The Randoms - February 2011



  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,015 Member
    I had a good weekend. Me and my husband decided we needed to spend some one on one time with each kid. So we had them rotate every hr, one kid with my husband, one with me and one cleaning their room. So with my middle daughter I played games, sorry, manacula and hangman, with my son I walked to the park around the corner and played basketball (horse) and I lost only by one letter, YEAH I havent picked up a basketball since 10th grade. Then with my youngest daughter I jumped on the trampoline then we went to the nature trail and walked down to the river and skipped rocks as we talked. So it was a good weekend and I got in lots of exercise. what did everyone else do this weekend?
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    themommie - that sounds like such a fun day!!

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope you're all spending it treating yourself wonderfully (and doing the same for those that you love as well of course! ;-) )
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: How have you survived the Valentines day goodies?
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Themommie- That's a GREAT idea. I'm going to steal it!

    QOTD: Well, I've only had a couple pieces of chocolate. I bought a small cake for tonight, but I only plan on having a small piece, and exercising after work to make sure I have the calories for it. Supper is healthy so it should work out to be just fine!! No goodies at work today which is surprising, but definitely ok with me!

    I hope you had great weekends!!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD: How have you survived the Valentines day goodies?

    I'm gonna let myself enjoy it a bit. I've eaten really well so far today, gotten enough protein and I've only had 2 Hershey Kisses. But tonight Randy is making me dinner (sounded relatively healthy, grilled chicken and roasted veggies with bread or something) but I got us two small slices of cheesecake for dessert. And I'm baking him a tray of chocolate chip cookies. He's getting the whole plate, I'll probably have one right out of the oven. Other than that, I don't think I'm going overboard really. I like to be able to enjoy a treat on a special occasion tho. Esp. since it's so different than all my past, boyfriend-less Valentine's Days... haha
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    QOTD: I'm waiting for my cookie dough to finish chilling and then we are going to make Mario Star Cookies! ha ha! So I am sabotaging myself! New recipe too using an ingredient I've never used before in sugar cookies. I made ribs for dinner with mashed potatoes and peas. Quite yummy! I really wanted some of those conversation hearts! I love those things. But we went to Wally world and they were all sold out! I guess it was a sign that I shouldn't partake! My son's preschool had a classroom party today and I didn't eat anything there either! I saved everything for ribs and cookies at my house!
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    QOTD: Planned a pretty healthy day, while still being really yummy. Roasted chicken with feta and salad for dinner, my husband put his in a wrap. I left some calories leftover, since we did chocolate dipped strawberries for dessert and I haven't logged them yet. I'm not sure how to log them, but I went really light on the dipping :)
  • SarcasticManiac
    QOTD: Ah, yet another chance to demonstrate that I'm the cynic of the group. :wink:

    I didn't indulge ONE BIT. Willpower FTW!!! :laugh:

    Ok, so I refer to today as Hallmark Day if that gives you any clue as to my cynicism about it.

    On the bright side, it saved me much calories and money! :happy:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I love Valentine's Day... haha. It's so much nicer since I'm actually dating someone this year. We had a really fun night, he even made bright pink martinis.... lollll. And I got this necklace, totally caught me off guard, I really wasn't expecting anything besides my dinner! Dinner was pretty healthy and tasty. Blue cheese stuffed chicken breast, rice, roasted veggies, and acorn squash. Plus a few drinks... haha.



    QOTD: Do you practice "spring cleaning" and what does it entail for you?

    Eh, I only have a little apartment so Spring Cleaning is really just swapping out the winter clothes for the summery ones, and packing away some of the boots and things. I don't have much to do outside of my normal cleaning.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    QOTD: Spring cleaning....sigh...I wish...I practice constant cleaning all of the time. LOL...Actually, yes. Before I did spring cleaning. But since Christmas I've been doing some massive cleaning at my mouse. Reworking each room, reorganizing every little thing. And its taking forever. I'm just hoping its DONE by spring.

    Usually it also entails moving my spring/summer clothes out of storage and my winter clothes out. But one of my projects has been sorting through all of my clothes and as of three days ago I had 0 summer clothes. Very happy to loose the weight but it will be interesting rebuilding my wardrobe from scratch! I went to a Plato's Closet (have you ever heard of that?) nearby and bought 7 shirts and 2 pairs of pants for less then $25 bucks. All summer clothes! I'm excited! :o) I have a weird stigma about not being able to buy out of season things, especially summer clothes when there is snow on the ground...but I overcame it and tried things on! lol! :o)
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Sara, your necklace is BEAUTIFUL! :o) And Kiki your strawberries sound DELIGHTFUL! :o)

    Bryan...honestly? You sounded alot like me yesterday! Ha ha! I told me husband that I felt as happy yesterday as I do anyday! I have him, my son and that is all I need! I don't need a made up holiday to feel loved. So yes, a little cynical side coming out yesterday as well lol! But I didn't refuse the snowflake necklace my husband gave me....hehehe....
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    LOVE Plato's Closet. I've brought a lot of my clothes there that don't fit to sell. I need to do another round once I clear out the wintery clothes and see what summer ones still fit. I'm gonna need all new shorts for sure, I was a size 12/14 last summer and now I'm a 6!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I am so excited about this summer! You have no idea! This is the first time in like...oh gosh...since I was 16? 17? Almost 8-9 years that I will have a figure that I'm willing to show off and not cover up! I'm still nervous about buying shorts for some reason. When I sorted through my clothes and literally bagged up every single piece of summer clothing, I realized I had ONE pair of shorts. Everything else was capris or very long shorts. Whenever I've tried the dang things on, the size has always been bigger then the size I was in. Last summer I was finally loosing weight and was in a size 8/9 by the end but shorts I was still buying a larger size. I don't want to be disappointed by that now especially when I'm in my ultimate size jean as it is! So at Platos I didn't try on a single pair of shorts my way up...
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: my spring cleaning is usually opening the windows and airing out the house. This year it is a closet clean out also. I really need to go through my kitchen and get rid of all my tuperware and buy a matching set.

    Tara I know what you mean. I have one pair of shorts and I bought those last year after losing 40lbs other then that everything is long pants, skirts or capris. Even my work out shorts come to my knees, but that is mainly because I want fabric between me and the machines.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    We don't really have a spring cleaning regimen, although I'd like one. I usually switch out clothes from fall/winter-spring/summer, and then make a shopping trip to Albertville for some outlet deals!! I try to take some of my free days and really deep clean each room. I don't have a lot of time, but I do what I can!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    and then make a shopping trip to Albertville for some outlet deals!!

    Albertville is awesome! I've been there a couple of times and it's way bigger & better than Owatonna. I've still never been to Williamsburg

    oh I remember shopping trips to Albertville. I now go to Gaffeny, SC for mine.