Like minded lushes -Februay 2011



  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    nisijam5 - awww thank you! I am actually changing it to now NO ALCOHOL until Mon Feb 21st for me. As Sunday I can't be hungover. We have a work outing and I need my wits about me due to the fact we are going to a shooting range. My first handling of a firearm, I'm excited!! :glasses:

    We are also going to Sizzler which will be a definite calorie overkill. It is all you can eat if you are unaware. I will stick to salads, but I really will need to have those potato skins they have and a small dessert. It's free how can I not? :/ If I be good for a whole 7 days I can allow my usual 2 bottles when I have a 2 day weekend Tues/Wed finally! :drinker: I hope everyone is having a great week, and had an awesome Valentines/singles day :tongue:
  • jschwarz3531
    Hi everyone!

    Happy valentines day! :) If you are like me you have been celebrating with lots of wine and champagne ;)

    I kind of lost track but I think my week was something like this...

    Monday= 0 drinks
    Tuesday=1 bud light
    Wednesday= 2 glasses of wine, 1 bud light
    Thursday= 2 bud light
    Friday= 6 bud light (darts with the girls)
    Saturday= split 2 bottles of champagne and a bottle of wine with BF. oops! ;) it was our vday celebration!
    Sunday= split a pitcher of beer with BF and a friend at dinner, plus 2 bud lights at our local pub

    The weekends kill me lol. BUTTTTT still 0 cigarettes! today is day 8. The worst day ever was Friday, because I was drinking and my friends were smoking-this is tough! I give people who have quit A LOT of credit.My only goal this week is to keep it up.

    Thanks for all of the support! Hope you all make your goals this week!!
  • IreneAdler
    Happy Valentine's Day

    *carefully measuring out my 5 ounces of pinot grigio*
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day

    *carefully measuring out my 5 ounces of pinot grigio*

    Love your username!
  • IreneAdler
    Happy Valentine's Day

    *carefully measuring out my 5 ounces of pinot grigio*

    Love your username!

    I'm a Sherlock Holmes fan.
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Me too! Love her character! :smile:
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member

    Blondie, jello shots are jello and liquor mixed in little cups:
    Mandarin orange vodka with orange jello (topped with whip cream)
    Citron Absolute mixed with lime and lemon jello (topped with whip cream)
    Tequila mixed with lime jello


    Hmmmmm YUMMMY!!!! :love:
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    I got my wee wine glass back today ! :happy:
    Went to our fave indian restaurant again tonight. Owner asked me bottle or glass, DH driving, I hesitated, owner says "Its ok, you take home in glass anyway" - I thought YESSSSS....get my wine glass back again!!!!
    They are now calling it my travel 2 go glass :smile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    opened a bottle of merlot last night. I managed to recork it after 2 smallish glasses.:smile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    nisijam5 - awww thank you! I am actually changing it to now NO ALCOHOL until Mon Feb 21st for me. As Sunday I can't be hungover. We have a work outing and I need my wits about me due to the fact we are going to a shooting range. My first handling of a firearm, I'm excited!! :glasses:

    Last night was a super lush night, funny how that worked out...went out for afternoon happy hour and then meet friends for drinks later...Still need to try and figure out exactly how many I had...I know it wasn't good

    So, I will join you until the 21st!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Hubs and I really don't celebrate V-Day...his birthday is this Saturday, so we do that instead. Last night, after the kids went to bed, we had a few drinks, but that was it...

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    opened a bottle of merlot last night. I managed to recork it after 2 smallish glasses.:smile:
    Good job!
    DH made dinner and it was awesome-almond pork with asparagus. We split a bottle of petit syrah and I had an agave wheat beer while he was preparing dinner. I did get to the gym first for 4 miles on the treadmill so it probably wasn't too bad on going over.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Monday = no drinks
    Tuesday = no drinks

    It's a good start to getting back on track :happy:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Monday = no drinks
    Tuesday = no drinks

    It's a good start to getting back on track :happy:
    Congrats. Me too! whoop whoop! Did not get into temptation last night despite a day off work today :)
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    Wowzer!!! Talk about a headache today! I had 3 glasses of red wine last night (maybe only 2.5 it's a little fuzzy) and a couple shots of vodka. Holy crap, my head hurt so bad this morning that I skipped my workout - I never do that, and all I wanted was a cheeseburger, lol. Didn't give into that craving thank god. Have been drinking a ton of water - eating healthy - not a bunch today since I didn't workout.....such is life.

    My question is, what happend to the girl that could drink 2 bottles of wine in ONE night?!?!?!? hahaha.
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    I have a question for you all - when you drink, as long as your alcohol calories don't push you over your daily limit, are you still losing weight? For example, if you skipped a meal, then considered your drinks to be a meal, wouldn't you still end up with a loss? I, too, love my weekend drinks with friends but I am trying to work it all into my plan. Its sometimes difficult to manage.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 5 beers at happy hour, 2 beers at home and 3 margaritas, I think...started at 3 in the afternoon and went into the evening
    Tuesday, 0 drinks

    Total: 10
    Goal: <12

    This is going to be tough:grumble: No drinks until Monday
  • kerryhastwins
    i heart wine :)
  • abihaila
    abihaila Posts: 24 Member
    My first post in this thread. So hi every one, joining mfp has helped me cut way back on my drinking just to see how many calories I was drinking wow!

    I do like to have a good time though. I was bartender at the restaurant I work at last night it was a long 8hr shift in V-day. So after work I went out drinking with the rest of the lonely hearts I closed with. 5 vodka drinks and I went over my goal by 800 cal! ouch!

    And the mild hangover today (my day off) motivated me to sit around and have a lazy day. Feels like a set back but it's not really. And its not the first or the last time this is going to happen.

    I've lost 10lbs since the beginning of December and feel good about that. I actually feel great about that! And I work out and I work in a restaurant so I keep active and i'm getting stronger!

    I'm 26
    in dec I weighed 190
    now i weigh 180
    and I still have a good time, not 4-6 nights a week any more, but I go out 3-4 times a month and drink wine at home now and then.

    Thanks for being like minded lushes.

  • abihaila
    abihaila Posts: 24 Member
    Wowzer!!! Talk about a headache today! I had 3 glasses of red wine last night (maybe only 2.5 it's a little fuzzy) and a couple shots of vodka. Holy crap, my head hurt so bad this morning that I skipped my workout - I never do that, and all I wanted was a cheeseburger, lol. Didn't give into that craving thank god. Have been drinking a ton of water - eating healthy - not a bunch today since I didn't workout.....such is life.

    My question is, what happend to the girl that could drink 2 bottles of wine in ONE night?!?!?!? hahaha.

    I wonder the same thing!