The Randoms - February 2011



  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    QOTD: What are you most looking forward to when Spring stops teasing us with it's nice weather and actually stays FOR GOOD! :):):)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD: What are you most looking forward to when Spring stops teasing us with it's nice weather and actually stays FOR GOOD! :):):)

    Oooohhh so many things! Randy and I have been talking about what we want to do when it's warm for a while. Sailing on the Potomac River, hiking in the area (we walked around Rock Creek Park on Sunday when it was in the 50s), going to the shore somewhere, walking around DC, going to a baseball game... lots of options! He's turning me into more of an outdoorsy person. I really can't wait for my pool to open, that'll be fun to swim and tan.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    QOTD: YAY! SPRING! March brings birthdays in my family! My husband leads the pack and mine is on the 23rd. 25? AHHH! lol! I want to go to parks with Grady, swimming, run run run run run outside and camp! We are hoping Grady can handle camping a few times this summer as we are very excited to do so! We also have our FIRST family vacation planned this spring. Also I'm just plain excited to open the windows! :o)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: YAY! SPRING! March brings birthdays in my family! My husband leads the pack and mine is on the 23rd. 25? AHHH! lol! I want to go to parks with Grady, swimming, run run run run run outside and camp! We are hoping Grady can handle camping a few times this summer as we are very excited to do so! We also have our FIRST family vacation planned this spring. Also I'm just plain excited to open the windows! :o)

    Birthdays here too! I have a ton of friends with birthdays in March and then mine is on the 29th. I can't wait to go out and exercise outside. Summer is too hot to do it so ouside running is only in spring and fall.
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    QOTD: What are you most looking forward to when Spring stops teasing us with it's nice weather and actually stays FOR GOOD! :):):)

    I am looking forward to taking a trip with the husband. We will probably go to Miami. I love Miami. I can't wait to just sit by the beach and do nothing and just enjoy the sun. Also since I live in CA, I want to start going to the beach around here and start hiking again.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    QOTD: What are you most looking forward to when Spring stops teasing us with it's nice weather and actually stays FOR GOOD! :):):)

    Hiking! And lots of time outdoors. We spent way too much of last year indoors or fairly limited (daughter was just a baby, had to be able to nap and eat all the time, lol) so I'm really looking forward to getting out more!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,012 Member
    QOTD: What are you most looking forward to when Spring stops teasing us with it's nice weather and actually stays FOR GOOD! :):):)

    We are planning a 3 day trip to monterey (ocean) we are taking the kids, inviting my mom, and our older kids, their spouses and the grandbabies, Hopefully everyone will be able to come. I am so looking forward to it. I love the ocean. But last time we went I just sat on the beach while everyone played and ran from the waves. Guess who is going to be walking on the beach and running from the waves?
    I also am looking forward to camping, hiking, fishing,parks and just nice walks
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Oh they all sound so FUN!! Makes me have spring fever, badly!! Let's see! Spring we don't go many places, but I'm looking forward to sunshine, opening windows, being forward to summer and I'm looking forward to being home for 3 months, going to a couple of Twin's games, Warrior Dash, camping, swimming, grilling, hosting get-to-gethers, running some 5K's, getting a tan, hitting up Chicago (hopefully), and just enjoying life. I love, love, love nice weather!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Since we are the Randoms and I saw the 20 random things about yourself and thought we could do a mini one.

    QOTD: Give 5 random facts about yourself
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    5 random facts about me
    1) I am planning on riding a mechanical bull on Friday night
    2) I am an Aries and have the tattoo to prove it
    3) I have a new love for eyemake up
    4) my iPod currently has Ryan Star on repeat. Loving his album.
    5) I don't know how I lived with out an iPhone for so long.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    5 random facts about me:

    1. I wanted to be like Ariel from the Little Mermaid when I was growing up (long red hair)... so when I got to college I started dying my hair red and I still do... lol
    2. I took a few months of Ballet classes when I was in 4th grade, but I got kicked out of the class because I had "an attitude"
    3. I went to an all girls Catholic high school... and then majored in Mechanical Engineering in college where there were 12 girls out of over 100 students in the major in my year. What a reversal! Love it... hehe
    4. I dislike eating meat that's on a bone. I've gotten over a lot of my food quirks lately (seafood, some veggies, mushrooms, etc.) but that's one I still don't like. It grosses me out...
    5. I've never seen a scary movie. In fact, I was freaked out by the movie Hocus Pocus (yes, they show it on the Disney Channel around Halloween time...) and I refuse to watch any movie remotely scary or gory.
  • SarcasticManiac
    5 Random facts about me:
    1. I'm a lead foot. Speed limits to me are really just suggestions.
    2. I play guitar, write my own songs, and have been in a few bands.
    3. I'm the treasurer for the atheist group on campus.
    4. I'm very skeptical/cynical towards a lot of things.
    5. I speak sarcasm fluently.
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    5 Random facts about me...

    1. I am currently obsessed with Trader Joes bean and rice burritos. They are so good and healthy.
    2. I really don't like driving. It it was up to me, I would have someone drive me everywhere all the time.
    3. I wish I could live some where it snows a lot (I know, I know. Everyone thinks I am crazy).
    4. I wish I could stop being so emotional. I hate that I cry so easily.
    5. I recently got an Angel tattoo in honor of the child I lost when I have recently had the miscarriage.

    That's all I could think of at this moment :-)
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Random things about me:
    1)I learned to make yeast breads in the last few months....I'd made some attempts prior to this and always ended up killing the yeast! Tonight I made fantastic cinnamon buns.
    2)I played the flute for a brief period in grade school and sucked at it big time...I had wanted to play the drums but my aunt had a flute that my parents could get for free so I had to play that instrument
    3)people keep harping on women being unwilling to lift weights because they are afraid they might bulk up....I do not have this fear and yet I still can't convince myself to lift weights because I find it incredibly dull
    4)my husband and I considered combining our names to form a completely new last name but didn't end up using it (and it sounded like some sort of pharmaceutical company too)
    5)My pinkie fingers are always slightly bent--a little genetic quirk.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Random things about me:
    1)I learned to make yeast breads in the last few months....I'd made some attempts prior to this and always ended up killing the yeast! Tonight I made fantastic cinnamon buns.
    2)I played the flute for a brief period in grade school and sucked at it big time...I had wanted to play the drums but my aunt had a flute that my parents could get for free so I had to play that instrument
    3)people keep harping on women being unwilling to lift weights because they are afraid they might bulk up....I do not have this fear and yet I still can't convince myself to lift weights because I find it incredibly dull
    4)my husband and I considered combining our names to form a completely new last name but didn't end up using it (and it sounded like some sort of pharmaceutical company too)
    5)My pinkie fingers are always slightly bent--a little genetic quirk.

    haha I had the same thing as your #2 but with the clarenet. I sucked so bad at it I went back to Choir where I was all city.
    #3 when you do strength training don't do the same thing each time. Mix it up and it won't be so dull
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    That was a good question of the day. I'll have to think of mine here a sec.

    1. I had my daughter when i was a senior in high school. I am now 25 with 3 kids and my oldest will be 8 this september. Yikes!
    2. When people rub my arm, I feel like my skin will fall off. It makes me feel sick even thinking about it.
    3. My husband and I have a bucketlist. We don't have a lot of money, but we always make room for trips with each other, with our family and with other friends- even if it's just a couple of hours away.
    4. I love Jesus. He's carried my family through many ups and downs. I know he's the only one that I can fully rely upon.
    5. One of my best friends just finished up his 3rd tour of the Broadway show CATS. He makes me very proud.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Ruth - Tell me how the bull goes tonight!!!

    Sara - Funny connection with me and Ariel/Ballet class. That was my absolute FAVORITE movie in the world. But my mom had to take it away from me and not let me watch it because I started telling my ballet instructors that I was a girl! I needed to walk and run like a girl and do what I need to do! Apparently the movie had given me too much sass...hehehe...OH! And I HATE HATE HATE scary movies. I refuse to see them. Absolutely refuse.

    Brian - I think you and my sister would get along splendidly. She speaks sarcasm fluently...drives like a speed demon, plays the drums, and is all around awesome! Haha!

    Robyn - I actually lol'd at your number 2 and imagining it...that is FANTASTIC!!! LOL! Oh and nice pic of your hubby!!

    pragya728 - I have issues with driving occasionally too. I love love love your tattoo.... :o)

    RaeNicoll - So when can I come over and eat this bread?? :o)

    Mandi - Yay for #4!!!!!!!!!!! :o)

    My five randoms.......HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

    1.) I have an autistic son who is the absolute light of my life! He inspires me daily even through the low low low times. Autistic kids often have fixations and his is Mario. Its crazy! Anything and anything Mario he goes batty over! :o)
    2.) I am a cosmetologist! I love doing hair! And I love talking! So the two kind of go hand in hand! :o)
    3.) I fractured my neck when I was 11! Doing gymnastics. However the swelling was so bad that doctors initially just thought that it was swollen and sprained and sent me home! That was fun! <
    See Brian? Sarcasm! hehehe!
    4.) We are taking our first family vacation EVER this May! We've taken short trips but never a full "We are going somewhere out of state and loving it" trip!!! We have a mission too...going to an autism convention in Georgia first! I'm so pumped about that! I'm volunteering at it and seeing some of the amazing speakers! I can't wait! Then we are heading to Disney! Woot!
    5.) I'm a creature of habit. I like the same things on my pizza, name it! I have a hard time when it comes to mixing things up, particularly food wise. However, I love doing new things or new activities. If you tell me we are going to go laser bowling at 3 am in a wildlife preserve while clogging, I'm all for it...though wondering what wildlife preserve would be putting this event on! Ha ha!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,012 Member
    5 random things about myself

    1. We did fostercare for 7 yrs
    2. I adopted my 3 youngest kids from the fostercare system ( they were first my fosterchildren)
    3. I homeschooled my kids for 10 yrs
    4. I ran into a parked car on my bike when I was in 5th grade and had to ride in an ambulance and got 34 stitches in my leg
    5. I kept score for my brothers little league from 6-8th grade