Lose a Dozen by Easter! Starts 2/13/11 Join Us!



  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    My starting weight is 172.5 (heavier than I thought *frown*). But I'm determined to have it be 160 by Easter if not less than that! Thank you so much and I'm looking forward to the challenge and the support.
  • kpower1983
    kpower1983 Posts: 103 Member
    Lost 2 lbs!

    Starting weight: 155
    Now: 153

  • Monday 13th Starting weight 158
    Aim for easter 146

    Watch this space.....
  • candik
    candik Posts: 32 Member
    count me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Tuesday 14th starting weight:180
  • kkuhly
    kkuhly Posts: 80 Member
    I'm in! Starting weigh in is 220.0
  • 12 cups of water...today is cleaning day, so I think I can do it! Lol.

    My cardio today is primarily Billy Blanks tae bo. I'll push for the 45! Then I'm detail cleaning my house and my aunt's house, so that'll be a bonus.

    As for joining, I have lost my drive over the weekend. Needed a boost! I think this group, and having so many daily challenges will help me be able to focus on smaller achievements, and not feel overwhelmed by the ultimate goal.
  • Starting weight- 136.4...sorry i missed monday, but i would still love to be involved.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm weighing in for this challenge at 177.6. The Valentine's Day challenge kept me pumped even though I didn't QUITE lose the 10 pounds, so I'm just going to push it out harder here! If I can get those 12 pounds off I'll be 15 pounds away from my goal weight! It's so close!!

    Also - I'm making the spreadsheet for this challenge so there's just something I want to say about that:

    - You have to have your weight posted by Thursday AT THE LATEST if you want to be included, but it's really easier if you just post on Mondays because then I really know when you be on the lookout.
    - If you have a late weigh-in it would be helpful if you messaged me with it also.
    - If by week 2 (2 weigh-ins from now) you haven't checked in with a new weight I'm going to remove you from the list.
    - If you don't see yourself on the list let me know ASAP so I can get you on it. I'm not going to hunt you down, it's too hard.
    - If you fail to post a weigh-in I'm going to assume you've lost 0 pounds.
  • raelynnjordan
    raelynnjordan Posts: 135 Member
    OOPS! Didn't post starting weight yesterday... I'm weighing in at 141. It will be hard for me to lose 12 lbs by Easter since that will put me so close to my goal weight but I'm sure gonna try! I will be please with any results I can get as long as I know I tried! I really appreciate the support!!!
  • Kandy4mel
    Kandy4mel Posts: 95 Member
    currently i am on cups 3 and 4 of water. one of those big glasses that can hold a measured two cups. :) for activity today im going to do be a knockout with kendra for 50 mins. i love that workout! thinking abt maybe trying the C25K thing again. last time i tried the wind was too strong and i had to stop due to asthma. but i have lost weight since then so maybe today wont be so bad. :)
    I chose this challenge cause my bday is the week before easter and it will keep me motivated to make healthier choices on my bday.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am doing good with getting my water in for today ! I am going to exercise to the wii doing Zumba tonight ! I love zumba ! I am doing this becaue i want to get healthy ! I have over 100 pounds to loose but will get there !
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Again ladies thanks for doing this. Oh water thank you! I feel better when I drink it but I get lazy and don't or drink soda instead (habit harder to stop for me than smoking was) So I'm doing good so far today 20 oz in. Why this I started exercising in August 2009, I was kind of watching food. Lost 30 lbs by dec 2010. need to lose 20 more! I like the way my body look (mostly) but I need to get very serious about food to help with the last 20lbs so here I am. 60 min P90X Ployo for today. Think I'll get a glass of water.
  • Shel2Peru
    Shel2Peru Posts: 128 Member
    Starting weight for this challenge is 220.8 lbs.........let's GO GO GO!!!
  • schotas
    schotas Posts: 150 Member
    Weighing in for the challenge...my starting weight is 132.
  • jjchairo
    jjchairo Posts: 17 Member
    Signing up for the challenge. Will see you next monday. :)

    CW on 2/13/11 -- 162
  • Im in! 151lbs starting weight! Good luck all xxx
  • I'm in! I newish to the site so I need some friends to challenge me!

    Starting weight 2/15/11: 191.6
  • todays weight : 184.4

    see you next week to weigh in :)
  • Is it too late???????

    I wanna try this out too. Starting weight 160
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I started the V-Day challenge but was plagued by back problems. I'm all healed up and rearing to go! My other Easter Challenge has me trying to reach 140, which coincidentally is just over 12 lbs. So count me in! Currently 153, but I will weigh in next Monday.
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