30 day shred

I've seen quite a few topics about starting the 30 day shred, but I can never keep up with them! So I'm starting one of my own. I'm going to start it tonight. I've done it a few times and never actually finished it, but I have heard so many good things about it...so here I go again! I'm planning to weigh in every Saturday(measurements too!) just to see my progress... so yeah, feel free to join in! Just post you current weight/measurements, and I'll keep track of all of it!
My name is Pamela, btw.
Current Weight: 165
Will do measurements tonight.


  • BeautyAndStrength50
    I started out with Jullian's 30 day Shred almost a year ago and I got great results. I did the whole thing like she says too. You have to finish it to see any results. It took me about 2-3 weeks before I seen a difference. If you look at my profile pic and my other pics that is the transformation she gave me. Im still working out to her dvd's. I have 5 more of them

    1. Fat Metabolism
    2. No Trouble Zones
    3. 6 week Abs
    4. Shred with Weights ( Kettleball )

    I love all of hers.. So now the stage Im at is losing 10 more pounds and toning. Ive lost 3 of the 10 so far so 7 more to go.. :) Im on a roll and determined to do this..

    Good luck with your workouts..
  • bcgirl55
    bcgirl55 Posts: 17 Member
    I saw the DVD today and I am going out shortly to pick it up. I think they only had the one that was titled 30 minute shred with weights. Anyone know how many weights I will actually need, or if I can make do with cans and water bottles?
  • jesstroxel
    Im in.
    Current weight: 182
    will check in later with measurements.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I was doing the shred video, but had to stop for a few days. I'm hoping to get started again on Monday. Can I be part of your thread? I've been part of another one, but everyone seems to have dissapeared.
  • hannahncakes
    I'm in!
    I'm on day 4 finding it very difficult but enjoyable & haven't collapsed yet! (which is always good)
    Weight: 178
    Hips: 41.5 inches
    waist: 35 inches
    (not sure if you're supposed to measure anwhere else but I couldn't see the point of doing my neck!)

    In reply to bcgirl55- I just use tins I don't have any weights & I don't think my arms are ready for them yet!
  • Manda1987
    I'm in one of the other threads, but popped into this one to say hi.

    I just completed Day 3. To answer your question, bcgirl, I use soup cans. In fact, today I graduated from "Campbell's Cream of Chicken" to "Chunky Steak and Potato Stew"! I figure that after those get too easy, I'll go and get some real weights.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    WOW., Hope you do it. I would love to try and do this with you. I keep trying but never seem to get 30 days in a row to keep it up. I get 4 or 5 max then it seems to be 3 or more days before I get back to it. I will start again today and see how I go. I'm 104.6kgs (230.6 pounds) . Also I haven't been game yet to go on from level 1 as I find that is quite a struggle for me, but I shall keep trying. My name is Jenni.
  • glittersoul

    I want to join you. I will post my info in a bit when I get to the pc
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I'm in. Other than doing the shred, what do we do?/ Do measurements and paste it hear?
    I'm Dawn by the way!! Trying to lose 5-10 pounds and tone up!
  • mezzoforteish
    I'm on day 5, and I've lost 3 pounds already. :) I also did 30 minutes of walking the past few days along with it, though.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Is it absolute that yoh do Jillians 30 day shred without a break in the days? I just bought it to use on the days I don't go to the gym, mostly weekends. I already do her fat burner/metabolism boost dvd and wanted to do something to mix things up.
  • pamelarininger
    sorry I posted and ran girls, I had to feed my daughter dinner! I'm glad quite a few of you are doing it with me! If you can't start today, that's fine..start when you're ready and just keep us updated :). I don't care which measurements you do, it's mostly so you can see the progress you are making yourself.
    jkestens63, you are supposed to do it with no breaks. I guess if you don't, you should do something in between the days you stop, and then do the shred longer so you have 30 days total.

    I think the way I am doing it is 10 days for each level just so it's easier to keep track of.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I did ONE day of lvl 1 and had to stop because the next day I was so stiff and sore from it, I couldn't do it.

    Once the soreness goes away, I'm going to try and do it again. I'll keep on doing that until I'm no longer too sore to move. Then I'll buckle down.

    Think I'm not going to do it every day, though. I'd get too bored with it. Might mix it up with some Zumba to make things fun.
  • jesstroxel
    My measurements is:
  • pamelarininger
    I do zumba 3 days a week, and I'm going to do this. You are SUPPOSED to be sore, you should try to work out through the soreness, it'll really help. Otherwise, you're just always going to be super sore.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hi Pamela! I'll join you too! I know there's another group going, but they are already pretty far along, so I was actually going to start a post just like this!

    I plan to start tomorrow, so I will let you know my measurements then!
  • hannahncakes
    I'm trying to do it constantly but I'm away for the weekend next weekend so will have to skip a few then but will make it up so I do 30 in total!

    What day does everyone weigh/mesure in? Mine's tuesday
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I will start tomorrow as well and post measurements then!!
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I've been with the group that started on Jan 10th. I am kinda surprised that I have stuck with it, but today was level 3 day 7. I have done it almost every day since 01/10/11 if I missed a day I made up the workout by doing it twice the next day. Being accountable to the group was the key to make me stick with it. I also did my morning walk and some other DVD workouts.

    I can't tell you of any super fantastic results that can be measured with a tape or on a scale, but I can tell you that I know I am physically stronger than I was at the beginning. I know that there have been changes to my body. Finishing it will mean a lot to me, I am an excellent quitter, but not such a great finisher.

    I think that working out every day for 30 days is a super challenge. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I did ONE day of lvl 1 and had to stop because the next day I was so stiff and sore from it, I couldn't do it.

    Once the soreness goes away, I'm going to try and do it again. I'll keep on doing that until I'm no longer too sore to move. Then I'll buckle down.

    Think I'm not going to do it every day, though. I'd get too bored with it. Might mix it up with some Zumba to make things fun.

    I finished L1 D10 last week. The first few days were brutal, but I did them without break because I have such a hard time restarting something after I stop.