Lose a Dozen by Easter! Starts 2/13/11 Join Us!



  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    Hey can I get in on this? I haven't done one of these challenges yet...could definitely use the motivation :D

    Starting weight - 165.5
  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    I posted my weight last night, but I had a feeling that it wasn't accurate. So I hopped on the scale this morning and it's 166.5. It's amazing how I have a different of 6 POUNDS overnight. Kinda makes me wanna be a morning person! :)

    As far as the 12 cups of water....hmmm. That's gonna be really tough. I can barely do the 8 cups without having to just camp out in the bathroom. I think I have a small bladder. :oT I'll definitely give it a shot. A nutritionist once told me that you should only have to drink enough water where your urine is the color of a pale lemonade. Anything lighter or clear is just too much.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hi everyone! I'm weighing in for this challenge at 177.6. The Valentine's Day challenge kept me pumped even though I didn't QUITE lose the 10 pounds, so I'm just going to push it out harder here! If I can get those 12 pounds off I'll be 15 pounds away from my goal weight! It's so close!!

    Also - I'm making the spreadsheet for this challenge so there's just something I want to say about that:

    - You have to have your weight posted by Thursday AT THE LATEST if you want to be included, but it's really easier if you just post on Mondays because then I really know when you be on the lookout.
    - If you have a late weigh-in it would be helpful if you messaged me with it also.
    - If by week 2 (2 weigh-ins from now) you haven't checked in with a new weight I'm going to remove you from the list.
    - If you don't see yourself on the list let me know ASAP so I can get you on it. I'm not going to hunt you down, it's too hard.
    - If you fail to post a weigh-in I'm going to assume you've lost 0 pounds.

    Thank you again for all of your hard work! Everyone needs to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE!!!

    Please thank INSKYDIAMONDS for all of her hard work! It looks like this challenge is going to be HUGE!! I love it, but remember to be kind to her. She tries her best and does a wonderful job! If you don't see your name on the spreadsheet she didn't do it on purpose! Make sure to weigh in weekly so you aren't removed from the sheet. You can always rejoin, but you would have to send her a private message with all your info.

    Keep it simple people!!

    We can do this!

    Make sure to keep up with today's challenge!!

    Love and Hugs!

  • I am in!! Will have to weight myself tonight or tomorrow morning and re-post! Sounds like a great challenge!!
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    I want to join too....Do I weigh in next week since I missed yesterday? Or can I weigh in today?
  • I would like to do this too - I'll use my starting weight as of today for Monday's post and starting point - 157. Thanks!!!!:happy:
  • simplyshe
    simplyshe Posts: 1 Member
    I've been a member for some time, but never ventured into the forums. This sound great. I can use all the motivation and support I can get. My weight is currently 205.
  • Arielnesika
    Arielnesika Posts: 87 Member
    I'd like to join this challenge, too! I haven't posted anything before and it looks like I'm a day late. Do we just post the Monday weigh-ins on this message board?
    My current weight: 275
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,553 Member
    TUESDAY: I affectionately call this H20 Tuesdays!!

    12 Cups Water! Done
    45 Minutes activity--- (you choose today! Report what you did,. If you need to break it up into 15 minute segments!) Played 18 holes golf with 45 minutes of warming up and 15 minutes of abs and stretching.
    Under Calories! Will be-I have around 800 left for the day and I have no intention of eating that much!

    Bonus: Why did you choose to join this challenge? I so look forward to getting to know each of you! I am very close to my goal weight and even though I don't have as much to lose, I'm getting complacent and letting some of my trigger foods back into my life. These weight loss challenges that don't focus on calories burned help keep me on track and feeling a little more accountable. Plus, I love Tausha's daily challenges! Good luck everybody-we can do this!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I want to join too....Do I weigh in next week since I missed yesterday? Or can I weigh in today?

    Weigh in today please :)
  • Can I play too? Could really do with some motivation as keep "falling off the wagon". 159.6 as of feb14. What do I do now?
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Just for the record, I BELIEVE I have everyone up to this point added to the spreadsheet!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I missed the challenge post! I'll address it now.

    12 Cups Water! Not done. I have no idea how much water I'm drinking, but it's not enough. I'll drink more.

    45 Minutes activity--- Took a walk with the kiddos and then did my Sports Active 2, then a few minutes of advanced step on Fit Plus. Advanced step just doesn't get my heart going the way it used to -- gonna have to get a step raiser.

    Under Calories! Will be!

    Bonus: Why did you choose to join this challenge? I joined the challenge because I want to step up my game. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make the full 12, but having a deadline to reach that kind of a goal is going to be good for me. I've started slacking on the nutrition front, and I want to have an extra incentive to stick to my calorie goals. Also, if I lose 12 lbs. before Easter, then I'll be only 12 lbs. from my goal! Wouldn't that be nifty? :)
  • Hi! Can I join too? I realize I am a couple of days late but this sounds like an AMAZING challenge and I would love to be a part of it! My weight as of today would be 161.5
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    I am still working on my 12 cups but it will be done
    I am working 13.5hrs today so my activity will have to be walking at work.
    Since I am "captive" at work it will be easy to stay under calorie.

    I joined the challange because it makes losing weight more fun.
  • startingoverca
    startingoverca Posts: 35 Member
    Okay, so I just weighed myself... I don't have a scale, and I wasn't able to access one at work until AFTER I'd eaten lunch... And I weighed 277. Way too much for me (I am 5' 11")... but I weighed 173 before the holidays... I know, I don't weigh myself much. I am going to weigh myself every other week... I am worried if I start weighing myself weekly I will become obsessed with the number (it's happened in the past)... Good luck to everyone!
  • jenni3626
    jenni3626 Posts: 36 Member
    I'll commit to this challenge. A dozen lbs like a dozen eggs. I like it. Just in time for Easter. ;-)
  • jenni3626
    jenni3626 Posts: 36 Member
    My current weight, by the way, is 173lbs. Goal weight is 160.
  • Water, 1/2 way there
    45 Minutes activity done and then some
    did 5 mins of streching
    And under calories thats as good as done, but i will check back in later:drinker: :smile:

    Why I decided to join this challenge was I needed a change. My other support group on here just kinda fell apart:brokenheart: . I need all the modivation I can get! And I like to be competitive, so why not?
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    gigglin~ Tausha, you may affectionately call it H2O Tuesday but I think I shall call it Tinkle Tuesday, not so affectionately LOL 4 more cups to go!
    Thank you inskydiamonds!
    I racked up the activity today. 3 hours of baking, 84 minutes cleaning, 18 minutes yoga, and 13 minutes on the elliptical. Plan on doing some volley ball with the PSmove tonight as well.
    I joined this challenge because, Tausha, you are an amazing inspiration. Your mini challenges really help us stay focused, and hey, who DOESN'T wanna be 12 pounds lighter =D
    have a great day everyone!
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