Paleo/Primal way of eating = finally the truth revealed?



  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    such as, whole wheat bread instead of white, etc. (which was wrong-- it does exactly the same to our body!).
    I am most curious about this. I have never heard this and wonder what you mean. I buy grain and mill it myself. It retains all the original fiber, and nutritious oils which would normally be stripped. Is there something else?

    The body still treats it the same nutritionally. It's a carb, it will be burned quickly. Just not as fast as white bread, not as fast as processed wheat, but it will still be burned first, fast, and little siety.
    I have not seen research that says the stomach juices differentiate with what it gets, insulin levels and other biochemical mechanisms determine what it will do.

    Food in the dtomach gets mushed up and broken down, nutrient (be that amino acids from protein, complex sugars, simple sugars, fats) get absorbed at various points in the gut. The body will burn what it needs. If it has more protein than it needs it will take that convert it to glucose to use it or to fat for storage if it does not have carbs. The body is very good at doing what it needs. It needs glucose to function and will get it from various sources
  • caprica
    caprica Posts: 80 Member
    I have looked into it more and I don't think it is really that hard-basically no sugar, no flour/grains But seems mixed on yogurt-Kefir ok? and alcohol-just wine? Also, some sites have bacon, others say lean meats.
    Anyone following this diet? I like Kefir, I don't mind eggs, I just wondered if you stick to the lean meats-no bacon, and no yogurt or alcohol.

    Depends on how hard core you are. Basically you eat whatever a hunter and gatherer would eat 80% of the time. 20% of the time you can eat other things (unless you are hard core). So bacon, dairy, alcohol, kefir, etc is a sometimes food.

    If you are not into the Paleo hoopla, the key factoid is cavemen ate around 80g of carbs a day. I find if you eat good quality healthy food most of the time, keep your carbs around 100g - 150g a day and stay under your calorie target, the weight will slide off anyway.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    If your avatar is you,,,,,,, I'm in :wink:
  • starlitesue
    I've thought about the Paleo/Primal diet myself actually. I rarely eat carbs as it is.

    However, has anyone addressed the fact that the animals we eat today are very different from the animals cavemen would have eaten? I haven't done a lot of research on this, so pardon any inaccuracies. But in general cavemen would have eaten wild game, while we eat cows and chickens that get very little exercise, and are bred to be as large as possible and pumped full of antibiotics to avoid disease. Is eating animals like that really what our bodies have evolved to eat (as the paleo diet claims)? I would love to hear if anyone has done any research on that.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Paleo fits best for me. I always ate similar to Paleo. When my Dr, said get off the wheat and grains he also handed me an article on Paleo. That's when I tightened things up.

    PALEO ( DOES NOT ELIMINATE ANY FOODS. Your are allowed cheat foods, free meals, booze etc. You can be as strict or lenient as you want. The more processed, refined, starchy, carbs you let back in, the greater the risk of binging. That's it and it makes grocery shopping simple. Your basically shopping the perimeter and only visit the interior isles for frozen fair and non food items.

    If you are dealing with Syndrome X issues or want to avoid as many as possible then you should grab a book on Paleo(or similar), read the summaries of all the research, and actually go out and read the research that is sited.

    There is very strong evidence that this abundant load of processed and refined carbs is killing us. And, it's not coming from people writing books on Paleo.

    My blood work was phenomenal when tested before I started a popular workout programs nutrition plan. Tested after their 3 month program my blood work was rubbish. Triglycerides off the charts, yadda, yadda. Back to Paleo, and nice blood work results again.
  • maeflower1234
    maeflower1234 Posts: 87 Member
    Haha, freerange...I was thinking the same thing about her avatar!!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    such as, whole wheat bread instead of white, etc. (which was wrong-- it does exactly the same to our body!).
    I am most curious about this. I have never heard this and wonder what you mean. I buy grain and mill it myself. It retains all the original fiber, and nutritious oils which would normally be stripped. Is there something else?

    The body still treats it the same nutritionally. It's a carb, it will be burned quickly. Just not as fast as white bread, not as fast as processed wheat, but it will still be burned first, fast, and little siety.

    That is so untrue it's not even funny. Glycemic Load definitely determines what the body does with that carb. A high glycemic load will result in it being stored as FAT!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I've thought about the Paleo/Primal diet myself actually. I rarely eat carbs as it is.

    However, has anyone addressed the fact that the animals we eat today are very different from the animals cavemen would have eaten? I haven't done a lot of research on this, so pardon any inaccuracies. But in general cavemen would have eaten wild game, while we eat cows and chickens that get very little exercise, and are bred to be as large as possible and pumped full of antibiotics to avoid disease. Is eating animals like that really what our bodies have evolved to eat (as the paleo diet claims)? I would love to hear if anyone has done any research on that.

    In Paleo you want to find sources of free range grass fed meat and poultry that would have similar fat stores to wild game. These sources of meat are often a sticking point due to price but it is getting much better. If you go to the websites for the Beef, pork, etc.. industries you can get info on the leanest cuts of meat which are very reasonable. Make sure you know the facts on the permission of drugs used in game for human consumption. What you hear, isn't all true. What the law says, is.

    Fish, seafood, of course you want wild caught as much as possible.
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    It's very, very silly. As is every other Final Truth Revealed.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'm extremely curious about the claim that "cavemen only ate 80 g of carbs per day"

    The term "caveman" refers very generically to early hominids, from all the way back to australopithecus, 5 million years ago, to neanderthal, so how can you claim with any sort of accuracy that early man ate one same level of carbohydrates (even approximately) for over 5 million years? That is so illogical it boggles the mind.
  • eponai
    eponai Posts: 38 Member
    "There is very strong evidence that this abundant load of processed and refined carbs is killing us. And, it's not coming from people writing books on Paleo. "

    That, right there, is the most important part, regardless of weight loss benefits.
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    I'm extremely curious about the claim that "cavemen only ate 80 g of carbs per day"

    The term "caveman" refers very generically to early hominids, from all the way back to australopithecus, 5 million years ago, to neanderthal, so how can you claim with any sort of accuracy that early man ate one same level of carbohydrates (even approximately) for over 5 million years? That is so illogical it boggles the mind.

    It's simple. Offer a hypothesis, get proven fantastically wrong, and then move your goalposts. Make money!
  • OceanAddict
    OceanAddict Posts: 55 Member
    I'm extremely curious about the claim that "cavemen only ate 80 g of carbs per day"

    The term "caveman" refers very generically to early hominids, from all the way back to australopithecus, 5 million years ago, to neanderthal, so how can you claim with any sort of accuracy that early man ate one same level of carbohydrates (even approximately) for over 5 million years? That is so illogical it boggles the mind.

    It's simple. Offer a hypothesis, get proven fantastically wrong, and then move your goalposts. Make money!

    hahahaha - +1 to both of you.

    Although the paleo diet may work well for some simply because of moving away from refined crap (always a good thing), it is based on very, very bad science.
  • radarseven
    radarseven Posts: 50 Member
    Whenever this topic comes up I always think, who decided cavemen were better off than us?

    Also, didn't they just eat whatever was available? I find it hard to imagine cavemen evaluating the nutritional content of their food options before drawing up a diet plan and telling all their cavemen friends "NO GRAIN! TOO MANY CARBS! <grunt>".
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Whenever this topic comes up I always think, who decided cavemen were better off than us?

    Also, didn't they just eat whatever was available? I find it hard to imagine cavemen evaluating the nutritional content of their food options before drawing up a diet plan and telling all their cavemen friends "NO GRAIN! TOO MANY CARBS! <grunt>".

    LOL, they were dead at 40 anyway
  • amyhollar
    amyhollar Posts: 107 Member
    Whenever this topic comes up I always think, who decided cavemen were better off than us?

    Also, didn't they just eat whatever was available? I find it hard to imagine cavemen evaluating the nutritional content of their food options before drawing up a diet plan and telling all their cavemen friends "NO GRAIN! TOO MANY CARBS! <grunt>".


    I'm not quite sure what the infatuation is on this site with this primal 'diet', the 'science' behind it is absolutely absurd, do your research people. If you want to cut out carbs to lose weight go for it, just don't act like that's the HEALTHY way to live your life. a BALANCED diet is the healthiest- which means eating your food groups.

    All of them.
  • amyhollar
    amyhollar Posts: 107 Member
    By the way, i just read through one of the links you posted, (
    I quote:

    "3) The belief that “genetics is destiny”.

    Don’t get me started.

    Even by the most conservative geneticists’ standards, we have anywhere from 80% to 97% control over our own genetic expressions. We ALL have dormant genes for all sorts of things, both good and bad. You’re not just fat because your mother and father were fat. –Nor are you destined to have a heart attack just because half the people in your family have had one, or by the same token will you get diabetes, or cancer. Genetics can have some influence, certainly…but genes are turned on and off by regulatory genes and regulatory genes are mainly controlled by nutrients. A gene will not express itself unless the internal environment is conducive to its expression… and we have ultimate control over that by the foods we choose to eat, the emotions we habitually choose to experience, the toxicity of the environment in which we live and the lifestyle we consistently choose to live. Learn to be the master of your own genetic destiny."

    Where are her sources for these remarkable claims?? "learn to be a master of your own genetic destiny" !!!!! This is outrageous! I did a Masters degree in gene expression, by the way.
  • caprica
    caprica Posts: 80 Member
    I'm extremely curious about the claim that "cavemen only ate 80 g of carbs per day"

    The term "caveman" refers very generically to early hominids, from all the way back to australopithecus, 5 million years ago, to neanderthal, so how can you claim with any sort of accuracy that early man ate one same level of carbohydrates (even approximately) for over 5 million years? That is so illogical it boggles the mind.

    I am no expert on the topic and sorry for using the word caveman loosely.

    I think Mark Sissal quoted the 80g figure in his book - but I dont know where he got it from. In Loren Cordain's Paleo Diet book he claims to have done some research on the last remaining hunter gather societies today. Analysis of their diet shows they consume anywhere between 22% - 40% of their diet as carbs. How many grams that equates to I dont know. Is it correct? I dont know. I will let the experts to take it up. Does eating only 80g of carbs a day make you loose weight? - well it did for me -and I am sure the experts will have an opinion on that too.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Scientific fact. Non Westernized cultures(hunter/gathers) have little to zero incidences of Syndrome X afflictions. No CVD, no high blood pressure, no diabetes, no acne, no food allergies, and on and on. How the human genome evolves and the time it takes is very well known. Not enough time since the agricultural revolution for the genome to evolve and deal with what we do to our food. There was no cultivation of grains, no supply of milk, legumes, tubers. They were also active, very active, hunting gathering. Resting for days after long hunts to recuperate.

    Put the nutritional value of a FDA food pyramid diet against a Paleo diet for the same number of calories and the one lacking in nutrition is blindingly obvious. The bad science is the FDA food pyramid. And it's shady that it pushes grains when that is a major US export. Grains are starvation food, period. Why do you think that's what get's sent to starving cultures? Better than eating mud!