to down on yourself. I know it is hard to work so hard and not see a loss but it happens!! We arent all going to see a loss every week, and thats something we just have to get used to!! I am still very proud of everyone for sticking to the challenge and hanging in there!! As long as we are watching what we eat and working out that is all we can do :happy:
  • hlhouse
    hlhouse Posts: 17 Member
    Hey all, will bump to post later. Can somebody log my 187 to the spreadsheet? I can't access it on my phone and I'm in Houston for the weekend :)
  • Shylin
    Shylin Posts: 109 Member
    My weight is 151!! Down another pound this week. I'm happy with that.
  • Jamaica113
    Jamaica113 Posts: 73 Member
    Stayed the same this week.....:(
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