Looking for other P90 Support



  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Hi Rebecca,

    I didn't do the fast before starting Power 90 but I did the 6-Day fat burner and followed that meal plan to the letter. I lost 8 lbs that first week and something like and inch or so off my waist. I was a little headachy, cranky and weak for a day or two but it got better. Once I started Power 90 proper I followed that meal plan for the first few weeks (I hadn't found MFP yet). I found it surprisingly satisfying, I was expecting to be starving. I then started trying to make meals that fit in the first 3 Tiers of Michi's ladder and started "clean eating" as much as I could. Now I do that within the calorie count laid out by MFP so it's all coming together. I'm still rockin' the brown bag turkey sandwich from the P90 meal guide for lunch every day too, lol. Like Mike I stick to the 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, lots of water and no eating within 3 hours of bed time. So far so good :) Good luck in your Power 90 journey, please feel free to friend me or hit me up with any questions.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    What is Michi's Ladder? I saw it mentioned in my guide too, but I have no idea what it is. I am actually surprised by the Power 90 Menu. As a vegetarian (well technically a Pescetarian), there are very few diets out there that would work for me. But this diet is actually pretty accomodating, since I also eat seafood. The hardest part is trying to plan out my meals in advance, because I always get so busy taking care of my kids and run out of time for everything else.
    Btw, that is awesome that you lost 8 lbs te first week! I could only dream of such results! I started the 2 day fast today. I am surprisingly not starving at all. I have felt hungry a couple times, but then I just had some juice and I was fine. Hopefully tomorrow goes as smoothly.
  • bikinikillaer
    I wish beachbody would post a PDF of the calendar so I can actually use it for tracking my workouts without using up the one it comes with!

    Have you all just made photocopies? Or do you not even really need to track it once you get in the thick of it?
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    You can find Michi's Ladder on the Beachbody website. Although I am not positive you may need to sign up for the free membership.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    What is Michi's Ladder? I saw it mentioned in my guide too, but I have no idea what it is.

    It's really just a guide to see what foods you should be eating and what foods you shouldn't.
    The top tier is the best for you. It's ok to eat occassionally from the 2nd tier, but should try to always avoid foods listed in the bottom tier.
    I wish beachbody would post a PDF of the calendar so I can actually use it for tracking my workouts without using up the one it comes with!

    Have you all just made photocopies? Or do you not even really need to track it once you get in the thick of it?

    I made copies of the measurement chart, but have never used the calendar. I never really understood the phase 1-2 and 3-4. To me its just 2 parts and within you keep track yourself of how you are progressing. There are going to be parts of each dvd that you find easier than others. You work on the hard ones, and see yourself improving. Usually you will know at day 30 whether to stay with 1-2 a little longer or move on to 3-4. I base my progress on how many reps I can do, what weights I'm using, and how many times I need to press pause.

    Do what works best for you to keep track of your progress. I think the calendar is just a marketing hype that they can throw IN so you think your getting more. (IMHO)
  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member
    so valentines day will mark my day 30 of doing power 90! i'm excited! i took all my measurements today just out of curiosity (ill do them officially on the 14th) along with my weight and this is what i have so far after 27 days:

    Day 1 - 168lbs
    Day 27 - 161lbs

    Day 1 - 31in
    Day 27 - 29in

    Day 1 43.5in
    Day 27 - 42.5in

    Day 1- 25.5in
    Day 27- 24in

    Day 1 - 12
    Day 27 - 11.5

    That makes a total of 5 inches and 7lbs gone off my body! not bad considering i didn't strictly follow the diet or take any supplements :)
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Great weight/inch loss!!

    How do you figure out how many calories you burned with the P90 videos?
  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member
    Great weight/inch loss!!

    How do you figure out how many calories you burned with the P90 videos?

    i have a timex heart rate monitor :)
  • Randallw25
    Todays workout was legs and back for me, Always a tough one for me but didnt have problem today though. Getting stronger for sure. Ab was tougher today though. Need to remember to do it before legs or sub it out with Core 20 from turboFire.

    But was very happy with the work out today, pulled through wall squats and chair salutations as well as sneaky lunges.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Sonofagun! I was at the sporting goods store just a few minutes ago and I was going to look for one of those, but I forgot because my son was being a turd! Dangitall! Oh well, I guess technically I am not starting P90 until Monday, so hopefully I will remember to go before then.

    Randall, sounds like you had a great workout. Excellent way to start off the weekend. =)
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Bought some weights today, and looks like I'll be starting P90 on Sunday. Ought to be interesting. I've lost some weight, and having done cardio for a month now, I should be a little better equipped to do this.

    My question right off the bat is about the weights. I'm not really sure how much to use at all. I've never really used weights at all, so I don't want to go with too much, but too light isn't helpful either. How many reps exactly should I be doing with each exercise? I'll figure some of this out, but I'm pretty clueless when it comes to the sculpting aspect of exercising.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Most exercises in P90 use 8-15 reps as the range. If you can easily get 15 reps with a given weight you should increase.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I wish beachbody would post a PDF of the calendar so I can actually use it for tracking my workouts without using up the one it comes with!

    Have you all just made photocopies? Or do you not even really need to track it once you get in the thick of it?

    I used it for my first round of P90 but this time I've just marked my Day 90 on my regular calendar and log my workouts here and in WOWY on the Beachbody site.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Most exercises in P90 use 8-15 reps as the range. If you can easily get 15 reps with a given weight you should increase.

    Ok - I thought the 8-15 was a rep range, but I wasn't entirely sure. I'll just test a lighter weight at first and see how it goes initially before moving up to heavier weights.

    Thanks for the info.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Glad to help, don't get macho though, start small and see how you feel the next day! Some of the moves are deceptive so when Tony says to watch the weight, LISTEN :)
  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member
    Glad to help, don't get macho though, start small and see how you feel the next day! Some of the moves are deceptive so when Tony says to watch the weight, LISTEN :)

    He also says if you feel any pressure on your lower back the weight is too heavy! :)
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Ok, so I completed my first Sculpt 1-2 session this morning. It wasn't too bad considering I really haven't used a lot of weights before. With 7.5 lbs on each arm, I really didn't have too much of a problem doing 15 reps of most moves. Since I haven't done it much before, I'm ok with just getting used to doing it initially before I move up in weight. The swimmer's press and shoulder fly lifts were tougher, and the weight was just right there.

    Push-ups? Blah! I can't do those very well (I think I did 10 push-ups back in jr high maybe?). I was able to do around 7 initially, then 5 and 3 in the 7-7-7 part. It can only get better.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Good job Nigel!

    Sounds like you picked a good starting weight. I went cheap on my dumbbells and my set goes from 5 to 15, I can't get an intermediate weight, lol. I went and bought a second identical set so now I can get 10's. Don't worry about the push-ups, just concentrate on form and you'll be surprised how quickly you'll start knocking them out. Keep up the good work :)
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Nigel...great start! When I started, I couldn't even get through the first 7 pushups of 7-7-7.
    It's still a struggle, and that's from my knees.

    As Brent said, you got the right idea. Stick with learning the exercises first and getting really good form. Poor form will lead to pulling a muscle or defeating the purpose of the exercise. You'll be amazed when you look back at day 30 how you've progressed.
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    I just started P90 with my husband last week. Today is our rest day. I lost 7.5 inches in one week. 2 of those were in my waist. Tomorrow is my weight day. It's my favorite. I'm still going to be doing phase 1-2 for the rest of the month probably. My husband is already to move on to phase 3-4. He is thin & muscular already. He just wants to tone up some more. I love P90.