Senior Golden Sneakers - February 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I just came across this group. Can I join? Is there an age requirement to belong? :wink: I am 59.

    v yla Welcome to our site. Love having you.

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: MADDY: Zumba is such fun, and such great activity, and I got really involved with it and the hip techniques and even the belly -dancing our gorgeous "zaftig" instructor threw in, that I came to prefer it to the aerobic classes my DH and I attended every weekday. Couldn't wait to get going...with my pink, smooth-soled sneakers (like your bowling shoes!). Then one evening, as I was slinking into a very complicated Brazilian hip-throw, my leg went out from under me, and down I went. That was 4 years ago, almost to the day, and led to my hip replacement several weeks later! :cry: If there is a motto to this tale, I would like to warn all of us (myself included) to do everything in MODERATION!!! :frown: I learned it too late, as my morning race walks were between 5 and 7 miles 6 days a week, plus the gym, Zumba, etc, and if I knew then what I learned since, I could still be doing it all but at an easier pace! I was not competetive with OTHER people, but very much so with my own records, and when I went into surgery for the hip, my activities came to an abrupt halt! Of course, at 83+ 1/2, it's not a tragedy, but I might still be doing my outdoor walks instead of Leslie and Jane in front of the TV!!! :ohwell: By the way, I just LOVE that cartoon you applied. Where do you find these things??? :love:

    MARIE: nice reading about how this thread started. It has evolved into a grear group hug!!!

    BARBIECAT...wish you a wonderful life with your new move. With your enthusiasm, it will work out just beautifully!

    Hey everyone, my eyes have not blurred once during this stint at my desktop! :bigsmile: Oh WOW!
    Today is DH's 87th birthday and we will celebrate once I can be seen in public! The swelling is receding, and the bruising is certainly most colorful!

    My love and best wishes to everybody, and I must close down before I can catch up with the last few weeks. No eye strain, but I think the lid-lift is making a huge difference!
    hugs to all,
    Man, that Zumba will kill an old lady!! I made thru about 30 minutes. I had to go a little slower because there's nothing slow on there, even for beginners. I have so much respect for you, you are my idol!!! Thanks for the warning on the hip throw!! :drinker:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    I just came across this group. Can I join? Is there an age requirement to belong? :wink: I am 59.

    v yla Welcome to our site. Love having you.

    You are just the right age!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Friday!! I am so behind this week and yes Barb every day with the behind!!!:laugh: :laugh: She loves to add puns to our remarks when she is not so busy working. :tongue:

    Welcome Xyla (going be hard to find a nickname maybe just X)!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We have no age requirement, as long as you want to be with a fun, encouraging, supportive group you are more than welcome. :heart: :heart:

    Connie thanks for getting us up to date on our friends, some have left some are new, if you are not on the birthday list then let me know and you will be added. Our next birthday is Maddie, which is February 13th. If anyone is before her let me know, you can check our birthday list at

    I am loving the artwork.....where are you finding all these clever things???

    Maddie, wanted to try Zumba but I watched it on On Demand and it looked demanding. :laugh: I really want to be careful with my knees since I am not quite ready for a knee replacement although JoAn made it sound so easy. :love:

    Barbie, I know you are busy with all the getting ready for the move, I wish we could all come and help you. You are so organized I don't think there will be any problems. Keep checking in, we love you kiddo. :heart:

    Elli, you are right back on track with checking in and keeping us posted. I have had a couple of busy days and haven't exercised much but plan on step walking while watching TV tonight. I am over my calories by 200 right now, so I have to gain extra to have a snack later. I lost a pound but again not recording until I am sure it stays put. :noway:

    I went to the dentist for a cleaning today and ran some errands. The roads are still a disaster so my granddaughter did not go to dance tonight which means I didn't have to pick her up for the train. :bigsmile:

    Have a good evening!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy Birthday to Buzz husband

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I am thrilled to announce that on the way to the dog park I stopped at the post office and mailed all the numbers and papers to the accountant so most of the hard work of the income tax is done :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Now I can get busier with helping Jake with the packing:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: except that tomorrow I have to go to an all day meeting for our business
    a two hour drive each way and day of meetings
    so now packing and almost no exercise and at least one restaurant meal

    :bigsmile: we are so blessed with our rainy weather and temps in the 40's :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Jake has been doing an amazing job with the packing.....he checks things with me so we don't accidentally pack something that is essential for our everyday life and he labels all the boxes on top and on all four sides :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I've gotten to my line dance classes three days this week but had to miss the dog park yesterday because the errands filled the afternoon....I don't want to lose track of my good habits just because we are packing.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I am thrilled to announce that on the way to the dog park I stopped at the post office and mailed all the numbers and papers to the accountant so most of the hard work of the income tax is done :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Now I can get busier with helping Jake with the packing:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: except that tomorrow I have to go to an all day meeting for our business
    a two hour drive each way and day of meetings
    so now packing and almost no exercise and at least one restaurant meal

    :bigsmile: we are so blessed with our rainy weather and temps in the 40's :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Jake has been doing an amazing job with the packing.....he checks things with me so we don't accidentally pack something that is essential for our everyday life and he labels all the boxes on top and on all four sides :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I've gotten to my line dance classes three days this week but had to miss the dog park yesterday because the errands filled the afternoon....I don't want to lose track of my good habits just because we are packing.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Give yourself a break Barbie, you will always be focused and not lose your good habits. Some times things are beyond our control.
    You have done such a amazing job losing and maintaining and with Jake as your partner you will both always be focused. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Welcome xyla!
  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member
    I've been doing some research and went back to the beginning of the Senior Golden Sneakers (I think) and I've been trying to compile a list of everyone who has posted in the past year, their age and where they are from.

    Many of these folks posted once or twice and thn disappeared. I think some of the younger folks got to us by accident, posted once and then didn't return. Others posted quite bit and then also disappeared.

    I went back to the beginning and reading through the posts over a year's time is so interesting. It's like a microcosm of life with illness, accidents, achievements, losses, family crisis, bouts with mother nature and all the other things that make life, life.

    Some of the posters above are just that - the posts on which our fence is built. Others are like me - rails spanning a distance, hoping to become posts.

    Good Morning Sneakers~

    Yes, I'm still lurking on this thread but I'm afraid this will be my last post. First, I would like to preface this by saying that you are a nice bunch of women and you have a remarkable long distance relationship with each other. You support one another wonderfully and I do believe you truly care what happens in each others' lives. However, I would like to comment on Connie's post because I believe I can shed some light on why some try to join in, but eventually leave.

    I found MFP on January 3rd of this year and excitedly joined. I've been battling my weight for many years with no success (I've had a VERY tough eight years for several reasons I won't get into at this point) and thought that finding friends and support would help me realize my goals. When I joined this thread I thought I I found the people that would help me and encourage me to keep at it each day. I immediately had 11 women (and one creepy guy) ask to be my friend and I was thrilled. For about the first 1 1/2 weeks, when I'd post my foods/exercise I'd get a couple of encouraging comments, then everyone went away. That's okay. Everyone is busy doing the same thing I'm trying to do.

    When I would post here, I'd get no responses. I posted that I had lost 25% of my goal and I was so excited! This was not easy for me to accomplish and I couldn't wait to scream it to the world! But there were no atta-boys, no WTGs, no WOOHOOs, no keep-up-the-good-work. But, there was plenty of talk of sports and weather. That's when I made my food and exercise loggings private and decided to try this on my own. It's a battle, and I do believe I'll win in the end, but it's very slow and difficult.

    You have to understand that most of the people that join this site do so because they have been unable to lose weight on their own and need help and encouragement. If they don't get it, they try to find it somewhere else. Trying to lose weight is frustrating enough without trying to find support where there is none. I must lose the weight and gain a lot of strength, not to fit in a particular size, or to look good in a swimsuit, but to SAVE MY LIFE! This is very important to me.

    There were two of you that wanted me to post a photo of myself (which my husband is completely against), and maybe that would have made a difference if you all could have "seen" me. Perhaps I'm not old enough; I'll be 57 in a few weeks. Maybe this community has grown so large that it's too difficult to keep up with everyone. I don't know.

    Again, I want to say that you are nice ladies, but I will be saying goodbye. I must find a place that offers me the encouragement I need.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi Viki. I understand your decision. Your postings did not go unoticed. You, I believe, got several people interested in Zumba.
    I guess sometimes people need more encouragement than a message board format can be expected to offer. I'm sure you knnow what is best for you. Your contributions will be missed, good luck in pursuit of your goals.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Good morning sneakers. I hope you are all having a fine weekend. We are in ok city for a bit,then back to Calif. The roads are clear but ice and snow are everywhere else. I can't imagine taking a morning walk here. That makes me think of these things I saw in a catalog. Zak s, I think. Or yaks. They go on your shoes to provide traction. Has anyo ne tried them? I have almost bought them several times.
    i had a hypoglycemic episode is mornin. I wasn't expecting that. I guess when i put in a little powdered cream in with half & half in my coffee, it tripped things up. All is well now. Still on my plan.
    marie, when will Jerry et his results?
    Barb, we will look you up if we get back to Portland. I would like to visit Jubitz too, I heard it hs bn reremodeld. Gee, am I typing badly,or is it this mini keyboard!
    More later
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Vikie, It makes me sad that we failed you.And by we that include you. for this thread belong to all of us not just a few. You get out of things by what you put in.. I am so sorry we failed you. But yet again We were here for you All you had to do was ask us. Hope you fine what you are looking for.If you decide to stay with us we will always Welvome you back., anytime. I have really been looking forward to seeing some of your quilts.Will always think of you with Love. Marie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Give yourself a break Barbie, you will always be focused and not lose your good habits. Some times things are beyond our control.
    You have done such a amazing job losing and maintaining and with Jake as your partner you will both always be focused.

    I have to second what Sandy said Barbie - sometimes life just "happens" around us and we have to (or sometimes choose to) eat in a restaurant or skip a day of exercise. It's really ok! I think you've been doing your program so successfully for a long time now - don't beat yourself up!

    Viki - add me to the list of those of us who apologize to you. PLEASE give us another chance:sad: - i totally understand what you're saying and also - thank you for pointing it out to us. BIG KUDOS to you for getting to 1/4 of your goal! That is awesome!
    :bigsmile: Again, sorry if this is too little too late.

    Sandy - hope you're having a great weekend - is any of the snow melting yet? I can't even believe what a dry winter we're having - down here on the plains anyway - our mountains are getting lots so that's good.

    Taking my niece out to lunch today - i picked Applebees where i know they have a salad i like. Skipping breakfast this morning so i can have a few more lunch calories. I'm excited about eating a salad other than 1 i've fixed (which i eat every day for lunch)

    My Colo Spgs dil is coming up on Monday (her hubby, my Soldier/son is still investigating that nerve gas thing in Utah:grumble: ) to spend part of the day with me and part with the newer baby and mom. I can't wait to see my 6 month old! She's changing SO fast! CRAWLING now!:bigsmile: Tomorrow taking new baby and parents (well - parents i guess) Super Bowl Mexican dinner and homemade cinnemon rolls. It's crazy - even dieting, if i can bake and cook for other people it helps me! go figure:huh:

    Love u guys - have a great weekend!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Elli What a wonderful writer you are , you have a way of making everybody feels special I wish I had your gift. of writing. Bless you Grandma. Have a great time with your kids little and big.

    The sun is out and maybe all this ice and snow will be a thing of the past after tomorrow. We have been below freezin now for over 100 hours. GettIng a bit syir crazy around here. Seems like everything just shut down around here.This is winter What can you expect. We just thought we were exwmpt from it.. My eating has really got out of hands. I haven't been to the store now in a couple of weeks Jerry been picking up a few things. along the way.

    Phoebe going back to California....OK City surpose to have been hit hard. Good for you of staying on your diet.

    Gayla how did you do at your WW meeting. How do you like their new Plan.? Neil seems to have taken to his new home pretty well . Well it is not new antmore. He has been there dor awhile. You always di good on WW as long as you went to the meetings. Alice has not made much headwys this time WW.

    This is drving me crazy not knowing what they found out with the biopsy Jerry . I feel ike everything is OK but would like to know for sure.

    One thing for sure I will be glad When the super bowl is over with. It seems to be the # 1 pierorty here in Dallas. this last week. And they want to have the 50th superbowl Here At least Dallas is If they do they ought to moved it up to March.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Saturday!! It is always sad when someone leaves and Viki will be missed. I too, apologize for not commenting on her weight loss, it was a wonderful accomplishment. :heart: I am not sure how it went without comment, but it must have been discouraging when we didn't acknowledge her hard work. :cry: She brought a lot of happiness, funny jokes and vital information, again she will be missed. :sad:
    As Phoebe said sometimes these forums don't always give us all the encouragement we might need, but they are a good form of journal writing and helps us discuss things we probably wouldn't just talk about with anyone. I consider all of you my friends and know that whatever I do you stand behind me and support me. Thanks for being you. :heart: :heart:

    We have sunshine today and it looks beautiful outside, however it is very cold. I plan on staying in and getting caught up on paperwork and the first season of Glee which I am in the middle of. I didn't think I would like that show since it seemed to be for kids, but I love that it is a wholesome show with lots of singing and dancing. :heart:

    Elli, I don't think our snow will melt until June. :laugh: :laugh: I wish I was in Mexico with Gigi!!! I am planning on going to Arizona the end of March or four days with my grand daughter, so that is something to look forward. Have a wonderful day with your grand babies, I know how much you love being a grandma. :heart: Making good choices when you eat out is wonderful, I try but I am not always successful. :ohwell:

    Marie, I am sure you do have cabin fever, it is hard being stuck in the house for too long. :noway: I also wish you would get Jerry's results so we your extended family can also know. Dallas will be busy today and tomorrow it is an exciting time for all the football lovers. I have to admit that is one of the only games I watch other than when the Bears get in the playoffs, but I love the commercials and the half time show, especially this year with the Black Eyed Peas!!! :bigsmile:

    Phoebe, so sorry about your hypoglycemic episode, exactly what happens and refresh my memory on what it is again?:flowerforyou:

    After dinner last night when I posted my calories I was 180 over because I didn't exercise, so I went downstairs to watch Fringe and rode the bike for an hour. I gained 300 calories, had enough for a snack and stayed under. Yipee!!

    I know I haven't addressed everyone and for those who did need encouragement I really do encourage, for those who need support, I am here if you need it. Please understand part of dieting is therapy, if we put our feelings out there it is like writing a journal and in doing so, we are helping ourselves.:love::love:

    Have a great day!!
  • viliberty1957
    I went out to breakfast with "the Saturday group" this morning and resisted the extra toast I could have had. Ralph was able to use those new teeth a little. I keep telling him it will get better, and it has. The dentist said it would be four to six weeks before solid food. I think he's getting close to four now. This makes me more aware of taking care of my own teeth. I still have most of them LOL.

    I boiled a whole chicken this week. I learned that is a good way to have it on hand. It isn't nearly so dry as roasted, and I can use it in salads as well as sandwiched and main dishes.

    Game hens were on sale so I bought a couple to have on hand for Marish (5). She stuffs and roasts them and we call them her "turkeys." She loves cooking... too little to do much alone, but we have fun. We watch cooking shows together. We made bread and butter (she buttered it) the other day and she was amazed. She said, "Wow, Granny, you don't even have to wait for a toaster to pop up." She went home and told her mother how to make it. Hahahah. I guess she gets all her bread toasted at home.

    Sorry to see ViKi go. I didn't really have time to get a feel for who she is. I was hoping that I would. I'm going to try harder when someone new joins. It is encouraging to me to be able to post my thoughts and read your posts. That's all I need to feel a part of the community. I didn't stop to think that individual answers and comments are important to some.

    I'm planning to have a great day today. I wish the same for all of you. God Bless!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Irene. You are one of the nicest lady I know.
    I need you all to keep my mind in order or some kind of order.. Thanks to you all. Friendship is the most rewarding relationship we can have..And you guys are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I got a bunch of blocks made yesterday and ran out of Flannel on my Baby booties quilt. It will be Monday before I can get out and get some more.But I am get my batting and backing sq. all cut out today While iI am ice and snow in.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Started my day today shoveling snow!! I would have left it there to melt this afternoon but I had to get into town as today was the kick off of the Fit for Life Challenge. The 5-K run/walk was cancelled due to weather (good thing) but we still had to be weighed and measured. Their scale read a tad heavier than mine did but then I wasn't naked as I am at home.

    We also had an opportunity to meet with the personal trainer who will be working with the group. He had some interesting things to say about BMI as opposed to hip to waist ratio when used as an assessment of good health. He is a very fit, toned young man but according to his BMI, he is overweight, and one point away from being obese. Trust me folks, there isn't a lick of fat on his frame. Muscle truly does weigh more than fat.

    He also suggested ignoring raw fruits and vegetables when counting daily calories. He said unless you're eating a plate full of apples at one time, the apple will burn more calories in the eating and digesting than it contains.

    There is a nice schedule of activities over the next 90 days and I intend to take advantage of most of them (not sure about the kick boxing!!). The really cool thing is the $20 registration fee gives me a 3-month pass to use either Curves or our local Fitness Center at no additional charge. Wish me luck - there are prizes to be won!

    I also want to take this opportunity to wish Vicki much success on her journey. She and I had an opportunity to exchange a few private messages. I wish she had shared some of it with all of you as I know you would have wrapped your arms around her.

    AND, I want to say howdy and welcome to the new folks who've just popped in. Speak up! Tell us a little about you. You'll be part of the repartee before you know it.

    Last - GO PACKERS!!!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Darn, I'm sorry I never got to know Viki until her "resignation" explanation! She sounds like a wonderful addition to this thread, but I could not read her posts and don't know if I'll ever have the time to go back to all the weeks I missed!
    I also feel a trifle guilty about not mentioning many of your posts that impress me upon reading, but I forget when I reply in general! I guess my memory is not what it used to be, so here and now, I apologize for seeming to overlook anybody, as you are all a very generous and concerned group , and I appreciate all the encouraging posts I love reading.
    SANDY, bless you for our monthly links, plus your daily sharing.
    CONNIE, always informing us of things we may not know...including the latest on BMI not being the goal we thought it was! And good luck in training for the 5-K run/walk.!
    MARIE, I hope you get Jerry's results really soon, as it can be so worrisome til good news arrives! Thanks for the birthday wishes!
    IRENE, yes you have the greatest outlook: sunny and optimistic!
    BARBIECAT: such organization! All the luck in the world in your new place.
    MADDIE, love your enthusiasm and warmth!
    GAYLE, I think of you often...with admiration!
    BARB, thanks for all your encouragement
    ELLI, I don't think I've seen your posts before my own return, though I see you joined in '09, long before me. Hi, there!
    PHOEBE, and other new members (or old members returned) I will get to know you in time, but I'm so happy to see the rolls increase.
    And as for me, I will try to be more comprehensive of the needs of others :grumble:
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Happy Saturday Golden Sneakers

    Welcome Xyla happy to have you join the group. I am still a newcomer but felt very welcome right from the start. Sorry Vicki that you didn't get your needs fulfilled by everyone. I wish you the best of luck in your weight loss journey and know that if you change your mind we'll be here.

    I'm sorry Marie that you have to wait for Jerry's results. I hate limbo too. Just remember we are here for you!

    I sure enjoy the welcome cards and cute little add ons. Wish I knew how to do that.

    This morning when I woke up my leg ached a lot so I just babied myself and stayed in bed till 2:00 pm this afternoon. I turned on the TV and watched an old John Trvolta movie and then a movie called The Bucket List--I forgot just how good those movies were. I stayed in bed and did my physical therapy then finally decided I was hungry, my leg and knee didn't ache anymore so I got up, fixed lunch and now I feel good again. Sounds pretty lazy doesn't it?? Well, I need get on facebook to wish my twin grandsons happy 12th birthday. Hope all have a great weekend, and for Connie's benefit Go Packers!