Lose a Dozen by Easter! Starts 2/13/11 Join Us!



  • I would love to join this too...just joined this site so a newbie!
  • jenni3626
    jenni3626 Posts: 36 Member
    OK, sorry to keep posting so many different messages, but I just found the challenge for today. I am doing great with my water intake already, so I am confident that I will be able to reach this 12-cup goal today. I walked for 1 hr this morning, so check on the activity. I joined this group because I have recently begun to struggle with my weight loss and have gained approximately 10 lbs back. I almost gave up on my health goals, but decided instead that I need to pursue support and stop trying to do this alone. I am an emotional eater, which really affect my weight. I yo-yo between 160 and 175 lbs over and over and over again. I am ready to lose the weight this time and then to find a way to keep it off. Not sure yet what the secret is, but I know that having the support will surely help a lot! Looking forward to getting to know you guys more on this journey!

    - Jen
  • Hey, weigh in today (sorry it's late) is 142.8...
    Will start the challenges from tomorrow also,
    Thanks a mill xx
  • chazspk
    chazspk Posts: 159 Member
    Ok so im only starting the whole drinking water thing so id drown myself if i drank 12:drinker: ... So i have taken 4..:embarassed: A start, as i mean to go on....Squeezed in- Excerise 35 mins ....

    I started this to keep me motivated and have fun with a group along the way...

    thank u for starting it...
    thank u sp/sheet girl...

  • mmanderr18
    mmanderr18 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm at 8 cups of water right now! 4 more to go!

    I wasn't able to do the 45 min activity challenge today because I am really sick and I'm spending every spare moment sleeping to try to get better!

    My reason for joining was to form a support system. I really want to step up my weight loss and get serious about it. I'm presenting at a conference this weekend and I'm hoping I can keep my calorie goals while I'm there! I feel like whenever I go to things like that with the all you can eat buffet and delicious deserts I splurge and I really don't want to let that happen.
  • Cuddles2523
    Cuddles2523 Posts: 139 Member
    12 Cups Water! Almost done! :)

    45 Minutes activity! Unfortunately no! Still sick :(

    Under Calories! Yes!

    Bonus: Why did you choose to join this challenge? I thought it would be fun to be part of a group! :) And the name of this group was pretty cute lol
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    16 Cups Water!

    45 Minutes activity---spent 45 minutes running around playing frisbee, catch, and chasing the dogs around the yard while the cable guy was here hooking up new services....

    Under Calories!--On track to be!

    Bonus: Why did you choose to join this challenge? Bc Tausha is AWESOME! I joined this challenge because I have been here a month kinda have just been doing my own thing. I like the accountability of a group and I like a good challenge (plus im a born competitor). Good luck to all the losers this week, may we all be successful!
  • elledoll
    elledoll Posts: 31 Member
    12 cups of water- ✔
    45 Minutes activity-✔ (Turbo fire 55ez +10 minute stretch)
    Under Calories-✔
    Bonus-I am currently at a plateau that I need to break and I love the idea of being accountable everyday.
  • AndyBee
    AndyBee Posts: 171 Member
    TUESDAY: I affectionately call this H20 Tuesdays!!

    I'm at 6 cups of water, but I know I'll hit at least 10 if not the full 12
    I did 47 min of circuit training today. Level 1 of 30 Day Shred, plus Level 2. I skipped the first cool down and second warm up since I was doing both.
    Calorie wise, I still have 1224, so I'm positive I'll be under. There is no way I could eat all of that by bedtime. (Well, I could but I won't lol)

    Bonus: I joined this challenge to keep myself accountable. It was really close to my goal for April already, so I figured it would be a good way to keep myself on track. This is the first time I've been in a group type setting, so it should be fun!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Hi All!!
    Hope everyone had a great day...I did ok :ohwell: Super tired today, hard to find motivation when all I want to do is hug my pillow!!

    But, here's how I did today:
    12 Cups of water: DONE Thank goodness the bathroom is kitty-korner to my desk!!
    45 mins of activity: hmmm....:sad: But there's still a little bit of time this evening...if I don't pass out first :wink:
    Under calories: YES!! By 90...so I guess no Valentine's treat for me today :sad: (or yesterday) But I'm ok with that!

    Bonus: I joined this challenge because I LOVE the idea of 'mini' challenges through the week. I need something more than just the 'end of the race' payoff. I love the daily payoffs!! And you all seem super cool :glasses:

    Tomorrow will be even BETTER!!!

    Rest easy and have a wonderful Wednesday!! :flowerforyou:

    The 12 cups of water has been a challenge for me today. I drank that yesterday, but today it just doesn't seem to be going down as well. I am currently at 9 cups, not sure I will get more than that in.

    I did 5 mins of stretching and 45 mins on the elliptical today. The first 20 mins always feels really hard, but the second 20 fly by.

    I am definitely under my calories for today.

    I joined this challenge because I need to hear other peoples stories to keep me motivated and like the idea of having a small,but hopefully acheivable short term weight loss goal.

  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    OK, 12 cups water - check.
    45 minutes of excruciating calisthenics with Attila the Hun Instructor - check. (I can barely type from the hurt she put on us)
    Under my calorie goal - check.

    Bonus round - I joined the challenge to meet some fun people with similar goals and to keep myself on track to becoming the hot chick I know is lurking inside me somewhere! :laugh:
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    Valenetines Challenge person, coming to join for Easter. Sorry, I'm late, I just found the thread. Beginning weight....176.0. Easter is the day before we leave for the beach for our 10 year wedding anniversary, so I have to BRING IT this challenge!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    ME ME ME
    149 starting weight..Stalled here for over 3 weeks. Need some help!
  • bri293
    bri293 Posts: 92
    12 Cups Water- Almost done, just 2 more to go so I'll definitely get there!
    45 Minutes activity- 25 minutes stationary bike and 20 minutes walking
    Under Calories- I was over by 22 calories... so I did some jumping jacks :laugh:

    Bonus: Why did you choose to join this challenge?
    The past month I've found it very helpful to have accountability and get motivation from challenges. It's so great hearing others success stories or knowing that I'm not the only one struggling. Plus, a dozen pounds by Easter will put me right above my goal weight so that would be amazing! :happy:
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    TUESDAY: I affectionately call this H20 Tuesdays!!

    12 Cups Water! - done (16 cups)

    45 Minutes activity--- (you choose today! Report what you did,. If you need to break it up into 15 minute segments!) - I didn't specifically exercise today. I was on day 4 of my nursing shift and didn't even get a break today due to business. On my feet for 8 hours. I'm not too concerned to be honest and look forward to doing some cardio tomorrow

    Under Calories! - done :smile:

    Bonus: Why did you choose to join this challenge? I so look forward to getting to know each of you! - accountability. Plus I like how it has a shorter time frame.

    Thank you for setting this up :smile:
  • ohiogirl30
    ohiogirl30 Posts: 141 Member

    im in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Hi All!!
    Hope everyone had a great day...I did ok :ohwell: Super tired today, hard to find motivation when all I want to do is hug my pillow!!

    But, here's how I did today:
    12 Cups of water: DONE Thank goodness the bathroom is kitty-korner to my desk!!
    45 mins of activity: hmmm....:sad: But there's still a little bit of time this evening...if I don't pass out first :wink:
    Under calories: YES!! By 90...so I guess no Valentine's treat for me today :sad: (or yesterday) But I'm ok with that!

    Bonus: I joined this challenge because I LOVE the idea of 'mini' challenges through the week. I need something more than just the 'end of the race' payoff. I love the daily payoffs!! And you all seem super cool :glasses:

    Tomorrow will be even BETTER!!!

    Rest easy and have a wonderful Wednesday!! :flowerforyou:


    Thanks to a fellow MFP pal, I got my butt up and did a whole bunch of different Wii Sports games, along with lunges, jogging in place, side kicks and general moving around tom-foolery for almost an hour :happy: So ALL challenges completed today!!!
  • paulandrea
    paulandrea Posts: 120 Member
    Today i failed in everything :(:( tomorrow i going to try harder so sad
  • rlittle2
    rlittle2 Posts: 79 Member
    A little late, but I would like to join. Starting weight: 144.
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