On open letter to my MFP stalker troll.....

Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
Dear Stalker-

You claim I am stupid and my husband should leave me. You claim that I am crazy and need medication. You claim that I am weak because I suffer with an ED. You claim that I will never amount to anything or ever fit it. These are very strong words coming from someone who hides behind a little blue silhouette and empty profile. Your comment about my blog being about wanting attention couldn't be further from the truth. I am open and honest about my struggles. I post them with the hopes that even if just one girl/woman who is feeling the same way reads it, she will know that she is not alone. Your comments about my children are uncalled for and by now you probably know I've reported you to MFP and blocked you from sending me PM's. I will continue to report you each and every time you comment on one of my blog posts. So please, in true troll fashion, please crawl back under the rock you came out of. Thank You!

** For the past few days I've been getting nasty immature PM's and comments left on my blog from this particular MFP troll. I've tried ignoring it to my best ability. But she crossed a line when she left a comment about my children. It was an immature uneducated comment but it was about my kids- not cool! As you read above I've blocked her and reported her- so please don't suggest that.**


  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    Man, what a creep! They must be pretty pathetic sending you nasty messages like that. :explode:
    Of course, none of its true!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    OMG. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. This is about supporting people. Screw her.
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Good for you for reporting!!! Don't need that kind of energy on MFP!
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    Delete and ignore are great too bad we didn't have that option available to us at will lol. Don't let it get to you....because you are a better person who has the balls to lay it all out on the table, to inspire all that might be in the same situation as you.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    So sorry you are having to deal with this =( Some people are just miserable and you know what they say about misery. I would be fuming if someone made comments about my children. Hopefully the stage 5 stalker leaves you alone!
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    WELL SAID!!! we dont need the 'haters' in our lives hon :)

    kudos to u :D

    best wishes
    Kirstie x
  • wow, this makes me so sad. ive yet to encounter hostility here. i havent read your blogs only because im so busy in my world, but im positive that the words you type are words of inspiration, words of honesty, etc. the fact that someone takes time out of their day to try and hurt another just screams to me of total hatred of themselves and their life that they have created for themselves.

    i must friend you now if that's okay :D
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    Cheers for standing up for yourself. Some people have nothing else to do but make others feel bad about themselves. :flowerforyou:
  • pkd1
    pkd1 Posts: 170 Member
    Dear Stalker-

    You claim I am stupid and my husband should leave me. You claim that I am crazy and need medication. You claim that I am weak because I suffer with an ED. You claim that I will never amount to anything or ever fit it. These are very strong words coming from someone who hides behind a little blue silhouette and empty profile. Your comment about my blog being about wanting attention couldn't be further from the truth. I am open and honest about my struggles. I post them with the hopes that even if just one girl/woman who is feeling the same way reads it, she will know that she is not alone. Your comments about my children are uncalled for and by now you probably know I've reported you to MFP and blocked you from sending me PM's. I will continue to report you each and every time you comment on one of my blog posts. So please, in true troll fashion, please crawl back under the rock you came out of. Thank You!

    ** For the past few days I've been getting nasty immature PM's and comments left on my blog from this particular MFP troll. I've tried ignoring it to my best ability. But she crossed a line when she left a comment about my children. It was an immature uneducated comment but it was about my kids- not cool! As you read above I've blocked her and reported her- so please don't suggest that.**

    Question how do you report someone to MFP? i have a PM Perv and i know how to block but want to take it a step further
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    That is very childish and also hurtful. I sure hope you contacted admin and have them banned and removed. I hope that they do not return or find more reason now to stalk you. Losing weight and being healthy is hard enough on it's own sometimes, you don't need this.

    Take care. :flowerforyou:
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    Umm.... wow! Petty people need not be here. This isn't Facebook! This is supposed to be a safe place for people who are focusing on their health and happiness, while meeting friends for support and the have a little fun along the way. If you're not here for those reasons you need.to shove off, stop trying to then something positive into a negative.
  • tracylynne29
    tracylynne29 Posts: 49 Member
    I am sorry that someone has given you a hard time. She cant be any better than any of us or she would not need to use this site. That is wrong for someone to harass you like that I hope MFP does something about it. They should remove her because if she is doing that to you she might do it to someone else here.
  • Dear Stalker-

    You claim I am stupid and my husband should leave me. You claim that I am crazy and need medication. You claim that I am weak because I suffer with an ED. You claim that I will never amount to anything or ever fit it. These are very strong words coming from someone who hides behind a little blue silhouette and empty profile. Your comment about my blog being about wanting attention couldn't be further from the truth. I am open and honest about my struggles. I post them with the hopes that even if just one girl/woman who is feeling the same way reads it, she will know that she is not alone. Your comments about my children are uncalled for and by now you probably know I've reported you to MFP and blocked you from sending me PM's. I will continue to report you each and every time you comment on one of my blog posts. So please, in true troll fashion, please crawl back under the rock you came out of. Thank You!

    ** For the past few days I've been getting nasty immature PM's and comments left on my blog from this particular MFP troll. I've tried ignoring it to my best ability. But she crossed a line when she left a comment about my children. It was an immature uneducated comment but it was about my kids- not cool! As you read above I've blocked her and reported her- so please don't suggest that.**

    sounds like this girl is a *kitten*, good on you girl for broadcasting this. i love this site because we all support each other its unique in regards to facebook etc. its all positive here!!!
  • scmusicbiz
    scmusicbiz Posts: 35 Member
    Is there a way to block the person who's harassing you? If there's not, you should report this person to MFP. Good for you for speaking up, and I wish you every success.
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    You'd think people would have better ways to spend their time!!

    Hope it's sorted for you now. :flowerforyou:
  • sounds like she is having self worth issues.. LAMEO
  • Good for you!

    These forums and blogs are all about us and how we feel. We are in a situation that we are trying to get out of and are here for help and support! I find it far easier to 'talk' to people on here in the same kinds of situations than friends who are not and who don't understand!

    I hope it doesn't stop you from writing your blogs xx
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    Wow, that is awful. Some people really need to worry about getting a life of their own.

    And, seriously people, if you don't like someone don't show you immature and needy YOU are by harassing that person.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Low class when you have to involve someone's kids. :angry:

    Good luck to you! :smile:
  • What an *kitten* they are..i hope they're fully shamed!
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