The Randoms - February 2011



  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Yawn! Stretch! I feel like I have been frozen here on the couch working my butt off for hours and I didn't even notice how much time had gone by! Goooood heavens! I guess I can say Tuesday is almost over woot woot! I figured I would take a much needed break and come over to MFP to relax!!

    pragya - WELCOME! Sounds like you've been sticking to your guns, very admirable. In the beginning of December of 2008, I found out I was expecting our second child and then miscarried right after Christmas. I had a DNC on NYE. It was extremely hard. Even though every child is a blessing, I felt like this child was supposed to be a present for all of the hardships I had endured that year. I was right at 10 weeks along. I'm so so sorry for your loss. I think your goals are awesome and very achievable. I've always wanted to do insanity, what do you think of it? :o)

    Mandi - You and me both girlie! I had a doctors appointment today and I really hate it when they shake their heads at me! Ha ha! I have some testing at the hospital tomorrow so keep me in your prayers! Jaeydyn's room sounds adorable!!! I want to live there!! :o)

    themommie - Happy Belated Birthday!!!!! And your grandbaby's name is beauuutiful!

    Bryan - No failing here! Only trying! Haha! And dude...why WERE we born in IL???? When you find out the answer let me know...

    RaeNicoll - Have you posted the question on the forums? I would almost think you have it on in layers...or something... :o)

    dezil - Welcome to our little portion of the board. I didn't really dive into the boards right away either. I added friends but that was about it! We are glad to claim you as a random! :o) Your goals make a whole lot of sense but I would make some mini goals too. Just so you really encourage yourself! Maybe when you loose your first 3-5 you get a new shirt. 5-10 pounds, a new haircut. Keep yourself excited abotu that next mini goal! I'm so excited about your wedding!!! How are the plans coming along??

    QOTD - WHEN IT MELTS! I seriously have such a hard time with the cold! Today it was bitter cold and I have had a hard time getting warm all day! I want to go sledding at some point so I'm hoping that as it warms up in the next few days we can sneak out before it melts entirely! I also used to love ice skating but started hating it when I gained weight. I'm very curious to try it again! :o)
  • SarcasticManiac
    Tara - After much research, I determined that someone was paid off to ensure we were born here in frigid IL.
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    Tara- Thank you for your kind words. I am so sorry for your loss. This is such a difficult thing to go through.

    Insanity is going really well so far. Although it has only been two days :-) I am really sore today. I will let you know how it's going as more time goes by.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    My favorite part is from the day after Thanksgiving- January 2. That's when I like snow--then it has to be gone. :happy: I LOOOOOVE Christmas. I'm a homebody however in the winter. I'd love to say I like sledding and ice skating, but truly, just in my feety pajamas or fuzzy socks and watching a movie or my tv shows would be my favorite part of winter. There is something about HAVING to stay home that makes me like winter. We are such a go, go, go family all of the time, so the winter forces us to stay home together a bit more. I'm so excited for spring though, it's not even funny. I hope the ground hog was right. Ugh!!!

    Tara- I'll be keeping you in my prayers sweetie. I really hope for good results. You deserve to be HEALTHY!!!
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    @TaraMaria: Thanks for your warm welcome! :-) I'm still feeling good, made my healthy breakfast this morning to start out a beautiful (and frigid) new day! I was thinking about my 'goals' after I had posted them... and I will by myself a new purse at 10lbs lost. As for the first 3-5 lbs.. I'm hoping those come off easy w/ just watching what I eat (because I haven't been for the past who knows how long!) Thanks for letting me join 'The Randoms'... I'm excited to share success stories and challenges with everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    FYI Today I came into work when it was light out and I will leave when it is light out which means Spring is on the way.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Ruth- I just thought of that the other day. I was on my way home, and the sun was still out. It made my WHOLE day better! Think spring, think spring, think spring.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: What one thing is on your grocery list every week?
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD: What one thing is on your grocery list every week?

    Greek yogurt, I always have containers of Chobani in my fridge. And soy milk.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: Mine has to be green peppers. I snack on them and incorporate them in a lot of my meals.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Hmm...good one---There is always chicken breasts, fresh fruit, and my guilty pleasure (diet coke) shhhhhhh!!!!!
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Hi all! My name is KiKi, I'm new to this group, and this is my new MFP incarnation :)

    I was previously on this site, and lost close to 50lbs, in about 10months. My weight loss plateaued for about three months, and I nearly lost heart, but I've decided maybe what I need is a whole fresh start. I thought starting from scratch would give me some clarity if that makes sense.

    This coming August I'm flying US to UK with my hubby and my daughter - she'll be 20 months - and right now my main goal is to lose about 30lbs by then (which will put me at 195)....*fingers crossed!!!* I want the flight to be as comfy as possible, one less thing to worry about while I've got my hands full with what will likely be an unamused little one! The last time I flew I was about 275, and somehow didn't need a seatbelt extended, but did feel like I was having some serious overhang into the seat next to me (I'm pear shaped, HUGE hips and thighs! Look somewhat normal from the waist up though, ugh). While the seat next to me will be either husband or daughter, I still want to feel like I'm only taking up MY seat :)

    I hope to get to know you all throughout this journey :) Feel free to add me, I could definitely use some pals! The only thing I ask is that we're mutually supportive of each other. One of the main reasons I decided to "Start Fresh" was that I had so many people added, but didn't really "connect" We'd never talk, but I never had the heart to delete either. I found myself eventually just skimming, and then motivation started waning, yadda yadda ya, I'm sure you all understand!
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    QOTD: 2 containers of light whipped topping are in my grocery cart every week. I like it because you can add volume to stuff like pudding/jello/smoothies without adding a ton of calories--it also makes it taste/seem creamier.
  • SarcasticManiac
    Hi all! My name is KiKi, I'm new to this group, and this is my new MFP incarnation :)

    I was previously on this site, and lost close to 50lbs, in about 10months. My weight loss plateaued for about three months, and I nearly lost heart, but I've decided maybe what I need is a whole fresh start. I thought starting from scratch would give me some clarity if that makes sense.

    This coming August I'm flying US to UK with my hubby and my daughter - she'll be 20 months - and right now my main goal is to lose about 30lbs by then (which will put me at 195)....*fingers crossed!!!* I want the flight to be as comfy as possible, one less thing to worry about while I've got my hands full with what will likely be an unamused little one! The last time I flew I was about 275, and somehow didn't need a seatbelt extended, but did feel like I was having some serious overhang into the seat next to me (I'm pear shaped, HUGE hips and thighs! Look somewhat normal from the waist up though, ugh). While the seat next to me will be either husband or daughter, I still want to feel like I'm only taking up MY seat :)

    I hope to get to know you all throughout this journey :) Feel free to add me, I could definitely use some pals! The only thing I ask is that we're mutually supportive of each other. One of the main reasons I decided to "Start Fresh" was that I had so many people added, but didn't really "connect" We'd never talk, but I never had the heart to delete either. I found myself eventually just skimming, and then motivation started waning, yadda yadda ya, I'm sure you all understand!

    Welcome back! We're glad to have you here. I propose a toast to our newest Random! :drinker:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Welcome Kiki. This is a good group of people as yes we are random but supportive.

    PS - my first cat's name was Kiki since I could not pronounce kitten when I was 2.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    @ SumDumBum - Cheers! Thanks for the welcome!

    @MissingMinnesota - Random is a good thing :D I'm full of randomness!
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    QOTD: 2 containers of light whipped topping are in my grocery cart every week. I like it because you can add volume to stuff like pudding/jello/smoothies without adding a ton of calories--it also makes it taste/seem creamier.

    Definitely delicious! I've been recently leaning towards "clean eating" so sticking away from the whipped topping (they have it made from "whole food" ingredients but yeeesh! it's expensive!) - but oh my goodness. I used to make sundaes by freezing whipped topping, then using that as the ice cream...but of sugar free fudge topping or warmed up peanut butter and I was in heaven!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Good afternoon my random friends!

    Bryan - I think your hypothesis makes the most sense. I think we need to gather of team of the best and hunt these conspirators down. Once we find them, I think we need to contain them somewhere freezing...preferably the North Pole. After our amazing success I believe that we should then immediately move to Hawaii with all of the money that we find in their secret hideout. Yes...Mwhahaha...this will work. :devil:

    Mandi - Thanks for your prayers darling! I agree with you on the whole enjoying the snow and weather until January 2nd thing. LOL! That was awesome.

    Dezil - Fantastic! Breakfast I think is key to a a healthy lifestyle. Whenever I start to feel tired or I've had issues loosing weight, I look to the start of my day. I've either not been eating enough (skipping it because I'm too busy happened too!) or eating the wrong things. Its essential to use a good food at the start of a good day! :o)

    Robyn - I'm so ready for it to end too. Everyday I look at my calendar and think: YAY! One day closer! My birthday is in March and I've never had snow on it (watch now that I've said this, it will blizzard.) Usually towards the end of March its all gone and I'm starting to enjoy nicer weather and hope towards summer! :o) My son loves bananas too but I'm most fruit actually. It sucks. :o( But I love that he loves them!

    Ruuuuth - YES! I can't believe how awesome that is! Around the same time Mandi noticed, I noticed it too. I wasn't thinking, "MAN! It is going to be forever until my husband gets home!" And then he walked in the door! I honestly thought he was surprising me until I looked at the clock and realized he was getting home at his usual time! Haha! YAY for it being light out! And I freaking LOVE green peppers! I have to be careful not to eat too many however they are my fav!

    Sara - I really like the protein in greek yogurt but never truly loved the taste. I would eat it to get the protein but just did not like the granular feeling in my mouth. I keep eating it though!

    Kiki - Welcome! I think you've given yourself plenty of time to loose the weight before August! What a fantastic trip you are taking! How long are you staying? This is an amazing group of people here and they are all inspirational and dedicated!

    RaeNicoll - That sounds yummy! I'll be over for a smoothie soon! :o)

    QOTD - Kashi Go Lean Cereal...I freaking love that stuff! High in protein, fiber and delicious! I also love my clementines, nuts and fruits. Sooo delicious! :o) Now I'm hungry.... :o(