Like minded lushes -Februay 2011



  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    I had my 250ml today, very proud of my rationing:happy: Dh did wonder what was the yellowish coloured liquid in a funny container on the fridge, "not having any doctor check ups are you:noway: he asked". I had to dig hard in the cupboards to find a wee glass at home. I I put 50ml in my usual size wine glass it barely touches the bottom of the glass. So.. having found a glass (which incidentally was taken one night from an Indian restaurant so I could finish my wine in the car journey home - no - I wasnt driving) 50ml makes it LOOK like a glass of wine... its all in the mind...
    I just cannot drink soft drinks with my dinner..yuk.... need that little wine kick with my main meal..
    I am saving a few calories for the weekend for a real top up though:bigsmile:
    But marching by the supermarket aisle with the deep rich red cabernets, ignoring those cheeky wee chillieans, and as for a dark rich Bordeaux, I am BLIND:ohwell:
    Now, if only it was summer..I would go on the iced spritzers:glasses:
    Meanwhile, not a bad day here in the Blondie household.. detoxing is agreeing with me:wink:
    Night all!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Blondie008, good job on portion control...I like the trick with the wine glass...I have been know to drink in the car while hubs drives:blushing:

    Jschwarz, pregnancy is usually a good deterent from smoking:tongue:

    Monday, 0 drinks
    Tuesday, 0 drinks

    Total: 0 drinks:bigsmile:
    Goal: <12
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Whoot, Kim!

    1 Monday
    0 Tuesday

    Tonight is Hubby's night at grad school, and I'll have our 2 plus the neighbor kid for a few hours...I might need to stop for some wine.

    I always drink in the car when DH drives. It's a bad habit. :blushing:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I always drink in the car when DH drives. It's a bad habit. :blushing:

    I detect a common theme!! Yep, sounds like wine is in order for tonight

  • Jschwarz, pregnancy is usually a good deterent from smoking:tongue:

    haha! drinking too ;) but that will have to wait a few years....maybe like ten...LOL.

    Monday=0 drinks
    Tuesday=1 bud light at Chilis

    0 cigarettes going on day three :D
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Congrats on the zero cigs!! My hubby quit 4 years ago so I know how hard it can be! Keep it up!!
  • This is the hardest thing to give up! I am so glad there's so many of us! haha! Good luck to all, its gonna be a tough battle!
  • haha! Thats exactly what happens to me! Lets see what I can change this weekend....
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Good luck on no smoking! And congrats to those that have quit. My new Dr. is having me renew my efforts to quit smoking, so quit date is this Sat. He has me on Wellbutrin to help (will be on it for a wk this Sat). Hope it does! THEN, he'll get after me about the drinking and weight, I bet!! lol Well, I am still not drinking and, gee, lost 3.5 lbs just this week. I NEED to do this, I CAN do this!

    Love this site, I don't feel so alone!

  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Hello lushes,
    Congrats to those of you that are trying to quit smoking as well as reduce the drinking. I know I only smoke 1/2 as much a day when we are not drinking. Need to have more of those days. I can't imagine drinking and not smoking so will be interested to hear how it goes.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Tuesday=0 drinks! it was a struggle, but I did my 3.5 mile run and came home and had a salad. I had only 300 calories remaining and was still hungry, so instead of going to the tavern with DH I had a three chicken wings and chips and salsa leftover from Superbowl. Anyway, not the healthiest choice but I was only over a little, instead of a lot with a beer and sandwich and fries!
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    Changing doctors is always a challenge! I changed from a long term doctor because he wouldn't give me natural thyroid medication that I wanted. The 2nd doctor was an integrative doctor but he gave me thyroid medication from a mail order pharmacist. Finally, my 3rd doctor was wonderful--She listened to me and I am now on the correct thyroid medication. Before I see my doctor, I write out questions for the visit. Good luck with your new doctor!!
  • mrmarler
    mrmarler Posts: 121 Member
    So Glad i found this today!
  • mrmarler
    mrmarler Posts: 121 Member
    I am so happy to find this. Especially after the last two days that I have had. I have had some relationship issues, and I have been so upset and stressed. I couldnt take it anymore. I havent smoked since Christmas and have cut my drinking back to once a week and lately less than that. But I broke last night under the stress bought a pack of smokes and had 10 vodka and waters and smoked half the pack!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I was feeling better yesterday and I did have vodka but only one little one and after 4 miles on the dreadmill.:indifferent:
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Congrats to everyone that has quit smoking ....

    I've been having a rough two weeks and well been drinking everyday .... today has been better ... but still had a vodka

    Hopefully I can workout later .... yippie ... I haven't worked out in a week either.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Congrats to everyone that has quit smoking ....

    I've been having a rough two weeks and well been drinking everyday .... today has been better ... but still had a vodka

    Hopefully I can workout later .... yippie ... I haven't worked out in a week either.
    generally if I have a drink, I cannot work out later. The only time I did was when I was doing 30DS for 30 days straight and I couldn't workout before meeting friends for happy hour. It was tough to workout with a buzz!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Congrats to everyone that has quit smoking ....

    I've been having a rough two weeks and well been drinking everyday .... today has been better ... but still had a vodka

    Hopefully I can workout later .... yippie ... I haven't worked out in a week either.
    generally if I have a drink, I cannot work out later. The only time I did was when I was doing 30DS for 30 days straight and I couldn't workout before meeting friends for happy hour. It was tough to workout with a buzz!

    Amy, I am with you on that one...napping is after drinking
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Congrats to everyone that has quit smoking ....

    I've been having a rough two weeks and well been drinking everyday .... today has been better ... but still had a vodka

    Hopefully I can workout later .... yippie ... I haven't worked out in a week either.
    generally if I have a drink, I cannot work out later. The only time I did was when I was doing 30DS for 30 days straight and I couldn't workout before meeting friends for happy hour. It was tough to workout with a buzz!

    Amy, I am with you on that one...napping is after drinking
    yep I can't work out after a drink either. It just doesn't feel right.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Monday, 0 drinks
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday, 5ish drinks flirtinits

    Total: 5ish drinks:bigsmile:
    Goal: <12

    Out with by drinkin" BFF
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