Dairy is bad?



  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Oh, and I don't care if your cow sleeps on a silk pillow, is hand-fed nothing but the best grass and is massaged daily, it is still a cow. You can't keep bacteria out of a living organism! Especially if you don't give your animal antibiotics.

    How do you avoid those bacteria? By cooking things... milk included! Raw hot dogs, raw meat, raw eggs, raw vegetables... those are all ways you can get food poisoning.

    Just because some people don't get sick doesn't mean that others won't. It's fantastic that you're not sick, but tell that to the person dying of listeriosis.

    its not an issue of bacteria in the cow, the bacteria that naturally occurs in milk are highly beneficial digestive aids and have also been shown to improve the immune system. the real issue is bacteria getting in the milk between the cow and the carton. the smaller the scale (fewer cows pooling there milk) the less likely this is to happen especially since raw milk isn't skimmed or homogenized. if I had the money I would defiantly do a herd share, if not cows maybe goats. unfortunately I'm a broke college student that lives on $9 an hour.

    Thanks for explaining this so concisely! Exactly what I would've said (but you put it much more simply than I would have... :laugh: ) I, too, wish I could afford to buy a herd share, but I just can't justify the cost right now, given how tight my budget is.
  • caprica
    caprica Posts: 80 Member
    Of course if you want to gain weight, then milk is a superfood. Body builders in the 70s before protein shakes were popular and roids were all the rage, used to follow the "Gallon of Milk a Day (GOMAD)" protocol.

    If you really want to stack on the pounds, butter of course is even better again ..... mmmmm butter ............. There is a reason why people who climb everest eat sticks of butter. It is one of the few foods with a high enough calorie density to sustain them.

    Its the same for kids. Most mums know if they need to fatten their kids up, they give them lots of milk. If your kid is failing to thrive - the first thing a dietitian will suggest is lots of milk and of course our dear dear friend butter ...... mmmmmmm butter ..........
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Actually I've read a number of studies that suggest that dairy leaches calcium from your bones, and that osteoporosis is most common in societies that eat dairy *shrugs*

    For me, the fact that such a huge amount of people have allergies suggest it wasnt designed to be put in our bodies. Do some research. Me, personally am off dairy.

    I would love to read some of that research. Can you link an article please?
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Actually I've read a number of studies that suggest that dairy leaches calcium from your bones, and that osteoporosis is most common in societies that eat dairy *shrugs*

    For me, the fact that such a huge amount of people have allergies suggest it wasnt designed to be put in our bodies. Do some research. Me, personally am off dairy.

    I would love to read some of that research. Can you link an article please?

    First thing that came up in google was this. I'm sure there are many others on both sides of the issue.

  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member

    It's illegal to sell raw milk in most places for a reason. Disease can be transmitted very easily through raw milk. There's a reason pasteurization was invented!

    The Canadian government's statement on raw milk:


    I find it funny that people think dairy is bad for weight loss. There have been studies done that show that dairy is actually beneficial when trying to lose weight!


    Many people believe that the pasturization process damages nutrients in the milk, and many people drink raw milk without ever getting sick. If you get your milk from a local farmer who takes proper care of the animals and the equipment, properly bottles the milk, etc., I don't see why anyone should be any more concerned with consuming that versus the mass-commercial-farmed eggs, vegetables, etc., which all still have incidents of food-borne illnesses every year, despite rules/regulations/etc.


    Yes, there is a risk to drinking raw milk, but there's a risk to eating just about anything unless you grew/harvested/cleaned it yourself.

    Well said :) Many times people with that experience intolerance (and even allergies at times) do very well with raw milk. Education and knowledge is key. (In the interest of full disclosure I have two sons with milk allergies that are able to drink raw milk from our cows.)
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    lots of dairy these days are filled with hormones and antibiotics. a lot of people find that their pimples clear after reducing or eliminating dairy from their diets. my skin problems FLARED up during the period when i consumed lots of products with dairy in them.

    if you want to include dairy, i think some is definitely ok, but don't over do it. like many others have said before, moderation is key. also some people did mention that this milk is meant for a small baby calf to grow into a huge cow.. so i am not so sure i would consume this product to lose weight. i still ingest some dairy if it's in the food, but i don't buy or drink dairy milk. i have been reducing it in my diet, and hopefully one day i will be completely dairy free!

    also true about dairy leeching calcium from bones, at least from the studies that i have come across. you can get calcium from lots of other food sources!

    It actually isn't true that all dairy contains antibiotics. In fact milk is tested to be sure it is completely antibiotic free. It is true that milk has hormones in it, but so do eggs :) Naturally occuring hormones that is :)
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    If loving cheese is wrong, I don't want to be right.

    This. I could stand to cut out most other dairy but you'll pry cheese from my cold dead hands.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    If loving cheese is wrong, I don't want to be right.

    hahaha..nicely said.
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    *Cheers to fellow raw milk lovers!*:drinker:
  • omgitsgarry
    My Aunt never ate dairy and now she has brittle bones and bone loss. I think I'll be keeping milk and cheese in my diet. I'd rather be safe, then sorry.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    My Aunt never ate dairy and now she has brittle bones and bone loss. I think I'll be keeping milk and cheese in my diet. I'd rather be safe, then sorry.

    Poor nutrition outside of milk. A vitamin D deficiency will prevent calcium absorption from any source. Only place for the body to get it is your bones.
  • omgitsgarry
    My Aunt never ate dairy and now she has brittle bones and bone loss. I think I'll be keeping milk and cheese in my diet. I'd rather be safe, then sorry.

    Poor nutrition outside of milk. A vitamin D deficiency will prevent calcium absorption from any source. Only place for the body to get it is your bones.

    No, she is really heathy and eats a ton of vitamins. She is the second healthiest person in my family and only her bone loss makes her second. She is always eating really heathy foods and picking apart peoples food choices because they aren't healthy enough. Nothing can explain her bone loss, other then her refusal to consume dairy. In fact, she took my grandmother off dairy for unknown reasons and my grandmother started to get bone loss herself.
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    I'm dairy-free, casine free, and whey free due to horrible lactose intolerance. I'm still healthy because I get calcium from non-dairy items like vegetables, fruits...all that stuff. Do some reading on what dairy does to the body and make your own decision. I'm pretty positive that even if I wasn't lactose intolerant I would have given up dairy anyways.
  • HotMomma86
    Dairy CAN be good for you, if your body can tolerate it. Humans are not really meant to digest other critter's milk. Give it up for a month, if you want, and then reintroduce it, and see how you feel. It should be a good indication of if it's really something your body can handle

    I completely agree with this. I cut out milk for about 3 months and can no longer drink it. My body doesn't like it. I do however, still eat cheese and yogurt.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    It's good for you to drink a glass of skim milk after your workout!! Dairy is not bad for you. Just making bad choices with what dair you put into your body.
  • caprica
    caprica Posts: 80 Member
    Moderation is the key - milk is a food designed to turn baby calfs into cows.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member

    For me, the fact that such a huge amount of people have allergies suggest it wasn't designed to be put in our bodies. Do some research. Me, personally am off dairy.

    I do eat Greek Yogurt, but for the most part don't do cheese or other milk products. Mainly because of food allergies I had as a kid. My other problem with milk is commercially, I don't like the antibiotics, processes to clean the milk, etc etc just not something I typically want to introduce into my body, I'm much happier with a more whole product. I'd rather have organic or homegrown meat and my eggs from happy chickens etc. Just a personal choice not necessarily a dietary choice. My kids are allergic to milk and have celiac disease so we are label readers and careful what we put in.