New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • Im new to this site, and actually everything that pertains to fitness. I am 35, married and have 3 very active boys ages 11, 8 and 4. My exercise of choice is chasing after/keeping up with my 4 year old, but when I need some me time, I like riding bike-stationary in the winter or mountain when I can get outside. I just recently tried Zumba. Not quite sure what I think of it yet, it's too fast paced for me, but hopefully with time I will get it down and then really enjoy it. I LOVE that my 4 year old does it with me.
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    I am always changing it up. My husband owns a running specialty store so I'm constantly surrounded by people having conversations like the one I had yesterday....

    After I finished the 1/2 marathon I ran into one of my husband's friends who also is a running coach. Asked how his race went,
    "Oh, pretty bad. I really died in the last 2 miles, I almost had to WALK (makes a face). I finished in 2:38."Hmm, that was 8 minutes slower than I did the HALF MARATHON and he did the whole thing.

    Doesn't do much for my confidence. But I run (and walk) with my sister and we have taken to trying out all of the classes at the gym. Lately we're enjoying bodypump and bodycombat and some zumba and lap swimming here and there between runs (and an occasional lazy day playing mah-jong on the elliptical? Who can actually play games and work out at a real effort?) I started the new year with the goal of "30 minutes of something, most days" and I've only missed maybe 6 days since Christmas though some days are much better than others.
  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    ~* ~* ~* TUESDAY QUESTION *~ *~ *~

    Q) What's your exercise of choice?

    I'm a runner!

    I love saying that! 8 months ago I would have laughed in your face (if I wouldn't have pulled a muscle in my unfit body doing so!) ... I never exercised, yes never. I never went to a gym, never worked out at home, never did any of that. OK, I wasn't completely inactive, I did do things that exercised my body (like the occasional hike when camping, or bike riding in the neighborhood with the kids) ... but I never spent anytime to just exercise for the point of exercising.

    Through some friends and inspiration from above, I decided to put a few things in order. I am amazed that the running bug bit me but it has, and 7 5k races later (and looking forward to monthly official runs continuing) I'm a runner!!! :)

    I'm 33 years old and I've been married for over 3 years. We got married on 7.7.07. I have 2 teenage step children and we're trying to have one of our own. I'm also a mama to the sweetest lil yorkie/poodle mutt.

    I like kickboxing in my living room. I'd love to take a class, but I'm very intimidated by them. I've thought about taking Zumba, but again I'm very intimidated by the thought of trying to keep up in a room full of strangers.

    I've had a distaste for running for as long as I can remember. I know so many people who have recently gotten into running and I constantly hear about this thing called a "runner's high". It's made me curious and I'd like to one day call myself a runner. However, I can barely run for 1 minute without wanting to go home crying. I have yet to learn good form as you could probably hear me running down the road from a mile away. I'd love to one day run a 5 k and maybe even a half marathon, but in the short term, I just wanna be able to run bases so I can play kickball this summer without pulling a hamstring. Any support and/or advice you can offer to become a runner like yourself would be appreciated!
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    My favorite workout is variation, I think. I am currently training for a 10k run, and I love free weights. But I have to mix it up a little - spin classes, zumba, aerobics... I get bored if I don't change it around every so often.
  • lkkyer
    lkkyer Posts: 38 Member
    Right now I'm alternating between the treadmill (11.5 incline), stationary bike, and elliptical. I feel like I get the best workout from the elliptical. I plan to mix it up in a couple of weeks. I'm going to order the Zumba DVDs, so I am glad to hear that to hear that a lot of you love it! I'm also going to try a couple of the other step/ stair machines at the gym. I've NEVER been able to run. I have asthma, and for some reason running causes me to have major coughing episodes.
  • I am doing a kettlebell program right now called Kettlebell Burn 2.0. I also enjoy most of the Beachbody workouts, especially P90X, Insanity, TurboFire etc. I like to keep things fresh if possible.
  • EmilyV80
    EmilyV80 Posts: 60 Member
    Just jumping in. I'm 30, been married for 6 years (on Saturday) and I have 2.5 year old daughter and 11 month old son.

    I have been running since July. I did the C25K and now I'm finishing up the GW28K. I'm hoping to run a 10K in May. I run on the treadmill mostly. One because I usually run after the kids are in bed and two because I live in northeast ohio. I am really looking forward to warmer weather and being able to run outside on the weekends at least.
  • Hi

    Can I please join you all. I am 30, married almost 5 years and have a 19 Month old daughter
  • Just saw this thread, so jumping in as well. I'm 32, married for 11 years next month. 3 boys, 8, 5, and 9 months.

    Since I started working out in July it has been mainly exercise bike and some weight work with an old set of free weights, and of course chasing 3 high energy boys. Just started Insanity last week and I really like it. Still very sore, but I can definitely feel it working areas that I have neglected. I've pretty much hit my goal for weight loss, now just trying to get conditioned and toned. I'll probably try to start running once it gets warmer outside.
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Running! I love my Jillian Michaels and Taebo workouts though!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Ok, I figure I'll answer Sunday's question before I get too far behind...when I was little I wanted to be a dentist. I wanted to be a dentist all the way to high school really, then switched a few times. I ended up with liking music and math but no desire to be a teacher. So, I went into business admin in college to be an Accountant. I am now an Auditor for the state in the specialized area of telecom, access charges to be exact. Its a different world, but its fun. A LONG way from dentistry and sometimes I wish I had pursued that, but it is what it is. I'm not going back now. Really I'd love to be a career student if someone would pay me to go to school for the rest of my life. :smile:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Mondays question --- honestly, I have more of a battle during the week. I have a desk job and eat when I'm bored. I also have to work hard to avoid going fast food for lunch. The weekends I am usually so busy that I really don't eat unless I'm hungry, and even then I eat homemade food and not fast food - usually. There are always exceptions though. I have more of a challenge with holidays right now.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    It looks like there are a lot of runners! I am not a runner (I have 4 children my body won't let me, most moms know what that means). I did do a 5k last summer just because I wanted to be able to say I've done one. I ran some I walked some, it was the end of June in Illinois and the humidity was awful even at 7:30 in the morning. I survived and finished at around 40 min. oh and I was pushing my youngest 2 girls in the jogging stroller the entire time while my 3 yr. old insisted on having a conversation the entire way.

    Anyway what I do like to do is the elliptical, the AMT adaptive motion trainer (cross between a stair master and an elliptical) treadmill sometimes, lifting weights and Zumba. When it's nice outside I like to go hiking or walking around the neighborhood.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    ~* ~* ~* TUESDAY QUESTION *~ *~ *~

    Q) What's your exercise of choice?

    I guess I would choose the elliptical right now. I would love to be a runner though...that's my next conquest I think. I just had an MRI on my knee to make sure I wouldn't damage it if I started running. Now, I need to get some shoes and a treadmill...I can't force myself to run outside, at least not yet. I'd love to start though.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Running! I love my Jillian Michaels and Taebo workouts though!

    I love Jillian Michaels as well! I really like her yoga meltdown.
  • lkkyer
    lkkyer Posts: 38 Member
    That's the name of the machine I'm gonna start using next! Had no clue what it was called, but it's tough. A trainer told me I should change my workouts every 6 weeks, so 2 more weeks until AMT...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    @mgasperoni - We are moving into a bigger house. Hope to start a family soon and we have WAY too much stuff for our 1000 square feet.

    This is hard for me because I love running and yoga almost equally. I've been running off and on for about 14 years. I started doing races in 2005 (for fun - I never come close to winning) and took most of the year of late 2008 until early 2009 off. I have been training for the last couple months for a 5k, 10k and 10 miler starting Saturday after next and every 2 weeks after. If all goes well, I'll do my first mini marathon 4/30.

    I have been practicing yoga for about 9 years and love it too. I do a power yoga class every Tuesday and have been doing a little Bikram as well.

    I try to change things up though to avoid injury and not get bored. I did a mini mini tri last September which was a lot of fun. I biked and swam regularly for the first time in my life. I also do strength training including kettlebells which I just started this year.

    I think I have workout ADD..... :)
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    @mgasperoni - We are moving into a bigger house. Hope to start a family soon and we have WAY too much stuff for our 1000 square feet.

    Ah, I hear you. Our house was 1050 sq. ft. (bungalow) before we took off the attic room and built a full 2nd floor ... now with our 4th child on the way our rooms are filled up again ;)
  • Hi, My name is Laura. I am 30 years old, and will be 31 on April 15th. I have been married for 7 years, will be 8 on April 5, to the most wonderful man. We have 2 kids: Anna Grace, who is 5 years old and will be 6 on June 5th and in Kindergarten. She loves school and would go all the time even on weekends if it was open. My son Jacob is 3, He will be on July 14th and will be going to all day Pre-Kindergarten this August at the same Elementary school that my daughter goes to if he is accpeted. Looking forward to meeting all of you.
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    I like kickboxing in my living room. I'd love to take a class, but I'm very intimidated by them. I've thought about taking Zumba, but again I'm very intimidated by the thought of trying to keep up in a room full of strangers.

    I've had a distaste for running for as long as I can remember. I know so many people who have recently gotten into running and I constantly hear about this thing called a "runner's high". It's made me curious and I'd like to one day call myself a runner. However, I can barely run for 1 minute without wanting to go home crying. I have yet to learn good form as you could probably hear me running down the road from a mile away. I'd love to one day run a 5 k and maybe even a half marathon, but in the short term, I just wanna be able to run bases so I can play kickball this summer without pulling a hamstring. Any support and/or advice you can offer to become a runner like yourself would be appreciated!

    First on the classes...i subscribe to the "fake it til you make it...or make up something else and just keep moving in the general direction of everyone else" I cannot do all of the zumba steps but as long as I'm going the same way across the room and moving, it doesn't really matter...we have a good laugh over it and eventually, it does get easier. Kickboxing the same thing...I can't do all of the jump kicks but I can do most of it. I did find that getting in the middle of the room sometimes makes it easier to see what's going on and mirror moves vs. far to one side.

    As for running, I have been doing a run/walk method based on the Jeff Galloway method lately. I run 4 min and walk 1 and it seems to be easier than running the whole way and my average pace is actually faster. I did that for the first 9 mi of the 1/2 marathon Sunday then added more walking breaks at the end. Look up Jeff's method or Couch to 5k and start with mostly walking and then add a little more slowly by slowly. You CAN do it.
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