what do you first notice in the opposite sex?



  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    OK maybe you don't notice anything about personality first, but I can tell you that within 5 mins of meeting someone, I know whether or not I want to get to know them more.

    So....since we are being tech-y-nical: shoulders. If your shoulders don't look like a good resting spot for my ankles or calves....cya!

    Lol got shoulder workout planned for tonite
  • mine is the teeth and smile....
  • OK maybe you don't notice anything about personality first, but I can tell you that within 5 mins of meeting someone, I know whether or not I want to get to know them more.

    So....since we are being tech-y-nical: shoulders. If your shoulders don't look like a good resting spot for my ankles or calves....cya!

    Lol got shoulder workout planned for tonite

    HAHAHAHAHAHA. I think you just became my MFP crush!
  • Hmm, her face. Nothing specifically..Eyes, hair, lips :P
  • Ida13
    Ida13 Posts: 19 Member
    Attitude..... mmm.... not quite the right word... but the way a man carries himself.... confident (not arrogant), relaxed, happy-in-his-own-skin kinda body language. It's the kind of thing where you know you'll like the person even when just passing in the street. The men in my life had come in all shapes and sizes, but they always stood out for that reason to me!
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,241 Member
    What kind of car they drive. (You didn't say it had to be physical) and yes I know i am superficial, but you can tell a lot about somebody by what they drive and the condition of their vehicle. :laugh:
  • mentalbeat
    mentalbeat Posts: 104 Member
    What bike they are riding and how many gears does it have. Then when they see me checking out their bike I get a chance to check the smile.
  • sarahTV
    sarahTV Posts: 65 Member
    I guess I'm the weird one, I notice a guys flaws...like if he has crooked teeth or crazy hair or a beer gut...it doesn't really make a difference to me, but it is the first thing I notice.

    Maybe it makes them appear more approachable if they're flawed :blushing:
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    being a shortie i notice height first - i like to reach up on my tiptoes for a hug/kiss :)
    after that its smile and the eyes
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    Physical attributes are pretty much all over the chart for me (eyes, hands, shoulders, smile, the usual)....I notice more how a guy is, if that makes sense. If he's laughing, smiling, how he holds himself, things like that. Otherwise, I'm a sucker for a quick wit and random humor. Lol.

    I think this fits me to a T also... For me it's more how they present themselves and how they treat others before looks. I've dated ugly guys before, I've dated good looking guys... Personality is most important to me. I want them to make me feel special, make me laugh, carry a meaningful conversation, yet at the same time be able to be themselves, and allow me to be myself also...
  • MissChyna
    MissChyna Posts: 358 Member
    I always look at lips then eyes.....

    Nice full lips on someone and sexy eyes usually are winners for me :)
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    I guess I'm the weird one, I notice a guys flaws...like if he has crooked teeth or crazy hair or a beer gut...it doesn't really make a difference to me, but it is the first thing I notice.

    Maybe it makes them appear more approachable if they're flawed :blushing:

    You just described me to a T.:embarassed:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I like tall/dark hair...not macho or arrogant... a little tough on the outside (tatt or 2 or 3) with a good, caring, genereous, unselfish heart..and nice teeth.smile
    haven't found it yet..LOL
  • sarahTV
    sarahTV Posts: 65 Member
    I guess I'm the weird one, I notice a guys flaws...like if he has crooked teeth or crazy hair or a beer gut...it doesn't really make a difference to me, but it is the first thing I notice.

    Maybe it makes them appear more approachable if they're flawed :blushing:

    You just described me to a T.:embarassed:

    glad I'm not the only one...:flowerforyou:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Everything. I just cannot point out one thing. Voice..eyes, expression, hair..walk..arms..hands? It's not a single thing. Face is obviously prominent.

    Voice is a good one too! :bigsmile:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I guess I'm the weird one, I notice a guys flaws...like if he has crooked teeth or crazy hair or a beer gut...it doesn't really make a difference to me, but it is the first thing I notice.

    Maybe it makes them appear more approachable if they're flawed :blushing:

    You just described me to a T.:embarassed:

    :laugh: Shaddup!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Everything. I just cannot point out one thing. Voice..eyes, expression, hair..walk..arms..hands? It's not a single thing. Face is obviously prominent.

    Voice is a good one too! :bigsmile:

    Shannon u dirty bird
    I thought you were going to say a man that owns a vineyard :ohwell: :flowerforyou:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I guess I'm the weird one, I notice a guys flaws...like if he has crooked teeth or crazy hair or a beer gut...it doesn't really make a difference to me, but it is the first thing I notice.

    Maybe it makes them appear more approachable if they're flawed :blushing:

    You just described me to a T.:embarassed:

    :laugh: Shaddup!
    Carl is the man!:wink:
  • Tarah1357
    Tarah1357 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm gonna go with hair style...then eyes...then nose...then smile/teeth...Ok ya know what? I'm just gonna go with the whole damn head. lol But, I also notice if they are able to handle sarcasm without getting their panties in a bunch...:tongue:
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    I guess I'm the weird one, I notice a guys flaws...like if he has crooked teeth or crazy hair or a beer gut...it doesn't really make a difference to me, but it is the first thing I notice.

    Maybe it makes them appear more approachable if they're flawed :blushing:

    You just described me to a T.:embarassed:

    glad I'm not the only one...:flowerforyou:

    No...I meant I have the crooked teeth and beer gut. :embarassed: :embarassed:
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