Join me in a 25 pound challenge



  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    I burned off 500 calories at the gym, awesome, got all of the rest of my water finished (yay), but that was all.

    In other news: spaghetti squash, where have you been all my life?

    I had spaghetti squash last night with homemade meatballs and fresh marinara! Yum-O!!!
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    It's Wednesday! I have to go out of town tomorrow, counting on Applebees under 500 calorie dinners to save me tomorrow. I generally eat ok when I go out of town, but without me cooking the meal myself - I don't really trust what's in it. The other thing is that my husband travels with me (yay!) but he likes to snack (boo!) we bring trail mix and jerkey, but he usually grabs some candy or chips when we stop. I am going to challenge myself not to "munch" on the drive. If I decide to have a snack, I'll have just one portion - just once. The drive is only 5 hours, I should be good if I have lunch before and dinner when we get there.
  • Hey, can I join in to please?
    This is my very first challange!
  • Oh that sounds great! I may go about it differently though. I'm on P90X right now, and it seems to be working well. But your plan should definitely work for you. Are there going to be weekly check-ins?

    If you have 30 seconds to spare, please vote for me and Garrett to win this wedding contest.:heart: We really need the help! (copy and paste this into your browser to go to our page. Thanks!! :flowerforyou: )
  • i'm so in...I don't know what week I'm on because I've always been working out but I just started cutting my calories. but 25 lbs by summer was one of my goals and that would put me at around 130...It's on...

    Now i'm praying i just don't get stuck!
  • foodbuzz
    foodbuzz Posts: 39 Member
    I'm with you as 25 lbs is my goal too and this is my first week.
  • I would love to join in! I joined this site 3 weeks ago and have been looking for a challenge to join.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    I'll join too. I'm a slow loser if you know what I mean but this gives me more accountability to stay on track and meet my goal. 30 pounds if my first goal so 25 by July would be great. After my first 30 I want to lose another 30 over the next year or so. Slow and steady... Glad to join the group. Right now my plan is: Eat within my calorie allowance, balance my carb intake over the day, exercise at least 4 times per week for 45 to 60 minutes, drink 8 glasses of water daily. I'm also setting monthly walking goals with the SWaT walking group. My goal is 45 miles for February. :smile:
  • ok, Im in too!! I love a challenge
  • Hamidhamid579
    Hamidhamid579 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in!!
  • I'm in!
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    Woo hoo!!! What a great group of losers, lol!!

    Talking about weigh does everyone feel about an end of the week weigh in? I drink alcohol on the weekend and tend to consume all of my calories - and usually take Sat. or Sun off of exercise, so I would like to weigh on Friday or so.........anyone, anyone?
  • brionics
    brionics Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in as well. I'm trying to lose 20 more pounds before June 1st. I just started this last week things are going well so far. Mainly watching my caloric intake. I've found i'm not eating near as much as i use to.
  • gmom81158
    gmom81158 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm in-I NEED to hit that first hundred pounds-I know I can do it-hopefully before then, but I need to do this for ME. Thanks for the support-good luck everyone!
  • sdb903
    sdb903 Posts: 85
    I would love to join the group as well!!!! :smile:
  • eve180
    eve180 Posts: 51 Member
    I would like to join. I need to lose 25 pound by July as well. Good luck everyone!!!

  • kelley4123
    kelley4123 Posts: 100 Member
    Im in too!
    we can all motivate each other!
  • KathreneW
    KathreneW Posts: 66 Member
    I am in too! I would like to loose 30 by July.
    Does a cup of tea count as a glass of water??
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    If the tea does not have caffiene.
  • barkere
    barkere Posts: 2 Member
    i had a terrible day on Thur...once i got that junk food i couldnt stop. But I feel better that I got right back on track and did great yesterday and it wasnt painful. I wish I enjoyed exercise, I hate it.
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